God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 46: The four ghosts of heaven and earth, ghosts and demons


In the pitch-black world, Fang Yuan could only hear Dong Chuan's screams and Lin Fan's cries. The screams became smaller and smaller until they could no longer be heard.

Fang Yuan was terrified, what was terrified was that Shen Ming had really killed someone. Although it is not an exaggeration for Dongchuan to commit many evils and die thousands of times, after all, Shen Ming is a bodyguard, not a law enforcement officer, and he has no right to end the lives of others.

Fang Yuan spent the longest 5 minutes in tension until Shen Ming walked to the cage and opened the narrow cage with a key. Fang Yuan finally opened her eyes, from blurry to clear, Shen Ming stood there with a normal smile on her face.

"It's good that you're fine." Shen Ming's worry, nervousness, and self-blame were all written on that face. Fang Yuan jumped up from the box and hugged Shen Ming's neck tightly.

"I will protect you! No matter what you do! I will protect you! I will hire you the best lawyer! Even if you go to ask for that bastard ATM machine, I will save you!" Fang Yuan was so scared , Afraid to let go of his hand, next time he will be across the iron railing again.

"Don't be nervous, I didn't kill anyone." Shen Ming caressed Fang Yuan's trembling back, "But you need to let me go now."

Shen Ming finally released Fang Yuan's hug, fell on one knee and vomited violently. The manipulated stomach had already absorbed the last bit of food, and what was vomited was only excessive gastric acid and water.

"What's wrong with you?" Fang Yuan asked worriedly.

"It's okay, 'Muscle Control' is the worst of all my courses. Originally, this is a skill needed for melee monsters and unarmed assassins. I am a sniper, and it is redundant to play it. Now I can use this skill. Smooth muscle spasms, vomiting, bloody urine, and deformed stools are sequelae." Shen Ming waved his hands to wipe off the stains at the corners of his mouth, and stood up again.

I don't know if it was he supporting Fang Yuan, or Fang Yuan was supporting him, a couple of men and women walked slowly towards the exit, but the children's door keys were not with them, and Shen Ming used simple words to tell them to wait, and they would Uncle police came to rescue them.

As for Lin Fan, the nailed feet were already bloody and bloody. His face was pale and his lips were black due to blood loss, and he sat on the ground trembling.

When Fang Yuan walked by, Lin Fan suddenly hugged her leg, knelt down in front of her, and begged with snot and tears, "Junior Sister! Little Junior Sister! You can't leave me here! I can't go to jail! I don't want to go to jail! You can just let me go! For the sake of the same school, for the sake of I really saved you back then!"

"Shen Ming." Fang Yuan asked the bodyguards around him for advice.

"I only want to keep you safe, and how to deal with these people is up to your arrangement." Shen Ming retreated a little wisely.

"Brother, although you have done so many bad things to me, as you said, you once really saved my life. In theory, I shouldn't let you go to jail." Fang Yuan sighed, But suddenly he grabbed Lin Fan's head with both hands, and with a frontal knee blow, the guy flew off the ground with blood flowing from his nose, and even the soles of his feet that were nailed to the ground were pulled out, "Why did you take mine? Panties jerking off?! I was 14! You pervert! Fuck you!"

Seeing this scene, Shen Ming clasped his cheek with one finger, and suddenly found that as long as it was a girl, she would not mind others masturbating to their personal belongings.

After venting, Fang Yuan returned to Shen Ming's side and continued to move forward. Fang Yuan saw Dong Chuan lying in front of the metal canister. Although Shen Ming covered him with an oilcloth, the bloodstains that spread a full 3 meters still showed what Shen Ming had done to him. Under the gap of the oilcloth, Dong Chuan was already unable to speak, and could only stare at the two of them with his bloodshot eyes unblinking.

When Fang Yuan and Shen Ming finally walked to the door of the vault again, Shen Ming blocked Fang Yuan behind him again.

"What's wrong?" Fang Yuan asked in confusion.

"The smell of blood... is too strong." Shen Ming pulled out a fruit knife and held it in his hand.

Fang Yuan didn't smell anything, but Shen Ming's serious expression made her afraid again.

After pressing the super-cheap APP, the door of the vault opened again, and the blood flowed quickly along the slope of the passage. The hooligans who were flying and domineering just now all fell to the ground and wailed, only 4 of them were wearing People with white masks, three men and one woman in blood-red Tang suits, are holding ancient weapons that can only be seen in martial arts movies, and one by one they are useless to these hooligans.

There are only gaps for the eyes and nostrils on their masks, and the words "魑", "鬼", "魔" and "魔" are respectively written in manic calligraphy.

The demon holds two willow-leaf swords, the demon holds a bright silver spear, the demon carries a broad-bladed battle axe, and the demon wields a pair of bronze hammers.

The moment they saw Shen Ming, they showed killing intent almost at the same time.

"Ancient soldiers in red, demons and ghosts... are you the 'Four Ghosts of Heaven and Earth' of the old Feng family?" Shen Ming couldn't tell who was the enemy for the time being, but the killing intent made him raise the fruit knife in his hand and protect Fang Yuan behind him.

"My little brother has good eyesight. He actually knows my pet. Dare I ask your surname?" In the back kitchen, a boy in Tang suit came out with a steak. Wearing only a golden mask that blocked the upper half of his face, the boy sat at the table opposite Shen Ming, and cut the steak leisurely.

