God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 508: Sanyi VS Qianchi


Without anyone's guidance, Ruotong stepped up the ladder in Tiandi District, like a king returning to court with majesty.

Even Feng Qianchi, who had tacitly assumed to be acting Patriarch, was robbed of the limelight, silently following her, not daring to stand shoulder to shoulder.

Aunt Feng's third aunt's parents are of the same origin as father Feng Wanli's parents, and they have a highly respected status in the Feng family. Even if she has been away for twenty years, the dignity brought by this seniority will not diminish in the slightest.

After all, the old Feng family is a place where seniority and family rules are more important than life.

Arriving in the Tiandi area of Fengjiashanzhuang after a long absence, Ruotong originally thought that he would miss and feel so sad, but unfortunately, after enjoying the magnificence of the big city, he only felt that the Fengjiashanzhuang was full of decayed, ignorant, self-styled people. sorrow.

"Third Aunt has just returned, and I ordered my servants to arrange an incense room for you, and prepare a table of wine and food. You should take a rest first." Feng Qianchi said politely.

"No need, I'm not tired. I'd like to trouble my nephew to call the other elders to the council hall. I have something to talk to you about." Ruotong used the honorific but still remained expressionless when speaking.

"Since the third aunt wants to meet everyone, it is naturally very good. Come and invite the elders of all parties. Black and white are impermanent. First, take the third aunt to the council hall." Feng Qianchi was not surprised and procrastinated, and quickly ordered.

The black and white impermanence they called were the other two protectors of the Feng family. A white-clothed white-masked Bai Wuchang and a black-clothed black-masked Hei Wuchang stepped forward and respectfully led Ruotong to the council hall. It felt a little creepy. Panic, like being led to the underworld.

Not long after, the elders from all parties arrived one after another. Their average age is eighty years old, and they are immediate relatives with the old head of the family, Feng Wanli, and they are old and feeble even if they can live to this day.

There were seventeen in total, and the third aunt was the eighteenth elder of the Feng family.

The long table in the magnificent council hall was full of these old grandpas and grandma, coughing and kaka like a tea party in a nursing home.

Originally, the chief seat was Feng Qianchi's favorite seat, but the third aunt came and sat on it. Feng Qianchi couldn't say a word, so he could only sit quietly in the second seat.

In Ruotong's view, juniors like Feng Qianchi are not even qualified to sit in on elders' meetings, so letting him sit now is already an act of mercy from the elders.

"Everyone, after 20 years of retreat, I'm coming back, everyone is safe and sound!" Ruotong greeted politely first, and the old men and women at the table didn't know whether they were deaf or dumb, and few of them paid attention. Look at her, there is only a chance to greet her, and the gesture of nodding is also extremely restrained.

"Zhongnan Mountain is still a good mountain and river, and I am very happy to stand aloof from the world, and I don't want to leave." Ruotong and Shen Ming also learned to lie in a few days, "But I got the news that the old Patriarch was killed, The civil turmoil in the Feng family forced me to go back."

"Third aunt, your source of information seems to be inaccurate. You see, our Feng family is harmonious, so there is no fight? How can we talk about civil strife?" Feng Qianchi said quickly, and as soon as he spoke, a few more people appeared in the elders' group. Personally, yes, yes, yes.

"My information is inaccurate? Then why didn't you send someone to give me accurate information?" Ruotong said coldly.

"Actually, my father's death happened suddenly, and it coincided with the opening of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Association, so this junior wanted to wait for the end of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Association, and then notify my third aunt to come back to mourn." Feng Qianchi was eloquent. .

"Really? I'm afraid that I, the young master of the Feng family, doesn't intend to let me go home. On the way back, the fisherman, Jinlian, and Feng's thirteen eagles chased and intercepted me one after another. Have you used it, have you lost the integrity of the Feng family?" Ruotong's questioning of the teacher was unobtrusive, although almost all the elders here were bribed by him, but he chased and killed the third aunt, and even used the crime of dying It was too big, and no one dared to come out to help him for a while.

"I've just heard what Aunt San said. Originally, I gave them an order to track down the whereabouts of the missing Feng Jiayin. Somehow, they followed you? If you dare to commit such a crime, you will be punished. Their family members will be punished." All of them were executed an hour ago, and the corpses are probably still warm, so I will give you an apology. The fisherman and others have also committed suicide, and I will send someone to consign their bodies back, and they are on their way.” Feng Qianchi said it lightly, but he was cruel The extent makes everyone shudder.

"You are clean enough." Ruotong also felt ashamed of Feng Qianchi's cruelty.

"If you dare to threaten the third aunt, you should naturally not be merciful. Although Feng Qianchi doesn't study much, he knows that he must not protect his weaknesses." Feng Qianchi smiled lightly, "But having said that, the youngest has conclusive evidence of colluding with outsiders to assassinate my old Patriarch. Feng Jiayin was left in exile, I remember it was handed over to a Nirvana named Shen Ming. How did the third aunt get involved with this seal thief?"

Feng Qianchi made an attack in disguise, directing the problem to Ruotong, and the elders naturally looked at Ruotong.

