God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 529: Gangsters of Sicily


Sicily International Airport became very lively because of the passenger plane accident. All the SWAT teams and rescue teams rushed to the airport and quickly surrounded the Boeing 777 flight. Now the chaos is so chaotic that even the news TV stations have rushed over.

And those killers who were already preparing to take Hua Ziqiang's head in the airport lobby all lost a chance to win the top spot.

At this time, 1.5 kilometers away from the airport runway, on the top of the command console, between the cracks of a heat insulation layer, the funeral dragon wearing a blindfold pushed half of the blindfold, and looked through the scope at the Boeing 777 docked. position, just pulled down the blindfold, and continued to sleep regardless of the sniper rifle.

At this time, the boss's communication voice came from his earphones, "Mr. Burial Dragon, can you take the head of the target?"

"It can't be done. The plane's docking position deviates from the plan. The scene is too chaotic. There is no way to quickly identify the target, and there is Pluto beside him. The first hit rate is too low. This is not a suitable time for sniping. I decided to sleep. " Zanlong said with a yawn.

"Really? They all say that you are the best sniper in the world. No matter when you were in the Nirvana camp or now, no one can compare with it. I have worked hard to second you here. I don't want to hear You said it couldn't be done." The boss was a little annoyed.

"Remember, the best sniper is only shooting under harsher conditions, not making the impossible possible. We are not magicians. If you want to hit an invisible target so much, then Ground-to-ground missiles should be used. In addition, I may be a dog, but I am definitely not a dog that you can yell at. Next time you satirize me, I will show you how to kill your mouthful without killing you. Teeth." Zanlong was lazy even when threatening people.

For him, sleeping is as much fun as shooting. And the strongest sniper on the surface, the sniper rifle used by Shen Ming is the Interventor high-precision long-range sniper rifle, so it should be regarded as a hero who sees the same thing, right

"Sorry, I'm being serious. Let's think of a way." The boss hung up the phone. Even though he was wearing a mask on the other end of the phone, the anger distorted his face. This is an anger that cannot be satisfied with power. .

"Shen Ming, it's done, we can go." Xiao Yi, who had already changed into a nurse's outfit, walked in front of Shen Ming, who was leaning against the front wheel of the Boeing 777 in a daze.

"En..." Even though Shen Ming said so, he couldn't move, it was an indescribable fear.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiao Yi asked strangely.

"I'm scared, like a rabbit being targeted by a lion. There should be a sniper around...and he's strong enough to make me... scared." There has never been such a sense of fear in aiming.

There are only a handful of good snipers in the world, and Shen Ming knows almost all of them, but only the killing intent he feels at this moment... is too special.

"Are there any snipers that can scare you?" Xiao Yi was also surprised.

"Let's go, don't stay here anymore." Shen Ming took a deep breath, took Xiao Yi back to a snatched ambulance, drove away from the airport with other passing vehicles, and drove to the side of the highway. superior.

"Welcome to Sicily, everyone, the most free and beautiful place in Europe. I used to imagine that the place where I can die is also the place where my beloved wife is buried..." Sitting in the co-pilot, Hua Ziqiang became a tour guide leisurely. Work.

"I need a gun." Shen Ming said without any nonsense, coming out of the airport, he had already entered a state of tension all over his body.

"Of course, in Sicily, this kind of thing is as easy to get as a one-night stand." Hua Ziqiang smiled.

"You didn't understand what I meant. What I want is high-precision long-range sniper equipment for the Interventor, as well as large-caliber revolvers like the M500, assault rifles, grenade launchers, grenades, anti-personnel mines, etc. These are used to A weapon for regular warfare." Shen Ming didn't want to experience the feeling of being unarmed again when he experienced the sniper's killing intent.

"Although I know where to get it, I believe that the boss is as clear as I am. The thinking mode of a soldier is easy to grasp. Once we find these large firearms, we will immediately fall into a trap." Hua Ziqiang has already switched to a boss thinking.

"Without these, our risk in the later stage is also very high." Shen Ming meant that it must be done.

"Mr. Liar, with your supernatural powers, can't you find a place where you can get these equipments without your enemies noticing?" Xiao Yi sneered.

"There is one, but you need to take some risks. I'm talking about both of us taking risks at the same time." Hua Ziqiang sighed lightly.

"My risk, I can handle it myself, can you handle yours?" Shen Ming asked.

"Guess." Hua Ziqiang said in a mysterious way.

