God, Don't Chase Me

Chapter 15: I really want to despise you


"Look at the gang, cut off the power in the main area, and forced it offline, how can the three of us fight!" Han Yurou said anxiously.

"I'll go! The power was cut off. They can't get in after going online. Or you can order Yurou, we should still hope to fight in the past." Emperor Xiaoyao yelled, one of them was caught by the soul tooth without paying attention. The giant beast hit and flew out, just pressing on the bone spurs, leaving only a trace of blood skin in an instant.

Emperor Xiaoyao quickly took out the primary blood bottle to pour a few mouthfuls, pour the blood back into the residual blood, and jumped out of the attack range of the soul tooth behemoth in fear, and did not dare to deal with it.

"How can I be in charge! Sister Nuwa, let's get back together, this BOSS trap attacking us can't resist." Han Yurou said as she ran, she is a mage professional, even more dangerous than Xiaoyao Emperor. .

Ye Yan didn't have any flustered expressions. At this moment, she was seriously looking at the skills of the boss, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Do you still want to get a copy?" Ye Yan said.

"Why don't you want to! This demonized land is a weekly copy. If you lose this time, you will have to wait for the next Monday. Can't afford to lose! Sister Nuwa, do you have a way?" Xiaoyao emperor exclaimed.

"Follow me, the spirit tooth monster will pause for three seconds after using up its skills. As long as we seize the opportunity to set the fire, and then retreat from the range, we still have a chance to win in the round-robin battle."

"Okay! Then we listen to you!" Han Yu Ruan, Emperor Xiaoyao ran towards Ye Yan.

Soon the third round of Soultooth Beast Summoning Trap Bone Spurs started again, but in Ye Yan's eyes, it was nothing. Find out the regularity of the bone spurs and choose a safe route to ensure that they will not be stabbed by the trap skills to continue. Blood loss. And the Soultooth Giant Beast is a physical monster, it will not attack from a distance, it can not chase the player if it leaves its attack range. As long as three people are patient, it is impossible to kill the Soultooth Giant.

According to the method Ye Yan said, Xiaoyao and Han Yurou quickly adjusted back to their normal state, using the spirit tooth behemoth's three-second pause to attack it in close quarters.

"My God, I can't believe that the three of us can pass a copy, and no one believes it, haha!" Emperor Xiaoyao opened a war intent to increase his attack, and slashed at the soul tooth twice. On the body of the giant beast, the behemoth of the soul tooth was moved a little bit. If the power attribute is strong, the monster can be forced to overturn it, but looking at his record, the Emperor Xiaoyao laughed with satisfaction. NS.

"Xiaoyao, if you say this, I really want to despise you. We are in a crisis, and you can still laugh!" Han Yurou said with contempt.

"Ahem, too, be serious!"

"BOSS seems to be going into a violent state, what skills does it have?" Ye Yan was not familiar with this copy, so he asked in advance.

"Yes, if you are attacked by the Soultooth Giant Beast, you will fall into a soul-locked state. It takes three seconds to remove it. We only have two attack classes, and we can't change it." Han Yurou said.

"It needs to be said that only my melee class can withstand it, Yurou, you attack from a distance, and Nuwa sister can brush my blood volume." The Emperor Xiaoyao said immediately, this was also researched after they cleared the customs. The style of play, but now he is only a Templar knight. After being locked in the soul, no one will take over. The hatred of the soul tooth behemoth will definitely be transferred to the mage Han Yurou who keeps attacking it, but they can still have it. What can I do, I can only resist!

It was originally the basis of five people, reduced to three people, it is not easy to be able to beat the soul tooth behemoth to 70% of the blood, even if it really fails, it only shows that they have tried their best.

"I'll do it." Ye Yan said.

"Huh? Sister Nuwa, what did you say? I heard you right, did you come to the boss?" Emperor Xiaoyao's tone was full of doubts, a nurse with thin blood and weak output, how can it be compared with the Templar knights, this Ye Yan actually had a headache. If she attacked the profession, she wouldn't be so passive. She went up and ended the Soultooth behemoth, but she was a healing nurse, so she would of course make her say this. Surprised.

"I said I'll take the position of the knight." Ye Yan said without hesitation.

The three-second soul-locked state, and her healing brilliance has a 30-second cooldown, but each treatment added can basically bring back 30% of the blood volume, and Ye Yan added the upgraded skill points for the convenience of fighting monsters. The Dark Night Blade increases the damage value of the Dark Night Blade, but if added to the Healing Radiance, the cooling time can be reduced. Now that she has three blood bottles on her body, Ye Yan is still very sure to stabilize the blood volume of the two in the soul-locked state.

When they reached this point, they could only let go of their arms and fight with the spirit tooth behemoth, and saw the spirit tooth behemoth keep making piercing and weird sounds, and bloodshots burst from its eyes, turning blood red and hideous. , The Soultooth Behemoth enters a violent state!

Han Yurou took a deep breath, and all the characters shook. She is the only long-range attacking profession. There are two bosses on her behalf. The most important task is on her shoulders. Can she not be nervous? .

However, he was also an experienced veteran, and soon adjusted his state. After he moved into the attack range, a Pyroblast hit the soultooth behemoth, and the soultooth behemoth was about to rush towards her, and he was already prepared. The good Emperor Xiaoyao resisted, and slashed the blood-red eyes of the soul tooth behemoth, bringing up a splash of blood.

The soul-tooth beast roared, his stature rose a little, and he pushed the Emperor Xiaoyao fiercely. The Emperor Xiaoyao was held upright by his horns and fell into a state of soul-locking for three seconds, and Ye Yan followed.

She did not have the power of Xiaoyao to stop the behemoth directly. Instead, she attacked the weak point and attacked the same part of the behemoth a dozen times in rapid succession, attracting the hatred of the behemoth. Coming to himself, he added a treatment to Emperor Xiaoyao, and brought back the blood volume that was beaten.

Han Yurou knew that she had a heavy responsibility, and she didn't dare to slow down. She kept a safe distance from the behemoth of soultooth, and almost couldn't hold back the hatred of the behemoth of soultooth. The remaining 3% of the remaining blood BOSS knocked open.

Han Yurou was left with enough time to accumulate a meteorite storm with her ultimate move. The entire game screen shook, and the fragments lifted from the ground were swept in the air by the storm, and slammed on the head of the behemoth of soul tooth, Ye Yan also did his meager efforts and took the residual blood BOSS in the final blow.