God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 17: fierce light


"How could this happen?" Green Tea stood on the stage blankly. The 1982 Lafite had already been opened in the dressing room to celebrate the championship. It was a waste, and crocodile tears flowed from the artificial big eyes.

Meng Qi covered her mouth with her hands and her eyes were full of tears. She was unexpected about this result. After all, the last song was purely her own idea. In the end, she created a miracle in the history of "The Voice of China" with this new slow song.

In the stage control room, enjoying the rhythm of the knocking outside the door, Shen Ming leaned on a comfortable chair and watched Meng Qi's upcoming crowning as king on the big screen.

I saw Kuai Zui Hua holding Meng Qi's hand and walking towards the front of the stage, with tears in his eyes, he spoke affectionately for the first time at a normal speed, "After four years, after several ups and downs, this girl's singing has traveled through time." And space, it is the second time to reach the apex in the competition program, bringing the world's yearning for beautiful music. I believe that everyone is as impressed by this girl as I am, not only because of her natural voice, but also because of her Strong, her sincerity, her bravery, her love. Although I don't know which man broke into her heart so rudely, I still want to say thank you to that man, thank you for making Meng Qi transform into Butterfly, the third in the history of "The Voice of China"... "

Kuaizuihua's "champion" has not yet been said, boom! Boom! Boom! Three consecutive explosions came from the VIP area, and a large amount of tear gas quickly spread throughout the audience. The cheers turned into screams, and the panicked fans began to flee in a panic. Even the security guards holding hands in front of the stage were blocked. The surging audience quickly dispersed.

The security team's emergency plan did not contain a solution for this situation, and the spectators in the distant stands also quickly evacuated with their heads moving.

The VIPs around Xiao Yi ran as fast as rabbits, and there were special exits, and they had already evacuated before the smoke drifted over. When she was at a loss, her phone rang.

"Hey! Did you fucking die in the toilet?! There was an explosion in the auditorium!" Xiao Yi yelled.

"Don't panic, it's just an ordinary military smoke bomb. Follow Meng Qi and protect her. I'll be there soon." When Shen Ming spoke, he had already started to remove the obstacles in front of the door.

"Hurry up!" Xiao Yi finished speaking, passed through the panicked crowd, and came to the stage in one leap. But Green Tea, Meng Qi, and Kuai Zui Hua were the first to leave along the backstage. Xiao Yi strode forward with her long legs and rushed forward again. Thinking back, following Shen Ming in the past few days, she has come 3 times just for desperate long-distance running. Could it be that she is destined to run errands for him

Meng Qi panicked and didn't know what happened, she followed Kuai Zui Hua all the way forward, and on the way, they bumped into Wu Neng.

"Come with me." Wu Neng stretched out his hand to Meng Qi, Meng Qi almost hesitated, but still instinctively held the familiar palm.

Wu Neng pulled Meng Qi and ran towards the exit, Meng Qi asked nervously, "Uncle, Shen Ming and Sister Xiao Yi haven't come out yet, why don't you wait for them!"

"Can't wait anymore, we are in a hurry." Wu Neng pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Hurry up? What are you doing?" Meng Qi was completely confused.

"Of course it's a 'celebration banquet' prepared for you." A cold smile appeared on the corner of Wu Neng's mouth.

When the venue was in chaos, Wu Neng pulled Meng Qi out of the back door of the parking lot and walked towards Zhao Qian's taxi in front of him.

Seeing the appearance of Meng Qi and her benefactor, Zhao Qian hastily took down the "Suspend Service" sign on the meter, and the hands holding the steering wheel were sweating. You must know that in just a few days, this is already Meng Qi Is there anything better than being in your own car for the second time

"Uncle! I want to wait for Shen Ming! Without him, I won't go anywhere!" When she came to the front of the car, Meng Qi firmly grasped the open door, and it was the first time she resisted so resolutely.

"That's why I said, the bodyguards are the ones who love bad things the most." Wu Neng took off the gold-rimmed glasses on his face with a sigh, and suddenly slapped Meng Qi on the face.

Meng Qi was beaten up. Wu Neng has been with her for 3 years. Although he was strict, he never made a move. No matter how messed up he was, he never blamed himself.

"Benefactor! Don't hit Miss Mengqi!" Zhao Qian ran out of the driver's seat in panic.

"Go in! Who told you to come out!" Wu Neng roared like a beast.

"Meng Qi?" Xiao Yi finally arrived, quickly ran to the front of the car and stopped, the scene in front of her was incomprehensible, Meng Qi was stunned with red cheeks, the fat driver standing there was Zhao Qian

"Look who's here? Isn't this our female police bodyguard Xiao Yi?" Wu Neng regained his gentlemanly smile and walked towards Xiao Yi.

"Stop, don't..." Xiao Yi said instinctively as she drew out her gun, but before she could draw out her arm, Wu Neng stepped in front of her, grabbed her wrist where she drew out the gun, and forced the gun down. Back in the holster.

"Do you think the policeman is great? In terms of fighting skills, the policeman is just a little kid in front of me." Xiao Yi didn't realize that her body had already flown into the air, and Wu Neng just clasped her belt with one hand like throwing fruit. It was so light that she lifted off the ground and lost her center of gravity.

