God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 13: The killer strikes


"My eldest lady, do you have to eat like this?" Shen Ming held the cone in front of him with both hands. But Meng Qi used her fingertips to brush away the hair hanging from her ears, bent over and took a bite, licking or biting the ice cream, the melted liquid flowed down the cone to Shen Ming's hand, wet, sticky...

"It's just a taste, why are you so stingy?" Meng Qi was still making a "popping" sound when she spoke.

"If you like it, I'll give it to you." Shen Ming stuffed the whole cone into Meng Qi's hand.

"So nervous? Haven't you ever been in love?" Meng Qi finally sat up and wiped off the ice cream from her mouth, her mouth was almost numb from the cold.

"The past ten years have been very busy, and I have never had time to fall in love. However, there is a girl who always pretends to be my wife. I don't know if that counts as being in love?" Did not learn how to control women.

"Do you like her?" Meng Qi's small face became tense.

"Like, but not love, more like friends, partners, comrades in arms."

"Then why didn't you reject her?"

"Because she will be killed, I can't beat her. To be precise, I really don't know how strong a human being can defeat her in this world. But we have been out of contact for half a year, and she should be dead." Shen Ming said When I said this, I felt a sense of relief.

For the first time, Meng Qi felt that she was good or bad, and she was actually happy that someone else's "wife" died.

"Enough rest! Come on the second round of roller coaster! Roller coaster!" Meng Qi pulled Shen Ming to the roller coaster area with full energy...

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Xiao Yi, wearing a Bluetooth headset, dialed Shen Ming's phone.

"Friend, I've been working so hard to find you a murderer. Is it really okay for you to have fun in the playground all day?" Xiao Yi saw Shen Ming's action records in Chasing Soul, and she felt trapped. .

"Have you found it yet?" Shen Ming sat in the back of the taxi and looked out the window. Meng Qi was already tired from playing, so she slept with a mask on his lap. The co-pilot was sitting on the big grinning rabbit, which was a bit cautious for the driver.

"There are 5 suspicious persons in total. The first 4 have their alibi this morning. Only the last driver named Zhao Qian is left. He is 28 years old and weighs 180 catties. He looks very similar to the one you described. I am going to see him. The elevator at home." Xiao Yi took out the pistol from her waist, and finally felt like a criminal police investigation.

"Be careful." Shen Ming reminded.

"Don't worry, besides you, are there any men I can't deal with?" Xiao Yi said as she walked out of the elevator.

This is an old building, and the design of 8 households per elevator is definitely a nightmare for office workers. Zhao Qian's house was easy to find. The gaps under the wooden door were filled with advertisements for "free loans", "Miss Bao", and "heavy money for a child", so tight that even cockroaches couldn't get in or out.

Everything showed that the head of the household hadn't been back for a long time. Xiao Yi stepped forward and kicked back, and her 105 cm long legs kicked the door open with a bang like a hammer.

Turning on the light switch, Xiao Yi's hairs stood on end in the small room. Leftover instant noodle boxes and rubbish are piled up in the corner, and mice are holding a banquet on it. Mushrooms grew on the musty bedding thrown in the corner.

It's just such a room in a top-notch dead house, but the walls are covered with Meng Qi's portraits and newspaper clippings. From the corner news when she just debuted, to the full-page reports during the scandal period, it's simply a crazy collection of Meng Qi.

What was even more frightening was that on one wall, it was written in bright red paint, "Meng Qi, I want to die with you".

"Hey, are you still there?" Xiao Yi asked softly.

"No, let's talk."

"That guy is very perverted. Maybe he sent the threatening letter. Do you want to call the police? I'll ask a friend to issue a warrant."

"No need, a bodyguard looking for a policeman is as ridiculous as a gay man looking for a woman. You've done a good job, come back. I might arrive later than you." Shen Ming looked at the rear-view mirror in front of him while speaking. It was the driver's nervous face that was shown.

Realizing that Shen Ming was looking at him, the driver shrank his neck again, and quickly escaped from the rear-view mirror.

"No way? You seem to be faster than me." Xiao Yi took out her mobile phone and looked at the positioning system. Shen Ming hung up the phone before she finished speaking, "Mysterious... No... Could it be that this guy wants to Take Loli to open a room?!"

The plot was not what Xiao Yi had guessed. The taxi that was running on the coastal road heard a humming sound shortly after Shen Ming hung up the phone.

"Master, is there something wrong with your engine?" Shen Ming asked with a smile.

"Oh, yes, it's an old problem. This broken car is as good as it is, and it will be fine when I fix it." The driver said and drove the car into the downhill by the side of the road, "Please wait, I'm sorry gone."

The chubby driver skillfully opened the hood, but did not go to repair it, his eyes fixed on the iron rod next to the engine.

