God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 21: Crisis in the cross mirror


Taking advantage of the time when Xiao Yi got up to go to the bathroom, Ji Chen looked at Shen Ming with cold eyebrows and said bluntly, "I don't like you, I don't care where my sister found you to fool me, it's just this one time. If next time When I ask my sister out again, you still follow, believe me, I will break your leg."

Shen Ming was pinching the bread to suck the soup on the plate, and was amused by Ji Chen's words, "Little friend, as the saying goes, you can eat people with a soft mouth, I owe you today, so I don't care about it with you, and I will threaten brother next time, brother I'm going to spank your ass."

"Call you big brother, are you really pretending to be a wolf with a big tail?" Ji Chen showed a fierce look, and snatched the fork from Shen Ming's hand, "Look out."

I saw Ji Chen flexing his arm muscles, abruptly twisting the stainless steel fork to 90 degrees, and throwing it back in front of Shen Ming.

"Maybe you are a policeman, maybe you are a special police officer, but please remember, I am a serious elite officer, and I have learned fighting skills for killing people. My sister and I grew up together. When I was 5 years old, I was determined to Marry her as a wife, for her I will devote my pen to the army, and challenge the military life that I am not good at. I just want to be the man who can protect her and be worthy of her. I will not allow my sister to be ruined by a man like you."

"Little friend loves so deeply, my brother is so moved that he almost cried. But ah, if you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it. Brute force can do many things in this world, but only the human heart uses brute force to seek I can't." Shen Ming picked up the bent fork on the table with a smile, and just put the thumb of one hand against the fork body, and the fork was restored with a click, and Ji Chen was stunned by that hand.

"What are you talking about, so happy?" Xiao Yi just returned to the table.

"It's nothing, the two brothers chatted about their views on love, are you still eating?" Shen Ming finally had enough.

"I'm full, then Ji Chen, my sister is leaving now, next time I have to treat you to dinner, don't argue with me. Goodbye!" Xiao Yi borrowed the donkey from the slope and walked away with Shen Ming. , Kongliu Jichen sat alone at the table, laughing at himself.

"Sister is just sister, isn't it just an ordinary character who came to fool me?"

Neither of them could drive home because of the alcohol they had been drinking. It was natural to walk on the streets of the coastal road, stepping on the orange street lights and walking towards home, without the company of passers-by.

Xiao Yi seemed very happy, stepping on the low guardrail of the curb, walking forward with open arms like walking a tightrope, while Shen Ming, whose stomach was about to burst from eating, followed behind with his hands in his trouser pockets.

"Thank you today." Xiao Yi sincerely thanked Shen Ming for the first time.

"Actually, that kid is not bad. Apart from being a little ignorant, he is quite wealthy and good-looking. The most important thing is that he loves you very much. Why don't you think about it?" Shen Ming asked puzzled.

"Don't talk nonsense, okay? That's my younger brother, my younger brother, how can I be a boyfriend, it's completely impossible!" Xiao Yi waved her hands in denial while talking.

"Have you ever been in love?"

"Does it count if you have a crush on your senior?" Xiao Yi seemed to be particularly talkative today because of her drinking relationship.

"Change the question, what kind of man do you want to marry?" Shen Ming asked curiously.

"He, of course, if he is a hero who saves the world, he will be admired by everyone!" Xiao Yi looked at the starry sky and expressed her fantasy like a little girl.

"OK, the first rule excludes me. I am the kind of sniper who hides in the dark and leaves after pulling the trigger. Let alone everyone admires me. Anyone who sees my face during the mission must be silenced. .”

"Hehe, you really dare to trick yourself, look at the shitty things you've done in the past half month, I've had enough of you as a partner, even if this girl finds a male dog to cuddle, she won't seek you! "Xiao Yi laughed from ear to ear, but her feet were empty, and she fell directly to the asphalt road, and the speeding truck honked its horn.

Xiao Yi's head was blank, but before she could react, a powerful big hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, Xiao Yi's slender body fell into Shen Ming's arms like a kite inside. The instinct of fear made her wrap her arms around Shen Ming's neck, like lovers cuddling by the side of the road.

"Woof." Shen Ming said with a smirk.

"You..." Xiao Yi was grateful and angry at the same time, she didn't know what to say. But Shen Ming's reaction was quicker than hers. He just put his arms around Xiao Yi's slender waist, exerted strength with his feet, and suddenly leaned towards the fence erected by the roadside demolition.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Yi was touched by Shen Ming, but the next moment, her lips were blocked by Shen Ming's fingers.

"Being targeted." Shen Ming motioned Xiao Yi to look back at where they were standing just now, and saw a red laser spot shining there, so small that it was almost impossible to spot.

"Sniper?!" Xiao Yi's slightly drunk nerves immediately sobered up, and she instinctively took out the Type 77 pistol in her handbag.

