God, Don't Chase Me

Chapter 66: Your routine is too deep


At this moment, time seems to slow down, very slow, very slow...

Wait, isn't this plot wrong? Where did the person she knows, the cold-hearted god who doesn't talk much, go? Is she still lying in bed and dreaming

He pulled his thigh fiercely!

"His, it hurts!" Ye Yan wailed a few times.

After regaining his senses, Ye Yan rubbed his thigh and replied depressedly: "Great God, your routine is too deep, I don't understand it very well."

"Why don't you understand?" The Great God replied solemnly.

"... I, I mean, this is my first time getting married in a game, I don't know... what to do." Ye Yan said hurriedly.

"It's such a coincidence, it's the first time for me." Mo Jian Chang'an said.

System reminder: Your father-in-law Chang'an has spent 999 gold coins to choose the luxury wedding scale. You can invite 30 friends to congratulate you. Both parties invite the quota to share, please tick it.

Ye Yan was stunned. She didn't actually think about holding a game wedding. Although this is the routine that all kinds of games are used to playing, even if the great god chooses not to hold the wedding, Ye Yan feels that it is normal.

Is it possible that the name of the great god has been replaced

Ye Yan's mouth is flat. In this period when game currency is so lacking, a thousand gold coins is not a local tyrant. The lowest wedding size is only 10 gold coins, and the lower one can choose not to hold a naked marriage.

If Ye Yan had so many gold coins, it would definitely be sold to the Chamber of Commerce to earn RMB after changing hands, but... But suddenly there was someone who was willing to spend a lot of money for her, Ye Yan was still a little bit touched.

There are only 30 invitations for the wedding. The Great God is still very kind. He only selected Mr. Hou and the three of them. The remaining 27 places are given to Ye Yan to choose. Ye Yan is also a little bit confused. He is in the list of friends. After scanning it, I chose some friends who usually chat with high speculative intimacy.

After the formally checked, Ye Yan's mailbox received a set of black wedding dresses. She didn't need to extract it from the mailbox and double-click to use it. After clicking the email, the game character was automatically replaced.

Mo Jian Chang'an, who was standing next to her, was also wearing a black dress. Standing next to the black-robed Nu Wa tinkering pot looked very good, but Ye Yan knew that these were just games.

At the moment when the wedding officially opened, the two game characters were brushed by a burst of white light, and there was an extra luxurious golden chair underneath the feet where Nu Wa Tendering Pot was originally standing, supported by a stick on each side, four The NPC held the chair, and Nuwa Tinker was lifted up while sitting on the luxuriously decorated chair. Unexpectedly, Chang'an's game character was not so stable. He independently rode a dark red mount, leading the mighty one. Front end of the team.

This is also a treatment only available for luxury weddings, allowing players from both sides to take the NPC team to tour the city and control the speed of the team until the next destination.

Ye Yan's side was still full of flowers floating across the screen. She looked at herself swaying on the golden chair on the screen, and while moved, she still felt sorry for the great god of gold coins.

"Well, does the suitor bear the cost? I still have some gold coins, or should I give you some back?" Ye Yan couldn't help but say.

"Of course not, just a thousand gold coins, who told me to take advantage of marrying such a powerful lady." Mo Jian Chang'an said.

"Actually, I really don't care, even if I get married naked, I don't mind if I waste gold coins on me..." Ye Yan was embarrassed.

"Then, now the whole edict knows that I am going to marry you, how can I wrong the lady. What's more, the thousand gold coins are all deducted, and it's useless to go back, eh?" Mo Jian Chang'an said.

"Hmm..." Ye Yan looked embarrassed.

When passing by the free trading market with the largest number of people in the city of night, a group of people stood on both sides and had a lively discussion. A group of people had a particularly contemptuous attitude towards Ye Yan, a lover of great gods who suddenly came to power, and the other group was Complete envy, jealousy and hatred.

The two groups of people are sour with each other. You scold me, I scold you. The current channel is going to be noisy. Many players who were still outside fighting monsters also hurried back to the city of night to watch the birth of these three districts. First couple.

"Wow, it's so handsome and cool! It's impossible to compare! This is the first time I saw the wedding scene of the encyclical, the black is so good! And the fashion is also good-looking, I really want a set!" Roadside Said the low-key little bitch.

"Don't even think about it, the fashion card will not be released until later events, and I have seen this wedding suit fashion. Only one set will be given out when a luxurious wedding system of 999 gold coins is held!" Beimu Chenxue said.

"Huh, what's so great, isn't it just getting married and traveling around the city? They won't be the only ones who will get married in the future." I from the World Alliance always snorted.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I really can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. I don't think you people in the world alliance should come out to be a demon." The helper of the men's gang said Frozen Glory back.

"I don't care about it. I will also have a 999 luxury wedding in the future. I also want a black wedding gown. Husband, you must buy one for others~" said a female player.

