God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 16: God's beautiful angel


Tonight, apart from the "Voice of China" venue, there are also peripheral online gambling companies that are the busiest. The odds about the championship have been fluctuating. After the third song was sung, Meng Qi's odds were lower than Green Tea's for the first time, reaching 0.7 to 1, and Green Tea's odds even reached a historical high of 1.5 to 1.

Such subtle fluctuations in odds are all because the third song fully exposed the flaws of green tea singing. But gambling is like buying stocks. The shortlist at which point depends on calm complex analysis and control of the situation. As the largest gambling group in Asia, "Jinyao" is the one who launched this gambling game, employing as many as 50 computer pickers, plus more than a thousand horsemen from all over the country to create a huge peripheral system.

And at this critical moment, many professional gamblers took advantage of the fluctuating odds and invested a lot of money in one go. Most of them wanted to seize the last chance to buy Meng Qi, after all, the difference in singing skills was so obvious. But among these funds, there was a strange thing, a total of 5 million yuan, which was directly bet on green tea through the Internet, and even the order taker who was handling the order was taken aback.

You should know that such a large order is generally not placed through the Internet. The funder can go to well-known bars in various places to find real horses to bet, which is more secure. Forget about it...

The third song ended, and it was time for Kuaizuihua to insert commercials and singers to prepare. Shen Ming finally took off the earplugs and stood up.

"What are you doing?" Asking Shen Ming has become Xiao Yi's habit.

"Urgent urination." Shen Ming said with a wicked smile.

Not long after Shen Ming left, green tea in a white shirt, black trousers, and black hat came out from the backstage to the rhythm of Michael Jackson's "Bitch Jane". This is her finale, and it is also a nirvana that she has been training for half a year, but has never been announced to the public.

Her dance moves were personally directed by Michael Jackson's former choreographer teacher, and they are 98% similar to the world king who has gone west. Green Tea's dance skills are definitely not obtained through plastic surgery, such as moonwalking, 45-degree inclination, high-speed in-situ rotation, standing on tiptoes... These are even non-standard movements for the backup dancers, but Green Tea's performance is quite tense, just like Michael Jackson's soul body.

Anyone with eyes knows that this is definitely the imitation of the best Mai-style dance in Asia and even the world. Hearing the hoarse shouts and screams from the audience, you can understand how awesome green tea is.

After a song is finished, there is no scoring right away, which can only be counted by the live audience and the audience in front of the TV text message evaluation. Every 100,000 text messages with an independent number is counted as 0.1 points, and those who come out first have a greater advantage, because the performance with enough passion will make the audience who don't know the truth use which mobile phone to vote out, even if Meng Qi's performance later Well, re-voting with this number will also be considered invalid.

Being able to play first shows that Green Tea's backstage has even extended its tentacles to the stage of directing the finals...

Before going on stage, Meng Qi already knew the result. But as a star, you must have respect for the stage, even if you lose, you must finish the last sentence with a smile on your face.

"The runner-up, here I come." Meng Qi took a deep breath, filled her small chest with air, and led a group of backup dancers onto the stage with a smile on her face. This will be the curtain call performance, and she must do her best.

Looking at the eyes of those mentors, they were all full of regret. It was clear that Meng Qi's singing skills had broken the green tea, but the victory still belonged to the green tea. Sometimes we can only accept the reality and do our best in the established reality, this is life.

But just before Meng Qi had already set her pose and the accompaniment was about to start, there was a click, the lights on the stage were all dimmed, and even the accompaniment stopped abruptly. The audience in the venue whispered, it stands to reason that this level of live broadcast will not have such a malfunction.

The on-site choreographer went crazy, yelling in the headset, "Stage control room! Call me back! What the hell is going on! Are you all dead? Give me a breather! Hey!"

A group of mobile security guards also rushed to the gate of the stage control room, but the door was locked from the inside, and a broken toothpick was inserted into the keyhole, which could not be opened at all.

"Kick me! Hit me! Explode with a bomb! Open that damn door for me!" the director shouted at the top of his lungs.

More than a dozen bodyguards bumped into the iron gate in turn. For the sound insulation effect, the gate of the stage control room was made of three-finger-thick alloy. Not to mention that it was strong enough to prevent bullets, the interior was surrounded by four spare parts weighing 600 catties. The stereo is dead, even if it can prevent bombs, maybe

As many as a dozen original staff members in the room were all tied up into rice dumplings with tape and thrown in the corner, all of them staring straight at the murdering demons typing on the keyboard.

Tens of seconds later, the large screen on the completely black stage background suddenly lit up, without any light and shadow effects, and only wrote a sentence, "Sing the song you want to sing, it's really good - the man who trespassed on your heart ".