Sicily is the most densely populated island in the world. On this land of only 25,000 square kilometers, there are a total of 5 million people living in it, which is not counted as too many tourists. There are many cities throughout Sicily, and there are also many mafia territories. They may not be good people, but they rarely attack tourists, behave more gentlemanly, and even provide some services to tourists who need help.

Because the gangsters here understand that maybe they are all murderous hooligans, but they must not let their reputation spread far and wide. The underworld elements who can survive here are inextricably linked with the local law enforcement officers. Only by being relatively safe can the long-term development of the organization be guaranteed.

Among these countless gangs, the one that has been in the limelight in the past 20 years is none other than the Skull and Bones, which is entrenched in Palermo, the capital of Sicily. In such a city with a population of 750,000, there are a total of 2,000 Skull and Bones members, and the average age of gang members is only 22 years old. Many internal members joined Skull and Bones directly after dropping out of school. kid.

They are young and energetic, not afraid of life and death, have low requirements for life, have no future plans, and are ruthless, which is why the skeleton society grows rapidly. Many old-fashioned gangsters are trying to avoid conflicts with the Skull and Bones, not only because their minions are not afraid of death, but also because the main business of the Skull and Bones is the arms business. They use Sicily as a transfer point for arms smuggling. Advanced European weapons and equipment are packaged and sold to rebel groups in Africa, the Middle East, and even Asia.

Because their arms business never caused strong regional conflicts on the island, and they actively paid taxes and fees in various names, the higher-ups also turned a blind eye to the domineering Skull and Bones.

Pinos, the first president of Skull and Bones, just turned 40 this year, and he is also a man of the day in Sicily. He has his own restaurant, exclusive bathhouse, and even a team of supermodels for private use only. In the past 20 years, his net worth has already exceeded 1 billion US dollars, which can be described as prosperous.

And 20 years ago, he was just an ordinary gangster on the street, and he made a living by threatening the little sister to do some flesh and blood business. There are many stories about his sudden wealth, but there is only one correct version, that is, one afternoon, he met Hua Ziqiang, and Hua Ziqiang said to him, "Listen to me, your future will be the island of Sicily. The brightest sun."

Pinos, who is invincible at all, swears on his life and becomes Hua Ziqiang's most loyal dog. After getting a full set of supportive gangster development plans, Skeleton will grow at an unimaginable speed. Hua Ziqiang deliberately hides behind the scenes, allowing Pinos to flourish until they part ways 5 years later, leaving this world to the Once the dog.

Pinos once again swore with his life that he would only protect his property for Hua Ziqiang, and when Hua Ziqiang came back, he would definitely return to Zhao. Hua Ziqiang would definitely not believe this kind of false promise, but if he just asked him for some equipment, it should still be accommodating because of the old relationship.

Accompanied by the beautiful sunset in Sicily, the car carrying Hua Ziqiang stopped on the road outside the warehouse of the famous dock in Palermo. Hua Ziqiang dialed a number that had not been dialed for 15 years, "Pinos, yes I."

"Brother Qiang?! Is it you?" Pinos tried to pretend to be surprised enough, but his breathing and the speed of his speech all revealed the fact that he had long been aware of Hua Ziqiang's return. The exposure of this information was obviously a Someone related to BOSS told him.

"I need some equipment. It's urgent. Can I get it?" After all, Hua Ziqiang was facing a boss. He changed the way of speaking directly in the past, and at least joined the questioning session to show respect.

"Of course there is no problem. Where are you now? If you need anything, just tell me. I'm ready to send someone to take you there." Pinos agreed.

"No need, I saw your car in the warehouse, you should be here, I'll come in right away, wait for me for 3 minutes." Hua Ziqiang hung up the phone, and sighed to Shiji Xiaoyi beside him, "He's gone now. I started calling the boss, no accident, the first team of pursuers will arrive within 10 minutes."

"Congratulations, your dog has changed its surname, but you still have to come here to be bitten." Xiao Yi said with contempt.

"Although dogs are not as loyal as cats, they are mothers if they have milk, but the advantage is that they are stupid enough to never know whether their barking is helping the master or killing the master." Hua Ziqiang is using everything, even Including the mind of a dog.

"By the way, just the two of us broke into the enemy's lair, don't you think it's too risky?" Xiao Yi was not afraid, but just didn't want to die.

"The risks we take are controllable. What your boyfriend will face is far more troublesome than what we will encounter. I worry about him more than we worry about ourselves." Hua Ziqiang said with one hand supporting his face.

"Relax your heart, he will never lose, never." Xiao Yi started the engine and drove into the dock warehouse.