God Blood Warrior

Chapter 100: Ice and snow


Above the sky, snowflakes were falling, circling and dancing in the air, like elves in the snow.

The biting cold wind blew through the bones, making these snow elves flutter and become even more unstable.

A thick layer of snow has piled up on the Fergus Family Castle. From a distance, the Fergus Castle, originally built of white stone, looks like it was carved by ice and snow.

In a room on the second floor, the fireplace was burning, and everyone in the Fergus family stayed in it.

The warmth in the room dispelled the cold outside. Everyone drank milk tea, ate pastries and chatted.

Looking through the glass window, he looked leisurely at the falling snowflakes outside.

There is glass manufacturing technology in this world, but the technology is not perfect and the color is not pure.

Therefore, crystal containers are still used in some containers that require pure colors. Glass can be used instead in places where the requirements are not high, such as windows.

Ordinary civilians hate winter because it is too cold. Their thin clothes are not enough to keep them warm. They cannot grow food in winter. Their food is decreasing every day...

But nobility is different.

As nobles, they don’t need to worry about food and clothing in winter, nor do they need to worry about heating in winter. Servants will prepare everything for them, even bed sheets, servants will warm them first...

During this period, before Gray went to bed, Barbara would warm his bed first, so every time he slept, he was extremely warm.

Therefore, they do not hate winter as much as ordinary people do. Instead, they feel that winter has a unique flavor.

When the mood strikes, they will wear leather jackets and trousers lined with fleece, go out into the snow, and build a few snowmen.

In the past few days, Sarah had built a lot of snowmen in the castle. Gray was originally not interested, but she forced him to build one anyway.

"Xiao Bai, do you also want to play outside..."

While Sarah was sitting, she was combing the hair of the cold tiger cub next to her.

The current Cold Tiger cub can no longer be called a cub. A few months have passed and the Cold Tiger cub has grown from the size of a domestic cat to the size of a large dog now.

Not counting the tail, the body is over one meter long. It is tall and strong, with a tiger-like head and a tiger-like brain. It is slightly naive, but it looks quite cute.

"Sister Caroline, brother, brother Bernal, and brother Ellis, let's go out to play. You see, Xiaobai also wants to play outside."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when he heard Sarah calling Han Hu's name Xiaobai, Viscount Fergus's eyes twitched imperceptibly.

"Okay, let's go for a walk together. I heard that there are pheasants in the horse farm at the foot of the mountain. Let's see if we can catch a few. Let's have some extra lunch."

Bernal smiled slightly and said.


Gray's eyes lit up and his interest suddenly became intense. He was really interested in hunting.

Ellis also stood up, obviously very interested in hunting in the snow.

"You go ahead, I won't go!"

Viscount Fergus and Mrs. Milan shook their heads slightly, not showing much interest.

"Caroline, it's just you!"

Bernal looked at Caroline, who was holding a book in her hand, and said with a slightly helpless tone.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Caroline closed the book with a bit of reluctance in her eyes and stood up.

So a group of five people put on fur-lined leather jackets, trousers, and boots, walked out of the castle, and walked toward the horse farm at the foot of the mountain. Following them, there was a Hanhu who was as tall and long as a large dog.

The feet stepped on the snow with thick snow, leaving footprints one after another. They were soft, as if they were stepping on cotton.

Soon they arrived at the racecourse at the foot of the mountain. They refused the steward's attentive move to lead their horses and walked into the racecourse on foot.

The horse farm provides pasture for hundreds of horses of the Fergus family, and the area is naturally very wide.

It is several miles long and wide. In spring and summer, the pasture is extremely lush. Some dense areas are even as tall as a person, attracting some pheasants to settle here.

The snow was still falling, and the racecourse was full of snow. The five of them were walking and laughing.


Suddenly, Han Hu, who was following them, let out a childish whimper, and then suddenly jumped out in one direction.

Then I saw in that direction, a gray-furred thing the size of a rubber ball that was originally motionless started to move, making a "clucking" sound similar to that of a chicken, but with a slightly different sound.

"Pheasant, it's pheasant..."

Sarah's eyes lit up and she chased after Han Hu.

Pheasant only ran forward a dozen steps before Han Hu blocked his way.

The weather was so cold that the pheasant's two legs, which were not originally running very slowly, were frozen stiff, and their running speed was slightly slower than that of a child.

Of course, even if its legs weren't frozen, it still couldn't outrun the cold tiger.