"Put it away, it's too far out of range, the sound and light of the pistol will only reveal your position." Shen Ming's calmness doesn't look like a human being. "Using laser point positioning means that snipers don't need to consider wind speed and bullet delay. Estimated distance is between 150m and 200m."

"What should we do now? Should we call the police?" This was the first time Xiao Yi appeared in someone else's cross mirror, her palms drenched in cold sweat.

Before Shen Ming could answer Xiao Yi's question, the mobile phone in his arms rang the bell of Little Apple. Take it out and see that the caller number has been hidden.

Shen Ming connected the phone, put it to his ear but didn't say a word. There was no speech in the earpiece, only a vague and long breathing sound, which remained silent for 30 seconds, and the sound of pulling the bolt to load came from the opposite side, and then, the person just said, "Two people, only Live one, who will live and who will die?"

"Think about it." After Shen Ming finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

"What's wrong? Who called?" Xiao Yi asked nervously.

"That man is a master, and his sniping skills are very professional. He uses a Type 10 12.7mm anti-material sniper rifle." Shen Ming judged all of this just by the sound of breathing and loading.

"Anti-materiel sniper rifle?!" Xiao Yi had only read the introduction of this kind of firearm in military magazines, and even the SWAT team would not be equipped with such insane weapons. That thing can even beat the thin armor plate of a tank. Wear, not to mention the brick wall behind the two of them.

"The most deadly thing about Type 10 is not the power of the gun, but the infrared thermal imaging scope it is equipped with. He can see us..." Shen Ming understood that the sniper listened to the sound of loading and breathing to tell him This is not a game for him, and he has no other way out except answering his questions.

"Xiao Yi, do you believe me?" Shen Ming snatched the gun from Xiao Yi's hand.

"Besides trusting you? Do I have any other choice?" Xiao Yi said helplessly.

Shen Ming, who was sitting in the corner, raised his hand and slapped the fire hydrant on the side of the road! Snapped! Snapped! He fired six shots in a row. With the power of the 77 police pistol, he couldn't cause piercing damage to this pure iron guy, but the horror is that Shen Ming's six bullets overlapped accurately to the millimeter and hit the same part. A hole was pierced through the fire hydrant, and a jet of cold water sprayed out at the two people in the corner, and they were all drenched in an instant.

"What kind of shooting technique is this against the sky? Is it really human?" Looking at the target in the sniper scope who disappeared due to the rapid drop in body temperature, the sniper did not panic but smiled and dialed Shen Ming's number, "Look at your It doesn't look like you want to answer my question."

"No, I've made my choice. Two are alive and one is dead. Guess who is the dead one?" Shen Ming hung up the phone again after finishing speaking.

Putting the weapon into the holster, the sniper rushed down the stairs of the abandoned building in the demolition area without stopping. He has already lost the chance to kill the target, and evacuation is the professional choice.

But as soon as he got down to the first floor, the sniper suddenly stood still and couldn't move an inch, because Shen Ming was already standing 20 meters away, holding a pistol aimed at his temple.

"Physical fitness is too good, right? It only took me 24 seconds to go downstairs, and it is 200 meters from your position to here, and it is still full of rubble, so you can run here without breathing? "The sniper had already raised his hand at this time.

"Do you want to know more? For example, shooting skills..." Shen Ming said coldly.

"It's unnecessary. The 6 shots you shoot the fire hydrant are very good. You can shoot with one hand in a sitting position, the highest rate of fire, and the six shots land at the same point. The recoil is like being insulated from your body. Such a person, all I only know one person in the world, the former sports rifle genius, the champion of the provincial shooting competition, known as the 'man with zero recoil'... Shen Ming, what a coincidence, has the same name as you?" The sniper raised his hands high and said with a smirk.

"Who are you?" Shen Ming questioned.

The sniper signaled to put down the gun bag on his back, and carefully opened the bag under Shen Ming's muzzle, revealing that it was not a Type 10 anti-material sniper rifle, but only the scope and bolt parts of the Type 10. Infrared laser is a child's playful laser pointer.

"To put it simply, I am an examiner, and you have passed." The sniper took off the hood on his head, revealing a face about the same age as Shen Ming.

"I don't remember what exam I signed up for?" Shen Ming's gun hadn't been put down yet.

"A big deal with a reward of 300,000 yuan. But we have some concerns about your past. My boss wants to know whether you are a killer or a bodyguard?" Obviously the sniper already knew the story of Shen Ming's past, after all his The name did not change, and the address of the security office did not change. Any employer with a little knowledge should be able to think of his identity.

"What do you think I am?" Shen Ming finally put down the gun in his hand, and ejected the last bullet from the chamber.

"The bodyguard is more dangerous than the killer..." the sniper affirmed, "If you are not busy, I will pick you up at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, and your partner, don't be late, the boss's control of the time is accurate to the second."

"500,000, otherwise don't come tomorrow morning, this is the price you pay for playing with me. If there is another time, maybe I will really change careers and become a killer." After finishing speaking, Shen Ming walked away on the ruins.