God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 526: was pitted


The peaceful life was broken again at the moment of the gunshot. Shen Ming, who was leaning against the column to change the magazine, did not have any regrets. Instead, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, because his body really liked the excitement of being in the hail of bullets, just like a lion I like grasslands, and cheetahs run across the grasslands. Anwen is suitable for mortals, Shen Ming thought he would become a mortal, but in the end the DNA of fighting still allowed him to enjoy the thrill of shooting recoil over his body.

"Xing Bai, can you connect to the external network?" From the mirror on the opposite side, Shen Ming saw the toe of the military boot that was only 1 cm behind the sofa. After hitting the target, the unlucky SWAT member hugged his feet and yelled, and fainted on the ground within a few seconds.

"I'm using a local node to make a signal connection. It's a bit troublesome. Wait a minute." Xing Bai used the SWAT team member who fell unconscious first as a fulcrum to spread the signal outward through his communication system. Under the strong electronic interference, Xingbai can only let the signal jump from one player to the outside team members, and each person acts as his own signal bridge to connect to the external signal source, how troublesome it is, how troublesome.

"Try to hurry up, these guys have already damaged a lot of my furniture... Damn, do I even have to buy bulletproof furniture in the future?" Most of them were broken by Feng Qianchi.

After playing for five minutes, the first group has been fully reimbursed, the second group has also lost more than half, the third group, the fourth group, and even the fifth group have been replenished. The more you beat everyone, the more you can feel how terrifying the gun in Shen Ming's hand is, and they also know that he has no intention of killing people. Still smiling.

But even so, they still couldn't get close to Shen Ming's body, and they couldn't even hurt him.

"Get out of the way! Let me do it!" The team leader went into battle in person, carrying a shotgun in his hand, and put on a suit of explosion-proof full armor and an explosion-proof helmet, armed even with teeth, Shen Ming's anesthesia bombs were not enough to start the battle The armor on him.

"Cut, am I afraid of the whole turtle coming out?" From behind the pillar, Shen Ming leaned forward and rushed out. Suddenly, there was a burst of gunshots from the opposite side. Shen Ming's Z-shaped charge made full use of the terrain and furniture to defend himself Consuming the enemy's firepower, the captain's shotgun expression was bang bang bang, and the broken stones on the floor were flying all over the sky.

Shen Ming's counterattack was much more accurate than these special police officers. He pulled the trigger continuously, used anesthesia bombs to clean up the soldiers around the captain, and came to the special police captain with a height of 2 meters.

"Friend, haven't I told you welcome yet?" Shen Ming kicked the shotgun aimed at himself towards the sky with a knee, and with a bang, the ceiling was smashed into a sieve by the shotgun.

"You're welcome!" Throwing away the empty shotgun, the captain drew out his pistol for close combat.

The captain's combat ability even surpassed that of Xiao Long, even the king of special forces was at his level. But in front of Shen Ming, he couldn't even handle a single move, and was knocked down to the ground by one move, which was a terrible fall.

One knee pressed the captain's hands behind his back, and Shen Ming was even riding on the captain's back. With the pistol with only the last bullet in his hand, he pried off the captain's neck guard and directly pressed against his carotid artery superior.

At this time, the additional special police also quickly surrounded Shen Ming.

"Everyone, take care of your index fingers and don't go off. Although I used an anesthesia bomb, I can still kill him at such a short distance." Shen Ming's whole body was covered with laser red dots, but he was still calm. idle way.

"Leave me alone and complete your mission." The captain who was pressed to the ground couldn't move his whole body, but he could still speak.

"Shen Ming, you have already connected to the external network, you can make calls now." Xing Bai whispered in Shen Ming's ear.

"Connection General." Shen Ming maintained the posture of pressing down on the captain, and found someone who could help. The tense atmosphere remained deadlocked for ten minutes before being broken by a middle-aged commander who looked displeased. Willingly announce the end of the mission, and evacuate all the special police soldiers from the Shen family mansion, so that Shen Ming can sit down and chat with the general.

"Come on, general, tell me what happened?" Shen Ming sat on the broken sofa.

"You have a big deal. Recently, the International Terrorist Organization received a huge sum of money. This money has allowed their arsenal to be updated, and the team has become stronger. Bald Eagles and European intelligence organizations have become active. , After tracing it down, it was found that the funds came from the GOD fund, and the source of the investment was your money." The general also just knew all this.

"My money? Are you crazy? All my money is for formal investment. How could it be..." Before Shen Ming finished speaking, Zimo's face immediately appeared in his head.

