God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 35: For her, I would kill someone


The electronic instrument panel in front of Fang Yuan had already traveled nearly 100 kilometers, and the wind swayed the pleated skirt of her school uniform. Soon she came behind a container truck, and when she was about to speed up and overtake from the left, a black Honda SUV just blocked the road.

And when Fang Yuan grasped the faucet tightly and was about to overtake from the other side, another SUV of the same model blocked the road again, and the third SUV and the truck in front of her firmly trapped Fang Yuan within an inch. .

No matter how slow the reaction was, Fang Yuan felt full of malice.

The truck slowed down, and Fang Yuan also had to slow down. The rolling gate of the container at the back was rolled up with a click, and a slanted metal springboard was lowered from the car. More than 20 hooligans holding metal ball sticks stood in the car. , smiling ferociously.

"The ATM machine, you bastard, you're making trouble for me again..." Fang Yuan was not in danger of being kidnapped for the first time, at least three times since she was a child, which is why her parents didn't object to her learning Muay Thai.

"Come on, baby, come to Uncle's arms!" The leading gangster was tall and burly, his bare upper body exposed monster-like muscles, and he was wearing an iron hockey mask of the same style as the Texas Chainsaw Mania. He squatted in front of the springboard and waved to Fang Yuan.

Before Fang Yuan had the chance to refuse, the SUV following behind stepped up the accelerator and squeezed forward. At a speed of 80 kilometers per hour, even the slightest collision would destroy Fang Yuan's car and kill her.

This time was different from the past, Fang Yuan clearly felt that these guys were not interested in his father's money at all, what they wanted was... life!

"Since you called me... I'm here, bastard!" Fang Yuan suddenly increased the accelerator, and the EBR buzzed along the springboard and rushed towards the cargo box. The front wheel hit the masked man's face. Being knocked into the air, sparks sparkled in the air.

Fang Yuan jumped from the car and fell into the cargo box. With an elbow, she hit the hooligan with a stick until he knelt in front of him.

"Miss me... Miss Ben's life is precious, you bastards can't afford to die 10 times together!" Fang Yuan took off the helmet on her head and threw it out, hitting the crowded crowd. Pressing on the front windshield of her SUV, forcing the car to slow down and pull over to the side of the road. "Bitch, smash my car, I'll gang-rape you later!" The driver angrily pulled off the helmet stuck on the car window, and just about to start the engine, there was a knock on the door beside him Voice.

The driver looked sideways, but he didn't see the man's face clearly at all. His fist pierced through the car window and dislocated the unfortunate jaw. The driver was caught directly from the broken window.

Shen Ming started the engine and chased the truck in front again, but he didn't find the three hooligans holding machetes sitting in the back seat.

"Boy, how dare you snatch our car!" A machete was placed on his neck.

"Have you bought the tickets yet?" Shen Ming asked strangely.

"Haha, this kid thinks he's a bus driver." A hooligan laughed.

Fifteen seconds later, the doors on both sides of the rear seat of the SUV opened, and the three hooligans were thrown out of the high-speed car like rubber balls.

"It's clean now." Shen Ming buckled up his seat belt and stepped on the accelerator hard.

Inside the speeding truck container, Fang Yuan independently fought against the thugs in their 20s with bats in their hands. There were endless tricks to kill them. These guys were not her opponents at all, but the heroes couldn't hold back the crowd. , Grinning his teeth in pain, but refused to let go of his fist.

"Come on! Scum!" Fang Yuan hugged a strong rogue's neck with both hands, jumped up almost two meters, and hit the guy's face with a knee blow. All dyed red.

Hooligans were brought down one after another, and Fang Yuan was constantly being held against sticks. Her legs and feet were no longer flexible, and her movements were no longer standard. Fang Yuan was fighting in blood, and her body resisted instinctively. Recalling the past in her mind, what appeared was not her mother's appearance, but Fang Shiquan's sad face when she left at the end.

If I die? Will he die of grief? Can this be my revenge? Fang Yuan was amused by her own thoughts. In a momentary distraction, a metal bat hit her head from behind. The unyielding female boxer fell into the cold compartment.

"Are you going to die at such a young age? You haven't given your first kiss yet..." Fang Yuan asked herself silently, and wanted to fight, but she couldn't stand up anyway.

"Little bitch, why don't you jump again? Damn, it's your turn here today! I'll chop you up and feed the sharks in the sea!" The last 10 hooligans who were still standing gathered around and the leader spat out to the side. A mouthful of bloody sputum, with two teeth inside, probably also suffered from Fang Yuan's elbow.

"Don't touch me..." Fang Yuan couldn't help crying, it wasn't because she was afraid, it was because she died so uselessly that she didn't deserve it.

When Shen Ming was only 50 meters away from the truck, a fiery red Suzuki Hayabusa road racing motorcycle passed by with a distance of less than 5 centimeters, accelerated along the springboard of the container and rushed into the cargo box.