Although he is not yet an adult and is only a few months old, Hanhu's current running speed is almost the same as that of an ordinary low-level blood warrior. He has to lament the rapid growth of the blood beast.

A cold tiger cub can become a fierce-blooded warrior in about three years.

As for humans, those with average qualifications like Bernal will need at least more than ten years to become a fierce-blooded warrior. And for those with poor qualifications like Ellis, without a large supply of resources, the highest achievement may only be high-level blood warriors. Warrior now.

Three years can be compared to the results of more than ten years of cultivation for ordinary humans. This is why at the beginning of this world, humans were reduced to blood-eating beasts and were always at a disadvantage.


When stopping the pheasant, Hanhu would not bite it, but would just stop in front of the pheasant as if he had discovered a new toy, preventing it from escaping.

"I caught it, I caught it..."

In the end, Sarah ran over and caught the pheasant, her voice full of excitement.

Her face was red, and she didn't know whether it was because she was cold or because she was so excited.

"Sister Caroline, brother, look, I caught it!"

Holding the pheasant in both hands, Sarah came to Caroline and Gray as if she was offering a treasure, almost saying: Praise me now.



The two of them were not stingy, they both spoke with compliments, which immediately made Sarah even more proud.

The five people wandered around the racecourse, and soon they all had something to gain. Everyone had a pheasant in their hands, and Sarah even held a pheasant in two hands.

The pheasants are not light. One of them weighs several kilograms. The little girl had difficulty walking in the snow while carrying the pheasants. However, she refused to let go and did not want Gray and others to help her pick up the pheasants for fear that they would be caught by Gray and others. People robbed it.

After walking in the snow for more than an hour, everyone was approaching the boundary of the racecourse.

Not far away, you can see a row of fence-like things. It is the boundary of the horse farm and is surrounded by wooden fences.

"Let's go back!"

Everyone had something to gain, and after walking in the snow for more than an hour, Sarah's excitement was over. Bernal suggested returning, but Gray and others had no objection.


Suddenly, Green looked in one direction with doubtful eyes.

"What's wrong Gray?"

Sensing Gray's abnormality, Bernal asked.

"Look over there!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Gray's finger and saw that there seemed to be a hole in the fence in the distance, but it was not obvious because of the snow everywhere. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see it clearly.

Everyone walked over and found that it was a one-meter-high hole. The fence near the hole had marks of being bitten by sharp teeth.

"Something got into the racecourse!"

Bernal said with a slight frown.

"Looking at the size of this hole, it should be a large beast. Could it be a blood beast? How about we go back and inform father first?"

After judging that it was a large beast, Ellis was worried that if a blood beast broke into the racecourse, everyone here would be doomed.

"It shouldn't be a blood beast. There are some low mountains around here. At most, they are some large beasts like bears."

Caroline shook her head.

"In this case, Ellis, you and Sarah go to inform the steward of the racecourse and ask him to send someone to notify father to bring a few teams of soldiers to help. Gray, Caroline, and I will search nearby first to see if we can find the beast."

Bernal thought for a while and ordered.

Sarah has not practiced blood magic and has almost no fighting power. Naturally, she cannot stay here. If she goes back, it will be too dangerous if she encounters that large beast, so she needs to be protected by one person.

Ellis and Sarah left, and Gray, Bernal, and Caroline, plus Han Hu, started looking around, focusing on the hole.

"Could the big beast have left?"

After searching for almost half an hour, the three of them could not find the large beast, not even the footprints. Gray couldn't help but wonder.

"It's possible."

Rubbing her hands together, Caroline said unsure.

"We will search for a while longer. If there is still nothing, we will go back for the time being and let my father send soldiers to search all over the place."

Bernal said.

This is the horse farm of the Fergus family. There are hundreds of horses in the horse farm, as well as many ordinary people. It is obviously very dangerous to let a large beast stay in it, so no matter whether the large beast can be found or not, Beast, wait a minute and you'll have to search the entire racecourse like a carpet.


Gray and Caroline naturally had no objection.

The three of them searched again, and almost half an hour had passed. It was estimated that Viscount Fergus had gotten the news by this time and led his soldiers over.


Han Hu, who was being led by the three men, suddenly roared. Different from his usual slightly childish voice, this time, his voice was obviously vigilant and demonstrative.

And just as it was roaring, not far away, a place like a snowdrift suddenly exploded, and a figure more than one meter long suddenly jumped out of the snowdrift, revealing its ferocious teeth, and quickly moved toward this place. Bian pounced.

(End of chapter)