God Emperor of Dragon Tripod

Chapter 1283: Singing and marching forward


That night, the combined forces of the human and demon tribes advanced for more than 100,000 miles with unstoppable force. The resistance encountered by the Zerg tribe along the way was much weaker. No one expected that the Zerg tribe could be forced back so easily. If Ding Qing and others were not worried about fraud, , temporarily decided to stop the pursuit, I am afraid it is possible to advance 200,000 miles.

Inside the Diaofeng Shenzhou, the top leaders of the two clans' coalition forces gathered around the "World Viewing Cauldron" to discuss matters. From the cauldron, one could see the situation of the Diaofeng Shenzhou in all directions.

War General Jiang Bin grinned and said happily: "The battle last night was really enjoyable. I killed those Zerg tribes so much that they pissed and shit, and they were defeated for more than 100,000 miles. If Marshal Ding hadn't ordered to stop the pursuit, I wouldn't have killed them for another 100,000 miles." Down."

The others were not as arrogant as Jiang Bin. Feifei Tao frowned and said, "Don't you think it's strange? In the battle last night, the number of Zerg was obviously greater than the night before, but the resistance became weaker. I The damage of the coalition forces was reduced by nearly half compared to the night before. Less than 50,000 people were killed, and only about 100,000 people were injured."

Yang Yun nodded and said: "It is indeed very strange. Could it be that the Zerg set a trap ahead and deliberately lured us in?"

Ding Qing said: "There must be a reason for everything to go wrong. We will send the most elite scouts to investigate the situation ahead before making a decision. Tonight we can rest for a night and wait for the magic soldiers on the northern front. At the same time, we can eliminate the Zerg in the rear who may have slipped through the net to prevent the other party from attacking. There is an ambush to cut off the retreat."

When it comes to leading troops in battles, Ding Qing is a golden general and has absolute authority. Unless necessary, Chu Jun will not intervene and completely let Ding Qing and other professionals perform their duties.

"Marshal Ding, I have something I don't know whether to say or not!" Lu Chen suddenly said.


"Last night, my subordinates commanded the battle and found that the individual combat power of the Zerg tribe seemed to have weakened. If the Zerg tribe deliberately showed weakness in order to lure the enemy deeper, although it makes sense on the surface, according to the observations of my subordinates, the individual combat power of the Zerg tribe has weakened. It's not just pretending. For example, if a person is facing a death threat, if he has the intention to hide his strength, he will definitely go all out to save his life." Lu Chen said.

Everyone showed thoughtful expressions after hearing this!

Chu Jun's eyes flashed and he asked, "What does General Lu mean?"

Lu Chen replied: "Lu Chen thinks it's true that the Zerg's individual combat power has weakened!"

Chu Jun asked with great interest: "Oh, then why do you think the individual combat power of the Zerg tribe has weakened?"

"There are two reasons for the weakening of the army's combat effectiveness. One is psychological and the other is physical. If the military morale is lost and the soldiers are not interested in fighting but only want to escape, the combat effectiveness will naturally decline. Another reason is the soldiers' bodies themselves. Something went wrong, such as insufficient supply, too much hunger, etc.”

Chu Jun's heart moved and asked: "Then what do you think is the reason for the weakening of the Zerg individual combat power?"

Before Lu Chen could answer, Jiang Bin next to him slapped his forehead and said, "I understand. Could it be caused by that dandelion-like plant? The Zerg had collective diarrhea after eating it, making them dizzy, weak in limbs, and reduced in combat effectiveness. Not surprising!”

Everyone couldn't help but be speechless. Isn't this too natural

Lu Chen nodded and said: "Lao Jiang is right. Although the Zerg may not have diarrhea, I think it is very likely that they became weak after eating that plant. I specially investigated and found that the insects grew near the nest. The 'dandelion' was chewed up, so it can be concluded that the Zerg has indeed eaten that plant. "

A strange light flashed in Chu Jun's eyes. Unexpectedly, Lu Chen was still a very careful guy, and he had already investigated it quietly while cleaning the battlefield.

Luo Shanhe said happily: "If this is true, there will be hope for the extermination of the Zerg race."

Everyone looked happy!

Ding Qing said: "It's just an inference at the moment. To be on the safe side, we'll rest where we are tonight and clean out the insect holes behind the nest to prevent any bugs from slipping through. In addition..." Then he looked at Chu Jun with a smile and continued. Said: "Thank you for the hard work of the King of the Three Realms to spread the clouds and rain again, and create a green field of 100,000 miles. Then we will see the reaction of the Zerg and we will know whether that kind of plant has worked."

Everyone discussed for a while and then dispersed to rest. In the afternoon, when the sun was about to set, Chu Jun once again performed a "miracle" and summoned a heavy rain. After the heavy rain, the desert hundreds of thousands of miles ahead turned into a green ocean. Velvet flowers like snowflakes are flying all over the sky...

That night, the human-monster coalition did not continue to attack, and the Zerg did not come to counterattack, so that the human-monster coalition could calmly clean up the insect nests at the rear, killing the Zerg that escaped the net one by one, and the unhatched insects in the nest. Massive amounts of insect eggs were destroyed.

The next night, the Inverted Peak Shenzhou launched and rumbled forward, followed by more than two million monsters allied forces with murderous intent. In the end, they encountered no decent resistance from the Zerg at all, and they simply collapsed at the first touch.

By the time the sun rose in the east, the human-male coalition had advanced 150,000 miles, beyond the range of "Dandelion", and Ding Qing ordered to stop resting.

