God Blood Warrior

Chapter 64: A ruin


In the red leaf forest full of red leaves, there is a bright red color, and surrounded by this bright red color, there is a complex of buildings that stretches for thousands of meters.

Tall spiers stand everywhere, with some dome buildings interspersed among them. Although many have collapsed, it is obvious from the buildings that have not collapsed that most of these buildings are five or six stories high.

Although it cannot be compared with the height of the buildings in Gray's previous life, it is already extremely majestic based on the level of architecture in this world.

At least Gray had never seen a building with five or six floors, and the tallest building in Fergus Castle was only two stories high.

The stone used in the building is white stone, but because it has been so long ago, the surface is covered with various vines and moss, and even the red-leaf trees that grow tenaciously between the stones can only be seen in sporadic places. .

"What on earth...is this place?"

Bernal looked at the place in front of him with a look of surprise. The castle in front of him, let's call it a castle, was obviously more majestic than the Fergus family's castle, and even incomparable to the Earl's castle.

He once went to Earl Ford's castle, but even Earl Ford's castle was far less majestic than the castle in front of him. Only the Castle of the Marquis of Sidney, which he had been lucky enough to visit, could compare with it.

Could this be a former marquis castle

"This is an imperial relic..."

Gray looked slightly dull.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the word "imperial ruins" popped out of his mind involuntarily.

This is the red leaf forest where blood beasts are rampant. It is impossible for anyone to want to build a castle in such a place. No matter how powerful they are, they will never want to live in a place where they are easily harassed by blood beasts.

Therefore, only the ruins of the empire from thousands of years ago can explain the scene before us.

Thousands of years are really too long, and it is entirely possible to change the seas, fields and forests.

Thousands of years ago, there might have been a forest with no red leaves for dozens of miles, but fertile soil surrounded by cultivated fields, and the owner of this castle was the ruler of this vast area nearby.

It's just that thousands of years have passed, and the empire has been destroyed. The ruling family has either perished with the empire, or has moved away, leaving the lonely castle still standing here, but it will never wait for the owner to return.

"Empire ruins? What is it?"

Ben just sighed casually, not expecting to get an answer, but he didn't expect to hear the answer from Gray's mouth. Bernal turned back and looked at Gray in confusion.

"It was a powerful country more than a thousand years ago. At that time, the four kingdoms had not yet appeared. This continent was completely under the rule of this empire, and its strength was stronger than the four kingdoms now."

Gray explained briefly.

He didn't know much, at most he knew some speculations about the empire's fall.

"What kind of empire is actually stronger than the four kingdoms? Isn't it?"

Bernal was clearly in disbelief.

There is actually a country stronger than the four kingdoms. How is this possible

And how did such a powerful country fall? As a result, there is no news about it now, at least he has not heard of it.

"The empire does exist, and it is indeed stronger than the current four kingdoms. It is rumored that there are existences beyond the king level in the empire."

Viscount Fergus answered for Gray.

Unlike Bernal, he had obviously heard about the empire thousands of years ago, and even knew more than Gray. As a Viscount, he was already considered a considerable noble, and he already had the ability to access some hidden history.

"Existence beyond the king level?"

Bernal was stunned and horrified.

King-level warriors are currently the strongest combat power that the four kingdoms can produce. They can be said to be kingdom-level figures. They are respectfully called the strong men of the kingdom. They enjoy various preferential treatment of the kingdom and are equal even when facing the king. dialogue.

And in this empire, there are actually warriors who surpass the king level. Doesn't it mean that this empire has the strength to easily destroy the four major kingdoms

"If this is the ruins of that empire, doesn't that mean...?"

Then, Bernal's mind couldn't help but move in another direction.

This castle is a relic from the imperial period. Doesn’t it mean that there are probably things from the imperial period in it

With the power of the empire, the nobles in the empire would definitely have good things. Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly became eager.

"Let's go in and take a look. Although it's probably already visited by someone else, and there's more than one wave of people."

Viscount Fergus strode forward towards a closer entrance.

The people who drew the map must be one group of people, and the people who inexplicably dropped the map into Han Hu's belly must be another group of people. That's why Viscount Fergus judged that there was more than one group of people.

Gray and Bernal quickly followed. Although they already knew that at least two waves of people were visiting, they still couldn't help but feel a sense of expectation in their hearts. For such a large castle, there might be some good things left in a hidden corner.

When they arrived at the entrance, the three of them couldn't help but narrow their eyes.

Because it took too long, a large number of vines were attached to the entrance. At this time, these vines blocking the entrance were neatly split open. This was obviously the damage caused by the blade. Obviously, it was confirmed again. Previous speculation suggested that this place had been visited.

Viscount Fergus was in front, Gray and Bernal were behind, and the three of them walked into the building.

What caught the eye was a hall with a lot of furniture and furnishings, but they were all decayed.

The ground is white, but it is already full of dust. On top of the dust, a series of clear footprints can be seen.

"Five people have been here..."

Staring at these footprints, Bernal carefully distinguished them and came to a conclusion.

"Search separately to see if there is anything valuable left."

Viscount Fergus ordered.


Gray and Bernal nodded.

The three of them began to search throughout the building. First, they searched along the walls in the lobby on the first floor for a while. After finding nothing, they began to search upstairs.

"Lots of books."

In a huge room on the second floor covering several thousand square meters, the three of them saw a huge library, which was full of books, at least tens of thousands of them.

However, the rows of bookshelves that were supposed to be in rows all collapsed due to dampness and decay. Each leather book fell to the ground. The leather stinked and rotted, and the pages turned into puddles of debris. After careful inspection, the three Grays found that a There is no complete book.

It may also be that the well-preserved books have been taken away by those who came first. In short, there is nothing to gain.


Gray couldn't help but feel a little regretful. This was a book from the Empire period. It must have recorded the situation during the Empire period. It was an excellent opportunity to learn about the Empire. Unfortunately, he couldn't find a book that could still be read.

The three of them left the library and started searching again.

Bedroom, study, living room... there are many rooms that Gray and they can't see the use of.

But without exception, there is still no gain.

In the end, after the three of them searched the entire building and other buildings connected to the building, they still found nothing.

"This is too clean."

After walking out of the building, Bernal said helplessly.

Originally, he wanted to pick up the missing items to see if he could pick up what the person in front of him had missed, but it turned out that no one would let go of good things.

“Look somewhere else.”

Viscount Fergus had obviously expected this situation. He looked unmoved and looked at other buildings in the castle.

The three of them searched one building after another, even the collapsed ones. In many places, they moved away the collapsed earth and rocks and went in to search, but still found nothing.

As they searched, the three of them came to a huge building connected to many buildings, probably located in the back courtyard of the castle.

"Come here quickly!"

Suddenly, Bernal, who was in a room, exclaimed, with obvious joy in his voice.

Upon hearing this, Gray and Viscount Fergus hurried over.

When Gray and Viscount Fergus arrived quickly, they saw a square cave about two meters tall on the ground near the corner of a room of more than 100 square meters.

Through the light, you can vaguely see the stairs going down.

(End of chapter)