God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 528: Go to Sicily


Hua Ziqiang gave Shen Ming a task, but he never met him again. In his words, he would show up at the right time to give Shen Ming the help he needed.

And in Linhai City, a large number of mercenaries who did not know where they came from were already very busy. They searched every corner where Hua Ziqiang might be hiding, but they could not find him. When opening the last 1101 cabinet, the mercenary captain also found a mobile phone with a note "To the BOSS" under the mobile phone. These obedient dogs really handed the mobile phone to the BOSS.

"If this is the navigation system of a bomb or a surface-to-surface missile, we are all dead." The BOSS smiled and educated his subordinates while dialing the only number on the phone.

"Boss, based on our previous friendship, how about giving him a way out?" Hua Ziqiang said bluntly.

"Friend, I could have done you in prison, but I didn't. I gave you a chance to come out and enjoy life before you die. What is there to be dishonest?" Boss made no secret of his killing intent.

"I know I was the one who was sorry for you at the beginning, and I can imagine how difficult your game of the Lost is, but now that everything is over, why bother? As a brother, there is no future life, and I am just like you Friend." Hua Ziqiang said affectionately.

"Qiang, in fact, there is no grievance between us. Now I want to erase you not because you betrayed our agreement, but because you... cheated. I am the trader of the lost game, and I will never allow anyone to desecrate this sacred game , before the new game starts, you must die." The boss said lightly.

"Since you are so confident, let's play a game, a game that only belongs to the two of us. I have hired Shen Ming as a bodyguard. I firmly believe that with my wisdom and his strength, I can survive to the beginning of the lost game." , if I do it, please don't pester me in the future, if I die, I will give you my head." Hua Ziqiang offered to fight.

"Hua Ziqiang, you are confusing the public again. Regardless of whether there is such a bet or not, I will definitely erase you. Don't you think it's despicable for you to insist on adding a favorable factor to my original purpose? ?” BOSS couldn’t help laughing.

"But the you I know will never refuse any form of engagement, are you going to refuse?" Hua Ziqiang knew his brother too well.

"Appointment, why not? You'd better hope that your bodyguard can protect you, otherwise you know what I will do to you." Boss advised.

"I see, thank you." Hua Ziqiang understood that the boss didn't need to agree to himself, but he agreed, maybe there was still a little bit of brotherhood, he didn't forget it.

After Xiao Yi drove Shen Ming away from the cemetery, she followed Hua Ziqiang's instructions. At regular intervals, he would receive new text messages prompting them to a new location.

"I don't understand, why should I help him, I don't believe in this kind of liar, he is too dangerous." Xiao Yi can also feel the danger with a woman's intuition.

"No, it's not him who is dangerous, but the world he dragged me into. Xiao Yi, do you believe there is a god in this world?" Shen Ming said inexplicably.

"I don't believe it, I just believe that if I don't work hard today, I will finish it tomorrow." Xiao Yi is a pragmatic school.

"Coincidentally, I don't believe it either. If there really are gods who can manipulate our destiny, I would like to kill one or two to try." Shen Ming smiled mysteriously.

Another road sign text message came, but this time Hua Ziqiang led the address directly to the international airport. It is only a 5-minute drive from Xiao Yi's location to the airport.

"It seems that we are going abroad." Shen Ming had a premonition.

"Going abroad? Where are you going?" Xiao Yi was already a little afraid of going abroad, so many times she went abroad with Shen Ming, and there was never a good fruit to eat.

"Then we have to ask our boss." Arriving at the airport, Shen Ming met Hua Ziqiang who was dressed as a tourist grandpa without looking too much, and casually stuffed two passports and air tickets into Shen Ming's hands.

"You know? In fact, rather than protecting you, I want to break your neck right now." Shen Ming said frankly.

"Of course I know, but you won't, at least you won't until my threat is lifted." Manipulating people's hearts is Hua Ziqiang's specialty.

"You bastard liar, I will definitely cut off your tongue and stuff it into your asshole!" Xiao Yi swore.

"Girls, please be careful with your words, but where we are going, being able to swear is also a kind of survival ability." Hua Ziqiang was not angry, and the smile on his face was far more sincere than it seemed in the office.

Shen Ming looked at the ticket in his hand, and the destination shown was actually the Italian island of Sicily.

"You're going to the birthplace of the Mafia? You don't want to create a new alliance in other places, do you?" Shen Ming sarcastically said.

"Who can tell for sure? Let's go, we will take off in 20 minutes, we must hurry up." Hua Ziqiang led Shen Ming and Xiao Yi to the VIP passage.

Hua Ziqiang's ticket purchase time was only 30 minutes earlier, and the flight he purchased was also a VIP flight, and there were many members of the bilateral trade delegation and some officials on board.

