God Blood Warrior

Chapter 67: return


Soon after, the three people left the secret room and walked out of the imperial castle.

Even the injured Bernal was not spared. The three of them carried heavy gold coins on their backs. Gray and Bernal each carried more than 100 kilograms of gold coins on their backs, while Viscount Fergus carried about 300 kilograms. of gold coins.

It's not that they can't carry it anymore, but if the weight continues to increase, it will seriously affect their mobility. In the red leaf forest where blood beasts are rampant, it can be said to be extremely dangerous if they lose their mobility.

Just like last time, when faced with Shadow Snake's sudden sneak attack, Viscount Fergus reacted a little slower than half a beat and failed to take action in time, thus taking away most of Shadow Snake's attack power.

It is impossible for Bernal to just dislocate his hands, and Gray cannot be unscathed. Even if he does not die, he will probably be seriously injured. Even with the protection of armor such as Iron Rhinoceros, it is impossible to protect every part of his body. arrive.

In fact, the current weight has already affected their mobility to a certain extent, but it is not serious yet. Especially for Gray and Viscount Fergus, in addition to gold coins, they also have Shadow Snake blood, so the weight is even heavier.


Walking back, the three of them quickly came to the place where the Shadow Snake was killed before, but found that the place where the Shadow Snake's body was supposed to be was already empty.

"Drawed away by some large beast!"

Bernal said with a frown.

The body of the Shadow Snake weighs at least five to six hundred kilograms. Even if it is broken into two parts, the heaviest part weighs at least 400 kilograms. To be able to drag such a heavy corpse away, the size of this large beast is absolutely extremely large. big.

"Look at the direction of this trace!"

Suddenly, Gray's pupils shrank suddenly and he pointed in the direction of the drag marks.

Viscount Fergus and Bernal looked up, their pupils shrinking involuntarily.

The dragging traces and the direction they were heading were clearly towards the canyon they passed through before. It was self-evident what they represented.

"There really is a blood beast in that canyon!"

Bernal swallowed slightly and then said.

"Go, be careful!"

Viscount Fergus took a deep look into the canyon, and then greeted Gray and Bernal.

Regardless of whether there is really a blood beast in this canyon, they have to pass through this canyon. Although they don't want to, if they really encounter it, they can only fight for one battle.

The reason why he was unwilling to fight the blood beast at will was that he was not sure of winning against the blood beast.

Different blood beasts have extremely different physical abilities.

The wind wolf can breathe out wind blades, and its movement speed can be ranked in the upper reaches. The giant python has the ability to invisibly shadow and is quite powerful, but its movement speed can only be considered in the middle range.

Because of this, he can kill it only by practicing the blood method "Wind Wolf". And if he encounters the fastest moving gale leopard among the fierce blood beasts, or the armored rhinoceros with the strongest defense, his ability Being restrained does not mean that there is no chance of winning, but the chance of winning is definitely not great.

Being careful and staying away from drag marks, the three of them walked in the canyon very cautiously.


When they were halfway there, they suddenly heard an ape-like roar. The sound was like a sonic bomb, one after another, venting throughout the canyon, vibrating back and forth.

"No, I was discovered!"

Bernal looked panicked and wanted to run out of the canyon in a panic.

Gray couldn't help but turn pale. He was also very aware of the restraint characteristics of blood beasts. Even Viscount Fergus could not guarantee a 100% victory against a ferocious blood beast.

"Don't panic, they didn't notice us!"

At this moment, Viscount Fergus said in a deep voice.

Gray and Bernal calmed down and listened carefully, and immediately discovered the reason why Viscount Fergus said so.

There was no sound of rapid movement. It was obvious that the ape-like blood beast was not coming towards this direction.


The two looked at each other, and both couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Maybe the unconscious roar didn't find them, or maybe even though they found them, they now have enough food and have the flesh and blood of shadow snakes, and they don't look down on the hundreds of kilograms of meat on their bodies.

The three of them continued to move forward, walking through the canyon without any danger, and then bypassed the places where blood beasts might be found before. Finally, they walked out of the area where blood beasts were rampant and arrived at the outskirts of the Red Leaf Forest, that is, Within 20 miles from the edge of the red leaf forest.

There are no traces of large-scale blood beast activities here, only traces of ordinary animals, which obviously no longer pose a threat to them.

It was already past noon, and the three of them had time to stop, take out dry food, drink water, and have a hasty lunch.

