God Blood Warrior

Chapter 89: Defeat the Richens family


"good very good."

Looking at Gray, Viscount Richens' voice was cold and he said two good words in a row. The coldness in his eyes seemed to freeze Gray, and then he looked at Timothy and said.

"Your eldest brother failed due to carelessness, go ahead and make up for your eldest brother's fault!"

As a fierce blood warrior, it is natural to see that the gap in strength between Gray and Colliver is actually very limited. The reason why he was able to defeat Colliver with one move was entirely because Colliver did not know that Gray was already a mid-level blood warrior. , was careless, and was calculated by Gray intentionally and unintentionally.

"Yes, father."

Picking up Colliver's dagger, Timothy raised his head and turned to Gray with a cold snort.

With a slight push on the ground, he jumped onto the platform.

His movements were very light and flexible, and he didn't even make a sound when he landed, just like a leopard that was eyeing its prey and preparing to track it.


Holding a short knife, he quickly approached Gray, but just when he was about to get close to Gray, he twisted his steps, passed by Gray, and came behind Gray. The short knife in his hand struck straight at the exposed nape of Gray's neck. Come.

The dark ironwood dagger in his hand was like the scythe of death, trying to harvest Xiang Gray's head.

It even had a hint of murderous intent. Even if Gray couldn't dodge, he probably wouldn't hold back and would strike directly.


Gray turned around in time to block the short sword, but was shocked to take two steps back due to his hasty attack.

Stabilizing his body, he chased after Timothy, but Timothy had already used his strength to distance himself from him. A flash had already hit him from his right side, still aiming at his neck.


Turning sideways, the long sword was blocked by the crossbar, and Gray was forced to take two steps back again, while Mortisi calmly escaped again.

Bang, bang, bang!

The ensuing battle was like a replay of the battle between Bernal and Colliver. Mortisi kept attacking Gray from all directions, while Gray responded to the ever-changing situation by remaining unchanged, dealing with the Mortisi attacking from all directions. Tisi's attack.

Mortisi's speed is indeed much faster than Gray's. Faced with the opponent's speed, it is indeed difficult for Gray to form an effective attack.

If he continues like this, he may follow in the footsteps of Bernal and be defeated by Timothy just like Bernal was defeated by Colliver.

But he was not Bernal, and Timothy was not Colliver. There was no way he would let the same scene happen again.

In fact, there is a way to immediately reverse his current situation, such as bursting out with the strength characteristics of the cold tiger obtained after swallowing the blood of the cold tiger.

With Han Hu's strength, even if he makes a hasty attack, it is enough to cause Timothy to suffer. After all, the strength of Timothy who is practicing "Wind Chasing Leopard" is too weak, even worse than Bernard who is practicing "Wind Wolf". Erdu is even weaker.

But he had no intention of doing so.

Among the people present, there were six people with the strength of fierce blood warriors, and the two earls of the Ford family and the Smalley family even had the strength of violent blood warriors. With the eyesight of these people, if he used more than normal power, I'm afraid it will be seen immediately.

Although he had found a reasonably reasonable way to hide his unusual power in the books in the Fergus family library, he still did not intend to reveal it at will.

Good steel should be used on the blade. Currently, Timothy is not forced to use the cold tiger's power characteristics.


The power of blood poured into his legs, and his legs suddenly swelled. Then he turned around suddenly, and his eyes met Timothy who was attacking him from the side.

After several battles, his keen fighting talent allowed him to discern where Timothy was about to appear, so he took the first step to deal with Timothy.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he slammed his legs on the ground. With a whoosh, he was approaching Timothy in the blink of an eye, and slashed out with the ironwood sword in his hand.


The air was torn apart by his sword, and a sharp whistle sounded clearly.

Although he has not used his current strongest power, it is still comparable to when he used the power of blood to strengthen his hand strength before swallowing Han Hu's blood to obtain Han Hu's power characteristics.

"not good… "

Just as he was about to attack Gray from the side, he saw that Gray had turned to this side and was approaching him in a few steps. The sword in his hand came with a whistling sound. Timothy's expression suddenly changed, and the power of blood poured into his legs. He quickly retreated backwards.

However, although his legs were infused with blood power and moved faster than Gray, Gray was the first to take action after all, and even caught Timothy off guard.


Before Timothy could even retreat, the ironwood sword had already reached him, and Timothy could only block it with a short sword in a hurry.

It was a hasty resistance, and because his strength was not as good as Gray's, Timothy's body stumbled as he retreated, almost losing his balance. Naturally, his retreating movement was interrupted.

