God Emperor of Dragon Tripod

Chapter 1279: The quota is full


In the courtyard of the Tian-level cave, more than a thousand king-level masters stood in order. When they saw Chu Jun coming out of the cave, they immediately saluted in unison: "See the King of the Three Realms."

Ten days ago, Chu Jun launched a campaign to recruit troops. Countless cultivators came to sign up, but there was not a single king-level master. Chu Jun had been puzzled for a long time. Now he suddenly saw more than a thousand king-level masters appearing at the same time. He couldn't help but be shocked. After taking a closer look, he found that there were many familiar faces inside. They all went through difficulties together in the insect killing competition. .

"Okay, haha, they're all here!" Chu Jun laughed loudly, clasping his fists and bowing in return.

Wei Sheng, Wei Xuan and She Bin came out of the crowd, Hao Bin said with a smile: "Boss Han summons, even if it is a mountain of swords, a sea of fire, Shura hell will come, not to mention that if you participate in this battle against the Zerg, you can be exempted from fifty The insect-killing mission for many years will come even if you break your legs. Of course, the most important thing is to have fun with Boss Han." He turned around and asked loudly, "Is that right?"

"Exactly!" All the kings responded with thunderous cheers.

Wei Xuan shook his head and said: "Wrong, wrong, wrong!"

Hao Bin looked dark and said, "What's wrong?"

Wei Xuan chuckled and said, "We should call him Boss Chu now. We were deceived by the boss back then."

Chu Jun cupped his fists and said with a smile: "The change of name and disguise was actually forced by the current situation. Please bear with me, brothers!"

"Extraordinary people do extraordinary things. Whether it's Boss Han or Boss Chu, they are both our bosses!" Hao Bin said loudly: "The Gods have always regarded themselves as a higher race, damn it. We must do our best to help Boss Chu win, so that The guys in the temple know that our human and demon races are no worse than their divine race."

All the kings expressed their opinions one after another, and the atmosphere was extremely exciting.

All the women looked at Chu Jun who was surrounded by the kings with burning eyes. From his eyes to his expression, they were full of pride. This man has extraordinary cohesion and appeal wherever he goes. This is also his personality charm. location.

"Haha, I'm here to join in the fun!" A voice came in from outside the courtyard, and then a group of more than a dozen people appeared at the door. The first person in plain clothes was none other than Donghuang Zhang Jindong, and behind him were Beihuang Zimo Chou, there are Lu Li and dozens of other emperors in the Southern Emperor District.

Except for Xihuang Yinchuxi, who was killed by Chu Jun, almost all the emperors from the entire God Realm came, except for a few who were still in retreat.

Chu Jun hurried forward to greet Zhang Jindong, saluted respectfully, and said: "Chu Jun pays homage to the master!"

Zhang Jindong quickly avoided it and said: "I can't help it, the king of the three realms has killed me!"

Chu Jun said: "Master accepts a courtesy from his apprentice, but he can't do it."

Zhang Jindong stroked his beard and smiled: "I remember that the disciple I accepted back then was named Han Han, not you, the King of the Three Realms."

"Han Han is Chu Jun. Anyway, it was me who performed the apprenticeship ceremony that year. What's more, the master should also know that I was Chu Jun, the wanted criminal in the temple."

Zhang Jindong coughed awkwardly and said: "Back then, I was entrusted by the Little God King Tian...!"

Chu Jun quickly interrupted: "Anyway, the master has helped me a lot in my practice. In a word, a master is also a master, not to mention that the master has taught me a lot."

Seeing Chu Jun's resolute attitude, Zhang Jindong could only smile bitterly and said: "Then I'll give it to you!"

The cultivators around him couldn't help but secretly nodded. With Chu Jun's current cultivation level and status, it was really rare for him to be so respectful to his teacher.

At this time, Huang Bing also stepped forward to salute Zi Mochou and said softly: "Disciple, see the master!"

