God Blood Warrior

Chapter 12: recapture


Snap, snap, snap!

Although he has not regained the strength of the lower blood warrior, he is not far away from the lower blood warrior after all. Gray retreated sharply, avoiding Ellis's claw.

However, Ellis' lower blood warrior reacted quickly. Gray dodged the claw that was aimed at the throat. He took a step forward and grabbed Gray's right arm with his five fingers.


At this moment, there was a soft sound, and the wrist of Ellis's hand that was grabbing Gray was firmly pinched by a thin palm.

Ellis struggled, but couldn't break free at all. He looked at Lind who grabbed his wrist with an angry face and said angrily.

"Linde, how dare you attack me!"

"Master Ellis, please don't slander me. I just stopped you from attacking Master Gray. After all, the Viscount specifically told me before leaving that I must protect Master Gray's safety."

He was not lying. Viscount Fergus did come to him specifically before leaving, asking him to protect Gray's safety.

It was precisely from these words and deeds that I felt that Viscount Fergus valued Gray very much, and he made the decision to help Gray.

Seeing Ellis being restrained by Linde, Gray's expression remained unchanged, but he let out a sigh of relief.

He should be able to dodge the attack just now, but if the confrontation continues for ten more times, it may be a bit difficult.

Although he is very close to a low-level blood warrior, he is still a little behind from a low-level blood warrior. However, Ellis is already a genuine low-level blood warrior.

Bypassing Ellis, who was restrained by Linde, Gray walked towards the coffee table in the bedroom. On the coffee table was a tray, and inside the tray were two cups of blood contained in bronze containers.

Obviously, Ellis has not had time to take his share of blood, not only his share, but also his own share.

Instead of rushing to retrieve the blood of the blood beast, Gray walked towards Nissen, the freckled manservant who was kicked into the house by him and struggled for a long time before standing up with his hands on his stomach. There was an evil look on his face.

A mere manservant dared to go against him. Even with Ellis behind his back, he was already extremely bold.

He asked, looking back at Barbara.

"With which hand did he hit you?"

"Right hand."

The area on her face where she was slapped still hurt and seemed to be swollen, Barbara said aggrievedly.

"Right hand?"

Turning around, Gray clenched his hand into a solid fist and punched Nissen's arm hard.


There was a soft sound of bones breaking, and the freckled manservant Nissen's right forearm showed an unnatural bend.

He was just an ordinary person who couldn't beat an ordinary soldier, so his physical fitness was naturally not very strong. He was punched hard by Sean, a man whose strength was close to that of a low-level blood warrior, and his arm bone was immediately broken.


Unexpectedly, Gray would be so cruel. Nissen, the freckled manservant, roared in pain and struggled wildly to attack Gray.


Gray punched down again and hit the freckled servant Nissen hard on the chest, sending him flying out and hitting the wall. He screamed continuously and couldn't get up for a long time.

Regardless of the misery of the other party, as long as he did not beat him to death, he would not be afraid at all even if he complained to the viscount. After all, he was justified in today's matter.

Gray looked at Barbara and said.

"Bring the blood beast blood to my bedroom!"

After thinking about it, Gray added.

"Take both copies away together."

"Gray, you dare!"

Ellis was already extremely angry when he saw Gray breaking the arm of his valet. Now when he heard that Gray was going to take away his share of the blood beast, he was furious.

"Under such good conditions in the castle, it took a full two and a half years to become a low-level blood warrior. Second brother, leaving the blood beast blood in your hands is just a waste. Why don't you lend it to me first and pay it back next time?" for you."

After saying this, Gray asked Barbara to leave Ellis' room with a tray containing two cups of blood beast blood.

It was reasonable for him to break Nissen's hand when he attacked Barbara, but the last one was unreasonable for him to take away Ellis' share of the blood beast's blood.

His purpose for doing this was not just to get revenge on Ellis, but for a deeper reason.

Although according to his estimation, after taking the blood of the blood beast again, his strength should be improved to a low-level blood warrior, but that is only an estimate after all, and he cannot be sure.

Since taking over this body, he has only taken blood beast blood once. It is unknown whether the next time he takes it will have the same good effect as before.

Therefore, he took the opportunity to snatch away the blood beast blood from Ellis. With two blood beast bloods, according to his estimation, he would be able to re-train the power of bleeding and regain the strength of the lower-level blood warrior. .