Bang, bang, bang!

There was not enough chance for Timothy to escape. Gray caught up and struck down one sword after another. The power of each sword was comparable to the power after using the power of blood before acquiring the cold tiger's power trait.

Huge force came from the short knife in his hand, causing Timothy's steps to become disordered and his body to lose control.

Even though he used the power of blood to amplify his legs, his legs were weakened by the shock. His body couldn't help himself, he couldn't move forward, and he couldn't hide even if he wanted to.

Snap! Bang!

With three consecutive sword strikes, the dagger in Timothy's hand was blown away. The ironwood sword struck directly on Timothy's stomach, causing Timothy to fly into the air.

From Gray's perspective, he could even see Timothy's face slightly distorted by pain.

Even with the protection of a battle suit, it would be absolutely uncomfortable to bear such a sword.


The power of blood poured into his legs, which suddenly expanded in a circle, as if there were springs on his feet. Gray instantly ejected, caught up with Timothy who fell to the ground, and then kicked him.


Timothy was already not far from the platform. This time he slid out directly along the platform and fell under the platform. His purple uniform was covered with dust.

Gray was once again the only one left in the entire battlefield. The second mid-level blood warrior of the Lichens family was defeated by Gray again. Since then, the Fergus family has completely won this battle.

"The Richens family has been defeated?!"

"The winner is... the Fergus family?!"

"The Lichens family, the head of the six viscount families, actually lost!"

Under the battle platform, all the nobles and nobles looked at each other in confusion. It took a while before someone spoke up.

Even when they saw Colliver defeated by Gray, they never thought that the Richens family would be defeated.

Colliver was defeated because of his carelessness. Timothy, who came up after Colliver, would naturally not make the same mistake.

Although Gray Fergus has the strength of a mid-level blood warrior, he is still too young after all. He is less than 17 years old and has become a mid-level blood warrior. This means that he has great potential, but also means that he is extremely inexperienced.

For someone like Timothy, who has been a mid-level blood warrior for many years, as long as he is not careless, victory is almost inevitable under normal circumstances.

But now, Timothy actually lost, defeated at the hands of a boy under 17 years old, which was really hard for them to believe.

"The Lichens family was actually defeated..."

The look in Viscount Oliver's eyes changed again and again. It was really an unexpected result, and it was also the result he least wanted to see.

Even if the Lichens family, who had single-handedly defeated the Oliver family, won, it would be better than the Fergus family.

They only had conflicts with the Lichens family, but they had a real life-and-death feud with the Fergus family. After all, they had assassinated Gray.

"Timothy actually lost to Gray Fergus?!"

"In other words... the Richens family has been defeated?"

Keppel Oliver and Boyle Oliver opened their mouths and then forgot to close them. It took a long time before they spoke.

He is over 20 years old and has been a mid-level blood warrior for many years. Timothy's strength is definitely not bad. Keppel, who has fought with him, knows this best. But in this situation, he actually lost. One can only imagine how powerful this Gray Fergus is now.

This family is really under seventeen years old, so the family information cannot be wrong. Although this guy looks older, he is actually in his twenties, right

"Not only in terms of cultivation talents, but also in terms of combat..."

The look on Saroyan's face was nothing but surprise. This was already the second accident that this boy named Gray Fergus had brought to him.

It was surprising enough that he had already become a mid-level blood warrior before he was seventeen years old, but he did not expect that the opponent was also extremely talented in combat, which made him even more surprised.

"It seems that we need to discuss with my father how to increase the special resources of the Fergus family and how to reduce the special resources of the Lichens family..."

He held his chin with one hand and thought to himself.

For families that have potential and strength, they naturally need to be vigorously cultivated. As for families whose potential and strength are not dominant, they naturally have to reduce their cultivation efforts.

"You're actually about the same age as me, but you're so strong..."

And Pearly, who was next to him, also looked at the young man who was about the same age as herself with gleaming eyes.

Viscount Bessemer, Viscount Shirley, Earl Ford, and Earl Smalley all had different expressions and different thoughts, but without exception, they all must have been surprised.

Even the weakest among them is already a ferocious warrior who controls thousands of square kilometers of territory, but the surprise he received today was really quite a lot. In the past, he might not have been able to encounter him once in several years.

The most special thing is that this surprise actually comes from the same person, a boy who is less than 17 years old.

They believed that they would never give up this boy's name after today. In fact, this boy had surprised them twice in a row.

(End of chapter)