"The seal thief? Is that what you call Shen Ming? If he is a seal thief? Why did the seal fall into my hands?" Ruotong sneered, took out Feng Jiayin and placed it on the table in front of him. Feng Qianchi's eyes were straightened. This was the only distance between him and the Patriarch of the Feng family, and it was also the shortest distance. Heart.

"Feng Jiayin represents the supreme status of the head of the Feng family. Seeing the seal is like seeing a person. To become the head of the Feng family, Bawangquan's internal skills and Feng Jiayin are indispensable. With your current status, Feng Qianchi, the heart of anti-Bawangquan Naturally, you are qualified, and you are the eldest son of the old patriarch, and you have been handpicked as the successor of the next generation of the Feng family..." Ruotong talked a lot, then changed the subject again, "But I will not give you the seal of the Feng family. , at least until the cause of death of the old Patriarch is found out, it will not be given to you."

"How can I find out the cause of the old Patriarch's death? The youngest Feng Quan colluded with outsiders and murdered my old Patriarch and I was caught on the spot. The evidence of Feng Jiayin's exile is solid. This cannot convince the third aunt. Does the third aunt think that the younger generation is deceiving the elders?" ?" Feng Qianchi no longer concealed his anger.

"Yes, yes, the murder weapon used by the youngest to murder the old Patriarch has been identified. It is full of the youngest's fingerprints, and a servant has confirmed that the youngest has indeed been bewildering the old Patriarch recently, but he is suspected of usurping the throne." A great elder came forward to chime in.

"It's really advanced. The Feng family has begun to know how to check fingerprints. Have you checked why the old patriarch summons Feng Quan every night to pay his respects? Why is Feng Quan, who has no power and power and has always been called a wild species at home, How dare he kill the old patriarch and seize the seal of the Feng family, in an attempt to become the patriarch of the Feng family? Is he out of his mind, or has he taken the wrong medicine? Do normal people really believe that as long as they have the seal of the Feng family, they can secure the position of the patriarch of the Feng family?" Ruotong The questions raised left everyone speechless.

"It doesn't matter whether his mind is normal or not. What's important is that the family should not be left alone for a day." Feng Qianchi said bluntly, "Since the third aunt kindly brought Feng Jiayin back, then hand it over."

"To whom?" Ruotong asked doubtfully.

"Third Aunt thinks, who else in the younger generation is qualified to hold Feng Jiayin?" Feng Qianchi said proudly.

"It seems that you are really obsessed with the position of Patriarch. The old Patriarch's choice is correct. If the Feng family is in your hands, what future can there be?" Ruotong sighed sadly, "I am the old Patriarch. Accept it for the time being, if you want, wait until I investigate the cause of the old Patriarch's death."

After Ruotong finished speaking, he put the seal back on his body. As the saying goes, wealth should not be revealed, Feng Qianchi was really angry now.

"Third Aunt, I respect you as an elder. I will call you San Aunt. It doesn't matter how you teach the younger generation on weekdays. This is what it should be. But what do you mean by being a hindrance at such a critical time? Investigate the cause of death? You think it's impossible for the youngest Killing the old Patriarch, then who would do such a thing? Don’t you think that the old Patriarch wanted to pass on the throne to the youngest? Will the whole family make me king?" Feng Qianchi was so bold as to tell the truth.

"I don't want to talk too much with you. I'm going to the prison. I'll meet the youngest in person before making a decision." Ruotong got up and made a gesture to leave.

"Third Aunt, it's the period of the No. 1 Martial Arts Association in the World, and even my father's death training has been hidden. You go to find the youngest at this time. If the news leaks out, won't our old Feng family be ridiculed by the sons and daughters of the world?" ? Now, please stay calm and don't be impatient, and make a long-term plan after the Martial Arts Association is over." Feng Qianchi meant that he was not allowed to go.

"What a joke, when will there be a place I can't go to in this Feng family, if I have to go?" Ruotong also got angry.

"Third aunt is so honorable in my Feng family. Naturally, there is no junior who can stop me wherever I want to go. However, Sanyi has been in seclusion for so long, and she must have practiced martial arts so hard that she has reached the point where no one can be seen. The younger is not talented, so she wants to ask for advice." Feng Qianchi Saying that this meant to do something, the elders panicked and hurriedly came forward to dissuade them.

This kind of formal challenge of generational separation has never happened in the Feng family. It would be good if Ruotong wins, as the elders educate the younger generation. If Qianchi wins, it will not end well.

"Good boy, dare to challenge your third aunt? Although the Feng family respects warriors, but the guy who forgets his ancestors will die in a hurry." Ruotong was also angry.

"Today, in the Feng family, is there anyone who dares to delay me? Besides, the third aunt is only one level older than me, so she really can't be called my ancestor. My father's bones are still alive, and he has a heavy responsibility. Many things, Qianchi knows that it cannot be violated, and he must do it. Even if future generations have to bear the reviling of thousands of people, today, I am also duty-bound to take responsibility for this family. Third aunt, if you want to go to prison, you must convince me." Feng Qianchi twisted her neck stand up.

"The Feng family has never been short of talents, but you are definitely the number one person in history who dares to make mistakes. Anyway, since you are so proud and feel that the world is invincible, I will teach you on behalf of your dead father, what is etiquette?" , so that you won't lose face when you go out in the future, and damage the signboard of my old Feng family." Ruotong knew that this battle was inevitable.