God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 2: The stinking rogue returns


Ten years later, in Linhai City, a girl in denim Qi 13 suspenders and hot pants was sitting in front of an abandoned bus stop by the side of the road. The scorching sun at noon was like fire, and the temperature in Linhai City soared to 38 degrees. Except for this girl, no one would be willing to come to the suburbs on such a day.

There was not a single car on the straight road, and the tight-fitting white T-shirt on the girl's body was soaked with sweat, and the black lace underwear inside was looming. The round and firm 32C Jiaofu was full of youthful breath.

The girl is born with a beauty embryo, a pair of big foxy eyes with upward corners, a high nose bridge like a European and American model, a small cherry mouth, and delicate skin with sweaty white skin. The 168 cm model has a figure of 105 with bare legs. She is so beautiful that the Lord Buddha Also emotional.

It is unscientific for a girl with such a symbol to appear in such a wilderness, especially when she has a police 77-style pistol hanging from her waist.

The girl's painstaking waiting finally touched the heavens. Suddenly, a howling wind blew up in the sky, causing the girl's long black ponytail to sway in the wind.

Looking up at the sky, it wasn't the gods who bestowed the heat-reducing kamikaze, but two Wuzhi 10 helicopters hovering in the sky. The air-to-ground anti-tank missiles hanging on the planes, 32 consecutive rockets, were so close that you could see them clearly. numbered.

There are no military camps around Linhai City, so it is rare to see such a posture, and the girl stood up in surprise.

At this moment, on the road in the distance, a camouflage-colored armored convoy was approaching at high speed. The leader turned out to be the latest 99A heavy tank. The entire convoy consisted of 2 tanks and 3 troop carriers and armored vehicles. The Wuzhi 10 attack helicopters, this combination is enough for them to destroy a small village and eliminate hundreds of terrorists.

But there is only one task I received today... and that is to deliver "living express delivery".

The armored convoy spewing black diesel smoke suddenly stopped in front of the girl, while the two tanks drove a little further away, and aimed their muzzles at the armored vehicle in the middle. The Wuzhi 10 above was doing the same thing. .

Dozens of special soldiers armed to the teeth rushed down from the other two armored vehicles. They quickly set up shooting positions on the side of the road on both sides. Even the girl was lying next to two people. The formation was like facing a tsunami. The average enemy impact is average.

Finally, the four team members wearing anti-infantry heavy individual armor combat uniforms walked to the armored vehicle in the middle, opened the door, inserted a 2-meter-long iron rod into it, locked the shackle joints inside, and delivered the "express" they transported. Forked out.

The man was wearing faded jeans, and a tight black T-shirt accentuated his angular muscles.

The shackles they put on him were heavier than those used to lock up elephants, and his head was covered with an iron mask like the cannibal professor in "The Silence of the Lambs", leaving only a pair of unblinking pupils to look around the world.

"Don't be so exaggerated, right?" The girl took out the information she carried with her. She was a police officer who came to take a special death row prisoner home.

The prisoner on death row was the famous "Youth Butcher" ten years ago, the devil who stained his hands with the blood of 104 people. But because the people he killed were gangsters, many media and ordinary people also like to call him a young hero.

Whether it is a hero or a devil, according to news reports, he should have been executed ten years ago. For the world, the person Shen Ming no longer exists. The Shen Ming in front of the girl at this moment is just an "ordinary person" who happens to have the same name and surname.

"Excuse me, can someone go through the handover procedures with me? Hello, my name is Xiao Yi, and I'm from the Linhai City Branch." The girl said helplessly, not knowing who to turn to to complete the task.

"Target delivered! Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!" The captain gave an order, and all the team members rushed back into the armored vehicle as if they had seen a ghost, and the convoy turned around and ran away.

After the choking dust dissipated, only Shen Ming, who was locked up and a key on the ground, was left on the silent road.

"This guy looks really cautious..." It was also Xiao Yi's first time to perform this kind of task, and she was a little scared facing Shen Ming who was locked like a dumpling alone. However, Xiao Yi is also an elite policewoman, so she won't be frightened by her beauty.

Xiao Yi gathered herself together, unbuttoned the holster of the pistol at the back of her waist, carefully picked up the key and walked in front of Shen Ming.

"Shen Ming?" Xiao Yi asked.

The "zongzi" nodded.

"I'm the police officer who came to pick you up. My name is Xiao Yi. You're still on probation. In the next two years, I'll be by your side 24 hours a day. I'll report your every move to my superiors. Once you do something that exceeds the code of conduct, I have the right to kill you immediately, even if you do not accept such an arrangement now, I still have the right to kill you on the spot, do you understand?" Xiao Yi said with one hand Holding the key, one hand is holding the pistol on the back of the waist.

The head of "Zongzi" has become a rattle.

Only then did Xiao Yi insert the key into the keyhole located on Shen Ming's chrysanthemum. Obviously, the designer of this set of locks is a gay...

With a click, the 36 joint locks of Shen Ming's whole body opened automatically at the same time, and Shen Ming rushed past Xiao Yi like a thunderstorm, as fast as a tornado, and rushed directly to the side of the road.

Shocked by the sudden change, Xiao Yi quickly pulled out the pistol from her waist and aimed it at the back of Shen Ming's head. According to the code of conduct, any move by Shen Ming to escape from the observers would be considered a violation and could be shot dead on the spot.

However, Shen Ming did not run, but immediately took off his pants and booed, the sound was like opening a gate to release a flood, the thick arm of the urine column broke a two-finger-thick sapling by the side of the road up.

