God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 31: With me, she won't die


In the silent room, only the panting sound of Alchemist Quan was left, and he took off his gold-rimmed glasses tremblingly, tears that he hadn't seen in many years flashed in his deep pupils, "I... don't want this."

The daughter in front of him looked at him and laughed while crying, "Fang Shiquan, you are old, you can't even hurt me. If you have time, look back on why you have been so tossed all your life? My wife is dead, and my daughter hates you , what do you have left besides money and status? I hate you not because you didn't go to see your mother for the last time, but because you never fulfilled your responsibilities as a father and husband. I would rather you not be so rich, Just an ordinary office worker, working overtime without pay from 9 to 5 every day, and being bullied by the manager in the company. At least that way, you will go home every day to complain to your wife and children that life is not easy."

"When a person is in the mall, if he is not a butcher, he becomes a lamb. I'm sorry, I can't stop. I have thousands of families following me to eat. As long as I miss any opportunity, as long as I fail once, I will not only lose everything, but even Bearing a debt that can't be repaid in dozens of lifetimes. I would rather you hate me than be kidnapped and hurt by your creditor." Fang Shiquan tried not to let his tears fall, turned around and walked towards the gate, but stopped there.

"I came to look for you today, because there was an assassin who pretended to be you to assassinate me, and I actually admitted it wrong. Then I realized that I almost can't remember what you look like." Fang Shiquan said softly.

"The killer is too bad. If I did it, you would have no chance of surviving." Fang Yuan said coldly.

"I think so too. If I really die, please don't come to see me for the last time, because I will be reluctant." Fang Shiquan said and left the room.

"Ah!" Fang Yuan roared and kicked the coffee table in the living room away. She crazily smashed everything that could be smashed, and these things were bought with alchemist Quan's money. She hated her father, and even more hated herself for being inseparable from her father's money. She once tried to work part-time and refused her father's money, but she failed in the end. She couldn't accept the days of nodding and bowing to people and only earning tens of dollars every day. She was not used to sharing a locker room with sweaty employees.

She can't wear chemical fiber overalls, and she can't even learn to make people smile.

Fang Shiquan ruined her not only her family, but also her ability to integrate into ordinary society. The extravagance since she was a child has made it not a bag if it is not above GUCCI, it is not a dress if it is not new, and it is not a bag if it is not more than 200 yuan. Such as pig food. Even the instant meals he stuffed in the refrigerator were ordered by Aoguanhai Hotel.

"Boss, where are you going now?" Li Changxiu asked softly after returning to the car.

"Go back to the company and inform the department manager and administrative secretary that the latest project plan must be finalized today." Fang Shiquan wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with a tissue, and instantly regained his domineering CEO posture.

"But it's already 8 o'clock in the evening..." Li Changxiu said worriedly.

"Notify me if I ask you! So much nonsense! I don't even have a home anymore! Those bastards take my money and play happily at home with the children. Is it fair? Inform them of a meeting! Anyone who arrives later than me will be fired! "Fang Shiquan roared violently. Obviously, Fang Yuan's violent temper was also inherited from her, but she didn't learn from her father's calmness and restraint.

"Shen Ming..." Xiao Yi saw the movement in Fang Yuan's room through the telescope.

"I know, did she do anything to hurt herself?" But across the wall, Shen Ming had already heard the movement.

"She's smashing things. She just dropped a kidney 6PLUS, and now she's smashing an Apple all-in-one. Does this girl have a grudge against money?" Xiao Yi felt distressed for her.

"It's okay, just let her vent. Sometimes crying is also a form of therapy. In the past, when I was too depressed, I would find my teammates to fight one-on-one. Only when I hit each other until they couldn't stand up, would I be comfortable with rescue." Shen Ming chuckled lightly. .

"Don't compare your experience, you are not human at all. Not good! She went out!" Xiao Yi shouted.

Shen Ming was startled, turned around and wanted to go out to chase after him, but as soon as he got to the door, pop! Snapped! Snapped! There was a knock on the door.

Opening the door, it was Fang Yuan who was crying until her face was contorted. She choked up as if she couldn't breathe. She pushed Shen Ming away and rushed into the kitchen to open the refrigerator. Kneeling on the ground, she picked up the beer and opened it. He poured it directly into his mouth.

The foamy liquid drenched Fang Yuan CK's tight T-shirt along her neck, revealing her cute pink underwear.

She drank it like crazy, once she finished it, threw it away, and opened a new one to continue drinking. I vomited all over the floor on the spot when I drank it, I waved my hand and wiped my mouth, and opened a new one to continue.

10 The beer ran out in minutes, but Fang Yuan was still not drunk. She saw a bottle of whiskey on the lower shelf of the refrigerator and took it out.

"Enough!" Shen Ming roared.

"Isn't it just a few bottles of wine? Girl, I'll give you money. Is 10,000 yuan enough for a drink?" Fang Yuan sneered and said contemptuously. She raised the whiskey and was about to open the bottle, but Shen Ming snatched it away.

"Give it back to me!" Fang Yuan stood up, just about to punch someone, but fell heavily to the floor on her own vomit.

