God, Don't Chase Me

Chapter 14: A copy of the enchanted land


Zi Moxue led the team quickly to the side of the dungeon teleporter in the Demonized Land, with a bunch of people behind him.

"Let me introduce it first. I am a 10th-level Shura mage, and I always announce a 9th-level templar knight in Cloth Myth. This is our gang’s think tank, Han Yurou, an 8th-level Asura mage, and an 8-level knight Xiaoyao Zun, this is Nuwa who is new to the gang and is a 5th-level deceased.

Everyone prepare, we are going to enter the dungeon of Demonized Land! "Zi Moxue talked about the situation of the five people, and after confirming that no one had any objections, she opened the copy.

This is the first time that Ye Yan has entered the copy of the edict. When you adjust the angle of view, you can see that the surroundings are barren and ruined. The ground is full of skeletons and stumps. There are red soul objects floating in the air, even the background music They all became extremely eerie and terrifying. If you are timid, you wouldn't dare to enter such a frightening copy.

Because in addition to stumps and soul objects, Ye Yan quickly saw the entity reptiles floating out from the ground one by one. The front half of the body is full of faces, the sharp teeth cover half of the face, and the back half of the body is in a ghost state. Transparent, without limbs, the only weapon is the sharp horns above the head. The monsters were reborn around them, surrounding where they stood, forming a huge encirclement, and the roar of countless monsters rang out in unison.

Ye Yan clicked to check the monster's information. Demonized Soul Teeth: Level 5, HP: 1000, Physical Attack: 80, Physical Defense 70, they are all physical attack monsters, smaller than the spider king that Ye Yan saw last time. Doubled.

"Xiaoyao and I are going to blame, you guys prepare." Deputy Chief Commoner Shinhwa said.

"Let's stay next to Nuwa sister to protect her. She is only 5th level and can easily die." Han Yurou said and ran to Ye Yan with a weapon.

The battle officially began, and everyone was still full of blood. Ye Yan also politely followed the Commoner Myth and the monsters gathered by Xiaoyao Emperor and brushed out several waves of attacks. Of course, her attacks against these monsters were soft.

But for players with higher levels than monsters, the existence of level suppression can solve monsters more easily, especially in this kind of clustered monster scene, the highest-level Shura mage Zi Moxue uses the mage tenth level skill Kuang Lei Sky Wrath, instantly can take away 20% of the blood volume of the Demonized Soul Tooth.

Commoner Mythology and Xiaoyao Emperor are responsible for the demonized soul tooth that collects the remaining blood. A few people cooperate with each other to eliminate the monster easily. They don't need Ye Yan to pull the blood. Soon the surrounding demonized soul teeth are all destroyed. Solved it.

Before their operations stopped for a few seconds, they heard a loud roar resounding through the Demonized Land. The BOSS Soultooth monster appeared in the center of the Demonized Land, with its sharp teeth opening and closing its huge mouth. Still spraying a white heat, two sharp eyes were staring at everyone fiercely.

The two sides were still separated by a distance of 4M. As a result, the Soultooth Behemoth ran in a state of 1M step, and quickly flew in front of a few people, with the sharp horns on the top of the head facing Han Yurou.

Han Yurou screamed, and hurriedly moved to dodge. As a result, the behemoth of the soul tooth also turned and chased Han Yurou quickly, leaving no room for anyone at all!

"Why hit me, my output is not the highest, this behemoth soul tooth is too good at picking people!" Han Yurou jumped to a very far place.

"Haha, it is estimated that you look the ugliest, so kill you first, don't worry, brother is here, absolutely OT it!"

Emperor Xiaoyao took advantage of the spirit tooth behemoth not paying attention, and slashed across its huge tail with a knife, drawing the hatred back to his body, Han Yurou was safe, and Ye Yan brushed it over with a healing brilliance. Yurou's blood volume returned to full blood, it can be described as a diligent nanny.

"Don't be careless, it's also a BOSS anyway. Beware of the monster's skills for a while. It will summon traps and will continue to lose blood when stepped on." Zi Moxue said with a very veteran experience.

Level 5 BOSS, hatred walks back and forth between Xiaoyao Emperor and Commoner Myth. Two people control the situation and attract the BOSS back and forth within a fixed range, and the mage is responsible for long-range attacks.

After going back and forth one or two times, the behemoth of soul tooth finally got angry, hitting the ground quickly with its body, like an open mechanism, countless bone spurs emerged from the ground, and if you didn't evade in time, you would get one. trick.

Seeing that the bone spur was about to stab the character from under his feet, he quickly jumped to the flat ground by pressing the button. The bone spur was summoned and disappeared in five seconds. There were not many places for them to stand in the entire Demonized Land.

However, Ye Yan reacted quickly, dodged from the left and right, or escaped the sudden trap attack, and then manipulated the characters to add treatment to the Xiaoyao Emperor and Commoner Myth, who had been stabbed and continued to lose blood.

"Fuck, what's the situation, the master and deputy master!" Emperor Xiaoyao yelled.

At the same time, Ye Yan also found that the object of her blessing treatment suddenly disappeared. Only Han Yu Ruan and Xiaoyao Emperor and her three people remained in the entire demonized land. The figures of Zi Moxue and Commoner Myth had disappeared.

In the face of this sudden situation, Ye Yan was a little confused. It was not difficult for five people to play a level 5 dungeon. Suddenly two people were missing, even if three level ten players were left behind, it would be dangerous!