God, Don't Chase Me

Chapter 48: Naked jealousy


Boom! !

Suddenly a blue lightning flashed across the night sky, and a thunder rang through the earth, reflecting the tall body of the death messenger, with blue flames lingering around him, like a translucent shield surrounding it, absorbing everyone’s attacks. There was no trace in the blue flame.

The angel of death wore a black robe and a metal mask. Only a pair of eyes of different colors exuded cold light, like ghost fire.

"Fuck! 100% invincible state, this death messenger is too awesome, can actually perform such a big move!" Some players screamed while running in horror.

"Only 3% of the death messenger's blood has been killed until the Japanese XX hit, can this still be hit? After hitting it, everyone will be useless!"

"I don't care, even if this XX is a steel plate, I will wear it every day today, kill this X and take the first kill!"

Of course, the angel of death did not have time to listen to the voices of the players, waved the huge death sickle in his hand, and harvested more than a dozen players' heads at once. There are not many melee classes that can survive on the front line. One of them The majestic knight is a player who has survived hard from beginning to end.

But fortunately, he successfully transferred the hatred of Yetu B to himself. After success, the majestic and majestic quickly moved and led Yetu B to follow his own route. When Yetu B pulled the player, he would also run with it. Enjoying the feeling of being followed by thousands of people, his self-confidence soared.

This is the OT that he snatched from Mo Jian Chang'an, and he is still guiding all players to follow him, can it feel uncomfortable!

However, just a few seconds after the majestic coolness, the running sound effects and the boss roars that followed behind were reduced, and the majestic Tangtang noticed something was wrong, and suddenly stopped, adjusted the angle of view and looked back...

Grass! The wild picture B that he just snatched from his mother was taken away by the great god!

Hua Muran, the president of the Goddess League gang, was furious at the scene, and was finally controlled by their gang members! Hua Mu was so angry that he directly chatted with Zi Moxue privately: "What's the matter with your gang? If none of you dared to rush forward, send the Great God of Chang'an out?"

On weekdays, Liqinyinuoxian and the Goddess Alliance are still peaceful and friendly, so the gang leaders of the two gangs have added friends to each other. Now when they question, they can be regarded as tearing their skin.

"Where is it, Mu Ran, you should know that our gang members are peace-loving and don't like to cause trouble. We are not good at starting things like this!" Zi Moxue returned a smile.

"It's alright, don't pretend, I know that the Chang'an Great God's team is only temporarily stationed on your side. We have better conditions here, and then the Chang'an Great God will come over." Hua Muran replied.

"Really? I don't know about that. I can't guess the thoughts of the great god. Mu Ran, help the Lord, cheer for you, let alone, I have to help the great god with his first kill." Zi Moxue blocked call.

Although Hua Muran's provocative words were not revealed, Zi Moxue's heart was actually bottomless. What if the Great God of Chang'an really wants to transfer the gang to the Goddess League or other better gangs

I remembered that the Great God of Chang'an was brought in by the sister of Nuwa. For the little wife of Liuyu from the League of Gods, the Great God of Changan obviously played well with the sister of Nuwa. Otherwise, she would not agree to join Qin Yin, so she must take good care of her. The Great God of Chang'an, the premise is to win the Nuwa sister first!

"Attention everyone, do your best to assist the Great God of Chang'an to win Yetu B!" Zi Moxue took a deep breath and said loudly.

"Fang lord, can we really do it? This wild map B is so powerful, even if the great gods fight, it won't take advantage of it, and there are so many people on the world alliance..." said gang member Beimu Chenxue.

"What are you afraid of? The Great God of Chang'an can clean up their regiment alone, and I'm just waiting for the news of the first kill, haha!" A quilt also came out to join in the fun.

Seeing the people in the gang communicating, Ye Yan wanted to explain that she was the most difficult one! She was the only one who could get the health of the Great God of Chang'an, half of which was due to hand speed, and the other half was a problem of anticipation.

That is to say, she can probably figure out where the great god will appear in the next second, and then apply the treatment in time. It is good for ordinary people to target people in such a flustered situation, and also to target a person who moves around. This The reaction cannot be developed overnight.

Players from other gangs over there stared dumbfoundedly at their picture. That dashing figure was jumping around in the canyon with strength, the full moon bow in his hand was charged and shot out, and the arrow hit the death messenger holding a sickle like Withered hands.

Just listened to a roar from the angel of death below, two ghost-fire-like eyes stared at the extremely fast-flickering figure, and the whole body exuded an extremely cold killing intent. The surrounding blue flames were more prosperous than before, and the whole was hidden. The face under the black robe also became abnormally distorted.