"Smelly bodyguard, is there anything else you dare not do?" Meng Qi couldn't help laughing, tears rolling in her eyes. As he said, Shen Ming knew what she wanted better than Meng Qi. The fast singing and dancing that could not continue caused many backup dancers to leave the stage. Meng Qi carried a guitar on her back and walked to the center of the stage with a chair.

"Hey! Where are you? Did you do the chaos on the stage?" Xiao Yi called Shen Ming and asked hurriedly.

"No, I said it was urgent to urinate."

"Piss your sister! You've been gone for 20 minutes! Is there something wrong with your front row Moon Spring?!" Xiao Yi said angrily.

"Poop along the way, can't you?"

"What was that knocking on the door? What was that voice yelling to hack you to death?"

"This is a pit. I've been squatting for too long, and there are just a lot of guys queuing outside."

"Just bullshit me! Come back to me quickly! Stop messing around." Xiao Yi hung up the phone before she finished speaking, and now she really didn't know how to end it.

On the stage, Meng Qi had already clamped the microphone like a resident singer in a bar, sat on the bar chair, and held the guitar in her arms.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. Someone made a scene and ruined everyone's mood. I can't sing the song I originally prepared, so I will sing you a slow song I recently created. Let's forget about the score, forget about winning or losing, and just listen quietly. My "Beautiful Angel of God"."

Putting everything down, the smile on Meng Qi's face was as sincere as that of a little girl next door, and a few words made the noisy venue quiet.

"I've been through such sad things before.

I don't understand how love should be like this

Mouth full of lies, start by lying

Sharpen the knife in your hand with sweet words

I've been hurt so deeply I curse men to disappear from the world

But who told me that I am not a beautiful angel favored by the gods

wish too much

Use time to ruthlessly erase the past in my heart

who made me meet you again

How can a man be so unreasonable

broke into my heart without consent

I know you're the arm I'm looking for

No matter how painful or tired you can rely on

We didn't say love, but like lovers

You are a safe haven that is never more than 5 meters apart

It turns out that I am the beautiful angel favored by the gods

He didn't help wipe out all the men

Just gave us a fresh start...”

What is the sound of nature? The sound, words, and people that can really make the sound stay in your heart are the sounds of nature. Meng Qi's song expresses her dissatisfaction with the past few years, with decadence, hatred, and despair, but at the end it is also full of warmth and redemption.

Yes, life is like a play, who can live a smooth life until they die? There are always some unsatisfactory things in life, and there will always be one or two bastards in love, but misfortune is not the end, as long as you believe that you are a beautiful angel favored by the gods, one day, there will be such an unreasonable man or Women trespass into your heart and give you a fresh start.

At the end of a slow song accompanied by guitar, the audience fell into a dead silence. The scene of tens of thousands of spectators was quite silent, and even the instructor did not say a word.

"It's over..." Wu Neng, who was mixed in the VIP area, sighed and took off his eyes, then turned and left the dumbfounded crowd around him.

Wang Xingren in the tutor seat stood up and shouted, "I know, I don't have the right to rate at this moment, but I still want to say the score in my heart, that is 10 points! Let the market rules go to hell! Let the gorgeous To hell with the special effects! This is what a song should look like. A song written with heart, lyrics sung with years of experience, and music sung with emotion. This is the song! Meng Qi! You are a beautiful angel favored by the gods. Tonight, I Surrender for you!"

Wang Xingren knelt down on one knee in a dramatic way, and gave Meng Qi the big gift when a knight meets a king. It also started from him, and the cheers of the audience could never stop. Even the fans who entered the arena with the green tea tickets distributed backstage shouted loudly.

Some people laughed and shed tears, some people cried until they laughed. A whispering new song pierced everyone's heart like a knife. It reminded everyone of Meng Qi from many years ago, the girl who was clean, simple and sang well. Let go of the obsession with winning or losing, let the song return to its original appearance, and then, qualitative changes lead to quantitative changes.

Online and on-site voting began, and Kuaizuihua announced the rules, only recording text messages and live audience votes within 10 minutes, 10,000 text messages are equal to 0.1 points, and 1,000 live audiences are equal to 0.1 points. According to the usual rules, the number of text messages in such a short period of time is generally only between 70,000 and 800,000.

However, not everything can be calculated with common sense. Green Tea’s backstage music company spent 5 million dollars for the final battle, but facing the audience like Wang Yang, this is still a drop in the bucket. Meng Qi, the beautiful angel, awakened too many viewers who only watched talent shows but never sent text messages. In just ten minutes, half of the viewers chose Meng Qi.

Outside the arena, Green Tea's SMS votes were fixed at 1.1 million, while Meng Qi's was... 6.7 million!