God Blood Warrior

Chapter 107: recover


Everyone searched the room, and apart from the dozens of pieces of paper that Gray had discovered before and the blood spell that Bernal had discovered, they only found a few crystal bottles filled with unknown liquids.

Because there is no label on the bottle, I don't know what the liquid does, whether it is the kind of medicine that can control wild beasts.

After taking these things and wrapping the thin man's head with a blanket, everyone returned to the original place outside the black soil forest, where the soldiers had already set up a tent.

"Lord Viscount, do you want to continue entering the Black Earth Forest to kill?"

Lord Harry asked.

"No, let the soldiers evacuate the tents and return directly to the castle."

Viscount Fergus shook his head.

With such a large forest, it is naturally impossible for the seven of them to clear away all the beasts in the forest at once.

Therefore, they originally planned to spend several days repeatedly entering the black soil forest from different directions to search and kill large predatory beasts.

However, according to the "experimental records" previously found in the house, the large predatory beasts in the black soil forest were all controlled by the wanted criminal McCarthy Thompson. Since the wanted criminal McCarthy Thompson did not appear when he was summoned, he should be gone.

Of course, the most important thing is to bring the head of the wanted criminal McCarthy Thompson to Sidney Castle as soon as possible. There is a bounty for wanted criminals. If the head rots and the identity cannot be proved, the bounty will be missed.

A group of more than a dozen people returned to the castle in the afternoon. The matter of the wanted criminal McCarthy Thompson would naturally be handled by Viscount Fergus, while Gray and others returned to their respective bedrooms.

"Master Gray, what's wrong with your hand?"

Gray's left hand was severely swollen, and it was completely enlarged. The maid Barbara saw it at a glance, and her face suddenly became worried.

"It's nothing, just a slight muscle strain. Go get me the green jade hemostatic ointment."

Grace signaled that she was okay.

The maid Barbara trotted away quickly, and soon brought the green jade hemostatic ointment, smeared it on Gray's hand, gently applied it on Gray's left hand to make the medicine take effect faster, and then wrapped it on Gray's hand. Covered with white gauze.

A slight chill seeped into Gray's arm, and Gray felt much better. He couldn't help but recall today's battle with the wanted criminal McCarthy Thompson.

The gap with the Vicious Blood Warriors is obvious. Although he is now quite strong among the upper-level Blood Warriors, there is still a big gap between him and the Vicious Blood Warriors.

But he doesn't belittle himself either.

Today, if it hadn't been for him, another high-level blood warrior would have died long ago.

The speed of Wind Wolf and the strength of Cold Tiger made the gap between him and the Vicious Blood Warriors closer than the ordinary high-level Blood Warriors. This is why he was able to hold on until Viscount Fergus arrived in the hands of the wanted criminal McCarthy Thompson. s reason.

"This man is actually able to refine medicine to control wild beasts. Although it is only temporary, it is not difficult to see his talent in refining medicine."

"The first part of the papers I found before is probably the deduction process of the animal control potion. Unfortunately, I don't know any knowledge about refining medicine. Otherwise, maybe I can deduce the formula of the animal control potion from these papers. .”

The animal control potion invented by wanted criminal McCarthy Thompson is certain to have great potential. If it can be further deduced to the point where it can control blood beasts, even the lowest level of vicious blood beasts, the value will be immeasurable.

On this continent, the most indispensable thing is blood beasts. Just think about it, what a shocking scene it would be if tens of thousands of ferocious blood beasts appeared on the battlefield, charging towards the enemy uniformly

I am afraid that the army of any kingdom will be difficult to resist, and it will be absolutely invincible wherever it passes.

It's a pity that he is not an alchemist, so he cannot deduce the formula of the animal control potion, nor does he have the ability to improve the formula to the extent that he can control the blood beast.

Although beasts and blood beasts both have the title of "beast", the gap between them is huge.

An experienced hunter can contend with ordinary beasts, but only ferocious blood warriors can contend with ferocious blood beasts.

The gap between the two is the gap between ordinary hunters and fierce blood warriors. It seems small, but in fact it is as huge as a chasm.

Gray even felt that even if he gave this prescription to Master Dulu in Sidney Castle, the other party would probably not be able to deduce it further.

Animal control potions should only be regarded as ordinary drugs, and potions that can control blood beasts are at least as good as magic potions in terms of level. Master Duru most likely does not have the ability to deduce it.

Snap, snap, snap!

Behind him, the bedroom door was pushed open, and with the sound of crisp footsteps, a person ran in. Without looking back, Gray could guess that it was Sarah who ran in, because she could only run into his bedroom without knocking. It could be her.

"Brother, brother, I heard that you... were injured?"

Sure enough, Sarah's obviously anxious voice was immediately heard from behind.

The other party quickly ran to Gray's side and saw Gray's left hand wrapped in gauze. His face was full of worry, and tears were rolling in his eyes, ready to flow out at any time.

"A slight injury, it's okay."

Gray comforted him, and reluctantly moved his left hand as he spoke, indicating that the injury to his left hand was not serious.



Gray nodded heavily.

A few days later, Gray's injury on his left hand healed, and the bounty on the wanted criminal McCarthy Thompson had been claimed by the Fergus family.

There is a bonus of five thousand gold coins, which is almost equivalent to the income of Viscount Fergus for half a year, but considering the identity of the other party, it is natural.

The other party is an alchemist, a pharmacist who can create wealth. If the bounty is too low, some families will inevitably take risks, cover for the other party, and cooperate with the other party to refine medicines and sell them secretly, so high-priced bounties are inevitable. .

In fact, Gray felt that the reward of 5,000 gold coins was too little given the opponent's talent in refining medicine.

However, if he was given another chance, he would never stop Viscount Fergus from killing this man.

This man is very talented, but he has no moral bottom line. He actually uses human bodies for experiments. This is simply crazy and beyond the limit of Gray's tolerance.

Boom, boom, boom!

In the open space of a warehouse in the castle, Gray punched the air with his left hand one after another, and the air exploded like a firecracker.

"It's indeed good!"

Feeling the force of his left hand, Gray nodded with satisfaction. His left hand was indeed healed.

After all, there were no fractures, and there was green jade hemostatic ointment, which was extremely effective and could not be used by ordinary people. It was natural that he could recover within a few days.

"It has been delayed for a few days. Starting today, you can continue to practice the blood method."

"After reaching the upper-level blood warrior, you haven't had time to practice yet. According to the past situation, the training speed should be slower than that of the mid-level blood warrior. I just don't know how much it will drop, and how long it will take to upgrade to a fierce blood warrior?"

Gray devoted himself to training.

(End of chapter)