Dry food is dried meat marinated in cold tiger meat, which is extremely nutritious and is the best choice to satisfy your hunger.

Moreover, after careful preparation by the castle chef, it has a flavor similar to that of Gray's salad in his previous life, which is really good.

There was no pressure from the blood beasts, and the surrounding beasts did not pose any threat to them. The three of them breathed a sigh of relief. They were in a good mood and also had a good appetite. Even Viscount Fergus and Bernal ate a lot. More than usual portion.

And Gray directly ate all the remaining dried meat into his stomach, which became the most he had eaten since he came to this world.

Viscount Fergus and the others were shocked at Gray's terrifying appetite at first, but now they are used to it.

Of course, if it were in a civilian family, people like Gray would probably be discarded, but the Fergus family would not lack this food, and it was impossible to drive away a talented child like Gray.

"Father, it's still early. How about we find a place to hide our things and then turn back again."

After eating and drinking, Bernal couldn't help but think of the pile of gold coins, and suggested with his eyes shining.

"No, there is no need to say more about this matter. Now that you are full, leave the Red Leaf Forest as soon as possible."

After careful consideration, Viscount Fergus rejected this tempting proposal.

If it were just a blood beast, he might still agree, but guessing that the group in front of him would probably turn back, and there were beings stronger than him among them, he really didn't want to take the risk.

The three of them were on the road again, and two hours later, they walked out of the red leaf forest.

After finding the hidden war horse, luckily no one took it away. The three of them got on the horse, put on their cloaks again, and returned to Fergus Castle.

Because of the increased load, the horse's movement slowed down significantly. Three hours later, when it was almost dark, the three returned to Fergus Castle.



Seeing the three people returning, Mrs. Milan, Sarah, and Caroline all came to greet them.

"Great, you're all fine!"

Seeing that Viscount Fergus and Bernal had no obvious wounds on their bodies, Mrs. Milan said happily. If nothing else, the "you" she mentioned should not include Gray.

"Brother, are you not injured?"

Sarah, on the other hand, moved closer to Gray, her face full of concern and her blue eyes gleaming.

Gray couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, touched the other person's head and smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm not hurt."

After dinner, Gray, Viscount Fergus, and Bernal recounted in detail the thrilling process of exploring the treasure on the map today.

When they heard that they were suddenly attacked by the Shadow Snake and Bernal's hands were dislocated, everyone felt nervous. After hearing that Viscount Fergus finally killed the Shadow Snake, they couldn't help but let out a long sigh. .

And when they heard that the treasure was actually a relic from the empire, and that it also had a secret room, in which there were piles of gold coins like a hill, everyone couldn't help but breathe quickly, and their faces were full of shock and surprise.

When they learned that the three of them had only brought back about 500 kilograms of gold coins and had no plans to continue their journey, everyone couldn't help but feel regretful.

It would be great if the small mountain of gold coins could be owned by the Fergus family. Their current cultivation resources would probably be doubled immediately.


Mrs. Milan sighed repeatedly, but she also understood that Viscount Fergus’s decision was correct.

"Wow, you can buy a lot of crunchy candies."

Sarah's eyes shone.

Recently, she fell in love with a candy product in Fergus City and spent almost all her monthly pocket money on it.

Gray had tasted it, and it was a kind of candy studded with nuts, similar to the peanut candy in his previous life, except that the nuts inside were not peanuts, but other nuts, and there were many types, and the taste was better than the peanut candy he had eaten before. More delicious.

"Gray, can you lend me the book you got?"

Caroline was interested in the book called "Bloodline Catalog" that Gray got.

A book that was probably from the Imperial Age was an irresistible temptation for a heavy book lover like her.

"No problem, I'll bring it to you when I get back to the bedroom!"

Gray nodded in agreement.

Although he also wanted to read this book, and he vaguely felt that this book was very important to him, but since Caroline wanted to read it, he simply let her read it first, and then read it after she finished it.


Caroline smiled sweetly and thanked her.

"Need not."

Gray shook his head slightly. When he put the book back in the bedroom, he also secretly took a portion of the Shadow Snake's blood.

He planned to store the Shadow Snake blood and wait until the time had passed and his body became stronger before taking it. He had just taken Han Hu's blood not long ago, and now he really did not dare to take the risk of taking Shadow Snake blood again.

(End of chapter)