God Blood Warrior

Chapter 99: return


Early on the next morning, various noble families began to leave Sidney Castle one after another and returned to their respective territories.

Viscount Fergus did not take Gray and others to leave immediately. Instead, he took Gray and Bernal to find Saroyan. Finally, under Saroyan's guidance, they arrived at a three-story building in the castle. in front of the building.

Entering the building, he informed the servants in the building of his intention, and a total of four people including Saroyan were led to a room.

The room is surrounded by wooden cabinets, and in the middle are many long tables. On these long tables, there are various crystal vessels and some rune items of unknown purpose.

On a wooden chair, the alchemy master Duru sat carelessly, not getting up to greet the four Grays at all. Next to him stood a girl wearing a light blue dress, who was the daughter of the Marquis. Pearly.

He glanced at Viscount Fergus, Bernal, and Gray. When he saw Gray, he paused and frowned slightly.

"Boy, I remember you. You are the guy who stared at me yesterday. Why did you keep staring at me yesterday?"

If he hadn't met Gray, he wouldn't have bothered to care. Now that he had met him, he would simply ask.


When asked by Du Lu, Gray was stunned. He thought the other party didn't care about it anymore, but he didn't expect to mention it again. After thinking about it for a while, he answered.

"I saw that Master Dulu was very special, so I took a second look."

"Very special? Haha, you are discerning. Boy, you are very discerning."

Hearing Gray's answer, Dulu, who was not smiling at all, suddenly laughed and took the "special" in Gray's mouth as a compliment.

"Fortunately, I didn't anger this guy."

Gray sighed softly in his heart.

In previous lives, people like this who had outstanding achievements in certain aspects liked to think that they were special beings. Gray also thought of this and came up with this word.

"Tell me, what potion do you want to buy?"

Looking away from Gray, it was clear that Gray's matter had been revealed. Drew looked at Viscount Fergus and asked.

Unexpectedly, there was such a "conflict" between the master and Gray. Viscount Fergus was also shocked. Fortunately, the master was not angry about this but was in a good mood. He immediately replied.

"Master Dulu, I want to buy one bottle each of self-healing potion, recovery potion, violent potion, and concentrated potion."

There is no need to consider what potions you need to buy. Since you have a share, you will naturally not let go of them all. Even if you don't use them yourself, if you sell them, you will definitely make a profit.

"A bottle of self-healing potion costs 1,500 gold coins, a bottle of recovery potion costs 1,000 gold coins, a bottle of violent potion costs 2,000 gold coins, and a bottle of concentrated potion costs 1,000 gold coins, a total of 5,500 gold coins."

Dulu looked at Viscount Fergus, and Viscount Fergus understood it. He quickly poured out 55 magic coins from the small leather bag he carried and handed it to Dulu respectfully.

After Dulu counted them and confirmed that they were correct, he spoke lazily.

"Girl, go get it."

"is teacher."

Pearly responded, turned around and rummaged through the wooden cabinets against the wall to get the potion.

Soon, four slightly flat bronze vials the size of a baby's palm appeared in front of everyone. The vials were engraved with names such as healing potion and recovery potion. These were the containers that held the four potions.

Crystal containers were not used, not because the cost was too high, but because bronze containers were more suitable.

Potions such as healing potions, recovery potions, and rage potions can have a life-saving effect at critical moments, so they naturally need to be carried with you. Due to the hardness and brittleness of crystal, it is obviously very easy to be broken if carried with you.

Bronze containers are different. The texture of the metal makes them very difficult to break, and their flat shape makes them easy to carry around.

Some nobles even tied the healing potion with a rope and hung it around their necks so that they could be taken off immediately at critical moments.

After Gray and the others got the potion, they left the room.

Although he was very satisfied with Gray's words, Master Dulu obviously had no intention of treating the Fergus family differently. He was lucky enough not to be angry and cancel the Fergus family's share of the potion.

As Master Duru, it is obvious what the Marquis of Sidney would do if he wanted to cancel the Fergus family's potion share.

Seeing Gray and the others leaving, Pearly looked strangely, looked at Master Xiang Duru carefully, and said in a rather surprised tone.

"Teacher, you didn't increase the price..."

She, the teacher, has a habit of raising the price of nobles who come to buy potions, or extorting them.

The amount of increase is arbitrary, the key is to see your mood that day.

When the Lichens family came to buy potions last year, the price of the self-healing potion had increased to two thousand gold coins, the price of the recovery potion had increased to one thousand five hundred gold coins, the price of the violent potion had increased to three thousand gold coins, and the price of the concentrated potion had increased to one thousand gold coins. Five hundred gold coins.

At that time, Viscount Richens looked as ugly as if his parents had died, and he had to put on a flattering look on his face. She still remembers it fresh.

"I like that kid, so let's forget it this time."

Drew said in a good mood.

Unknown to them, the three Grays, who were almost blackmailed, returned to their residence and left Sidney Castle together with Mrs. Milan and others, as well as three members of the Harris family who were already waiting at the residence.

