God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 531: The strongest sniper on the surface


There are many roads leading to the port of Palermo, but there is only one fastest one. It needs to cross the Camel Road in Palermo City. The medieval buildings there are just wide enough for a car and a half to pass through, because it belongs to the gangsters. It is entrenched, so basically no tourists will come here. All travel agencies know where to play and where not to play in Sicily.

Only self-guided backpackers who are bold and not afraid of death will occasionally come here to take pictures of different scenery.

At night, when the lights were dim, three large SUVs stepped on the accelerator and passed by. The twenty mercenary fighters on board, named "Desert Fox", were a newly formed mercenary group, but here All members of the team are elites from various special operations forces around the world, and some of them are talents who were recruited by the captain when they were on the job.

So unlike other mercenary groups, most of them are old men, the average age of the desert fox is only 28 years old, which is the peak fighting age.

"Attention everyone, the target we are dealing with this time is not too dangerous. The dangerous one is his bodyguard, a nirvana, and a very strong sniper, so we deal with him first, and then we go to kill ours Mission objective." The black captain shared the mission content with the team members, while the five big and three rough team members were checking the guns and ammunition in their hands, each with a murderous look.

At this time, Shen Ming was lying on the red tile roof of a three-story building on Carmel Street.

He doesn't need to look, just by listening to the sound of the engine, he can know how far the car is, how many people are in it, and whether the driver is a man or a woman.

Hua Ziqiang's plan is to use himself as a bait to fish out the first batch of BOSS's chasing troops, and then fight back and seize the guns. This is the risk that both Hua Ziqiang and Shen Ming must bear.

And when the vehicle just passed downstairs, there was a bang explosion, which immediately blocked the direction of the leading vehicle, and a lot of smoke rose from the surroundings, as if it was on fire.

"Ambush! Counterattack!" The black captain continued to give accurate orders when he was in danger, and the desert foxes were also well-trained and ran out of the car in coordination with each other. Their formation unfolded in the dense fog. Coverers, breakouts, and guerrillas did not need to be ordered at all, and everyone immediately found their position.

Shen Ming liked the sound of their footsteps, the well-trained fighting group even laid out like they were playing a concert.

But no matter how you like it, you must not be soft-hearted when it is time to destroy it. Shen Ming, who was holding the fetter saber, turned over and rolled directly from the three-story roof to the street, as light as a leaf.

Gunshots rang through the smoke, and the flames were like blooming flowers. One Desert Fox team member after another was released at such a speed that they didn't even put up much resistance.

The team members couldn't believe that the guy who fought with them turned out to be a sniper. Although they knew the power of Nirvana, they had to know that Shen Ming was a sniper! A sniper with explosive melee capabilities...

A sniper huddled around the corner of the street set up his M21 burst sniper rifle, switched to a thermal infrared lens, and began to look for his opponent in the chaotic smoke. But before he could turn the gun a little bit, a fiery figure appeared in the infrared world in front of you, grabbing his gun.

"I'm sorry, I want this gun." When Shen Ming grabbed the gun, the sniper pulled the trigger three times in a row, but the muzzle of the gun had been pulled away from the target, and the high temperature of the muzzle caused Shen Ming to grab the gun. Blue smoke came out of the palm of his mouth, but the arm wrapped in black scales did not feel the slightest pain.

With a kick from Shen Ming, the sniper was kicked 3 meters away, and the sniper rifle just fell into Shen Ming's hands. To be honest, compared to new guns, Shen Ming still prefers this kind of guns taken from elite gunners, because good gunners will fine-tune their equipment to make him more suitable for shooting, faster, more accurate, and safer .

Just like the one in Shen Ming's hand, the grip is made of sweat-absorbing material, and the magazine is made of composite plastic, which not only reduces the weight of the gun itself, but also makes shooting more comfortable. The problem that caused shoulder pain was replaced by the sniper's ergonomically molded colloid, so it can maintain a higher accuracy rate under continuous shooting.

The cost of modifying a good gunman's gun is far more than the gun itself. A master who uses standard equipment is only a soldier no matter how strong he is, while a master who painstakingly researches and modifies his gun is a real devil who exists to kill people.

It's a pity that meeting Shen Ming means that the group of devils met the Great Demon King. Surrounded by smoke, in just 2 minutes, Shen Ming knocked down everyone in the 3 cars, and the rest was to quickly search for available equipment. Not to mention that these mercenaries have a lot of property, even wearing Gatling machine guns. You must know that this is a civilized society in Europe, and it is not a warlord competition in Africa.

"Xiao Yi, how's the situation over there? Is there any danger?" Shen Ming packed a lot of equipment into the big backpacks that these mercenaries were carrying, like a farmer with a good harvest. Good stuff.

