God Blood Warrior

Chapter 82: Opportunity for the Locke family


"Suddenly I understand what my father said yesterday!"

There was no change on Saroyan's face, but his eyes narrowed slightly, which was a sign that he was deep in thought.

Yesterday evening, his father told him not to jump to conclusions easily. Nothing is absolute until the last moment. Although he listened carefully, he didn't quite understand it. But at this moment, he fully understood this sentence.

Although the sudden rise of Gray Fergus may not necessarily shake the Lichens family's advantage in the Earl War, there is no doubt that an accident has occurred.

"Grey Fergus?!"

Pearly glanced at her eldest brother Saroyan, who was lost in thought, and then at Gray in the field. Her eyes couldn't help but move slightly, and she wrote down the name.

Born into a marquis family, her eyesight is not low. Although she cannot tell that Gray has fighting talent, she can still tell that Gray Fergus is not only talented in training, but also in fighting.

"How do you feel? It's much more difficult for the Jeans family to win the battle between counts..."

Among the Earl Ford family, an ordinary-looking young man raised his lips slightly with a sinister smile.

"This battle between counts is getting more and more interesting..."

Among the Smalley family, a young man with dark brown hair could not help but raise his lips and his eyes were full of interest.

As children of the Earl family, they watched the Earl's battle with indifference and treated it as a wonderful "big show".

No matter which viscount family finally wins and becomes the earl family, it will have little impact on them.

They have such capital and have been in the earl family for many years, but their background is not comparable to that of the new earl family. Therefore, no matter which family eventually becomes the earl family, they will eventually be suppressed by them.

Under the fighting platform, a group of nobles and aristocratic children had different ideas. Naturally, Gray didn't know. He glanced at Boyle, who looked pale, took back his ironwood sword and walked straight under the platform.

Although this battle only used the strength of the lower blood warriors, and even the strength was maintained at a level similar to that of Ellis now, some things may have been exposed, such as combat talent.

Combat talent, to put it bluntly, is the ability to understand and read combat. This ability is not something you don't want to use. After all, it is a thinking level thing, and you can't stop it just by wanting to stop it.

Besides, if he really didn't use it, he might not be able to win this battle.

Boyle is not a parallel import like Ellis. After several years of contact with actual combat, the opponent's combat experience is already quite mature.

After all, Gray himself has only been exposed to actual combat for a few months. Without the help of combat talents and the power characteristics obtained by swallowing Hanhu's blood transformation, the victory or defeat between him and his opponent should be half and half. This is because of the assistance of combat talents. , the reason why his combat experience has increased rapidly in the past few months.

Although it may have been exposed, he didn't care too much.

Although combat talent is effective in battles of the same level, its effect is greatly reduced in leapfrog battles. After all, even if the mind can keep up, the physical reaction of the body will not be able to keep up.

Therefore, even if the Lichens family has noticed that he has fighting talent, they probably won't pay too much attention to it. After all, the two children of the other family are both mid-level blood warriors.

"Amazing, he defeated Boyle Oliver so easily."

After looking at Gray as he walked over like a monster, Baron Harris immediately smiled and praised him.

"When I first met Gray, I thought he would be very powerful, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful!"

Mrs. Bess also covered her mouth with one hand, showing a shocking demonstration and smiling elegantly.

Among the people present, they were among the few who knew that Gray had the strength of a mid-level blood warrior, and the shock in their hearts became even greater.

Not only is his talent in training terrifying, but his talent in combat is also unyielding.

After only a few months of actual combat, he was already able to defeat Boyle Oliver, who had been in actual combat for several years, at the same level. There is no doubt that this Gray's talent in combat is equally terrifying.

Next to the two of them, Kevin's eyes were full of fear and some regret.

He still had doubts about whether this guy was a mid-level blood warrior. After all, it was a bit hard to accept that he was a mid-level blood warrior under the age of 17.

But even with the fighting power he had just shown, he no longer had much chance of winning. At this time, he suddenly regretted rashly standing up for his two cousins and provoking this one. If this one holds a grudge, he may suffer in the future. .

"well done."

Viscount Fergus nodded with satisfaction to Gray who came over.

The reason why he is really satisfied is not because Gray won the battle, but because Gray only relied on the strength of the lower blood warriors to win the battle. After all, Gray has the strength of the middle blood warriors and it is impossible to lose. .

Looking sideways at Viscount Oliver next to him, Viscount Fergus said "thank you" with a smile on his face.

"Viscount Oliver, thank you for providing my Gray with this opportunity to spar."

"You're welcome."

Viscount Oliver's face was livid, his eyes almost bursting with flames, and he could no longer maintain the aristocratic elegance on his face as he almost gritted his teeth and said.