In the carriage of the Sidney family, there were not only members of the Fergus family, but also Kevin Harris, a member of the Harris family who had once teased Gray, but was teased by Gray in return.

At this time, the other party looked at Gray with an obviously flattering look. It was unclear whether he was calmed down by Gray's performance in the Viscount Battle, or was ordered by Baron Harris.

"Is this the magic potion?"

He was holding one of the four bottles of potion in his hand, looking at it with wonder.

When it comes to sizing up, it's just about sizing up the appearance of the potion container. The bronze vial is naturally not transparent, so you can't see what the liquid inside looks like. As for opening the bronze container and looking at it, that's impossible, because of this It is easy for the medicine to evaporate.

Gray also held a bottle of potion in his hand. This bottle contained concentrated potion. It was a small bottle of potion that could be swallowed completely in one gulp, but it was worth a thousand gold coins.

Converted into weight, it weighs thirty or forty kilograms. It is really more expensive than gold, and it is dozens or hundreds of times more expensive.

"The alchemy master is really rich!"

Gray became more and more envious of the alchemy master. A bottle of magic potion that he could just practice would be worth at least a thousand gold coins. With this skill, would he still be short of money in the future

"It's a pity that I really don't have any talent in that area!"

If he had a slight talent for memory, Gray would definitely learn to refine medicine without hesitation.

Cultivation requires a lot of resources, especially when the realm reaches a high level in the future, the Fergus family will definitely not be able to afford it.

If you can use your identity as an alchemist as an auxiliary means to assist your cultivation, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Apart from anything else, if you take a bottle of concentrated potion every few days, it will be difficult to increase your strength slowly.

Master Dulu is not weak in strength, and he probably takes drugs. Gray estimates that even the alchemy masters are not weak in strength. After all, the most important thing they lack is resources.

It's a pity that I don't have the talent in that area, so I can't force it.

If you don't have talent, if you force yourself to learn how to make medicine, you will be like yourself in the previous life. You obviously have no talent for reading, but you still have to go to school. In the end, you will pass two exams, fail to pass, and become an ordinary migrant worker, wasting his time. He didn't want to take this old path in this life.

"It's impossible to become an alchemist, at least not now. I wonder if I have the qualifications to become an weapon refiner or a rune master?"

Alchemist, weapon refiner, and rune master. These are the three most popular professions in the world. Among them, alchemist is the most popular, followed by weapon refiner and rune master.

There is no clear requirement for weapon refiners and rune masters to have super memory qualifications, so you can give it a try if you have the opportunity in the future.


Just when Gray was lost in thought, Viscount Fergus's voice rang in his ears. Gray raised his head and looked at Viscount Fergus with doubts, and saw Viscount Fergus speak.

"This bottle of concentrated potion is given to you as a reward for your performance in this Viscount battle. You can put it away yourself, or you can let me keep it for you, but don't take it casually. It is best used when you break through the realm."

"Thank you father."

Gray was overjoyed and quickly put the bottle of concentrated medicine into his leather bag. As for leaving the concentrated medicine to Viscount Fergus for safekeeping, it was really inconvenient.

And he has some other ideas about the use of this bottle of concentrated potion.

In more than a month at most, his strength should be able to reach the upper level Blood Warrior. This improvement speed is too fast, but he had to reveal it to Viscount Fergus.

Viscount Fergus controls the resources of the Fergus family. When he reaches the level of a fierce-blooded warrior in the future and needs to be implanted with a higher-level bloodline and obtain the corresponding blood skills, he will definitely need to inform Viscount Fergus. Otherwise, It will affect his cultivation progress.

This bottle of concentrated potion can just cover up your practice speed to a certain extent.

Of course, even if he didn't hide it, Viscount Fergus wouldn't do anything to him. After all, his cultivation speed increased quickly, which was a good thing, not a bad thing.

Viscount Fergus was probably even more happy to learn that he had quickly reached the rank of Blood Warrior, and he would definitely ask him to keep it secret to prevent the news from being known to other viscount families.

Seeing Gray putting the concentrated medicine into the leather bag he carried with him, Bernal and Ellis' eyes were full of envy, but they did not complain.

Because both of them knew that this time the Fergus family could win the first place in the viscount war and get a lot of resources from the Sidney family, and the one who contributed the most was Gray.

Viscount Fergus could naturally see the looks in the eyes of Berard and Ellis. However, there is only one bottle of concentrated potion. In terms of contribution and potential this time, it is most correct to use it on Gray. choose.

He coughed lightly, looked at Bernal and Ellis, and said.

"The two of you performed quite well in this battle. Bernal will be rewarded with three hundred gold coins, and Ellis will be rewarded with one hundred gold coins."

"Thank you father."

Bernal's eyes lit up. Although three hundred gold coins were much lower than the concentrated potion, it was already an extremely high reward.

"Thank you father."

Ellis couldn't help but look happy. He knew his performance in this Viscount battle. He didn't win a single victory, so it was naturally not good. Being able to get a reward of one hundred gold coins was obviously very good.

(End of chapter)