God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 113: The Death of the Mountain Ghost


More than 9 years ago, when Yao Zu was in Columbia University and called Wen Jing for a day, the busy tone from the other side was still the same. He was nervous like an ant on a hot pot.

Obviously everything should have been arranged properly, and I threatened the old man by not returning home three months ago, making him accept the abolition of the rule that the nobles of Baylor Village cannot intermarry with untouchables, and take care of Wen Jing's grandson who is about to give birth.

Yaozu felt that this was a sure-fire deal, after all Zhenting was his only son, and even though Wen Jing was a pariah, they still had their grandson in their womb. The most important thing is that on his 18th birthday, the old man had already told him about the sale of the secret area of Baylor Village. It was an unknown sea of poppies, and it was the poppies cultivated by the best flower species handed down from the Qing Dynasty. The outstanding natural environment of Upper Baylor Village can be described as the highest level of drug raw materials in the world.

The goods from Baylor Village are directly supplied to the Silver Triangle every year, in exchange for hundreds of millions of rich returns. This is the most profitable and darkest business in Baylor Village. Knowing the existence of the secret realm, there are no more than a hundred people in the village, all of whom are nobles.

Every time the successor of the village head reaches the age of 18, he can learn this secret, and when he succeeds to the village head, he will get the only key to the secret realm, and grasp the lifeline of the prosperity or decline of Baylor Village.

The village head always cruelly sends the terminally ill and dying people among the untouchables to the secret realm, helping to manage the flower sea and extract opium until they die in it.

Yaozu was shocked when he heard the news, but for the sake of his wife and children, he accepted the family's original sin and promised to continue to take care of Huahai, and tried to find another way out of Baylor Village after returning from school. It is the approval of the wife and children.

But recently he suddenly cut off contact with Wen Jing. Even though the due date was approaching, Wen Jing didn't even make a phone call.

Just when Yaozu was anxious to call his family, his father called him first.

"Yaozu, you have to calmly listen to what I'm going to say... Wen Jing died in childbirth, and the child... didn't keep it."

Yaozu couldn't believe his ears at all, his whole body collapsed in an instant, Shen Ming understood that feeling. Fortunately, Shen Ming still has a target for revenge, but Yaozu can do nothing but blame himself.

He flew back to the country and rushed to the mourning hall erected in Baylor Village. Zhen Ting is still benevolent, although Wen Jing did not enter the Prince's Mansion, but Zhen Ting still recognized the daughter-in-law and let the mourning hall be erected in the Prince's Mansion.

Yaozu couldn't kneel in the mourning hall, and on the day of the funeral, he went crazy and made a fuss, accusing his father of not taking good care of his wife and children. Just after the first seven days, Yaozu ran back to the United States, broke up with his family from then on, and quarreled with his family for a year. The pain has not healed, and he even made an oath to take the old man's life. military units learn the art of killing.

"You are really your father's good son. If your wife and child die but you want to blame your father, why don't you die? If I were your father, I would rather masturbate and paint you on the wall than let you be born." After listening to all the stories of Yaozu, Shen Ming didn't have any sympathy, only disgust.

As the saying goes, a son does not hate his father, and a dog does not think his family is poor. Father and son should have this kind of emotion that transcends the rights and wrongs of the world. People who kill their relatives for righteousness still accept moral and ethical judgments behind their backs.

"You don't understand anything at all. I'm not angry, but the old man planned from the beginning to make my wife and children disappear!" Yaozu gritted his teeth and said, "Originally, the old man let Wen Jing's mourning hall be set up in the prince's mansion. I am very grateful Yes, but the strange thing is, since I recognized Wen Jing as a daughter-in-law, why didn’t her name be kept in the genealogy, but her body was buried in our family’s ancestral grave. The old man is the most respectful of feudal rules. Our ancestral grave is worse than killing him. Just the day before the first seven days, I dug up Wen Jing's coffin in the rain...it was empty!"

Shen Ming trembled at this moment, but it was definitely not because of this emotional story, just because 30 minutes away, in front of a slingshot game booth, a group of people were laughing and playing ducks for prizes. Among them was a man in a black windbreaker who stood still without bowing. The younger brother in line behind him was urging him, and the voice overlapped with the voice in Shen Ming's earphones.

found it!

The action of Shen Ming raising his hand and drawing the bow is the same as the efficiency of Yaozu turning around and drawing the bow. Yaozu, who is also equipped with a modern military slingshot, fully draws the bowstring. Perhaps his hand strength is only enough to support him to pull 10 rubber bands, and the lethality can only cover 30 meters, but for the two of them, the difference in weapons, strength, and reaction almost does not exist in this space of 30 meters.

Shen Ming and Yaozu let go of the bowstring at the same time, two steel balls of the same size repelled each other and flew, and collided with each other in mid-air, and there was a loud "pop!" The flames of the two steel balls changed the trajectory of the flight, one broke the square wooden pillar of the booth next to it, and the other smashed the huge vase on the booth.

