God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 530: Hua Ziqiang's dog


Palermo's wharf is a world-renowned port, and the first to fourth warehouses managed by Skull and Bones occupy an important shipping position all year round.

They even ship armored vehicles around the world on cruise ships. The important munitions of the Skull and Bones Society are piled up here, and the defense is naturally tight. There are nearly a hundred people patrolling the place, and even the law enforcement agencies dare not attack this place rashly.

However, Xiao Yi drove a second-hand Mercedes-Benz, swaggered through the guards with guns, and parked the car in front of the fourth warehouse.

The big man with the Uzi submachine gun on his chest stepped forward, opened the car door, and greeted Hua Ziqiang and Xiao Yi.

"Hi, I need to search you." The guard signaled Hua Ziqiang to raise his hands.

"Brother, take it easy, I'm very sensitive." Hua Ziqiang smiled and opened his hand. The guard quickly finished touching him and came to Xiao Yi.

"You don't need to trouble me, I'll do it myself." Xiao Yi, who was wearing leggings, took off her coat, revealing the tight sports vest underneath, her curvy figure is outstanding even in this European and American place.

"Hi, I need to search you." After seeing Xiao Yi's slim figure, the ruthless guard still insisted.

"It seems that you are pretending to be a bowl of heat in your head. How can I carry a weapon when I am like this? If you dare to touch me, I will show you what it means to kill with bare hands." Xiao Yi said grimly.

The dozen or so guards around all pointed their guns at her, and Xiao Yi's body was covered with laser red dots for a while.

"What are you doing? Do you want to die? Do you know who is coming?" A gray-haired man came out of the warehouse and stopped the rash guards.

"Brother Qiang, I'm sorry, the current subordinates are ignorant and offended you." The boss immediately stepped forward, bowed his head in greeting and apologized.

"It's okay, I don't care, it's just that they offended my friend." Hua Ziqiang smiled easily, and the boss in front of him was Wallace, the second leader of the Skull and Bones Society, Pinos' most powerful subordinate, in Hua Ziqiang. Ziqiang has been here since he took control of the Skull and Bones behind the scenes.

"This is Mrs. Qiang, right? Nice to meet you!" Wallace quickly changed direction and bowed.

"If you can't talk, don't talk, who is his wife!" Xiao Yi said angrily.

"Hahahaha, I don't have the good fortune to be her husband, don't be too polite, where is Pinos, take me to see him." Hua Ziqiang hit the point directly.

"Okay, please follow me." Wallace led the way directly.

A group of guards were all stunned. They had never seen the second leader be so respectful. Even when government officials came to visit, the two big men didn't show such a flattering and awe-inspiring look.

Passed through the huge warehouse warehouse and came to the most open space in the middle! The open space with exquisite sofas and coffee tables was also covered with carpets, just like an open living room. Thirty guards gathered densely on the surrounding containers. The guys in their hands were bigger than the US Navy. The team is even better.

"Brother Qiang, you are really fast!" Pinos sat on the sofa, posing with a haughty posture that he had never shown in front of Hua Ziqiang, far less humble than Wallace.

"It's not as fast as you. The lady I found for you was done in three minutes. Forgot?" Hua Ziqiang greeted with a smile, and the provocative flavor in his words was entirely due to Pinos' hostility.

Several guards around couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Pinos looked at these guys angrily, and they immediately shut up again.

"Brother Qiang was joking. We haven't seen each other for fifteen years. It's not easy to meet again. Come on, sit down." After being trained, Pinos became more enthusiastic.

"It's been a long time indeed. It's said that the Skull and Bones Club is running well, better than I imagined." Hua Ziqiang sat on the sofa like an old elder returning home, and Xiao Yi stood aside.

"That's all written by Brother Qiang. Good script, don't cause trouble for the government; don't do business around you; don't evade taxes; don't bully the neighbors; you can fight, don't kill people. 'Five Don'ts', until now I also I never forgot." Pinos was telling the truth.

"Okay, I'm done talking about the past, let's talk about business. I want a gun and ammunition. It's urgent. I want it right away." Hua Ziqiang said, slapping his thigh. "Brother Qiang wants something, of course there is no problem, it's just that we brothers met after a long time, you must give me a chance to welcome you." Pinos said righteously, "I have already ordered at the best restaurant in Palermo For a table, I also found two female celebrities who are sloppy to accompany me, I guarantee big breasts and big buttocks, first-class kung fu, if Brother Qiang doesn't like it, there are alternatives you can change!" Pinos said with a lewd smile on his face. .

"Hehe, when did BOSS become as cute as you described? I remember that he might be handsome, but he doesn't have big breasts and big ass, right?" Hua Ziqiang laughed directly.

The name made Wallace deadpan, but Pinos frowned.