Xiao Yi has dealt with perverts before, but she has never seen such a pervert. Shen Ming showed half of his white butt, so shamelessly booing in front of a beautiful woman, cursing while booing, "Damn special forces! Cudgel, isn’t it just a few soldiers whose legs were broken by me? They actually got me a set of cheating instruments of torture to escort me, and I was not allowed to shush for 36 hours. My uncle’s kidney almost burst! How can I buy an iPhone 6?”

"Shen Ming! Put your hands on your head and immediately kneel on the ground!" Xiao Yi shouted from behind.

"Sister, can you be more hygienic? I just touched a bird, and you want me to put it on my head? It's disgusting!" Shen Ming turned around and smiled badly.

"Don't talk nonsense with me, believe it or not, I'll let you put your hand in your mouth, do as I say!" Xiao Yi opened the safety of the gun, and her cold face proved that she did what she said.

The first piece of knowledge taught to her by the police academy is that the arrogance of criminals must be deterred immediately. Even if Shen Ming is considered a criminal now, it remains to be seen, but booing in the street is already considered a crime of indecency.

"Okay, you win, my lady policewoman." Shen Ming sighed and fastened her belt, put her hands on her head and knelt on the ground, her movements were extremely professional.

"Listen well, first of all, from the moment I accept you, I will automatically leave the ranks of the police, but I retain the right to hold a gun and kill you. From now on for two years, whether you go to the toilet or sleep You must report to me, and if there is any suspicion of running away, I will kill you immediately, do you hear me clearly?" Xiao Yi said with a growl.

"Beauty, do you want to report to you when masturbating?" Shen Ming still dared to be funny at gunpoint, I really don't know what his nerves are made of.

"Stinky rascal, don't choose what to say, do you believe that I'm going to blow your head off right now?" Xiao Yi was so angry that her face became colorful.

"I don't believe it, because there are no bullets in your gun. If you listen carefully, the breeze will make a whirring sound when it enters the barrel; if there are bullets, it will be a beeping sound." Shen Ming said disapprovingly.

"How could there be such a theory?" Although Xiao Yi questioned, she unconsciously held the gun to her ear and listened.

"It's really out of bullets, I almost scared you to pee again." Shen Ming patted his chest and stood up, everything just now was to fool this girl.

"You lied to me?!" Xiao Yi almost fainted on the road.

"Don't make it so ugly, we call this a tactical fraud. Actually, you don't need to scare me. I guarantee that I will be the most law-abiding and good citizen you have ever met. In the next two years, I will report everything no matter how big or small. "Shen Ming got cheap and said obediently, "Now let's forget the unhappiness just now and get to know each other again! Hello, my name is Shen Ming, I'm 26 years old."

When Xiao Yi met the man in front of her, she extended her hand politely. If she struggled any longer, she seemed too petty. She took a deep breath to calm down, and shook hands with Shen Ming, "My name is Xiao Yi, I'm 22 years old, I hope you can say Do it, and don't trouble me for the next two years."

"'Little Aunt'? Your name really takes advantage of me, but it doesn't matter, I didn't wash my hands, so it's a tie." Shen Ming said with a smirk.

"You stinky rascal!" Xiao Yi remembered what Shen Ming did just now, and quickly pulled out her hand.

A few minutes later, an old-fashioned off-road jeep drove on the road into the city. The military backpack was thrown into the back seat, and Shen Ming sat in the co-pilot enjoying the sea breeze blowing on the coastal road.

He has not been home for ten years, and he feels that even the air in Linhai City is kind and warm, happy like a child, with a smile that is different from the hooligan just now.

"Listen well, you are no longer the Shen Ming you used to be. Some acquaintances asked, you are just a wanderer who just returned to China, it's as simple as that." Xiao Yi ordered while driving.

"I know 'Little Aunt'. In fact, this kind of worry is completely unnecessary. In this city, I have no other relatives or friends except my dead parents and younger sister." Shen Ming said with eyes closed.

"I've read your information. You were born as an orphan. You were adopted by Shen Chongyang from an orphanage at the age of 6. You received professional shooting training since you were a child. You were the best sports rifle talent in that era." Xiao Yi looked sideways. Although the men around him are extremely dirty at times, it is difficult to associate him with the young butcher who killed 104 people.

"I haven't read your profile, but I know that you are a civilian in the police station. You are good at Sanda and Taekwondo. You come from a police family, and you don't know how to get along with others. The relationship between superiors and subordinates is very bad."

Xiao Yi, who was driving, slammed on the brakes, and Shen Ming's face hit the front windshield. Xiao Yi looked at Shen Ming beside him in amazement.

"How did you know?"

"Miss, can you not be distracted while driving? I almost flew out!" Shen Ming complained, rubbing his red cheeks, "You 'told' me that the muscles at the end of your index finger are a little stiff. It is caused by pulling the trigger, but it is the sequelae of clicking the mouse for a long time, so you are a civilian. Your steps are very steady and your breath is restrained, which shows that you are good at close combat skills. Your posture of holding a pistol is very professional, which is definitely the result of training since childhood , The police family is gone. You are so good, you actually work as a civilian... It’s a ghost if you handle the relationship with the superior and the superior! Besides, you are here to take over the job of my observer, and it is possible that someone wants to kill you .”

"You are wrong, the task of monitoring you... I applied for it myself." Xiao Yi finally calmed down after taking a deep breath, started the engine and drove again, "Because you are the key to my dream."