God, Don't Chase Me

Chapter 9: The slut helps the lord


So a bed of quilt and Su Heng chatted on the current channel, and everyone talked and laughed with all their strength on the Spider King. After Ye Yan filled everyone's blood volume, he followed it and brushed a few waves of Darkness. blade.

Soon the HP of the Spider King has dropped to the last 20%. Anyone who has played online games basically knows that the BOSS will enter a violent state at this time. As expected, less than three seconds later, the ground of the entire Summoning Canyon was shaking violently. Two times, the nearest trees have been directly smashed by the impact. Everyone converged their laughter. Listening to the huge roar from the Spider King, it sounded very painful, but in the next instant, the Spider King was already there. Turning over, the six limbs that were cut off by Su Mubai grew back, and rushed towards the attacker very angrily.

"Dizziness, demonization is demonization, and the legs can actually grow back, do you want to play happily!" A quilt was blasted by a flame blast technique, but the damage was reduced by half.

"The mage stands a little farther, the knight fights the fire, and the last 14% of the blood volume can be finished by everyone." Ye Yan knew that it was difficult at this time, and immediately jumped out and said in encouragement.

"Sister Nuwa is now the captain. We all listen to you. I can't wait to kill the boss and see if there is something good." said the low-key little bitch.

"There must be a good thing. Give you some copper coins, and then give you some hairy legs of the Spider King." A quilt said jokingly.

"Go, go, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!" The low-key little bitch couldn't wait to blast his pyroblast on a quilt.

Although the two were arguing with each other, their skills never stopped. One person's group attack skills cooled down, and the other immediately made up for it. Although the current fight is a bit bumpy and Ye Yan pulls blood hard, but according to this progress, they can wear out the Spider King before they lose their lives.

Obviously, the prospects are very good, but a quilt screamed: "No, someone is attacking me! The information shows that there is more than one person called Leng, what should I do?"

Ye Yan suddenly realized that the movement of just summoning the canyon must be too loud, so it attracted other players to come over. If a wild BOSS with remnant blood is found, the ambitious will of course come over to grab it, but this one who robbed and killed it. It was still smart, and instead of confronting them head-on, he chose to attack them in secret, choosing a quilt that was also a long-range attack.

[Current] VIP9 can be jb cattle b: If you are conscious, let out the remnant blood boss, or don't blame us if you die.

[Current] VIP6 Leng Muqing: Helper, why are you talking nonsense with them, just send them to rebirth with one arrow.

Three or four people emerged from the bushes on the side of the road. They were a male and female Dream Ranger, a deceased and a Shura mage. There were no Templar knights, meaning that they stood there and attacked from a distance. They are destroyed.

"Damn, the slut leader of the World Alliance! I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such shameless people, and the residual blood BOSS will grab it!" A quilt was quenched.

"That is, the courage of the four of you to challenge the five of us." The low-key little bitch also became anxious.

"Tianxia League? Is it famous?" Ye Yan asked casually in the team.

"It's okay, the leader of the World League is just the one who is okay. It's okay to be wicked. The two women next to him are Leng Muqing and Leng Mufeng, a big wife, a little wife, and a mage, Su Qianyou. , It’s not a good thing, they are all level 5 or above, and they also ran to summon the canyon to grab the wild BOSS. I really don’t know what the people who join their gang think, but they are really good at helping the leader. A lot of people have passed." A quilt explained the situation.

Seeing that the BOSS only has the last 5% of the HP, and any external attack may lead to the destruction of the group, Ye Yan wondered in his heart, the other four people are in full blood state, and all of them are all five. Half blood, so both sides are half a catty, but the most important thing is that they still have to contain the Spider King BOSS, and the hard work that persists until now can't be wasted.

"What happened, I just came back from eating, what's the situation?" The civet cat in the attic passed over.

"I'm here to pull the blood, leaving a knight and a mage to focus on the BOSS, and other people will interfere with them." Without too much time to think about it, Ye Yan said immediately.

"Yes, civet cat and I will go to kill those bastards, stay low-key and continue to brush the BOSS, but sister Nuwa, you can brush the blood of five people alone, can you do it?" A quilt asked.

"You can do it, I can do it." Ye Yan simply spoke out because it was too late to type.