A smile appeared on Zi Mochou's calm and pretty face, and she nodded: "It's okay, it's okay. Chu Jun didn't bully you, right? If he doesn't treat you well, you tell my teacher, and my teacher will stand up for you even if he knows he is invincible. !”

Huang Bing's cheeks immediately flew away, she shook her head and said, "No!"

Chu Jun smiled bitterly and said: "If I dare to bully Bingbing, it's too late to hurt her!"

Huang Bing's pretty face turned even redder, and she gave Chu Jun a slightly angry look. This ice beauty rarely showed such a shy and angry expression, and she instantly stunned Chu Jun.

Zi Mochou smiled and said: "It's okay if you don't dare. If you let me know that Bingbing has been wronged in the slightest, even if he is the king of the three realms personally appointed by the great god king, I will still kill him."

Chu Jun had a very good impression of Zi Mochou, especially after learning that when the temple came to arrest people, she dared to risk falling out with the temple to protect Huang Bing.

Chu Jun smiled and said: "The Northern Emperor is overly concerned. If I had wronged Bingbing, she would have cut me off by herself without you taking action. What's more, she has a large group of helpers, so she wouldn't cut me into a pig's head." He said and swept away. The girls glanced at each other.

Everyone around them burst into laughter, the girls covered their mouths and giggled, and Huang Bing secretly spat.

Ou Luli laughed and said: "I didn't expect that the King of the Three Realms is so interesting and has such achievements at such a young age. If I have a daughter, I will marry you."

Ding Ding said playfully: "Uncle Fisherman, I'm sorry, the quota is full, you'd better find another son-in-law!"

Everyone burst into laughter again. Lu Li from Nanhuang District was dark and strong, and he was dressed in a short game. He really looked like a fisherman who went fishing all year round.

Ou Luli wasn't angry either, and said with a smile: "Little girl, look at how you are bringing disaster to the country and the people. I can't raise such a charming daughter. Even if the quota is not full, I'm afraid the king of the three realms will not look down upon her."

Ding Ding nodded solemnly and said: "You are right, that big stinky pig likes to pick the juicy cabbage!"

The whole audience burst into laughter instantly, but the girls and Chu Jun blushed. In order to prevent this naughty person from making any shocking remarks again, Ding Qing reached out and grabbed her behind, and blocked her meridians, causing It cannot speak.

After a long time, everyone stopped laughing with difficulty.

Chu Jun coughed slightly in embarrassment and said, "Are you guys here this time?"

Zhang Jindong stroked his beard and smiled: "Of course I'm here to help you!"

"Chu Jun would like to thank you in advance!" Chu Jun said in surprise.

Ou Luli waved his hand: "We are also human beings. Of course we don't want the Nine Cauldron Catastrophe to happen again. It would be better if we can destroy the Zerg race."

"Chu Jun, I heard that you made a bet with the War Palace, using the Nine Dragon Cauldron as a bet. Are you sure of winning?" Zi Mochou asked.

Chu Jun said noncommittally: "I will do my best."

Zhang Jindong said: "Although there are only a hundred thousand divine soldiers of the God of War, their combat power is extraordinary. In addition, with the seven-headed divine boat, it is not difficult to push back the Zerg for millions of miles as long as we push forward with all our strength. You must not take it lightly."

"Master, don't worry. I'm not bragging. I've never lost a bet before, and I won't bet if I'm not sure!" Chu Jun said proudly.

Zhang Jindong's eyes flashed with surprise and he said with a smile: "Since you said so, I can feel relieved. Well, by the way, the Guofeng Shenzhou consumes sacred stones. I have saved some over the years, and I asked Friend Zi I think you'll need it once you've collected some of it!" He took out a storage bag and handed it over.

Chu Jun took a closer look and found that there were nearly a million sacred stones inside. He couldn't help being surprised and happy. He put away the storage bag and then solemnly saluted the emperors: "Thank you for your help."