God Blood Warrior

Chapter 6: Blood law and form and meaning


The next day, Gray found a remote place where few people went, and after shooing away the maid Barbara, Gray began to practice the blood method "Wolf of the Wind".

It had been more than half a month since he was assassinated, and the injuries on his body had already healed. He could no longer use the injury as an excuse to practice only once at a time, so he did not go to the training ground again, but found a remote place. Practice.

Although this will make people suspicious, it will inevitably be noticed by others after a long time. After all, there are no truly remote places in the castle, but now I can't care about so much.

Fortunately, as long as he survives this for more than a month, he will be able to regain the strength of the lower blood warrior of his original owner. By then, even if someone notices an abnormality, it will no longer matter.

It was not a spacious place. Gray squatted half-crouched with his feet apart, his body bent down, his hands drooped with his palms facing down, and he began to practice the first posture of the blood method "Wind Wolf" - crawling.

The four movements of "Wolf of the Wind", crawling, attacking, biting, and looking up to the sky, are all deduced from the wind wolf by observing the life and fighting habits of the wind wolf.

The four movements condensed the most essential life habits of Fenglang. During this period of time, every time he practiced, Gray could not help but recall the Xingyiquan in his previous life.

In his previous life, Gray was just an ordinary office worker and had never been exposed to martial arts. Naturally, he did not know Xingyiquan, but he might as well learn from the Internet what kind of boxing technique Xingyiquan is.

According to the introduction on the Internet, Xingyiquan is a boxing technique that simulates the life forms and fighting of twelve kinds of animals. It has the effect of improving physical fitness. How similar is this to the "Wind Wolf" he is currently practicing

The movements are also derived from the life forms and fighting of animals, and they also have the effect of improving physical fitness.

Of course, there are differences. To a certain extent, blood method is of a higher level than Xingyiquan.

The highest achievement of practicing Xingyiquan, judging from Gray's experience in his previous life, apart from the effect of prolonging life, it is at best able to fight better than ordinary people, but has not reached an inhuman level, but the blood method is different.

Not to mention the terrifying powerhouse that can destroy a city by one person, which I have only heard of, the Xingyiquan in the previous life has surpassed what the original owner of the body has seen.

The highest achievement of the original owner of the body was to cultivate the power of bleeding and reach the level of a low-level blood warrior. At that time, under the order of Viscount Fergus, he singled out five adult soldiers who had not practiced blood magic and fought to the death. Win.

And this can only be regarded as ordinary. The original owner of the body once saw Viscount Fergus, who had reached the level of a fierce blood warrior, showing his strength. He actually spit out a huge cyan wind blade from his mouth and directly chopped down a tree that was hugged by one person. It became two pieces.

Whenever he recalled the memory of the original owner of his body, Gray couldn't help but be shocked. Through practice, a person could actually breathe out wind blades. This really subverted his knowledge of his previous life.

A tree can be cut into two pieces if a person hugs it, how can a human body of flesh and blood stop it

If such a person appeared in the previous life, he would probably be able to immediately sweep away all the martial arts masters in the previous life. As far as Gray knows, in this world, there are not many people with the strength of Viscount Fergus, but there are definitely not many.

Above the low-level blood warriors are the mid-level blood warriors, above the mid-level blood warriors are the high-level blood warriors, above the high-level blood warriors are the ferocious blood warriors, and above the ferocious blood warriors there are mad blood warriors, barbaric blood warriors, and wild blood warriors. Blood warriors, king blood warriors, obviously, ferocious blood warriors are far from the pinnacle of cultivation in this world.

After practicing the blood method "Wind Wolf" once, it was not until he had practiced the third posture for a second time that Gray stopped due to lack of physical strength. Compared with yesterday, his physical fitness had once again improved significantly. Enhance.

After finishing his training, he simply washed up and went to the study room on the second floor of the castle.

The main building of Viscount Fergus Castle has a typical Gothic architectural style and is divided into three floors.

On the first floor, there is a luxuriously decorated banquet hall, a hall for receiving guests, a restaurant for dining, and a spacious sink-style bathroom.

On the second floor, there is a conference room where important meetings are held, a library with many books, a study room where the Viscount handles daily affairs, and many rooms with different uses.

The third floor has numerous bedrooms.

What he is going to now is the library on the second floor that contains books.

In this world, there is also a saying that knowledge is wealth, so the aristocracy pays great attention to the collection of books. Almost every aristocratic family has a library. The only difference is the amount of books collected, and this often shows the identity of a family. background.

Pushing open the door of the library, you will see three rows of black wooden bookshelves. On the bookshelves, there are many books with leather covers densely placed. Judging from the number, there should be more than a thousand.

Although this collection of books was nothing in Gray's previous life, in this world, it is already considered a large collection of books. Many Viscount families cannot reach this kind of collection. From this point alone, we can see that the Fergus family background.