"Now that you have the consciousness to kill, you should prepare something decent. A penetrating blunt weapon like an iron drill is not a key part, and the wound is very easy to deal with. I know that it is not easy for the Celestial Dynasty to get a gun, but the Mountain Ax Serrated knives are easier to find, right?" Shen Ming leaned against the car like a ghost, "Am I right? Zhao Qian."

"You... how do you know it's me?" Zhao Qian instinctively quickly pulled out the iron rod and hugged it in his arms.

"The hood is newly replaced, and the scratches on the front bumper are the same as in the morning. It's considered your care to tidy up Meng Qi's decorations in the car, but can you change your clothes, please? You're all dressed up..." Shen Ming sighed and twisted his neck twice, and walked towards Zhao Qian who was holding the murder weapon.

"What do you want to do? Don't come here!" The tense Zhao Qian sweated his back, holding the iron rod and facing Shen Ming. Although he is 180 cm tall and weighs 180 cm, he is obviously puffy. He has nothing but driving and masturbation Experience in fighting, let alone killing.

"Don't you think your request is too much? You were the one who followed us in the morning and deliberately picked us up at night, but told me not to come?" Shen Ming took off his suit and unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt as he walked. , just don't want the blood to stain his clothes, "You are lucky, I can't kill people now, but in order to ensure that you will not pose a threat to my employer, I have to leave some permanent damage to your body, Do you like to have your tendon broken, or your hamstring? I won’t move the kidney, and I’ll leave it to you to exchange for an apple 6!”

"Bastard! Why do people like you get Meng Qi's love! Obviously you don't understand her at all! You don't understand Meng Qi's songs at all! She is such a clean and straightforward girl, you can't protect her at all! You can only Hurt him like a scumbag! You must die!" Shen Ming was taken aback, obviously he made a mistake, Zhao Qian in front of him was obviously full of hostility towards him.

"Die!" The clamoring Zhao Qian mustered up his courage, held the iron drill tightly and stabbed at Shen Ming, but Shen Ming pinched the iron drill with two fingers and snatched it from him. With one kick on Zhao Qian's chest, the fat man rolled along the slope like a ball onto the sandy beach 10 meters away, bleeding from his nose.

"Since you attacked me so seriously, you should give your opponent the respect you deserve." Shen Ming flicked his hand, and the iron rod in his hand plunged into the asphalt road and stood up.

But just when Shen Ming was about to "work", Meng Qi grabbed his arm.

"Are you awake? The next part is a bit bloody, don't read it." Shen Ming flicked Meng Qi's hand, but was stopped when he was about to move forward, "What are you doing?"

"Don't hit him, he is my friend." Meng Qi said firmly.

"You know him?" Shen Ming asked in surprise.

Meng Qi took off the mask on her face, quickly ran to Zhao Qian, squatted and handed a handkerchief to him who was suffering from nosebleeds.

"I'm sorry, my bodyguard was so dumb that I surprised you. I was too tired to recognize you just now. You should be the fan who presented flowers on stage at my first concert, right?" Meng Qi smiled.

"You...remember me?!" Zhao Qian was so moved that he cried, completely forgetting the pain in his chest.

"Please, I haven't played a lot of concerts. You had to get a VIP ticket to present flowers on stage. You can tell from your attire that you are not a rich man. You must have spent a lot of money, right?" Meng Qi said apologetically. I stuck out my tongue.

"Meng Qi, I love you! I love you so much! I listen to all your songs over and over again! Those rumors, those who hurt you are beasts! They should all go to the ground..." Zhao Qian became more and more excited as he spoke, But before he could finish speaking, Meng Qi had already slapped his head hard.

"Don't curse others casually, it's very rude. Thank you for liking my song, and it's okay for loving me, but there are only two things you can't do." Meng Qi solemnly raised two fingers, "1, don't point at me. 2. Don’t decide for me who to like and who to hate. See the cold-faced bodyguard behind me? I like him not because he is rich or romantic, but because he gives me safety Feeling, I haven't had this feeling of being protected for many years, so if you dare to hurt him, I will never let you go, listen clearly!"

Meng Qi's roar made Zhao Qian nod in fright, obviously he didn't know Meng Qi as well as he claimed.

"How good this is, live a good life, continue to listen to my songs, and if you have some spare money, go to the finals, I will definitely win the championship." Meng Qi patted Zhao Qian on the shoulder, got up and ran back to Shenyang. Ming's side.

"What is this now?" Shen Ming felt a little powerless as if his job had been robbed.

"Troubles that can be solved with your mouth are fisted. Didn't you also kiss me with your mouth yesterday?" Meng Qi said arrogantly.

"You won, anyway, go home first, today is really hard." Shen Ming was also tired from the bottom of his heart.