"As you guessed, Hua Ziqiang didn't waste a single shot at all, but completely shocked the scene. The boss on the opposite side... feels like he's going to freak out." Xiao Yi didn't want to admit it, but Hua Ziqiang was playing Convenience is simply a monster.

"Well, that's good, I can take care of it here, and you can go too..." Before Shen Ming finished speaking, he quickly turned his head to the side, and a sniper rifle passed along the end of his hair, shooting the side in front of him. The door of the SUV was dented and deformed.

Shen Ming had a splitting headache from ringing in his ears. He fell to the ground and shook his head twice without recovering from it. From the degree of deformation of the car door in front of him, it can be clearly judged that the sniper used a 10.45mm caliber supersonic tungsten-core armor-piercing projectile... The sniper range is 1800 meters meters away.

The firearms used are definitely Interventors, but such special ammunition will also cause irreparable damage to the Interventor’s trigger. The only explanation is that the shooter has magically modified firearms, and uses special alloys to turn the entire gun All changed.

This requires the cost of modifying the gun at the aerospace metallurgical level, no less than developing a new tank. And he... just changed a gun.

"Shen Ming! What's wrong with you?!" Xiao Yi shouted from the other end of the communicator, she heard the gunshot just now.

"I met again... the sniper I met at the airport. It seems that the boss knew that this was a round, and he didn't even think about killing Hua Ziqiang in the first place. The one he wanted to kill... was me. "Lying on the ground, Shen Ming dropped the firearm on his mobile phone, because there was no firearm in his hand that could reach a range of 1,800 meters. On the contrary, it was too heavy and would kill him without a whole body.

"Boss, I saw 'Primary Brother', now let's send him back to the west." Zanlong pulled the bolt and pushed a new tungsten-core bullet into the high-density barrel.

"It's best not to slap him in the face, I still want his head as a souvenir." The boss smiled lightly.

"I can't guarantee this. After all, I have never shot prey of this level before. If I can kill it, I will burn it." Zanlong pressed a remote control that he carried with him, bang! Boom! Boom! With three consecutive soft beeps, a hole exploded in the chassis of the three SUVs, and thousands of coin-sized worms crawled out of it. These worms spread around like a flood. In front of him, he pinched it with two fingers.

A closer look at this kind of bug is actually a mechanical spider, the design is extremely simple, except for 8 long needle-like legs, it is equipped with a camera, a sensor, and a small speaker.

On the other end of the camera, one eye is responsible for aiming, and the other eye is equipped with a monitor, and the funeral dragon smiled and said, "Come on, little brother, talk about an eggplant."

Boom! Another shot was fired, and Shen Ming almost got up from the ground and rushed to the side almost at the moment when Zanlong pulled the trigger. He saw that the SUV car behind him was smashed into pieces, and the stone brick ground on which he was lying was even worse. It was punched a hole.

"Ignore the target sniper technique!!!" Shen Ming rushed forward close to the vehicle, and another car was hit, which happened to be the fuel tank, and the vehicle was blown into the sky.

The hot waves of the explosion made his skin ache, but Shen Ming didn't dare to stop at all, he ran forward and rushed into a dead-end alley before stopping.

"What the hell... ignoring the target and sniping... Only the strongest sniper on the surface, Zhelong, can do it, but isn't he dead?!" But he never saw it, because when he entered the Nirvana camp, it was said that the buried dragon had just died.

Shen Ming still ignored the target and sniped from the few battle videos of Zunlong. This sniping technique is actually an extremely abnormal computing ability. Snipers don't need to look directly at the target at all, they can only see the target with the refracted light of the surveillance camera or even the mirror.

Then calculate the specific location of the opponent, and use the armor-piercing ammunition with abnormal attributes to directly penetrate the bunker and kill the target.

Ordinary sniper masters can of course predict the opponent's position, but Burial Dragon can accurately calculate the opponent's position, then correct the sniper angle, and hit it with one shot.

Only a sufficiently powerful armor-piercing warhead and a lens that can see the target exist. At this time, there is no bunker that can prevent him from killing the target.

"Hi, it's our first time meeting. My name is Zanlong. I'm a sniper just like you. I like to sleep, and I'm good at sniping. Although the time is short, it's hard to find a master. How about making friends?" A little spider on the wall in front of Shen Ming The voice of Burying the Dragon is playing.

"Sorry, it's not my friends who want to kill me." Shen Ming grabbed a small brick and smashed the little spider on the opposite wall into pieces.

"Killing you is a task, this does not hinder my kindness to you." At the same time, on the walls around the dead alley, hundreds of little spiders crawled out immediately, so densely packed that one could only get goosebumps all over one's body.

"Okay, if you can kill me, I'll make you my friend." Shen Ming said with a helpless smile.

"Since you asked, then I will satisfy you." Burial Dragon pulled the trigger again, and Shen Ming lowered his head to dodge. The house behind his head was completely pierced through, leaving a bottomless hole on the ground. hole.