God Blood Warrior

Chapter 11: Please help


"Don't worry, I will break whichever hand he hits you with."

Taking out the handkerchief and handing it to Barbara, Gray's eyes were full of gloom.

Although it was Barbara who was beaten, there was no doubt that he was the one who provoked her. After all, Barbara was his personal maid and his personal belongings.

A male servant actually had the guts to challenge him. There must be a reason behind this that was instigated by his second brother, Ellis.

"Although Ellis usually gives me a bad look, he controls his size very well and obviously doesn't dare to anger me too much. But now he actually dares to instruct his servants to lose my face. There must be a reason for this."

Gray thought in his mind.

"Now it seems that he was the one who was hiding in the hut and peeping."

The reason why Ellis dared to do this must be because he knew that there was something wrong with his body and was sure to knock him down in front of Viscount Fergus. Obviously, he was confident.

"But the blood of the blood wolf must be taken back!"

Now, he only needs to take another blood wolf blood to regain the strength of the lower blood warriors. Therefore, this blood wolf blood must be snatched back.

"But now, even if I take action, I should not be a match for Ellis."

Although Ellis' cultivation talent was a bit useless, it took him two and a half years to develop the power of bleeding and increase his strength to a low-level blood warrior.

His qualifications are the worst among the three children born to Viscount Fergus and Lady Milan, but after all, he has reached the level of a low-level blood warrior and is definitely better than him now.

"How to get it back?"

The thought only lasted for a moment, and Gray already had an idea in his mind. At this time, Barbara had stopped crying, and he looked at the other person with a slightly apologetic look. After all, it was entirely because of him that the other person was beaten.

"follow me!"

He led Barbara, instead of going straight to Ellis's bedroom, he went downstairs, walked out of the main building of the castle, and walked towards an exquisite house that was slightly lower than the castle.

After entering the house and announcing their identities, Gray and Barbara were led by a servant to the living room opposite the door. In the living room, there were wooden tables, chairs, coffee tables, and some oil paintings on the walls. Although the decoration was not as luxurious as the main building of the castle, it was It's also pretty refined.

Soon after, a man with a black moustache walked over.

The man has a thin face, is wearing a khaki robe, and has a pair of yellow leather boots. He is not very tall, just over 1.7 meters tall.

"Master Gray, why are you here?"

When he saw Gray, his face was full of smiles and he sat on the chair opposite Gray.

His name is Lind Niassen, he has the strength of a high-ranking blood warrior, he is the commander of the castle guards, and he is also a lord.

During the time when Viscount Fergus was not in the castle, he commanded all the guards in the castle and protected the safety of the castle.

He was not too familiar with Gray. After all, Gray had only been in the castle for three months.

However, he had a very strong interest in making friends with the illegitimate son of Viscount Fergus. On the one hand, he showed talent, and on the other hand, he knew some inside information and knew that Viscount Fergus had connected Gray. The purpose of castle cultivation.

"I have met Lord Linde, and to be honest, I am here to ask for help!"

Because the blood of the blood wolf has fallen into the hands of Ellis and can be taken at any time, there is no time to talk to the other party, so Gray chooses the simplest and crudest way and prepares to get straight to the point.

Taking this body, during the more than a month in the castle, he had met with Linde several times by chance, and he could clearly feel Linde's enthusiasm for his attitude.

Therefore, after learning that the Blood Wolf's blood had been taken away by Ellis, he did not immediately seek out Ellis, but instead sought out Linde.

"Master Gray, I don't know what to do, but as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Hearing Gray's straightforward words, Lind's eyes lit up. He had always wanted to find an opportunity to please Gray, but now this opportunity had come.

"Lord Linde should know that today is the time for the castle to distribute blood wolf shares, but my share was snatched away by my second brother before it reached my hands."

Gray said with an angry look on his face.

There is no need to pretend, he is really angry now. A mere servant dares to offend him. If this matter is left alone, he may be bullied in the castle in the future.

"To actually snatch... Master Gray's share, Master Ellis has gone too far this time."

Linde hesitated slightly before answering, but there was a murmur in his heart.

He originally wanted to take advantage of Gray's request to please him, but he didn't expect that Gray's first request would make it difficult for him. After all, this matter involved the viscount's other son.

Both sides were sons of viscounts. No matter which side he helped, he would definitely offend the other side, so he hesitated.

Gray, who did not have the soul of a 16-year-old boy living in his body, naturally noticed the other party's hesitation, and he continued to speak angrily.

