God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 23: Latent security


Sitting on the extremely soft leather sofa, holding a 2,000 yuan pot of Mingqian West Lake Longjing in her hand, Xiao Yi felt unreal and frivolous.

The man next to him is an extremely felon who has just returned to the city for less than half a month. He reopened his parents' Shen's Security Office. There are no advertisements, activities, and e-commerce promotions. The business sat directly in front of Lin Hai's richest man.

He seems to be such a man who creates miracles casually, but he is always extremely calm in the midst of miracles, as if everything is arranged by him.

"If it's not confidential, can you tell me why you need security?" Shen Ming asked calmly holding a teacup.

"Actually, it's not really a secret. The industry has basically spread the word. About half a month ago, Fangtian Group completed a relatively large-scale acquisition, targeting the coastal bar street in this city. 90% of their landlords They are all controlled by a company called 'Xinliansheng'."

"The biggest gang organization in this city..." As a policeman, Xiao Yi is too familiar with this name.

This is a gangster that has risen rapidly in Linhai City in the past ten years. Price bought 90% of the local property rights, attracted foreign investment and developed the largest bar street in Linhai City, and then forced foreign investors to sell their shares to Xin Liansheng at a very low price through false accounts, kidnapping, extortion, and murder , which has become the largest and stable source of funds for Xinliansheng.

A hooligan who has money can no longer be called a hooligan. He established an entertainment company in a new way, recruited troops, and carried out a major rectification of the hooligan gangs in the city. More than half of them have become branches of Xinliansheng.

The police have been paying close attention to Xin Liansheng's actions in the past 10 years, and have sent many undercover agents into its interior. However, Xinliansheng is different from other gangs in the mainland. It adopts an advanced hierarchical division of labor management.

In the end, the helpless police arrested Hua Ziqiang two years ago, prosecuted him for tax evasion and sentenced him to 7 years in prison.

When the verdict was pronounced in court, Hua Ziqiang couldn't help laughing wildly. He despised the incompetence of the police and could not be prosecuted with criminal charges, so he played economic crimes.

The arrest of the boss really dealt a heavy blow to Xin Liansheng. The internal fight for the boss position was fierce. That year's bar street business fell to the bottom, and almost every day there was news of the little hooligan being hacked to death on the street.

It wasn't until Dong Chuan, the head of the Wudou faction, came to power and took over the position of Xin Liansheng's boss, that they settled down. Dongchuan's rise to power made Xin Liansheng more aggressive, and the group of thugs also developed to an unprecedented height. But he really didn't know how to do business very much, and rashly listened to the advice of a military strategist and economist, packaged Xin Liansheng as an entertainment company and launched it on the Hong Kong stock market.

But how could he have imagined that Fang Shiquan had been coveting that piece of land for a long time, and following the opportunity of Xinliansheng's listing, he hidden behind the scenes to acquire the equity of Xinliansheng.

Seeing the stock price soaring every day, the big guys didn't feel the crisis at all, but smiled and counted their worth every day.

When they realized it, Fangtian Group already owned more than half of the shares of Xinliansheng, started the acquisition process, and changed the owner of Xinliansheng's bar street to Fang with almost no effort.

The big bosses who got a lot of benefits also left here scattered, only Dongchuan still stood firm, in charge of the largest gangster group Fang Shiquan released the order to kill Fang Shiquan, in his original words, " You snatching my favorite thing will make you feel the pain of losing love!"

"Now I understand why your car is so stupid... Have you ever been attacked?" Shen Ming asked softly, leaning on the sofa.

"Almost once every two days, but Li Changxiu's presence did not pose a threat to my life. I don't like social activities. I rarely go out, and they don't have many opportunities. I don't want to ask the two to protect me, but My little girl, Fang Yuan." When Fang Shiquan was speaking, Li Changxiu pushed a file bag in front of Shen Ming.

Opening it, there was a photo of her employer. Fang Yuan was wearing a short skirt, long sleeves and black socks, aristocratic school uniform, standing in front of an arch made of rose flowers. Under the sunlight, she had a pretty face like an iceberg.

Fang Yuan is only 18 years old, at the age of the most beautiful and charming. She has the same height as Xiao Yi, but she is thinner, and she looks like a character in a cartoon without four or two fleshy bodies. She has short black hair that matches her ears and smooth, and her chin is as firm as her father's, and a pair of ethereal eyes The eyes are so beautiful that they don't need any makeup.

"I don't understand. For the richest man like you, Li Changxiu is definitely not the only bodyguard. There should be many experienced people who can be used. Why did you ask me?" Shen Ming asked while looking at the information.

