God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 47: See blood peripheral party


The kidnapping incident finally passed. When Shen Ming walked out of the cafeteria with Fang Yuan in his arms, the police had already arrived. Three trucks from the SWAT team had arrived, and all members of the city bureau were mobilized.

But when they saw the mess in the cafeteria, they realized that they were superfluous, and it was time for a bunch of ambulances to end it. The police gained a lot this time. Not only did they uncover Xin Liansheng who had been working as a minion in Linhai City for many years, they also rescued dozens of imprisoned teenagers, wiped out underground drug factories, and found a large number of firearms.

The police took advantage of the victory and pursued it. They conducted rounds of investigations on the bar street for a week, captured a large number of hooligans and remnants of Xin Liansheng, seized a large amount of drugs, rescued a large number of teenage girls, and destroyed the GV manufacturing factory in Anlewo. That's another story.

The reason why Fang Shiquan didn't go to Dongchuan was to create an alibi on the grounds of raising money, not because he didn't love his daughter.

Afterwards, life in Linhai City returned to calm, and the No. 1 Chemical Plant began to operate again after 5 days of rectification.

Shen Ming's bodyguard mission finally came to an end. Seeing the Oxford University professor walk into the examination room with the test paper, and looking at Fang Yuan who was smiling at him through the window, Shen Ming's heart was completely relieved.

There were 2 or 3 other students taking the exam with Fang Yuan, all young ladies and young masters from wealthy families.

Xiao Yi sighed, "Another transaction is considered to be over, but how does it feel like protecting Meng Qi last time is completely different from the concept, it feels like dying."

"Money is hard to earn, and xiang is hard to eat. Making money is even harder than eating xiang. Hurry up and get used to this state." Shen Ming said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm in charge of making money, and you're in charge of food." Xiao Yi leaned on the guardrail and looked at the man beside her, "Speaking of which, you really didn't kill anyone. When I watched the police rescue those children , to be honest, if I was there at that time, I would also have wanted to kill Dong Chuan, who killed a thousand swords."

"Learning to control emotions is the foundation. No matter how angry you are, you must never forget your mission and commitment."

"How do you learn this?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Like this." Shen Ming firmly grasped Xiao Yi's buttocks with one hand. The angry Xiao Yi slapped Shen Ming's face with a backhand.

"Look, you're just too angry. I'm teaching you. How can you hit me? When I grab your ass and you stop being angry, you're done." Shen Ming continued, covering his red cheeks. Nonsense.

"Don't wait, this girl will teach you how to be a man now!" Xiao Yi clenched her fists and began to fight with Shen Ming.

The professor was startled and stretched out his head to condemn...

Seeing this pair of live treasures, Fang Yuan also laughed. Life in the past half month is like a dream, with dangers, misunderstandings, and fetters. Fang Yuan has learned to get along with people, and she can also buy things according to the price of the goods, and can accept other people's change.

When he held 10 yuan for the first time, he was as surprised as a child.

The exam ended in less than half an hour, and it really was just a formality. When Fang Yuan came out from inside, apart from Shen Ming and Xiao Yi, there was Li Changxiu at the door.

"Congratulations, Miss. From now on, you are a top student at Oxford University. BOSS has prepared a dinner for you, entertaining many friends and classmates." Li Changxiu smiled and said the following arrangements.

"I see. Long-winded, have you bought your plane ticket?" Fang Yuan asked impatiently.

"Tomorrow at noon, fly directly to London, and then take a boat to Oxford, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Thames along the way." Li Changxiu is the real bodyguard, even if the employer has a bad face, he can keep smiling.

Li Changxiu was also traveling with her. Because of the previous accident, Fang Shiquan had assigned Li Changxiu to Fang Yuan as a personal bodyguard, taking care of food, daily life and safety in the UK.

In fact, what Fang Shiquan wanted most was for Shen Ming to be in charge of all this. After all, Fang Yuan invited Fang Shiquan to have a meal alone for this matter. However, Shen Ming categorically rejected Fang Shiquan's kindness, because the transaction was only done once.

"Can you let me talk to him alone?" Fang Yuan asked a little embarrassed.

"Here we go again..." Xiao Yi sighed and stood up wisely, but Li Changxiu retreated 5 meters away faster and turned around.

In the corridor outside the classroom, Fang Yuan stared at Shen Ming, hesitated to speak, tried twice before blushing and asked, "Will you come to tonight's party?"

"I think it's better to forget it, that kind of high-level occasion is not suitable for me." Shen Ming politely refused.

"What are we now?"


"I don't want to be your friend."

"Do you still want to recognize me as a brother?"

"No matter how poor you are, believe it or not, I'll beat you!" Fang Yuan raised her fist angrily.

"Stop making trouble, my eldest lady." Shen Ming raised his hand begging for mercy.