Seeing that Gray had indeed taken away his share of blood, Ellis was so angry that he almost went crazy. If he hadn't been restrained by Lind, a high-ranking blood warrior, he would definitely pounce on Gray again.

"Gray, don't be crazy. When father comes back, I will make you look good. Don't think that I don't know that there is something wrong with your body..."

"Is there something wrong with my body? Second brother, do you really think I don't know you are hiding in the hut? Do you really think I have reached the limit of cultivation and stopped?"

Gray didn't bother to look back, his face full of contempt.

"If you really think there is something wrong with me, you can wait until father comes back and tell him."

After saying these words, Gray left Ellis's bedroom directly.

"I'm sorry, Master Ellis."

After he left Ellis's bedroom, Lind relaxed his hold on Ellis's hand and left Ellis' room.

In his opinion, Gray injured the freckled manservant Nissen and took away Ellis' share of the blood beast, which was just a normal child's revengeful mentality.

As for the last thing Ellis said about Gray's physical problems, he didn't take it seriously.

From the conversation, it was not difficult to tell that Ellis was being plotted by Gray. Apparently Gray noticed that Ellis was watching and deliberately stopped practicing in the middle.

It was because Gray had robbed Ellis of the blood of the blood beast that he might be called over by Mrs. Milan for questioning, but he was not afraid.

When he decided to stand up for Gray, he had already thought about offending Ellis and Mrs. Milan. He was a lord after all, and Mrs. Milan, a person who didn't even have a title, couldn't do anything to him.

As for the Viscount's return, according to his estimation, the possibility of the Viscount favoring Gray is as high as 90%. After staying in the castle for so many years, he has a very clear understanding of the Viscount's temper.

"He actually knew that I was hiding in the hut, and he did it to me on purpose?!"

Ellis was obviously frightened by what Gray said before leaving. He was so confused that it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

If he was really plotted by Gray this time, he might not get much benefit even if he sued his father. After all, he was the one who made things difficult for Gray first, and then Gray fought back.

"No, that guy must have been bluffing me. Maybe he found me in the hut when he left."

His face looked uncertain.

"Hmph, I didn't plan to say it directly. When the time comes, I just need to challenge Gray. We will know if he is a lower-level Blood Warrior after a battle."

In the corridor, under the gaze of some servants who heard the movement and looked over, Gray, Barbara, and Linde entered Gray's bedroom.

"Lord Linde, thank you this time."

Gray said gratefully to Lind. His gratitude was sincere. Although he said that after Viscount Fergus returned, he would be able to vent his anger and get compensation, but his family knew their own affairs.

Without the blood of the blood beast, it would be difficult for him to restore the strength of the lower blood warriors when Viscount Fergus returns. And when the time comes, what will happen if Ellis reports on him? He doesn't know, but he definitely won't. It would be great.

Therefore, this thank you came from the bottom of his heart.

"You're welcome, Master Gray. I'll take my leave now. If you need any help in the future, just ask the servant to come and let me know."

Feeling the sincerity of Gray's gratitude, Lind suddenly felt satisfied, and it was not in vain that he had offended Ellis for this.

With the potential of this person, coupled with the purpose of Viscount Fergus, his future achievements will definitely be extraordinary, and he, the person who helped him when he had no power, will definitely not be treated badly.

After sending Lind away and leaving the maid Barbara to guard the door, Gray looked at the two cups of blood beast blood on the coffee table, held his breath, and drank it in one gulp.

The mouth was filled with the smell of blood, and the strong smell of blood rushed into his nose. A feeling of vomiting arose spontaneously, but Gray suppressed it. Even after taking it for the second time, Gray still could not adapt to this way of drinking raw blood.

It's not like he hasn't thought about steaming the blood before eating it, but these days when he goes to the library to read, he already knows that the blood of blood beasts can only exert its greatest effect when it is fresh and drunk.

The blood of the blood beasts in the castle should be preserved using some kind of utensil to keep it as fresh as possible.

The blood slid down his throat and into his stomach. Gray suddenly felt that it was the same as the blood beast blood he had taken before, but also had different changes.

A wave of heat rose from the stomach, but unlike the last time, it was not too hot. It spread from the stomach to the whole body, making the whole body feel warm.

At the same time, a numb feeling appeared all over the body. This feeling is a feeling that only occurs during practice, but it is stronger than usual during practice.

Last time, he didn't feel it. He didn't know whether it was because the heat was too strong to cover up the tingling feeling last time, or because there was no such feeling last time.

(End of chapter)