"What are you talking about? Boss? Aren't you our eternal boss?" Pinos laughed.

"Pinos, you know my ability, you lied in front of me, you really haven't grown to that level yet, let me guess what you did for the last five minutes? You called the boss immediately after you hung up the phone. I called, but you didn't say that I was coming to you, but that you knew my whereabouts, and you already asked the boss for money, probably between 3 million and 5 million euros?" Huazi Qiang talked eloquently, "BOSS actually already knew that I came to you, but he won't tell the truth, he doesn't care about millions of dollars, at the same time you call him, he has already mobilized people to come here You should be able to find it in five minutes. You betrayed me not because of greed, but because of fear. You are afraid of the punishment of the boss, and you are also afraid that I will come back and take everything from you. Is the expression you guessed okay? I didn't guess it, but calculated it. This is a kind of thinking simulation ability, which is difficult to explain clearly with your IQ."

"Why? You know so much, but you still come here?" Pinos didn't need to deny it, after all, he had been the boss for too long, and he was no longer used to being a dog to anyone.

"Pino, when did you see me lose? And when did you see me get scared?" Hua Ziqiang said with a smile, "The boss is very strong and has all the resources in the world, but the only thing he doesn't have is... I know how strong my teammates are. I need to get him a gun, but I don’t have to get it from you, I just need to attract a group of friends with guns to deliver it to the door, and free shipping, how kind?”

"You actually want to attack the troops that the BOSS is using to encircle you and grab guns?" Pinos instinctively picked up the phone, wanting to make a call to report the news.

"Hurry up and tell the BOSS this, do you think he will thank you or think you are playing with me to trick him? I am not afraid that he will find me, the world is big, I can go anywhere? What about you? It's okay, don't worry about it Will you run away with me?" Hua Ziqiang seemed to be holding a frying pan non-stop, and Hua Nuoshi was the ant on the hot pan.

"Brother Qiang, do you really think I need the boss to kill you?" Pinos angrily dropped his phone, took out his pure platinum revolver, and aimed at Hua Ziqiang who was only 3 meters away. , so bold, 20 years ago, or even 15 years ago, he would never have dared.

"Miss Xiao Yi, is someone pointing a gun at me? Are you really going to help me?" Hua Ziqiang showed no fear, instead he said cutely to Xiao Yi who was behind him.

"You're looking for Shen Ming to be your bodyguard, it's none of my business." Xiao Yi said coldly and stood back a little, disgusted with Hua Ziqiang's blood splashing all over her body.

Helpless, Hua Ziqiang turned his head and faced the gun, still maintaining a gentlemanly smile and said, "Pino, do you know what will happen if you kill me?"

"You fucking do this again! Every time someone wants to kill you, you do this trick. Do you think I have something in your hands? Bah! For the past 15 years, I have been cleaning up what you may have buried. The trap that entrapped me, I have changed all the accounts, the responsible companies have been transferred to other people's names, and I have been paid for even car violations! What else can you threaten me with?" Pino Even if this day has come, the scholar has always been extra careful in the past and committed crimes preoccupied, just for today.

"Good work, unfortunately, invisible traps are the most deadly. From the moment you know me, the chess pieces that threaten you have been buried. Wallace, and you are the Skull and Bones that joined the front and rear feet. I choose People come to pursue the right, if you are obedient, you will naturally take the lead, but what about Wallace? He is more tactful than you, handles things more properly, and has a higher IQ than you? Why did I choose to support you instead of him in the end? And why did he Are you willing to help you wholeheartedly?" Hua Ziqiang awakened the dreamer.

"You are a cop?!" Pinos immediately understood that the crime Hua Ziqiang was planning to kill himself was actually the second boss who knew all his secrets.

"Boss! Don't look at me like that! I'm not a cop! Don't you know my loyalty to you?!" Wallace panicked, because Pinos' gun had already been aimed at him.

"No! I'm not the dog you manipulate! I will never be threatened by you! Never!" Pinos pulled the trigger like crazy, boom! Boom! Boom! One shot after another until the revolver was emptied, Wallace just fell to the ground, blood stained the carpet, and the last expression on his face was so unwilling.

"Hey... Hahaha! I also killed your last pawn, what else can you do to me?" Pinos tremblingly opened the hot revolver, and replaced it with new ones one by one. bullet.

"It's a pity. I liked Wallace a lot, even more than you. In fact, he was right. He is not a policeman, and the chances of betraying you are not high. The reason I chose him is just because he is now a random guy. The illegitimate son of the Minister of Military Affairs, although his father dare not recognize him, but there is only such a son under his knees, and he loves him very much. If you let him know who killed his precious son... You are welcome to join the fugitive career." Hua Ziqiang respectfully Salute.

"Fuck you! Fuck me!" Pinos roared angrily.