"You know, as long as you say a word, I will definitely stay, for you." Fang Yuan's eyes couldn't help getting wet, for parting.

"I know, but I also know that reading is more important to you than me. Perhaps there, you will meet someone more suitable than me." Shen Ming put his hands in his trouser pockets.

"No, there will never be another man who is willing to do everything for me like you." Fang Yuan's tears fell.

"Fang Yuan, I am a bodyguard. It is my responsibility to protect you. If there is any personal wish in this responsibility, there is only one sentence: 'I only want you to be well'. You are a good girl, it is time to learn to understand the helplessness of society. , spend more time with your dad, he might die of overwork one day because of his busy schedule."

"Your mouth is so cheap!" Fang Yuan punched Shen Ming's chest with a tearful smile. This kind of flirting and cursing other people's fathers should not be imitated by good children.

"Shen Ming, I will never forget you." Fang Yuan hugged Shen Ming's neck, like a friend, a relative, or a lover, "When I grow up to the legal age to marry, if you are not married, I will I will definitely come back and marry you!"

"Silly girl, a flirtatious bodyguard like me, when you come back, you will probably be the father of dozens of children." Shen Ming caressed Fang Yuan's back.

A farewell ended with a sad and amusing atmosphere.

When Li Changxiu picked Fang Yuan into the car, Shen Ming stopped the bodyguard, "My friend, the work is over, do you think it's time to settle the final payment? There is a policy above that wages for migrant workers are not allowed in arrears."

"Didn't I call you 3 days ago for the final payment? It was your mobile phone that sent us a message asking us to transfer it to your bank card? Is it correct for any account? You didn't receive it?" Li Changxiu asked in surprise.

"There is no text message notification? What's the matter? Could it be!" Shen Ming reacted, and immediately called the bank's manual service. Finally, it was revealed that his account had indeed reached 300,000 yuan, but it was transferred after only 10 seconds. 298,000 to a Ukrainian account. Of course, the money traveled almost all over the banks of 52 countries around the world in the next 3 minutes, and finally returned to the untraceable mouse account.

The interception of text messages was done by the mouse, and it was also the mouse who used Shen Ming's simulated mobile phone account to send text messages asking for money, and he was also the one who bypassed the banking system to transfer money.

The bank does not pay for such a loss of money, so it should be considered a natural or man-made disaster, right

"What's going on? How did 300,000 yuan become 2,000 yuan? I was also risking my life to do things, and I got shot when I got up late!" Xiao Yi angrily grabbed Shen Ming's neck and shook it desperately.

"Hehe, I was careless in making friends, so what can I do..." Shen Ming wanted to cry but had no tears.

In the following days, I entered the period of grazing again, only 2,000 yuan. Under Xiao Yi's strong request, which was actually a robbery, I got 1,980 yuan. There was no way. Xiao Yi was bought into a pauper, Shen Ming can eat grass, but Xiao Yi can't.

Now that she has withdrawn from the police ranks, she has no salary, and if she doesn't keep any money on her body, she will really die.

Even after taking away the 1,980 yuan, Shen Ming still owes Xiao Yi 18,000 yuan accumulatively, and the interest is calculated according to the highest interest rate of the bank and accumulated on a daily basis. Shen Ming tried to negotiate, and proposed to pay all the arrears at a price of 100 yuan.

Xiao Yi agreed, and decided to send Shen Ming's phone number to G Guy's website to cash in the final payment of those 180 calls. Shen Ming felt sorry for Daisy, and the negotiation broke down.

Helpless, Shen Ming could only spend the last 20 yuan to buy some fast-growing vegetable seeds, turned over the land in front of the door, and became an old farmer. I hope I won't be starved to death before the tomatoes are ripe, right

This is the case in the city. Some people do their best to eat three meals a day, while others worry about who to fuck

As night fell quietly, in the presidential suite of the largest Aoguanhai Hotel in Linhai City, US dollars drifted down like snowflakes. A private party is going on, only 6 people in total. Five curvaceous wild models, and a skinny young man with an evil face.

Accompanied by music that makes people's blood spurt, they do things that make people's blood spurt. The young man spent a lot of money, with a box of as much as 200,000 US dollars, which made the five peripheral girls smile.

Sunshine is one of them. She has seen too many occasions like this. She skillfully undressed and embraced her 34F bust.

But suddenly, the screams of the sisters came from the bedroom. This was definitely not the groaning of some perverted game. Sunny Tian nervously wrapped a bath towel and ran into the bedroom.

I saw the naked gold master sitting on a sister, with his hands tightly strangling her neck, and his body was still moving in and out.

The other three girls were all terrified and hid in the corner and screamed. The girl under the young man seemed to die with her eyes rolled.

Qing Tian said nervously, "Damn, why didn't the introducer say that there would be such a perverted game? You should pay more!"