According to the memory of the original owner of the body, Gray knew that the Fergus family was a viscount family with a history of more than a hundred years, and its heritage was relatively deep among the surrounding viscount families.

Entering the library, Gray did not go straight to the three bookshelves. Instead, he looked to the right side of the library and walked over.

There, there is a white round table, and around the round table, there are six black armchairs with hollow patterns on the backs. At this time, there is a maid wearing a black and white maid uniform standing next to one of the armchairs. Sitting was a girl wearing a yellow pleated skirt.

The girl was holding a book in her hands and was reading it with gusto. When she noticed someone pushing in the door, she raised her head, revealing her beautiful blue eyes.

This person is none other than the third sister Caroline in this body.

"Sister Caroline."

Gray walked over and greeted politely.

Although he doesn't have a good impression of the Viscountess or even their three children, since he lives in this castle, he has to do basic superficial things.

"Well, are you here to check out the books?"

Caroline asked calmly.

"Yes, Sister Caroline, then I will go and search."

Gray said.


The girl nodded, paused slightly, and spoke.

"The first row of bookshelves is for mainland history, the second row of bookshelves is for books on blood magic, and the third row of bookshelves is for miscellaneous books."

"Thank you sister Caroline."

Gray glanced at the girl in surprise, then turned and headed to the first bookshelf.

Although it was just a very ordinary reminder, it couldn't help but make Gray's impression of the girl slightly better.

During the more than half a month he had occupied this body, he had not had much contact with the girl. At most, he would say hello when he met her in the corridor. The biggest impression the girl left on him was her indifference.

He is not as "enthusiastic" as Bernal, the eldest brother in this body, nor does he show contempt and hatred on his face like Ellis, the second brother in this body. His attitude toward him is more indifferent, as if he is just a person. Stranger.

Now it seems that the other party has a cold outside and warm inside. Among the Viscountess and the three brothers and sisters, the one who is friendliest to him is probably the person in front of him who is "indifferent" to him.

Arriving at the first row of bookshelves, Gray began to pull out books one after another and read through them.

Originally, he planned to consult books on blood magic, but considering that the original owner of the body had very limited knowledge of the world. After all, he was just a young man who had never traveled far, so he decided to learn about the world through history books first.

"Chronicle of the Purple Moon Kingdom" is a book that uses time as the longitude and events as the latitude, recording the major historical events of the Purple Moon Kingdom, the kingdom to which Viscount Fergus is loyal.

Among them, there is the diligent governance of a certain king, the decline of a certain earl and marquis family, a certain natural disaster, and a certain family that was destroyed by the kingdom because of rebellion...

From the text, it is not difficult to see that the Richardson-Wang family has been completely beautified. The kings of the past generations were either wise, philanthropic, or wise. However, the rebellious families were all guilty of serious crimes and committed many outrageous things, which obviously confirmed the story of Gray's previous life. In a word - history is often written by the victors.

"War of the Four Kingdoms" tells the story of the major battles that took place between the four kingdoms of the mainland, the Flame Kingdom, the Purple Moon Kingdom, the Crimson Kingdom, and the Gem Kingdom, as well as the consequences of the battles.

Compared with "Chronicles of the Purple Moon Kingdom", "The War of the Four Kingdoms" is undoubtedly more objective, but this objectivity is only relative.

For example, it records a major battle that took place decades ago that the original owner of the body had heard about.

In that battle, the coalition composed of many nobles of the Ziyue Kingdom was defeated and was pursued for hundreds of miles by the Lieyang Kingdom. However, in this book, it became the commander of the Ziyue Kingdom who had the foresight to strategically retreat for hundreds of miles.

"Landforms of the Four Kingdoms" tells the geographical location of the four kingdoms on the continent and the terrain of the kingdoms: Flame Kingdom, Purple Moon Kingdom, Crimson Kingdom, and Gem Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Flames is located in the center of the continent, while the Kingdom of Purple Moon, Crimson Kingdom, and Gemstone Kingdom are located on three sides of the Kingdom of Flames, bordering each other.

The Lieyang Kingdom has high temperatures all year round, and there are many plains and lakes in its territory.

The temperature in Ziyue Kingdom is low all year round, and the territory has many hilly terrains.

The Crimson Kingdom and the Gem Kingdom have year-round temperatures between those of the former two kingdoms. The territory of the former has a canyon terrain, while the territory of the latter has a mountainous terrain.

Gray glanced at one book after another. In many books, he just glanced at the titles, guessed what they probably recorded and ignored them. He just wanted to understand the world, not to be a historian. , naturally there is no need to be so meticulous.

"Well, "The Sky is Flat and the Earth is Flat"?"

Suddenly, he saw the name of a book with a black leather cover, and he couldn't help but open it in surprise.

In his previous life, the flat earth theory had been denied and the round earth theory had been confirmed. He did not expect to see the flat earth theory again in this world. He wanted to see how the flat earth theory was proven in this book.

(End of chapter)