"They don't care if you are making a formal investment or not. The source of the funds comes from the Chinese government. If we don't do something with you, it will be done. Besides, you are also very famous in the international circle. They seized this opportunity to put pressure on you. The Celestial Dynasty looks good on you, but they really don't care about the truth." The general was also in a state of desperation, and he was still dealing with various parties when he was on the phone with Shen Ming.

"To what extent can you do it?" Shen Ming said bluntly.

"At most, the personal freedom of you and your family will not be restricted, but your special gun license must be withdrawn, and all assets under your name will be frozen and subject to in-depth investigation by the International Joint Investigation Organization." The general is also doing his best.

"When will it be lifted the soonest?"

"It's really hard for me to answer you. The international investigation team is no longer under my control. There was no reference before. If they wanted to, it would be possible to investigate for ten years." The general was helpless.

"Understood, but at least tonight, let's have a quiet rest." Shen Ming knew that he was cheated by someone, and he knew who was cheated by him. He was not angry or upset. He had been trained to find problems and solve them. Problems, the thinking mode of finding new problems, and not being surprised by changes are the most basic requirements of snipers.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone on the earth, Xiao Yi and Wan'er woke up from their sleep. She was full of plans to continue preparing for the wedding, but she was stunned by the battlefield-like scene downstairs.

A large number of investigators from the imperial capital checked everything in the house one by one, and the Lycan supercar that Xiao Yi hadn't finished running was also sealed.

"Shen Ming, what's going on?" Xiao Yi asked nervously.

"Come over for breakfast, and I'll tell you when I'm done." Shen Ming was pouring three glasses of milk with a smile. Just as he put down the glass jug in his hand, a staff member put a seal on it and took him away.

"Brother bastard, what are you doing? Why are they desperately moving our things?" Wan'er also looked displeased. But looking at Shen Ming's smiling face, it's a cheap look that doesn't eat or talk.

While eating around the dining table, the black-eyed ants and pandas were also gathered, and the investigators had already started to move things from upstairs.

"To put it simply, we have been tricked. Zimo deliberately linked our money to terrorist organizations. Now that our assets have been frozen, we have no money at all." Shen Ming wrote lightly while drinking milk.

"Bastard, why did he do this?" Xiao Yi wanted to kill someone.

"I have asked Xingbai to do an in-depth investigation. Zimo's information has been tampered with by himself. The information processing is perfect. Even your main server in the American school has been invaded. He is also the genuine vice president of the GOD Fund, but the appointed The time is only 7 days. Xingbai conducted an in-depth investigation of his relevant information through facial recognition, and found that he is actually the former boss of Xinliansheng—Hua Ziqiang.”

"Xin Liansheng? Is that the gang organization that kidnapped Fang Yuan back then? Aren't they destroyed?" Xiao Yi became more and more confused the more she listened.

"It seems that their boss has successfully escaped from prison and spent a lot of money on revenge. The cause and effect are simple and clear, but it always feels a little strange." Shen Ming smiled slightly.

"What do you mean now, have you become paupers again?" Wan'er said disapprovingly.

"It was you who became poor together." Xiao Yi wanted to cry.

"Cut, I haven't seen my living expenses rise even if I have money. Do you know that I have been living on Wangcai? Now that you have become poor, I will temporarily stay at Wangcai's house. You can ask for more blessings." With bread in her mouth, Wan'er turned around and left home with her schoolbag in her hand. When she walked to the door, she found that the shoe cabinets had been sealed, "Cut, what a bad luck."

Wan'er just went out to school in her flip flops, who would dare to stop her on duty

As for Shen Ming and Xiao Yi, who are going to say goodbye to the magnificent Shen family mansion after breakfast, their luggage is only a schoolbag, and they basically pack a change of underwear, and they are all from the cheapest brand , this is out of humanitarian considerations.

As for the car, let alone a supercar, the Z4 is not allowed to drive away. The only thing that can be used is the old jeep that Xiao Yi used to pick up Shen Ming. survived. Xiao Yi is also a nostalgic person. There are many good cars, and the old Jeep is not thrown away. On the contrary, when she has money, she repairs the car, modifies it, and replaces it with a V12 direct injection engine system and a military Hummer suspension. The frame can already be compared with a sports car in speed and texture with an SUV when it is driven.

"Shen Ming, where can I find this guy? I just want to beat that bitch right now!" Xiao Yi's hands holding the steering wheel rattled.

"Since he dares to set up such a big game, he is naturally not afraid of us looking for him, but since you are angry, I also want to know something else, so let's go to where he lives." Shen Ming said on the navigator An address was entered.

"You know that guy's address? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Xiao Yi stepped on the engine and rushed out.

"Because I didn't finish my breakfast." Shen Ming still had a relaxed look, even though he was going to eat grass at night, he could still laugh now.