"Why? Why? I'm his daughter? Why can't I have the most ordinary home when I have everything? Why can't I live without his money even though I hate him? Mom, I miss you so much, I really want to find you ..." Fang Yuan, who was on the ground, could no longer get up on her stomach, crying until her whole body convulsed, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

"Fang Yuan? Fang Yuan!" Shen Ming stepped forward and hugged the girl on the ground, only to see that Fang Yuan had fallen into a coma, her face was pale, her lips were bruised, and her skin was clammy and cold.

Shen Ming pinched the person hard, but there was no response, his blood pressure dropped rapidly, and his breathing became intermittent.

"What happened to her?" Xiao Yi asked nervously.

"Acute alcoholism...Xiao Yi helps me to buy some things, such as hanging bottles, infusion tubes, disinfectant, glucose, vitamin B6 and vitamin C, as well as medical potassium chloride and ranitidine. Do you hear me clearly?" Shen Ming He took off his shirt, revealing a bruised body.

"I heard it clearly, but her breathing sounds weird, she won't die, right?!" Xiao Yi was really worried for the student who had fought against her.

"With me here, she can't die. Her trachea is blocked by vomit and she needs first aid." Shen Ming folded his hands and pressed on Fang Yuan's chest with gravity. Fang Yuan's head was lifted up without waiting for her. After falling, Shen Ming had already kissed her deeply. He was so rude that he was biting, there was not even a gap between his lips.

Twenty seconds later, Shen Ming put down the unconscious girl. She had recovered her breathing, and Shen Ming also turned her head to spit out a mouthful of dirt.

Xiao Yi was completely dumbfounded during the whole process, she has never seen a man save a woman so carelessly.

"Hey, have you gone?" Shen Ming asked, wiping the stains from the corner of his mouth.

"Go right away!" Xiao Yi ran out of the house.

In just 20 minutes, Xiao Yi ran to Shen Ming's house. It was another physical fitness test, and Xiao Yi was gasping for breath.

"Come in." Shen Ming took the bag in his hand, as if greeting a guest.

"What about her?" Xiao Yi was a little worried that her identity would be discovered.

"She's drunk the pills, so she won't hear us." Shen Ming said as he came to the dining table in the living room, and poured 5 or 6 kinds of medicines into the hanging bottle according to the proportion. "I've already given her a cold shower (hot water will accelerate the diffusion of alcohol), told her to sleep, and hung up the hangover needle for her, and she will be fine tomorrow."

"Did you bathe her?" Xiao Yi's eyes widened, "Did you do nothing else?"

"Of course I had sex thirteen times, and I even smoked an afterthought... Is it possible? It's only been 20 minutes in total, and taking a shower is already amazing!" Shen Ming is a man who came back from the battlefield. In that kind of place, The difference between men and women is a joke. It is common for men and women to take a shower together.

"You don't have any sense of shame. Others are just an 18-year-old girl. You've seen it all." Xiao Yi always felt uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I ruined her innocence, do I have to marry her? I can never tire of it, she is beautiful and rich, only an idiot would dislike her." Shen Ming teasingly set up a bottle on a hanger, and pulled her Holding Fang Yuan's little hand, after disinfecting it, the needle was inserted into it without any pain at all, "Please, what age is it? Men even have to go to the kindergarten to make reservations when they find a virgin to marry. Let's see what's wrong? I'm here to save She, you stay and take care of her. I still have something to do, if she asks... "

"I just said that I changed her clothes for her. Do you think I will tell you about your hooliganism? Although I really want to." Xiao Yi said with her hands folded on her chest.

"So cute." Shen Ming smiled and left the house.

In the early morning, the sun shone on the bed through the cracks in the curtains. Fang Yuan opened her eyes slightly with a splitting headache, and the memories were quickly reorganized in her mind. She only stayed until she was looking for a drink, and finally rushed to Teacher Shen Ming's room , and then...

Fang Yuan sat up from the bed in shock, the sheet slid down Chiguo's skin, revealing her petite and lovely breasts.

"Ah!" Fang Yuan screamed and pulled up the sheet to cover her chest.

"It's early in the morning, don't bark." Xiao Yi who was sitting by the bed stood up yawning.

"It's you? Why are you here?"

"Ms. Shen San called me in the middle of the night and told me that you were alcoholic, and asked me to buy medicine and take care of you by the way, and just dragged me all night. Didn't you say that I owe you an apology? Now you also owe me a night of escorting , we are evenly tied." Xiao Yi stood up, flexed her stiff waist, and threw the clean clothes on the bed, "Put it on, Shen San went to your room to get it. Since you woke up, I will Let's go first, on a rare Saturday, can't you let me sleep late?"

Xiao Yi left Shen Ming's house with a sigh, and Fang Yuan, who had changed her clothes, also returned to her own home. The home that should have been destroyed in memory was so damaged that she couldn't bear to look directly at it, but it was cleaned up and carefully cleaned up. Look, all the broken things have been put together and glued together with transparent glue, and everything that can be restored has been restored to the way it was before the storm. What made Fang Yuan most nervous was the last photo frame of her and her mother. As expected, she broke it into pieces under the rage yesterday, but it was glued together by Shen Ming's extraordinary handwork. A note that read: "No matter how angry you are, you can't hurt those precious things; no matter how angry you are, you can't forget those who love us. Only this time, I apologize to my aunt on your behalf."

Holding the photo frame tightly, Fang Yuan cried again until she fell to her knees...