"I'm just a little bodyguard, so my name won't be in the golden ears of the young master of the Feng family." Shen Ming said politely. The reason why he called him young master was because he wore the golden mask that symbolized the status of the old Feng family. A mask is right, Shen Ming has never heard of a half-faced young master in Old Feng's family

"Break into the tiger's lair alone, single out so many hooligans and rescue them intact. This is not something that a little bodyguard can do." The young master stuffed a piece of steak into his mouth as he spoke, smiling so happily.

Fang Yuan really admired this young man's stomach. Under the smell of blood around him and the scene of severed hands and feet, he could still eat Lu's mature bloody steak...

"If you are here to save people, we are on the same path." Shen Ming quickly stated his position.

"The old Feng family has no like-minded people, we are not white, we are not black, we only follow our own way." When Master Banmian spoke, the four demons and demons had already come with bloody weapons, "Brother, count you Bad luck, we came here to "repay the favor", but someone saved you, how should we repay the "love"? You must know that the "guest" needs to give 50 million gifts to get a chance of a favor, and we don't want to do it Half the matter, wouldn't it be troublesome if the "guest" asked us to argue? Otherwise, we have done you now, how about people counting on us to save?"

"'The Feng family doesn't kill people, they only teach people how to behave'. Since you are the young master of the Feng family, have you forgotten the precepts from your ancestors? Or are you simply trying to know how much I know?" Shen Ming sighed.

"It's amazing! Sure enough, we even know our ancestral precepts. I'm getting more and more interested in you. Tell me what's your name?" Banmian Young Master excitedly said.

"Shen Ming... Nirvana." Shen Ming knew that if he kept it, a fierce battle would follow.

And when she heard the words "Nirvana", the eyes of the only female "Mei" widened and her pupils contracted, and she rushed up with blood on her feet. Jumping 3 meters away from the kitchen table, the spear in his hand pierced the iron-faced table beautifully, and the pole vault landed in front of Shen Ming. The spear pierced the sky, but stopped in front of Shen Ming's throat.

It was only because the girl's long ponytail was tightly held by the half-faced boy at the table, and the half-faced young man made the move at the last moment. He still just wanted to see Shen Ming's reaction, and see if he was Not Nirvana

The result is sad, he is a genuine Nirvana, Shen Ming's perception of danger is terribly high, when the Mei strut jumps over the table, he has already noticed the signs of the half-faced young master, so he relaxes and gives up completely resisted.

Those who have the courage, Nirvana also...

"Mei, you are not good. You dare to forget the ancestral precepts that everyone knows, do you really want me to spank your ass?" The half-faced boy said coldly.

"Only those who are Nirvana will be killed." Mei's hand holding the gun was trembling, through the opening in the mask, Shen Ming saw a pair of beautiful big eyes, even angry, Mei is so beautiful .

"Sorry, my pet is usually quite obedient, but the Nirvana is her deathbed, because his parents met a Nirvana when they 'returned love' once, and then she became an orphan." The half-faced boy clutched Mei's braid explained, "Why don't you ask the girl behind you to call her father and tell her that she has been rescued by us and the favor is returned, then our conflict will be gone."

Fang Yuan didn't need anyone to tell her, she immediately took the mobile phone in Shen Ming's back pocket and called Fang Shiquan.

"Hey! Dad! I've been rescued! Don't bother old Feng's family anymore!" Fang Yuan made a call using the speakerphone.

"Good! Good! You are fine, everything is fine!" On the other end, Fang Shiquan burst into tears, for his daughter finally escaped danger, and for his daughter who had called him "Dad" again for 8 years.

"It's done, let's call it a day." The young master Banmian pulled Mei's braid and walked out.

It's just that the girl didn't want to take her eyes off Shen Ming at all, she wanted to keep Shen Ming's face in her mind, in her bones, until this guy died in her hands.

"Nirvana, I will definitely come to you, then kill you, and wait for my return!" Mei roared.

"No." Shen Ming smiled and waved goodbye.

The ancestral motto of the old Feng family not to kill was drawn up since the founding of the New Heavenly Dynasty, in order to have a long history of energy in this peaceful and prosperous age, and to avoid too many grievances. This is a magical family. It was established in the early Qing Dynasty. It was originally a martial arts village surnamed Feng who was oppressed by local officials. They rebelled and killed the local officers and soldiers, turned them into bandits, and lived a life like a paradise.

They are not white ways, nor gangsters, they have their own way of survival. They have been isolated from the outside world for a long time, but they will hold a feast every two years, inviting wealthy businessmen to come to Lao Feng's house as "guests of honor".

As long as you agree to be a guest of the old Feng family, the old Feng family will owe him a favor. As long as the guest needs it, the old Feng family will take action to help him solve his troubles, which is called "returning the love". The old Feng's family relied on their superb martial arts skills to travel the world. As long as they are so good at Taoism, they basically know the existence of the old Feng's family, and they all understand that if they offend anyone, they should not offend the guests of the old Feng's family. Otherwise, just like Xinliansheng today, all the horses in the factory area have been abolished, and there is no one who wants to stand up within three months.

Also because there were no dead people, and because most of the old Feng's house cleared were members of the underworld, it was easier for the local functional departments to deal with it.