The knight who came down was 180 tall, and his body under the leather jacket was extremely strong. He used the same muay thai boxing style as Fang Yuan, and he went down with a punch and a kick. The guy who was hit was directly KO without a chance to scream.

Fang Yuan was lying on the ground, watching the scene of the knight beating up the hooligan with blurred vision, and suddenly felt that figure was so familiar.

Finally, the truck and the two accompanying SUVs stopped, and the knight overturned the last hooligan and squatted beside Fang Yuan.

"My little princess, your kung fu has regressed, but you can't handle such a few hooligans, it's time for a spanking." The knight took off the helmet on his head, revealing a handsome face.

"Master... Senior brother?!" Fang Yuan finally saw the face of the visitor clearly, and burst into tears.

"It's okay, with my senior brother here, I won't let anyone bully you." Kong Wu's powerful senior brother hugged Fang Yuan, and walked towards the exit of the truck on the unconscious body of the little rascal.

Fang Yuan was hit on the head with a stick, but she was still dizzy, feeling that she was safest in her senior brother's arms.

Fang Yuan's senior brother is named Lin Fan, and she is an elder brother who learns boxing in the same boxing gym as her, and is 4 years older than her. Because they are similar in age, it is the two of them who often practice against each other. It can be said that they have been childhood sweethearts since they were young. In this world, there are only two people Fang Yuan believes in most, one is her late mother, and the other is her senior brother who would deliberately lose to her.

"Thank you, without you I'm done today." Fang Yuan leaned on Lin Fan's chest and thanked feebly.

"Hehe, I've been away for 3 years. I didn't expect my proud little princess to learn to say thank you, but this time I seem to be a bit busy. Your personal bodyguard is pretty good. Even without me, you will be fine. "Lin Fan hugged Fang Yuan and got out of the truck. About 10 hooligans had fallen on the highway. Standing under the streetlight, Shen Ming was covered in other people's blood. He was holding a 190-meter man by the collar. Lifted him into the air.

Seeing that Fang Yuan was safe and sound, Shen Ming relievedly let go with a side punch, and the big man was sent flying, unconscious.

"Shen... three?!" Fang Yuan struggled and fell from Lin Fan's arms to the ground, walked towards Shen Ming tremblingly, shaking her head with tears in disbelief.

"Tell me, you're not a dog with alchemist power..." Fang Yuan begged, even if Shen Ming said no, she was willing to believe this man.

"I took it, but I'm not a dog, and I'm not called Shen San, I'm Shen Ming..." Before Shen Ming could finish his defense, Fang Yuan slapped him hard on the face.

"Bastard! You bastard! Why did you lie to me! I trust you so much! I take you as my best friend! I even! Even!" Fang Yuan swallowed the word "like" back into her stomach.

"Things are not what you think, I am a full-time bodyguard, and my existence is to protect you." Shen Ming's cheeks swelled up slightly, Fang Yuan is not Meng Qi after all, her fists and feet already have the ability to hurt Shen Ming.

"Protect me? Protect me and let you cook for me? Protect me and let you mend the furniture? Protect me and let you take care of me when I'm drunk? You are the best bodyguard in the fucking world. You care about me and pretend you don’t love money. I thought... I thought there were friends in this world who didn’t like me because of money. Thank you for protecting me and letting me know that money is everything. Yes, even friends can buy it." Fang Yuan sneered with tears in her eyes.

"You're injured, your heart rhythm is irregular, I'll take you to the hospital immediately." Shen Ming held Fang Yuan's hand for the second time, and sure enough, he was thrown again.

"Bah!" Fang Yuan spat bloody saliva on Shen Ming's face, "Who told you to touch me! You're just a money dog! I..."

Fang Yuan didn't finish her last words, she fell to the asphalt ground faintly, but Shen Ming hugged her tightly in her arms before she landed.

"She's fine. We have encountered such things before. She was only 15 years old at the time, and she survived in the end." Lin Fan stepped forward and comforted her.

"I don't care who you are, I don't care how much money you take, if you dare to hurt her, I will pull out every piece of your nail with a vise, seal your mouth with a steel needle, goug out your eyes with a spoon, and use a spoon to gouge out your eyes. The steak knife slit your throat. I have a way to torture people for hours without dying, believe me, I will definitely do this." Shen Ming looked up at the man in front of him coldly, like a guard. Tigers are eager to kill.

"I think you have misunderstood. I am Fang Yuan's senior brother. I happened to go back to China to visit her. I just happened to encounter all of this." Lin Fan tried hard to explain.

"I don't want to argue with you. Fang Yuan needs to see a doctor, and I need to take her to the hospital. Remember what I said, although I was a bodyguard, I was a full-time body collector not long ago. For her sake, I am willing to make an exception and kill you again .” Shen Mingheng hugged Fang Yuan and quickly ran into an SUV, then walked away.

"The bodyguard's eyes are so poisonous, he almost thought he was going to die." Lin Fan made a phone call with a chuckle, "Dongchuan, I've already met her, let me know when you want to 'receive' Bar."