God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 505: If I go out, I will marry you


"My dear son, call your mother quickly. Your mother will feed you piss. It is not easy to pull you one by one. Seeing how malnourished you are, it will be difficult for a short mule to find a wife in the future. You can only do it if you are a child. I’m looking for the seven dwarfs. Yao Ming stood with you to pee, and the two of them turned around and said hello, and they will feed it directly to your mouth, believe it or not.” Wan’er was vivid, with a variety of adjectives and even scene descriptions, and her speech was controlled in rhythm It's extremely accurate, saying that she is swearing, and it seems to be singing, replacing those dirty words, who doesn't love to hear her speak

"Mother, with your chest on the washboard, can you still breastfeed if you don't eat fish and pee? I'm malnourished, so it's better than you being indistinguishable, right? If you go to the swimming pool without a shirt on, I promise you won't be sick." People glance at you more than once. My chest is like two bites from mosquito bites. Fortunately, I don’t have any brothers, otherwise I would probably be starved to death by you. Also, your heavy taste is not flattering, and your small body is very small. Find a fat pig to show affection and say that I am the king? You are the king of the king, right? If you put all your fat on it, won’t you be wiped out?” Feng Quan, who was hung there, was definitely not taking it easy, and started scolding others. The same thing can be said.

"Fuck you! Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death right now!" Wan'er was furious.

"Come on! I will thank you for my uncle, and I will give you a big red envelope!"

A man and a woman looked at each other from a distance, their mouths full of swearing but their eyebrows danced with joy, just like high water meeting flowing water, completely forgetting that they are both people who have fallen into the world. Poor Huang Yibo has been standing on tiptoe for Wan'er, watching them yell at them with great joy, when she is trying hard, Wan'er will step on his feet regardless, she is almost dead.

"Wan'er..." Huang Yibo finally said.

"Don't interrupt!" An angry Wan'er scolded.

"Then where?!" Feng Quan saw the needle.

"No...the rice is here." Huang Yibo pointed to the three bowls of rice stuffed under the iron gate, which was their dinner. The food of Feng's family is not bad, there are vegetables, meat and eggs, it seems that they don't intend to abuse the prisoners.

Of the three, Huang Yibo has the longest chain and can move freely. The purpose of his being locked up here is to take care of the food for the two prisoners. In the past, the prison guards fed Feng Quan, but now it is him.

Huang Yibo, who knew his responsibilities, came to the door with a sigh, and brought back the three bowls of rice. Since I didn't eat it myself, I had to feed Wan'er first.

Wan'er was also extremely hungry. Big spoonfuls of rice and vegetables were brought to her, and she ate them all in one bite, regardless of whether they were hot or cold.

During meal time, fights are no longer noisy. Feng Quan knew that he had to wait for the girl's film to finish before he could eat, so he waited resignedly.

It didn't take long for a big bowl of rice to bottom out, and Wan'er burped two or three times in a row. Seeing that Wan'er had finished eating, Huang Yibo picked up Feng Quan's bowl.

"Stop, what are you doing?" Wan'er called out coldly.

"Huh? Feed him, this is the task assigned by the motherfucker." Huang Yibo has learned how to be smart now, so he can just follow Wan'er's call to Feng Qianchi.

"Hey! It's noisy. Eating is a basic human right. Do you still have the bottom line?" What Feng Quan feared the most happened. No matter how much he scolded him, he was afraid that Wan'er could mobilize the fat man not to eat for himself. It's okay if you don't eat a meal, if you eat like this, you will be really hungry and become bacon in a few days!

"Of course I have the bottom line. People are iron, and food is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry." A devilish smile appeared on the corner of Wan'er's mouth, "Come on, Wangcai, bring his meal here."

Huang Yibo didn't know what Wan'er wanted to do, so he obediently brought it in front of her. Then, the two elders looked at Wan'er and lowered her head, and spit out... the phlegm into Feng Quan's rice bowl, which just landed in Feng Quan's spoon.

"Fuck... I've seen disgusting ones, but I've never seen such disgusting ones! Sister, you're already super vicious!" Feng Quan felt numb all over his back.

"Wangcai, come, take it over and feed our young master!" Wan'er's mouth was still drooling.

"Wan'er...isn't this bad?" Huang Yibo was also disgusted by Wan'er, and he had never seen her like this before.

"Are you disobeying my order? Go! Feed him!" Wan'er shouted angrily.

Huang Yibo had no choice but to walk towards Feng Quan with a bowl in his hand. Feng Quan saw clearly that the spoonful of thick liquid was still dangling in it, suddenly there was a feeling of being bullied by dozens of brothers and sisters The self who has lived strong to this day might as well be dead.

"Young master, you have been arguing for so long, you should hurry up and eat while it's hot. It doesn't matter if you don't eat this meal, we will have a long life in the future, and God knows what I will add to the next meal? Now this is not a big amount, so don't be picky eaters , Wahahaha!!!" Wan'er laughed like a devil.

"Good little girl, I, Feng Quan, have never seen such a brazen girl like you in my life. If you have the opportunity to go out, don't fall on me! Otherwise, I will... definitely take you as my wife, beat and scold you every day, and treat you The old man is going to divorce you and sell you to a brothel as a slave!" Feng Quan could only talk happily.