The sudden change frightened the people around to shout, at a loss and no way to escape. They have not received evacuation training, and no buildings in the village have been hit by planes, and their awareness of anti-terrorism safety is weak.

"Get down!" Shen Ming's thick voice resounded through the sky, giving the best command to a group of bewildered passers-by.

All the passersby instinctively fell to the ground, leaving the street to two snipers holding slingshots.

The killing method of the slingshot is far more variable than that of the sniper rifle, but changing the way of output can form a completely different shooting effect. For example, Yaozu maintains a high-mobility dodge with his extraordinary lightness skills, while his arms use half-hanging instant shots Speed seconds. Maybe this kind of steel ball bullet is not enough to penetrate Shen Ming's body, but it is also enough to break his bones and sink into soft tissues.

Shen Ming doesn't like to jump around, and he always pulls the full string every time he shoots, and the efficiency of one shot per second makes the steel balls he shoots like Barrett's armor-piercing warheads, punching Yaozu's wooden booth as a cover The size of the holes, just looking at the appearance of sawdust splashing is quite scary.

As for Yaozu's continuous shooting, Shen Ming dodged most of them with the priority of ballistic judgment, some of which were really impossible to dodge, and it was not too difficult to block them with his strong muscles.

The two shot at each other for half a minute, and Yaozu's disadvantage was exposed. He drew too much in a unit of time, and his muscle strength was no longer able to maintain the highest level.

Although Shen Ming was hit by no less than 4 steel balls, the places where he was hit were bruised and swollen, and blood beads were squeezed out from the pores, but it basically did not affect his ability to draw the bow.

"Yaozu, you're done." Shen Ming kept his full strings and walked forward with a limp posture. His right calf was the heaviest, and he couldn't walk freely.

And the mountain ghost was so tired that his fingers were twitching, and he sat on the ground with his back against a light box of a wooden signboard to rest.

"Fuck! It's the first time in my life that I lost a slingshot... What the hell kind of monster are you? Isn't it a sniper? Why do you even know the hard qigong in melee combat?!" Yaozu lost convincingly.

When the steel ball that he was confident could penetrate the thin iron plate hit Shen Ming, all he saw were partial bruises, and his heart stopped immediately. This guy has no death spot at all, he is a monster born for killing.

"I promised the village chief to save your life as much as possible, but I just try my best." Shen Ming ordered coldly, "Drop your weapon, put your head in your hands, and come out and surrender."

"You won, but you can't change anything." Yaozu's slingshot was thrown to the street beside him.

According to Shen Ming's instructions, Yaozu walked out from behind the wooden signboard with his head in his hands. The 178-headed Yaozu looks handsome. If it weren't for the solid muscles that he has trained to bear weight, he would have thought he was the reading man next door .

Probably because they are similar in age, and probably because they are all snipers, Shen Ming still has a little sympathy for the man.

"I don't need to change anything. I'm just a bodyguard, not a savior. The contract stipulates that I only need to keep my employer alive. Your life or death has nothing to do with me." Shen Ming explained.

"It's a pity, your skill in killing is better than your skill in protecting people, being a bodyguard is ruined." Yaozu sighed.

"What do you mean?" Shen Ming couldn't detect any sign of Yaozu's compromise, his expression was too relaxed.

"Your life and death! It has something to do with me! Go to hell!" Feng Quan, who had been waiting for a long time from behind the booth at the side, held two long needles behind his hands and rushed towards Yaozu vigorously.

"Don't!" Shen Ming was distracted for a moment, and the corner of Yaozu's mouth showed a smug smile, and he pressed a small and exquisite remote control in his hand behind his head.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The matrix-style explosion started from the temple fair street, leading every trash can in the entire Baylor Village to be blown up into the sky, and the huge white smoke instantly turned Baylor Village into Silent Hill + The imperial smog version, the visibility is less than two meters.

Explosions, thick smoke, screams... Besides Double 11, what else can make people so crazy? Those lying on the ground also quickly stood up and fled around in a daze. All of them had only one thought in their hearts, go home quickly. The ridiculous thing is that more than 80% of them can't find their way home, and all kinds of chaos and stampedes happen everywhere in this village.

"Fuck! Let him escape!" Depressedly, Feng Quan brought Yaozu's trench coat and came to Shen Ming.

"No, he didn't even think about escaping... Tiaohulishan! Go back!" Shen Ming yelled and ran towards the Prince's Mansion, but the noisy crowd, unfamiliar terrain, and thick fog all slowed him down. Angle.

The fog cage village prepared by Yaozu was filled with electronic interference dust, and even all communication equipment was paralyzed.

Five minutes later, Yao Zushun with a pistol sneaked into the prince's mansion through the secret door he dug before. He didn't need to look for the location of Zhenting at all, because his living habits made him write in the study room at this time when he would sacrifice to heaven tomorrow. funeral oration.