"Then we say goodbye!"

Feeling Viscount Oliver's eyes that were about to burst into flames, the smile on Viscount Fergus's face became even brighter. He said goodbye to Viscount Oliver very politely, and then turned around and left with Gray and others.


Feeling that several joking eyes were looking at him, Viscount Oliver's face couldn't be any more ugly. It was obvious that the Oliver family had suffered a complete defeat in today's battle with the Fergus family, and his ugly appearance was even revealed by the eldest son of the Marquis. Saroyan saw it.

If they cannot win the subsequent battles with other viscount families, the special resource quota of the Oliver family in the next few years may be greatly reduced.


Looking dissatisfied at his eldest son and second son who had suffered a "defeat", Viscount Oliver really had no shame in staying here any longer, so he turned around and left with the Oliver family.

With the departure of the Fergus family and the Oliver family, members of various noble families also dispersed one after another, and among the dispersed noble families, there were four acquaintances of Gray and the others.

The leader was a man of medium build and short gray hair.

The other person is a beautiful middle-aged woman with long blond hair, which is slightly curved.

The other two were a young man in his early 20s and a teenager who should be about the same age as Ellis. Both of them had gray hair.

These four people are Sten Locke, Viscount Locke, Blanche Lewis, Viscountess Locke, Alf Locke, the eldest son of Viscount Locke, and Morey Locke, the second son of Viscount Locke.

They arrived this morning. As soon as they arrived, they learned that the Fergus family and the Oliver family were fighting, so they rushed over.

Unlike the surrounding aristocratic families who were discussing the battle enthusiastically, the four of them watched the battle between the Fergus family and the Oliver family without any discussion at all.

They walked back silently all the way to the residence arranged for them by the Sidney family. They entered the living room, waved away the servants, and closed the living room door before someone finally made a sound.

"Father, did Gray use the strength of the mid-level blood warrior just now?"

Morey frowned slightly and asked uncertainly.


Viscount Knock shook his head and said with certainty.

"Then how come his actual combat ability is so strong?"

Alf also frowned.

The opponent has only been exposed to actual combat for a few months. Logically speaking, if they are fighting at the same level, the opponent should not be Boyle Oliver's opponent.

"Do you really think he has only been exposed to actual combat for a few months?"

Viscount Locke glanced at Alf and Morey and asked calmly.

"Father, you mean that he has been exposed to actual combat for more than a few months? But father, didn't he just be connected to Fergus Castle in the past few months?"

Alf asked doubtfully.

He had always been convinced by his father's words, but at this time he couldn't help but be skeptical.

"It took a year for a person to become a low-level blood warrior. After being taken to the castle, he grew from a low-level blood warrior to a mid-level blood warrior in less than a year. Don't you think it's strange?"

Viscount Locke was not impressed by Alf's suspicion and continued to ask.

"Father, you mean that when he first started practicing, Viscount Fergus might have noticed that he had extraordinary talents and immediately started cultivating him."

"The actual time to become a low-level blood warrior should be shorter than one year. As for one year to become a low-level blood warrior, this should be a fog deliberately released by the Fergus family."

Alf suddenly woke up.

If the time to become a low-level blood warrior is not just one year, and if the cultivation of actual combat has already begun when he first came into contact with blood magic at the age of 15, then everything would make sense.

It is not unacceptable to spend nearly two years to gain this level of practical experience.

"That's right."

Viscount Locke nodded approvingly, and then sighed.

"I really underestimated the Fergus family and deceived the entire Marquis of Sidney. It's a good trick. I won't accept it."

Different information led to different results. Viscount Bessemer deduced that Gray had fighting talent based on the fact that Gray had only been exposed to actual combat for a few months.

Viscount Locke, however, deduced the "fact" that Gray had been exposed to actual combat for nearly two years through Gray's mid-range blood warrior strength.

"But, father, this Gray has so much experience in actual combat, wouldn't our plan fail?"

After listening to the inferences of Alf and Viscount Locke, it took a while for Morey to come back to his senses and worry.

"No, rather, it is more beneficial to us."

Viscount Locke showed a confident smile on his face.

"Although the Fergus family should not be underestimated, don't underestimate the Richens family. In terms of background, the Richens family is the best among our six viscount families."

"Now our Locke family, like the Lichens family, has two mid-level blood warriors. The Lichens family will definitely not challenge us easily. It is very likely that they will challenge the Fergus family first, and finally challenge our Locke family. .”

"Both families are not easy. No matter which side wins, it will definitely not be easy. They may even get injured. This is our chance..."

(End of chapter)