"Look at your old-fashioned hat, have you watched too many period films? Now there are no brothels, they are all business halls! Don't talk so much nonsense, Wangcai! Feed him!" Wan'er ordered with a wild laugh.

Huang Yibo picked up the spoon tremblingly, and sent it to Feng Quan's mouth.

"Brother... Killing people is nothing more than nodding your head. I'm going too far when you play like this! Besides, you have seen the whole process, and you have seen the troubles... Don't come close! I choose death!" Feng Quan shouted with his head closed and his eyes closed. with.

Huang Yibo has such a heart, you let him even help ten old grandmothers, but to do such a dirty thing... Looking at the thick liquid in the spoon, he closed his eyes and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Fuck! Wangcai! What are you doing?" Wan'er was also angry.

"Brother! You will be my elder brother from now on! You are such a man!" Feng Quan was so moved that he cried.

"Eat... finished eating!" Huang Yibo pulled the spoon out of his mouth, and the clean one could be used as a mirror, turned around and said with a simple and honest smile, "Wan'er, everyone is like a grasshopper on a rope. Why are you in such a hurry? It’s okay to be noisy, everyone should think about how to get out peacefully now, which is the most important thing!”

"Okay, you can say whatever you want." Wan'er looked at the little green liquid still hanging from the corner of Huang Yibo's mouth, and felt like throwing up, her stomach was churning.

"Brother, your mouth..." Feng Quan reminded kindly.

"Ah?" Huang Yibo stuck out his tongue reflexively, picked that point into his mouth and ate it.

"Ouch!!!!" Wan'er finally couldn't hold back, and vomited out all the food she just ate.

"Brother! You are the real 'everything is boundless', my younger brother is willing to bow down, if I didn't eat, I would throw up too..." Feng Quan said with a face twitching.

Afterwards, Huang Yibo only felt like a waiter, not only cleaned up Wan'er's vomit, but also paid for Wan'er's food. After all, it was his own behavior that caused Wan'er to vomit, explain It sounds reasonable.

Then, he fed Feng Quan again spoon by spoon. This buddy is good, knowing that Huang Yibo didn't have anything to eat, he only ate half of it, and left the rest for him.

After eating half full, Huang Yibo returned to Wan'er's side, intending to lie down and use it as a stepping mat, but Wan'er said she was tired from standing, so she let him sit in front of her and rode directly on his neck.

If they don't know each other without scolding, Wan'er and Feng Quan can finally talk calmly for a while. During the conversation, the two learned that one of them is the persecuted twenty-one young master of the Feng family, and the other is Shen Ming's precious sister.

Feng Quan and Shen Ming are also considered friends, and this time the family change accident means that he has been implicated, Wan'er, Xiao Yi, and even Huang Yibo have been arrested. Feng Quan is not an unreasonable person, so he quickly admitted his mistake and apologized.

Feng Quan was polite, but made Wan'er feel embarrassed, and said with a smile, "You're welcome, the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes should help each other. I blame my brother for being funny. Secondly, we didn't think carefully. We don't care about it here." Blame you."

Poor Huang Yibo, who was under Wan'er's crotch, was about to cry but cried out in his heart, "Who will be considerate and considerate to me? I'm obviously being held by a chair...but it's so comfortable..."

"This cell is specially prepared for warriors. The locks on each wall are buried deep in the rock and then spliced together by circular steel mesh. If you have learned Qigong, you may still be able to break free. Just rely on brute force. I'm afraid it won't happen." Feng Quan, as an old tenant, introduced the actual situation here.

"By the way, don't you know it? Then you come!" Wan'er's brain opened.

"I want to come, but look at me, I've turned into briquettes, and I'm burning incense when I'm still alive. How come?" Hang up, "But if you can't do it today, it doesn't mean you can't do it tomorrow. Don't worry, I will definitely take you out. I swear in the name of the 19th generation head of the Feng family." Feng Quan promised.

"I hope you hurry up. I don't want to wait for my brother to come and see me hanging on the wall. It's really embarrassing." Wan'er's motive for escaping from prison is just that.

It was also time to eat, unlike Huang Yibo who had to serve the two of them to eat, it was far away in the back garden of Feng Mansion, accompanied by the sound of gurgling water, watching the moonlight in the lotus pond, and the singer playing the piano, it was so beautiful. Even pickled radish tastes extra refreshing, right? But facing a table of delicacies, Xiao Yi did not pick up her chopsticks.

"Why doesn't Ms. Xiao eat it? Is it because the cook of my Feng family doesn't like your taste? Just say it, and I'll ask the kitchen to make a new one right away." Feng Qianchi, the owner sitting opposite her, said very generously.

"No need, I'll eat." Xiao Yi said, picked up the chopsticks and began to pick up vegetables to eat. At first, being a hostage was very uncomfortable. Now that I think about it, there is no need to make trouble with my body. Only when I am full can I have the strength to resist. It was also educated by Shen Ming.

"You shouldn't touch me and Wan'er. Shen Ming is a good person. He is a housewife. Once something happens to his family, he will change into a different look. You don't want to see him at all." Xiao Yi asked Said while reminding.

"How does Miss Xiao know, I just want to see a different kind of Shen Ming?" Feng Qianchi raised his glass and laughed.