God Blood Warrior

Chapter 30: compensation


"Lord Viscount."

When they saw Waters injured and lying on the ground, the three top blood warriors on the Oliver family side had temporarily thrown away their opponents and rushed towards Waters, trying to protect him.

Unfortunately, the one closest to Waters was Viscount Fergus. In addition, the speed of the red-blooded horse was not comparable to that of ordinary horses. Therefore, when Viscount Fergus's sword had reached Walter, Even though they were hanging on Waters' neck, the three of them still couldn't get to Waters.

"Viscount Oliver has been captured alive by me, everyone, stop!"

The long sword was placed on Waters' neck, and Viscount Fergus shouted loudly.

As he spoke out, not only the three high-ranking blood warriors of the Oliver family who rushed over, but also the other cavalry stopped fighting.

On the Fergus family's side, it was because this was an order from Viscount Fergus, while on the Oliver family's side, it was because the most important person in the family was caught by the other party and made them take action.

The two sides retreated, leaving behind corpses of those who died in battle. The blood had already dyed the ground red. On the ground, there were human corpses and the corpses of war horses.

There is no bloodless battle. In every battle, there are bound to be casualties and losses.

This is also the reason why the nobles of various territories are reluctant to start territorial wars lightly. Once started, it must be because conflicts have been sharply aroused, just like this time.

"Waters, it's time to talk about compensation."

Letting the fighting stop, Viscount Fergus looked at Waters again and said coldly.

"Bah, kill me if you dare."

With the sword held at his neck, Waters felt deeply humiliated.

Even if he knew that the assassination was exposed and the Fergus family was preparing to launch a territorial war, he did not have the slightest fear. They were both fierce warriors and he did not think that he would be inferior to Viscount Fergus.

The only thing he didn't expect was that not only was he defeated, but he was also captured alive.

Originally, he thought that even if he was at a disadvantage, he could still protect himself. They were both fierce warriors and they all had special means. It was generally difficult to kill or capture the opponent alive.

"Kill you, I don't dare to kill you. I will only invite you to my territory as a guest, and then wait for the Marquis of Sidney to make a decision."

Viscount Fergus sneered.

"Stop on your way to Oliver's Castle."

Nobles cannot be killed at will. Even if a noble makes a mistake, he must be dealt with by the superior noble, that is, the Marquis of Sidney family who divides the Fergus family and the Oliver family. Only this family has the power to deal with the Oliver family. right.

Of course, the nobility here refers to the families directly entrusted by the Sidney family.

Lord Leighton Heck, whom Viscount Fergus killed yesterday, is not included in this list. Only the Oliver family recognizes his noble status. The Sidney family will not recognize his noble status, and naturally the Fergus family does as well. In this way, killing the opponent is like killing a civilian.

As for the subsequent trip to Oliver's Castle, it obviously means "looting Oliver's Castle".

Upon hearing what Viscount Fergus said, Waters' expression immediately changed.

Being "invited" to another noble's territory as a guest would be a huge loss of face. From now on, the Oliver family may become a laughing stock in the noble circle.

It was unreasonable to assassinate the children of the Fergus family. In the end, they were captured and imprisoned alive. It was like giving someone a slap in the face. This was a great shame and humiliation for the nobles who always valued face.

He did not dare to let the Fergus family go to the Oliver family castle. After letting the Fergus family visit, the Oliver family was not sure what would happen.

"Tell me, what compensation do you want?"

With a look of humiliation on his face, Waters said.

"Article 1, compensation of 50,000 gold coins!"

Viscount Fergus had obviously already thought about the terms of compensation and said immediately when he heard Waters asked.

Although the Oliver family has been identified as the mastermind behind the assassination this time, there is no definite evidence. Even if it was reported to the Marquis of Sidney family, it would not be a big deal. Therefore, Viscount Fergus had originally planned to cause the Oliver family to bleed. once.


Waters rejected it outright.

If it weren't for the sword held at his neck, Waters would probably fly into a rage.

After excluding what was handed over to the Marquis of Sidney family, the net income from his viscounty was only 10,000 gold coins a year. Viscount Fergus wanted to take away five years of net income. You can imagine the rage in his heart.

"Not a single gold coin is missing."

Viscount Fergus had a cold face and refused to give in.

"Otherwise, I will get it myself."

"Okay, I agree."

After taking several deep breaths to calm down the anger in his heart, Waters agreed.