"Although my father will definitely be able to make up for the blood of the blood beast that was taken away today when he comes back, I really can't swallow this breath. Lord Linde, you have to help me get the blood of the blood beast back."

Lin De's expression remained unchanged, but in his heart he was calculating the gains and losses of this matter.

On the other hand, he will gain the gratitude of Master Gray and establish an unusually close relationship with Master Gray. After all, he offended Master Ellis because of him.

The failure is obvious. If he takes action, from now on, I am afraid that he will completely offend Master Ellis. At the same time, Mrs. Milan may not be too kind to him.

Gains and losses flashed through his mind quickly, and he soon made a decision.


Because of that inside information, he could be said to be extremely optimistic about Gray, which is why even though Gray was an illegitimate son, he was more enthusiastic than he was about the two sons born to the viscount and his wife.

Moreover, it is best to make friends while the other party is young. If you wait until the other party has already established his own power, it will be difficult to make friends at that time.

Therefore, like him, many small nobles like to hold official positions in large noble families. On the one hand, they get good treatment, and on the other hand, they want to take advantage of the next generation of the big noble families when they are still young to have a good relationship with them. Build good relationships.

As a Lord, he naturally has great ambitions to become a Baron. According to the inside information, if he can really hold on to Master Gray's thigh, he will become a Baron in the future. It is not certain, but the possibility is definitely very high.

"Master Ellis has indeed gone too far this time. Don't worry, Master Gray. I will accompany you to take back your share of the blood beast's blood."

Linde said "righteously".

"That's great, Lord Lynde, thank you so much!"

Gray showed an expression of "gratitude" at the right time, and when Lind saw it, he was immediately reassured.

As long as today's matter can be done well, it will definitely leave an excellent impression in this person's mind. After all, I am helping him when he has no power. How can the icing on the cake be as good as giving help when it is timely

On the second floor of the castle, facing the south-facing Ellis bedroom, Ellis looked at the two cups of blood contained in bronze cups on the tray, smelling the smell of blood, but couldn't help but reveal a hint of intoxication on his face.

After taking two cups of blood beast blood, my strength should be greatly improved. Unfortunately, such opportunities are rare, and there may not be such an opportunity next time.

Next to him, the freckled male servant glanced at the two glasses of blood beast blood on the table, then glanced at Ellis, and hesitated to speak.

"Master Ellis, will this cause dissatisfaction to the Viscount? If he waits until the Viscount comes back, he will complain to the Viscount..."

"Hmph, if there is no problem with his body, I really wouldn't dare. As for now, he will be knocked back to his original shape soon. I took his share away to prevent him from wasting it."

Ellis said contemptuously.

Bang, bang, bang!

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Go and open the door."


After receiving the order, Nissen, the freckled male servant, walked to the bedroom door and opened it. What caught his eye was a man with a mustache. Of course he knew this man, he said immediately.

"Lord Linde, please find Master Ellis—"

Halfway through his words, he couldn't help but pause because he saw Gray and Barbara behind Linde, who were slightly behind.


But at this moment, Gray stepped forward, kicked the freckled manservant Nissen, and kicked him back into the bedroom, while he dodged into the bedroom.

"Ouch, ouch..."

After being kicked in the abdomen by Gray, the freckled manservant screamed in pain and couldn't get up for a long time.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed Ellis. He turned around and saw Gray rushing into the bedroom, while his valet was hunched over and fell to the ground.

"Glenn, you are so brave. You dare to come to my bedroom and cause trouble."

He immediately said angrily.

"You are the boldest brother. You even dare to snatch the blood of the blood beast that my father distributed to me. Do you still take my father seriously?"

Gray refused to give in, he was reasonable in this matter, and even if he eventually sued the Viscount, he was not afraid at all.

"Hmph, you have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. Let me, my brother, discipline you."

Knowing that he was not being unreasonable, Ellis didn't say much nonsense. He formed claws with his five fingers and quickly pounced with a whoosh, locking his five fingers towards Gray's throat.

Although he saw Lind who came in with Gray, he ignored him. As a viscountess, he believed that the other party would never dare to get involved in the fight between him and Gray.


The wolf's favorite method is to bite the prey's throat and give it a fatal blow. He practiced the blood method "Wind Wolf" and practiced the wind wolf's fighting method countless times. Ellis couldn't help but fall in love with this method. fighting style.

A low-level blood warrior can defeat five ordinary soldiers alone. With this kind of strength, the movement he made when he jumped, in Gray's eyes, was like a hungry wolf that pounced on food, and actually exuded a ferocious aura. .

(End of chapter)