What he considered was definitely not the comfort of the flight, but the time when the BOSS tracked down their actions and the possible measures to take. What Hua Ziqiang first needs to avoid is the possibility of the flight being shot down by an anti-aircraft missile inexplicably in the air, or being intercepted halfway.

Judging from the level of passengers on this flight, BOSS should not be sick enough to kill them by this method.

"Based on the time, he should have known that we boarded the plane." When the luxurious Boeing 777 taxied on the runway, Hua Ziqiang, who was sitting in the overhead cabin with you, looked at his watch and said.

"If he wants to, it's easy to intercept you and kill you now." Shen Ming said simply.

"No need, because in the Celestial Dynasty, the control of demigods is the weakest. They have been working hard to maintain the peace of this land and avoid disputes, because this is the hometown of all of them. BOSS will not want to live here more What’s wrong, the place I’m going to has an average of hundreds of people missing every year for no apparent reason, the firearms management is loose, and the mafia is rampant, no matter how you think about it, it’s more convenient than killing me in the Celestial Dynasty, right?” Hua Ziqiang didn’t run away from danger , but to choose the time and place to attack for the enemy. What kind of death spirit is this

"I hope your calculations are loud enough, otherwise I'm going to risk my life with you, but even if the missiles attack... I may not survive..." Shen Ming also felt that he was becoming more and more like a monster.

Sure enough, the Boeing 777 passenger plane they took was not blocked by any obstacles, and it went up into the sky smoothly and flew towards the Italian island of Sicily.

This is a famous tourist attraction in Italy, and it is also the most difficult area to manage in Italy. Famous for the movie "The Godfather," the island is where the most notorious Italian mafia sprung up.

In fact, apart from the Mafia, there are more than a hundred gangsters living on this island, and they have taken root and sprouted here in their own way. Some have a history of hundreds of years, while others are rising stars. In the majestic European-style town, the story of the masters of the dark order fighting for power and profit is being staged.

Hua Ziqiang said that 20 years ago he quit the Lost Game because of love cheating, but he was afraid of being chased and killed, so he never married his beloved girl in his life. Five years later, the girl gave birth to a little princess, but died of dystocia. Hua Ziqiang was in pain, but he still shouldered the heavy responsibility of taking care of his daughter.

His wisdom makes him never short of money, what he lacks is the power to protect his daughter. In desperation, Hua Ziqiang had to leave her daughter when she was 5 years old, leaving her alone in Sicily. In order to hide the connection between the two as much as possible, Hua Ziqiang didn't even go to see her again, nor asked any news about her.

Only in this way can Hua Ziqiang ensure that the demigods will not think of her having a child and ensure her safety.

"The most important thing in a person's life is the process of growing up from an ignorant child to an adult. This is the time when people are weakest and most in need of help. You, a father, choose to let go, is it too heartless?" Shen Ming After listening to this tragic story, I sighed softly, feeling lucky that I met my adoptive parents in my childhood.

"There is a kind of love called letting go, and you have to let go. You and I both know what kind of demigods are. Once you show your flaws, there is no chance of turning around. Maybe I am cruel, but it is better than watching She died because of me." Hua Ziqiang's heart ached, but he never let the pain stay on his face.

After a 10-hour voyage, all kinds of people have settled in Sicily from all directions. They are either world-renowned mercenaries, or solitary cold-blooded killers, and some even have retired professions. Federal agents, hunting down famous people in the world.

They obtained information from various sources, but the mission goal was the same one—Hua Ziqiang's head. The boss didn't even offer a bounty for Shen Ming's head, because with Shen Ming's pissing nature, if he wanted to kill his client, he had to be killed first.

"We should get ready to get off the plane." When the plane just touched the ground, Shen Ming had already opened his eyes from sleep.

"Is there a way for you to leave the airport in an unconventional way?" Hua Ziqiang asked with a smile.

"As for those people you offended now, are we allowed to take the usual path?" When Shen Ming was speaking, he broke open the guard of the armrest of the first-class cabin with his bare hands, and pulled out two wires from the electronic pipe below.

"Shen Ming, what are you doing?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

"Take Hua Ziqiang and go first, we are going to jump off the plane." Shen Ming said, touching the two wires together, bang bang bang! There was a short circuit in the lines used by the passengers inside the entire airliner, and small explosions erupted next to each seat, and the thick smoke just drifted away.

The emergency short-circuit accident caused chaos in the passenger plane. The captain quickly contacted the tower, and fire trucks and ambulances came quickly with flashing lights.

At this time, Xiao Yi had already unscrewed the front hatch, and the inflatable safety slide quickly unfolded.