Inside the Inverted Peak Shenzhou, all the high-level officials gathered together again.

Ding Qing said: "According to last night's observation, the individual combat effectiveness of the Zerg has indeed weakened, but the number has also been significantly reduced by more than half. It is obvious that they withdrew before our army arrived. I am not sure whether it was caused by that kind of plant." "

Everyone turned their attention to Chu Jun, and the meaning was very obvious, let Chu Jun perform "moving clouds and raining, thousands of miles of green fields" again.

Chu Jun smiled bitterly and said: "There are not many spiritual springs left, and we can only use it three more times at most."

Huang Bing said: "If this method is really effective, you can ask the temple for the spiritual spring of life. I believe Lin Yueyi will be willing to give it out."

Luoshan Hedao: "The Ice Emperor is right, we are helping her get rid of pests!"

In the afternoon of that day, Chu Jun once again used the power of the rules to summon heavy rain, sow the "dandelion" seeds to a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and then continued to march at night.

This time it was even worse. They encountered no resistance at all. The combined forces of the human and demon tribes marched leisurely until they reached the edge where the "dandelions" grew. They marched westwards for another 160,000 miles that night. Counting several days in a row. , a total of nearly half a million miles westward.

Now, everyone is sure that these "dandelion"-like plants have played a role, so Chu Jun tried his best, calling for a heavy rain every afternoon, and then sowing the "dandelion" seeds.

Marching forward with great songs and thousands of miles of green fields, it was like riding a brilliant horse, throwing the divine soldiers of the war palace on the northern front to the Guawa Kingdom.

It was not until the eighth day that Chu Jun's Life Spirit Spring was finally used up, but the human-monster coalition also advanced a million miles and reached the edge of the original Gobi area.

At this time, looking around, from the edge of the Gobi to the east, there are endless "dandelions" all the way. The white flowers all over the mountains and plains are particularly eye-catching. When the wind blows, those white velvet flowers carrying powerful life will float into the depths of the Gobi. , ready to take root and develop new "colonies".

The allied forces of the human and demon tribes were stationed on the edge of the Gobi. The inverted-peak Shenzhou, as towering as a mountain, was suspended in the sky above the military camp, emitting a divine light.

At this moment, the whole military camp was laughing and smiling, because the bet between the King of the Three Realms and the War Palace had been won.

Inside Shenzhou, all the senior officials gathered together, and everyone looked happy.

Zhang Jindong stroked his beard and smiled: "Good boy, I really have you. I didn't expect to win so easily."

Chu Jun pointed to the image in the "Viewing the World Cauldron", where you could see the white velvet flowers floating in the air outside, and said with a smile: "It all depends on this white elf."

Yang Yun said happily: "Now we can confirm that this plant does have a restraining effect on the Zerg!"

Ding Qing nodded and said: "At the beginning, the Zerg must not have known that this kind of plant would weaken their combat effectiveness, so they ate it lavishly. Later, when they discovered the problem, they did not dare to eat it. When they saw this kind of plant, they ran away, so Except for the first few days, we encountered no decent resistance at all.”

Zi Mochou said calmly: "With this plant, there is hope to exterminate the insect race. King of the Three Realms, let's go to the insect realm in one go."

Chu Jun spread his hands and said: "I have used up all the Spiritual Spring of Life on hand. However, the ability of these plants to spread is terrible. Even if there is no Spiritual Spring of Life, after a few years, they will occupy the entire Gobi area. ”

Ding Qing rolled her eyes and said: "Anyway, we have won the bet, so we will rest for a while and wait for the war palace warriors on the northern front to catch up before making the next move."

Jiang Bin laughed and said: "Those turtles are still at least 300,000 miles away. If they hadn't taken advantage of us, they might still be fighting the Zerg 600,000 miles away."

Indeed, in addition to the great victory in the first battle, the war palace soldiers on the northern front could be said to have fallen into hard battles later on. They only advanced 20,000 miles on the second night. It wasn't until the human-male coalition forces on the southern front advanced with great success, and the Zerg on the northern front were also affected, and began to retreat uneasily, that the war began to go smoothly. Despite this, the advancement of the northern front was still far behind that of the southern front. When news came that the human-demon coalition had reached the edge of the Gobi region, the war palace's army was still more than 200,000 miles away from the Gobi region. The battle led by Lieyang Baizhan The senior officials of the palace sighed helplessly. They lost the bet this time, and lost completely.

Inside Shenzhou, everyone was laughing and chatting when Shen Xiaobao and Yun Xuan hurriedly walked in from outside.

When everyone saw that the two of them looked strange, they all fell silent!

Shen Xiaobao walked up to Chu Jun and said, "Boss, Yun Xiaoji discovered something, you'd better go and take a look!"

Chu Jun raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice: "Lead the way!"

Yun Falcon and Shen Xiaobao quickly turned around and walked. Chu Jun followed them, and everyone followed suit.

A group of people left the Inverted Peak Shenzhou, and under the leadership of Yun Falcon and Shen Xiaobao, they flew nearly a thousand miles in the air and landed outside an insect nest.

"Your Majesty, King of the Realm, please come with me!" Yun Falcon took the lead and walked towards the insect nest. Chu Jun led dozens of people to follow behind and met many coalition soldiers standing guard along the way.

Yun Falcon explained as he walked: "In accordance with Marshal Ding's order, we will clean up all the insect nests in the Green Zone, kill all the insect nests that have slipped through the net, and destroy all the insect eggs. Along the way, the little ones A strange phenomenon was discovered.”