God Emperor of Dragon Tripod

Chapter 1309: Final words


My hometown is in a rural area in a third- and fourth-tier county in Guangdong. It is neither beautiful nor beautiful, nor does it have any connection with outstanding people. It is better than not having the hustle and bustle of a big city, the air is fresh, and you can open the window to a large farmland, and you can be accompanied by the morning singing of birds every day. Wake up, maybe this is the only place that codewriters can show off—the freedom to choose where to work.

We have the custom of sweeping the dusk during the spring equinox here. Yesterday happened to be the vernal equinox. People who went out to sweep graves could be seen in the fields, villages and mountains. This annual event to commemorate ancestors will last from the Spring Equinox to Qingming Festival.

At this moment, the sound of firecrackers can still be faintly heard in the distant hills.

I remember that the first chapter of "The Nine Cauldron God Emperor" was uploaded in about the same month. It was around the beginning of April 2013. It has been two full years now. I realize that time flies by. It's not just cultivation that I don't know how many years have passed. It's been two years just by typing on the keyboard!

I remember that I ended my squandered college life in 2010 and worked for a start-up company in Guangzhou. It was an unbearable time to look back. With a meager salary, I spent almost three hours commuting to and from get off work every day. I had to take the subway to work and take the bus after get off work. I ate box lunches and instant noodles every day. When buying a mobile phone, I had to weigh the "..." in my wallet. "Grandpa Mao" is enough for next month's rent.

This is not the worst part. I, a newly graduated rookie, am the only game programmer in the company. From design to development, from client to server, I have to handle everything by myself. I don’t have any seniors to lead the way. I have to figure everything out on my own, which is extremely stressful. , I thought about leaving my pick and running away countless times, but unfortunately I could only give in for five buckets of rice and persisted hard.

Every day after get off work, I pass by the Welfare Lottery sales point, and I can't help but buy a bet. My idea at the time was very simple, I just hope to win a big prize, and then I would say to the boss with my head held high: "Brother, I'm done with it. Goodbye!"

However, Chizi obviously does not have the halo of the protagonist. He is envious of Chu Jun, and the pillar of luck is as high as the sky!

By chance, I saw a call for essays on the Zongheng Chinese website, so I gave it a try with some trepidation, registered an account, and then uploaded my first book, "The Legend of Fairy Fantasy".

That year was 2011.

At that time, I went to Zongheng.com for the 500 yuan full-time offer. After uploading for a while, an editor from Zongheng unexpectedly found me through QQ to sign a contract, so I signed the contract happily. From then on, apart from going to work, I did nothing but code words. On weekends, there is no entertainment. In just one month, this handsome guy has become shabby and unshaven.

It was a painful and happy time, especially when I received the 300 yuan for perfect attendance in the first month. Hard work always pays off.

"Fantasy" was the first book that Chi Zi practiced. He finished it in a hurry after writing one million words, because he heard that the second book could be bought. At that time, I felt that a buyout was quite good. Calculated on a thousand words/yuan basis, as long as I wrote, I would make money. Now it seems that it is the same as selling my blood and sweat to capitalists, except of course for the prices of those great masters.

At the beginning of 2012, Chizi's second novel "Peerless Immortal" was uploaded. The contract signed at that time was a buyout price. If he updated 10,000 words a day, his income could catch up with the company's meager income, so Chizi resolutely quit his job to work full-time on coding. Character. At that time, I was so carried away by my ambitions that I believed in the king, the general, and Xiang Ning. I believe that I can become a great god one day.

It turns out that in fact, the great god is not that easy to be, at least one in ten thousand.

The most terrible thing is that when you regard an interesting thing as a means of making a living, it will gradually become boring, and you will even get tired of resisting it. Being able to become a great master not only requires luck, but also the ability to endure loneliness. Not to mention coding every day for several years, anyone who can persist in updating for half a year is a great person.

"Peerless" was bought out by Baicai, and with Chizi's handicapped coding speed, the income may not get better. The only advantage is that he can work in his hometown, saving money on rent, water and electricity. Fortunately, "The Unrivaled" did pretty well and doubled its price by the mid-term.

Because of the experience of this price increase, Chizi became impetuous and wanted to get greater returns, so he hurriedly finished a new book with more than two million words.

However, the new book did not go smoothly. After many twists and turns, "The Nine Cauldron God Emperor" was finally successfully signed. However, the price was far less than expected, and the psychological gap was huge, but I had to accept it because of my livelihood.

Therefore, the writing of "Jiuding" was not smooth at the beginning, and in the rush, the positioning of the protagonist's character was not well thought out. That is not what I am good at, so it may be a bit awkward for you to see the protagonist's character in the book. In addition, the framework layout of "Jiuding" is grander than the previous one, and it is more difficult to control. There was a period when the writing almost collapsed. Chizi even had the idea of dropping the eunuch, but he persisted in order to survive.

Fortunately, I persevered. Every time a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, it has to go through the pain of molting. I persevered and withstood this baptism, and I have improved in controlling the scene. At least, if I were asked to write another six-story novel, A million-word novel should be no problem.

Do something and get something worth it.

Two years have passed since the upload of "Jiuding" to the end now. Unknowingly, I have become a husband and a father, with two more heavy responsibilities on my shoulders.

In 2015, I told myself to work hard and improve, hoping that the new book would make further progress.

Wishing you all the best in the new year.

People by the pool

March 22, 2015

PS: The new book is in the fantasy genre, with a relaxed and humorous tone. As for when it will be available to everyone, Chizi may not know yet. Please don’t take "Jiuding" off the shelves yet, and pay attention to updates at any time. We will notify you as soon as possible if there is a new book. Thank you all book friends for your continued support.

This stop is not the end. I hope I can sail out to sea with you all, through thick and thin!

In addition, I would like to thank book friends yinglau and 070606 for their rewards.

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