In fact, Ye Yan has seen it both on the current channel and the world channel. Even Ye Yan has read dozens of blessing messages sent by her friends, but she doesn't know what to reply.

Obviously she was still single not long ago, and in less than ten minutes, she became a married woman, and the object was still a black-bellied god? How does she feel that her life is getting worse and worse in the future!

No, no, she has to calm down. It’s not the time to collapse. She saw the chat interface with the Great God and took a few more glances, only to find that the Great God just called her... Lady

Do not! She must have been dazzled, Ye Yan leaned close to the computer screen, and what she saw was indeed the word "Niangzi", and the Great God called twice.

Then how would she call the Great God, Xiang Gong? Pooh! What is she thinking about.

"Great God, I think we should be fine as usual, so I feel a little awkward." Ye Yan said.

"Why are you awkward?" Not seeing Chang'an still had that tepid rhetorical question, and Ye Yan felt like he was watching her specifically, making her even more difficult to fight.

"I mean addressing, I'm a bit..." Ye Yan said straightforwardly.

"Shy?" The question is still the same.

"No." Ye Yan still replied firmly.

"Don't be afraid, lady, I won't eat you again." Mo Jian Changan rarely joked.

This is more terrifying than eating her. Now that the trouble is like this, the entire Shengyu three districts know that she and Mo Jian Changan are tied together.

I am sorry for her alone, her momentum has been low and weak since just now, but the great god is still happily continuing to play this game routine, what kind of evil did Ye Yan do in her last life.

Should obediently listen to the great god's arrangements, and then be oppressed by the great god all the time

No, this is absolutely not possible. She wants to cheer up, she can't give up on herself, so she wants to counterattack!

"Wait, I have something to say!" Ye Yan said.

"Well, what does the lady want to say?" Mo Jian Chang'an said.

"My husband!!! I love you!" Ye Yan suffocated his breath and typed these words, and then, laughing backwards, the people in the lobby on the first floor thought Ye Yan was crazy and kept laughing.

"Well, me too." Mo Jian Chang'an said without any hesitation.

… Ye Yan's smile froze when he saw this reply. Facing her unusual address, why didn't he answer it again without even thinking about it

Ye Yan's face was redder than before, red with anger.

Halfway through the city, the penguin icon in the lower right corner flashed, and Ye Yan clicked to open it. It was news from the Tyrannosaurus squad.

Group news (Meteor Shower): @女娲补锅, picture hahaha, little pot girl, you are too cute, I have never seen a woman in charge of Changan called Xianggong.

(Jiutian Shengge): Cough cough cough, little pot girl, I didn't do this, it has nothing to do with me, it was Jian Hammer who saw it when he went to Chang'an.

(Mr. Hou): Meteor, quickly withdraw it, don't really show it to the little pot girl, how bad it is.

(Meteor Shower): How could Little Pot Girl be such a fragile person? Besides, it is the first time that Chang'an begs his wife. Of course, brothers must be happy for him. Alas, I didn’t expect that the most improbable person became the fastest to get out of the bark. The ranks of dogs.

(Don't see Chang'an): Red envelope with password

(Meteor Shower): Shut up!

(Jiutian Shengge): Shut up!

(Mr. Hou): Shut up!

Ye Yan wanted to cry and laugh again, so only the great god would use red envelopes to block people. I don't know how many red envelopes were sent. Ye Yan had a low hand and couldn't help but click.

Group news (Nuwa make up the pot): Shut up!

(Meteor shower): Damn, fucking, little pot girl is really here! Sorry sorry, I just made a joke, I didn't say anything, you didn't see anything!

(Jiutian Shengge): You're a shameless, cheap hammer. After you receive the red envelope, your words will change. What did you say just now, dare you say it again

(Don't see Chang'an): If you laugh at my lady like this, I'm not welcome.

(Meteor shower):... Your sister! Seeing lust forgotten righteousness, the ladies are all called. Have you forgotten all of our brothers who were born and died? !

(Do not see Chang'an): Lady, do you want to see his children's photos

(Meteor Shower): NO! Do not! ! ! I'm wrong! Chang'an, I was wrong, you are a man, a good man! Don't explode my photos! Otherwise I will fight with you! !

(Nuwa Hot Pot): Ahem, I think it's better to go back to the game first, and it's going to be an open-air party soon.

(Meteor Shower): Yes, yes! Little pot girl is right, let's go back to the game and have a look, we can pick up sweets in a while!

Group message: The administrator has turned on the group mute!

Ye Yan really laughed while watching the chat. It turned out that the great god was not only so black to her, but he could think of using children's photos to threaten torrential rain meteors. This trick is really amazing.

But think about his ID photo is still under the control of the Great God... Ye Yan shuddered, hoping that the day that offends the Great God will never come!