Xiao Yi, who was standing on her head in the air, forcibly twisted her body, and kicked Wu Neng's neck like a golden hook hanging upside down, but was blocked by Wu Neng's raised arm.

"The reaction is good, but it's still not enough!" Wu Neng sneered forward and kicked Xiao Yi's lower abdomen, only to see Xiao Yi flew two meters away, hit the door of the passenger cab of the taxi, and passed out on the ground , the doors were dented.

"Ah!!!!" Meng Qi was so frightened that she screamed.

On the other side, the same kick kicked the door of the stage control room, which had been closed all the time, and even the two security guards in front of the door were kicked out.

"Bastard! It's you who made us deduct wages!" More than a dozen security guards pulled out their rubber batons, and walked towards Shen Ming who was coming out of the inside like a hooligan.

"My employer has lost contact, and now I'm in a hurry, so... Next, it may hurt a little bit for me to make a move." Shen Ming reminded coldly.

Five minutes later, Shen Ming arrived at the back door of the garage, unharmed, except that some other people's blood was stained on his cuffs. The place was empty, and only some wagon fragments were left on the ground.

Shen Ming turned on the mobile phone and started the positioning service of Xiao Yi's mobile phone, and drove towards the signal source in the jeep. On the way, he found time to call an encrypted number.

"Mouse, what are you doing?" Shen Ming asked familiarly.

"Tell me something, I'm hacking into Wall Street's computer system to play." The voice of a teenager came from the opposite side.

"Remember the last time I asked you to help me check the whereabouts of Mengqi's agent? Dig a little deeper, and I want all his past information, including the hospital where he was born."

"By the way, you didn't pay last time. It's familiar. Is it really okay for you to take advantage of me?" Although the mouse said so, it had already started working. As the strongest hacker in the world, the Internet endowed him with god-like intelligence gathering capabilities.

"I don't have time to catch up with you, either help me, or let me chat with you with a gun. I haven't completed the mission to kill you. It's the only stain in my life." Shen Ming coldly threatened road.

"Damn, I know I have a congenital heart disease, and I still scare me like this every time. It's done, it's been sent to your mailbox, check it yourself, you must pay me next time! You bastard!" After finishing speaking, the mouse hung up Cut off the phone.

Shen Ming followed the signal and drove all the way back to the community where Meng Qi's villa was located. Zhao Qian's taxi with a sunken door stopped at the entrance of the villa.

Taking off his suit, Shen Ming stepped into the villa, closed the door with his backhand, and with a sound of Katz, the electronic lock automatically locked.

In the living room, the unconscious Xiao Yi was tied behind her back, and Zhao Qian was dragging her to the kitchen. On the sofa in the living room, Wu Neng, who was holding the remote control of the villa, was drinking red wine, and Meng Qi was also sitting beside him blankly.

"Shen Ming?!" Finally seeing her bodyguard, Meng Qi was so excited that she wanted to step forward, but Wu Neng grabbed her wrist, twisted and pulled her, and immediately grabbed her in front of her, just like she and Shen Ming were on the beach back then. The same grappling stance.

"You came earlier than I expected." Wu Neng grabbed Meng Qi with one hand, and was still drinking the red wine with the other.

"I told you, I'm the best bodyguard." Shen Ming walked to the center of the living room without haste, stopping at a coffee table distance.

"Thank you for your nonsense, my plan was almost ruined by you!" Wu Neng drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp, and threw the glass to the ground hard.

"Let Meng Qi and Xiao Yi go, and then disappear from here. I will never pursue it. I said I owe you once, and I will pay you back." Shen Ming said calmly and inexplicably.

"Give it back to me? Can you still afford it? I used the champion's release water to get 5 million from the green tea boss, and I bet all of it to buy green tea to win. You fucking insisted on letting Meng Qi change the song to win the championship. How do you pay?" Me? 10 million! Even if you die ten times, it won’t come up! The boss has already let you know, you have to pay back the money or die! Can you die for me once?” Wu Neng sneered.

"Meng Qi is very popular now, if you were his manager well, you would have a good income." Shen Ming regretted.

"It's too little. With 10% commission, how long will it take to earn tens of millions? Life is too short to enjoy yourself in time. Who would want too much money?" Wu Neng has never smiled so ugly.

"So you deliberately fabricated the threatening letter, revealed Meng Qi's whereabouts to Zhao Qian, a fan of the brainless, portrayed the role of a murderer, and wrote a declaration of 'die together' at his home where he did not return, just to prevent In case, there is a scapegoat who will charge you for murdering Meng Qi..." Shen Ming connected all the information together. He is not a detective, but his mind is extremely meticulous.

"Benefactor... is what he said true? Do you really want to kill Meng Qi?" When he came to Wu Neng's side, Zhao Qian tremblingly couldn't believe that the benefactor in front of him would do such a thing, even though he had already carried it as required. Two jugs of petrol came in.

"Shut up, ugly pig!" Wu Neng quickly punched Zhao Qian on the side of the face, and the fat man was knocked down to the ground and passed out.

"So what if you know? Can you stop me? Let me tell you what the headlines will be in tomorrow's news, 'Idiot powder hijacks Meng Qi to spark a fire, the champion of "The Voice of China" changes hands to green tea", by the way, and The two bodyguards were caught in the fire and burned to death together." This was the fierce look in Wu Neng's eyes.