If Viscount Fergus was allowed to take it himself, the 50,000 gold coins that would be taken away would not be 50,000 gold coins. The Oliver family has existed for more than a hundred years, so they have naturally accumulated a lot of wealth.

"Article 2, deprive the Heck family of their title of lord."


Waters agreed to this, which was expected.

It is impossible for the Oliver family to admit that they are the assassination commander, so they must have someone to take the blame. Obviously, the Heck family is the most suitable.

"The third one is to hand over the people of the Heck family to the Fergus family."

Viscount Fergus continued.

"Emerson, don't go too far. Although Leighton Heck assassinated a child of the Fergus family, it has nothing to do with his family."

After hearing this, Waters decisively disagreed.

Before his death, Leighton Heck was unwilling to admit that he was instructed by the Oliver family. Instead, he insisted that it was his own doing. This is because only in this way, after his death, his family will be protected by the Oliver family. Although the title will be lost, But in terms of treatment, it can be guaranteed.

Viscount Fergus asked the Oliver family to hand over the Heck family members, which would obviously make the Oliver family bear the reputation of treachery.

A noble in the territory died fighting for the Oliver family. After his death, the family was not protected by the Oliver family. What would the other nobles in the territory think? Will you still try your best the next time you fight for the Oliver family

"I just want people to know that if you dare to assassinate a member of my Fergus family, not only will you die, but his family and our Fergus family will not let him go."

Viscount Fergus said with a sneer.

"If you change the conditions, there is no way I would agree to this condition."

Waters gritted his teeth.

"Okay, let's change the conditions."

Viscount Fergus also knew that Waters would not agree to such a condition. In fact, the reason why he proposed such a condition was to intimidate the territorial nobles who were attached to the Oliver family.

Let them know that if they dare to participate in the assassination of the children of the Fergus family, not only will they die, but the family may not get any benefits.

"Convert all the property of the Heck family into money and compensate the Fergus family."


Waters agreed bitterly and said.

"This is the last condition. Otherwise, I would rather go to the Fergus family with you!"

"Okay, let's take these three."

Under Waters' hungry eyes, Viscount Fergus nodded in agreement.

He found that Waters was indeed at the limit of his violence. If he mentioned it again, Waters might rather go to the Fergus family than pay compensation.

Although it is possible to break through the Oliver family castle and rob it, in that case, the casualties will inevitably be huge. With him as a fierce-blooded warrior leading the team, although it will definitely be able to capture it, not many of the people he led today will be left.

"Hank, take me the password and go to the castle to get the money."

With Viscount Fergus still holding a sword around his neck, Waters painfully gave instructions to one of the three high-ranking blood warriors.

"Yes, Lord Viscount."

A man wearing a black battle uniform, with a medium build and a pair of brown eyes walked away with several people.

"Is your name...Hank?"

Gray glanced at this man several times. If nothing unexpected happened, this man should be the other of the two people who assassinated him that day.

Although he put on a black battle uniform, both the body shape and the brown eyes were exactly the same as the masked man that day. Gray was almost 100% sure that he was this man.

Naturally, Gray would not just let go of someone who had assassinated him. If there was a chance in the future, he would definitely kill this person without hesitation.

Having killed five cavalrymen today, he already had some evil energy in his body, and he was no longer so resistant to killing people.

The world is different, and the way of doing things is naturally different.

If it was the peaceful world in his previous life, he would naturally not think so, but this world is not a peaceful world, and it does not have the sound laws of the previous life, so the rules of conduct are naturally different.

An hour later, Gray and his party had received a huge amount of compensation, held the dead cavalry on their horses, and left the territory of the Oliver family.

There were more than 300 people when they came, but less than 300 when they left. A total of 78 people were killed in the battle. These people were ordinary soldiers, and there were no nobles or noble children.

Although nobles and noble children were injured, they did not die because of the protection of their battle uniforms. In such a small battle, the blood warriors' ability to survive is extremely strong, especially those like the three Grays who were heavily protected by the blood warriors. Yeah, it’s hard to die even if you want to.

Nobles practice powerful blood magic, wear powerful defensive battle uniforms, and have extremely strong life-saving abilities. In such battles, they rarely die.

In contrast to Gray's side, the Oliver family's side suffered losses of more than a hundred people, dozens more than Gray's side.

Because a high-level blood warrior had been lost before the battle, the Oliver family was not as good as the Fergus family in terms of high-level blood warriors, so naturally more ordinary soldiers would be lost.

(End of chapter)