God Blood Warrior

Chapter 69: Two months


It took Gray two days to read the entire book, and he felt that the gain was extraordinary.

In the entire book, a total of 161 blood beast sequences are recorded, and each blood beast sequence has 4 to 5 blood beast species. In total, there are more than 700 blood beast species, which can be said to be greatly expanded. Gray's vision.

Moreover, the book also describes in detail the physical characteristics and abilities of these blood beast species, so that Gray will not be unprepared or caught off guard when facing these blood beast species in the future.

Most importantly, it also provides a general direction for Gray's "transformation".

For example, the strongest sequence is the force ant sequence, the fastest sequence is the wind-chasing leopard sequence, and the strongest defensive sequence is the armored rhinoceros sequence.

If Gray wanted to make his abilities in these three aspects the strongest at each stage, then he should choose to swallow the blood of the blood beast species in these three sequences.

At the same time, some of the special blood beasts have terrifying abilities and are difficult to guard against. Their practicality is even greater than that of the Power Ant, Wind Chasing Leopard, and Armored Rhino series. They are also high-quality targets that choose to swallow blood for transformation.

For example, the tailed fox sequence with hallucinogenic abilities is such a special blood beast sequence.

The ability to "hallucinate" can ignore physical defenses. Even when faced with beings stronger than oneself, it can still have good effects and create opportunities for victory. Its practicality is self-evident.

In short, this "Bloodline Catalog" has greatly expanded Gray's horizons and will be extremely helpful to his future development.

Two months later, the grounds south of Fergus Castle.

Gray remained motionless in the "Bite" training posture. Where he could see, there was a wooden stool. On the stool was an hourglass with a sharp mouth in the middle and cylinders at both ends. This was Hourglass for timing.

Usually, he uses a "scheming" method when practicing. Because this body has practiced like this for a long time, it has developed an extremely keen judgment on time. Even if it is different from the real time, the difference is usually not big.

However, there are still some errors after all, so Gray specially found an hourglass to accurately test how long he could last.


Suddenly, Gray, who was maintaining the "biting" posture, retreated from the practice with a slight gasp. His physical strength reached the limit. This was already his fourth consecutive practice of the blood method.

"Nine scales?"

He glanced at the cylindrical hourglass facing him, and a slight smile appeared on his lips.

There are ten scale lines at both ends of the cylindrical hourglass. Each scale line represents one minute. The nine scales naturally represent nine minutes. In other words, he has maintained this posture for nine minutes. .

The "Bite" posture is the third posture among the four postures of the blood method "Wolf of the Wind". Each practice posture only needs to be maintained for ten minutes before you can enter the next practice posture. Obviously, he is now far from the third posture. The four cultivation postures, that is, the last one, are not far away.

If Viscount Fergus, Bernal and others knew about this kind of cultivation progress, they would probably be so surprised that their eyes would pop out.

You know, more than two months ago, Gray could only persist for six minutes in the fourth practice of the first practice, but now he is approaching the fourth practice posture in the fourth practice. On average, he can complete one practice posture almost every month. Cultivation, this kind of progress speed is simply terrifying.

"At this rate, in more than a month at most, I should be able to complete the fourth Blood Technique training and become a high-level Blood Warrior."

Gray couldn't help but show a hint of joy in his eyes.

Of course, he was more happy about the fact that his strength was about to reach the level of a high-level blood warrior, rather than the speed of his training. After all, he was already very clear about his speed of training.

The reason why he is very eager to become a high-level blood warrior is that after becoming a high-level blood warrior, to a certain extent, he already has the ability to protect himself.

The families that are hostile or competitive with the Fergus family are the other five viscount families. Among these viscount families, the strongest ones are the five viscounts, all of whom have the strength of fierce-blooded warriors. The current Gray Far from being an opponent.

However, Gray doesn't need to consider them at the moment. As the strongest members of a family, they usually rarely take action, and they rarely do things like assassination.

On the one hand, it is because their whereabouts are closely followed by other families. If they enter the territory of other families, they will be discovered immediately.

On the other hand, it is because they themselves are also targets of "assassination" by other families and do not dare to act rashly.

Apart from them, the strongest among his subordinates is the high-ranking Blood Warrior.

Gray possesses both the speed of the wind wolf and the strength of the cold tiger. Among the same level, he is not invincible, but he is definitely extremely strong.

Even if he is surrounded by several high-level blood warriors, he can still escape with his speed, and there is basically no problem in protecting himself.

With the ability to protect himself, his safety in this world will undoubtedly be greatly increased.

Although he has always been under the protection of the Fergus family, the safest thing is obviously to have the ability to protect himself.

There will always be mistakes in other people's protection, and it is definitely not as good as having the ability to protect yourself. He doesn't want to put his life on others not making mistakes.

After leaving the training place and taking a shower, Gray went to the low house behind the castle where the cold tiger cubs were fed.

During this period, he would go to tease the cold tiger cubs every few days and cultivate their relationship. Although the red blood horse was already very good, if he had the opportunity to ride a ferocious blood beast, he would not miss it.

After going to the battlefield in the future, Hanhu will most likely be ridden by Viscount Fergus. After all, this is a precious fierce-level combat power, but it is good to have fun riding it on a regular basis.

When they arrived at the small house, they saw the den where the large dogs and cold tiger cubs used to stay. The large dogs were no longer there, and there was an iron cage near the den, surrounding the den.

Han Hu began to open his eyes on the fifteenth day after birth, and just a week ago, he was weaned, so the large dog had been taken away.

In the iron cage, the cold tiger cub with white fur and black stripes was crawling around in the iron cage.

Compared with the time when it was just born, the Hanhu cub is now much larger in size, weighing more than 20 kilograms, like an extremely fat big cat.

"Ang Mi..."

Seeing Gray's arrival, the cold tiger cub let out a milky cry with joy in its voice.

Obviously, Gray's visit every few days is effective. The Hanhu cub has already made an impression on him. As long as he continues like this, there will be absolutely no problem in riding him in the future.

"Master, I brought it over!"

Behind him, the maid Barbara came over with a tray. In the tray was a bowl of meat porridge, which was food specially prepared for the cold tiger cubs.


Gray reached out and took out the meat porridge, and poured it into a food bowl in the iron cage himself. The cold tiger cub immediately made a cheerful sound, and then started to lick it quickly.

Gray stretched out his hand and stroked the other person's white hair, and the cold tiger cub did not resist. While enjoying Gray's touch, he ate the delicious food in the basin.

"I am going to the Marquis of Sidney's family tomorrow. I am looking forward to it. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to see the bronze-backed dragon beast..."

The Marquis of Sidney's 50th birthday party is approaching. Today is his last day in the castle. Starting tomorrow, in the next few days, he will accompany Viscount Fergus and others to Sidney Castle.

Gray is very interested in the "immediate boss" of the Fergus family. Of course, what he is most interested in is the copperback dragon beast in the other family. It would be even better if he is lucky enough to see it.

The bronze-backed dragon beast is a wild-level blood beast. Its strength is comparable to the wild-blood warriors, and the wild-blood warriors are already second only to the king-level warriors.

At the same time, just like the myths and legends of Gray's previous life, the dragons in this world are also full of sacredness and are called legendary god-level blood beasts.

The copperback dragon has a dragon in its name, so it must have some connection with dragons, and its long life also proves this.

Gray, who had read the "Bloodline Catalog", even felt that if he traced the origin of the bronze-backed dragon beast, it might be possible to trace it back to the god-level blood beast "Dragon".

So he was really curious about this copper-backed dragon beast and wanted to see it.

(End of chapter)