"Because Fang Yuan and I are having a little conflict, she has temporarily moved out of the house and is living outside alone. I can't arrange ordinary bodyguards for her at all. My daughter is very stubborn. Once she finds that someone is following her and protecting her , she will flee immediately. This will only make her more dangerous, so I have to ask the two of you for help." Fang Shiquan sighed helplessly, "The preservation period will take half a month. My daughter has already applied for a British college. After half a month's entrance exam, you can go abroad smoothly, and then you don't have to worry about the threat of those hooligans."

"But like you said, your daughter hates being preserved, so won't our appearance cause counterproductive effects?" Xiao Yi asked puzzled.

"Latent security." As Shen Ming said, he took out two employee work ID cards from his file bag, on which even the photos of Shen Ming and Xiao Yi were printed, and the identity displayed was, "Polaris Private Noble Academy, teacher in the third group of high school" .

"Mr. Shen Ming is indeed a professional. That's right. I just hope that the two hidden identities will accompany the little girl and protect her from the invisible. The reward is according to Mr. Shen Ming's intention, 500,000 for half a month, and if you encounter danger and get injured , as well as free medical treatment for work-related injuries, and all reasonable personal expenses during work will be reimbursed in full, I don’t know what else you want?” Fang Shiquan even asked Li Changxiu to put a metal box on the coffee table, which contained detailed security measures. contract, plus an advance payment of 200,000.

"There is only one request." Shen Ming said as he took the contract, "Since it is latent security, I hope that before I reveal my identity, I will never expose our cooperative relationship to the protected person. What I mean is Life is limited and must not be disclosed."

"Of course, if I say so, my little girl should turn against me first." Fang Shiquan watched Shen Ming sign the contract, and stretched out his hand with a smile, "It's a pleasant cooperation."

In this way, the second transaction of Shen's Security Office was successfully signed. Shen Ming didn't even count the huge sum of 200,000 yuan, so he handed it over to Xiao Yi beside him.

Li Changxiu drove the two back home. The contract period started tomorrow, so this day was the only day off for the two of them within half a month.

"What are you doing now?" Sitting on the sofa in the living room, facing the huge sum of money in front of her, Xiao Yi only felt that the money came too easily and had no sense of reality.

"Of course you are drunk today, otherwise, what are you doing to make money? Let's go, my master will take you to experience the feeling of a big fortune! I will show you how to pretend and fly!" Shen Ming showed that wretched smile again, grabbing A lot of banknotes were thrown into the sky, and suddenly there was a rain of money in the room.

"If Fang Shiquan sees your expression like this, he will definitely regret inviting you. But if someone treats you, no one will refuse, right?" Xiao Yi also grabbed the banknote and threw it into the sky. She had to admit that she felt really comfortable.

Half an hour later, the dilapidated jeep drove into the underground garage of Linhai International Plaza. Shen Ming held Xiao Yi in one hand and a box full of cash in the other, and started the rhythm of aggressive shopping. Because the villa has evolved from an abandoned house to a residence, many basic daily necessities are not provided, such as TV sets, washing machines, refrigerators and other home appliances.

This time, Shen Ming arranged everything in one go. The pots, pans and pans were also imported high-end goods, and he specially bought a European-style bathtub according to Xiao Yi's request.

All the way from noon to night, even lunch was provided by the floor manager for free. When Shen Ming and Xiao Yi walked out of the International Plaza, they felt quite washed up, feeling destitute...

Looking at the empty cash box, Xiao Yi sighed, "Why is the money so easy to use? 200,000, more than my five-year salary, half a day's work is gone."

"Don't sigh, the money is not exhausted, how can there be motivation to make money? There are two hundred left, please go to a good place to eat." Shen Ming casually threw the money box into the trash can, clutching the last two Banknotes, with a mysterious smirk.

"First of all, I don't eat Malatang."

"Okay, I'll find a stylish place to eat."

At 9 o'clock in the evening, in the lobby of the largest nightclub in Linhai City, "Shenshi", Xiao Yi sat at the bar counter with a face of resentment, in front of her, holding a bottle of 80 yuan Heineken beer in her hand, and couldn't drink a sip.

The deafening music made people's heart beat faster, the dim lights could not even see the faces of people 10 meters away, and the air was full of various perfumes mixed with the pungent smell of cigarettes. If the six washbasins in the toilet were not clogged with drunken vomit, she would have vomited long ago.

"Is this the stylish position you mentioned?" Xiao Yi called out, grabbing Shen Ming's ear beside her.

"With such great background music, isn't it stylish?" Shen Ming disagreed.

"But you said you brought me to dinner, what are you going to eat now..." Before Xiao Yi finished speaking, Shen Ming put a stack of peanuts in front of her.

"I'm not hungry, I'll be full after eating 2 pills, and I'll give you the rest. Hehe." Shen Ming's cheap look really made people want to slap him.

"Fuck you!" Xiao Yi started drinking wine with peanuts, she couldn't help it, she was really hungry.