God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 533: Justice Forbidden, Bacon Street


After leaving Palermo, Shen Ming and Xiao Yihua Ziqiang changed cars three times, from a limousine to an 82-year-old van all the way, and they were also drunk.

The last car didn't even have air-conditioning, let alone government filings, so it was impossible to track.

"How are you going to find your daughter?" Shen Ming and Hua Ziqiang asked curiously while sitting in the back seat.

"Before I left, I entrusted my daughter to a brother and asked him to take care of me, and I also left 10 million euros of assets to him, and I managed to manage my money. I have absolutely no worries about food and clothing. Every year, the bank will send money to him. He can be found anywhere." Hua Ziqiang may have never asked about his daughter's living conditions, but he has been tracking the flow of money.

"Can someone honestly take care of a person for fifteen years?" Shen Ming doubted.

"I have never misunderstood anyone. I have confidence in this. He is a good man, and he values friends very much. He is the type who can die for friends." Hua Ziqiang seemed to strengthen his confidence.

"I hope everything goes as you wish." Shen Ming blessed.

The car drove west all the way, not looking for the young lady but the young lady.

At dawn, they had come to a small town called Moti. In the past fifteen years, Hua Ziqiang's brothers have moved several times, but they have never left Sicily. This is also in accordance with Hua Ziqiang's entrustment, no matter how rich they are, they are not allowed to leave Sicily.

Soon, they came to a mansion near the coast of Moti, and Hua Ziqiang knocked on the door himself.

"Who? Just put the milk on the steps." The lazy host yawned and said.

The moment he opened the door, the host froze. It turns out that Hua Ziqiang's friend is a middle-aged fat scum, with a height of 165 and a weight of 185, he is simply a solid sphere. Fatty's name is Battitor, and Hua Ziqiang has always liked to call him a mop.

"Hey, Mop, long time no see, miss me?" Hua Ziqiang greeted with a smile.

"Brother Qiang... Brother Qiang?!" Fat Mop's eyes were surprised at first, and then turned into fear. Not to mention Hua Ziqiang, even Shen Ming and Xiao Yi could see this change.

"Mop, don't be nervous. An old friend is here. Please let us go in and do it first!" Hua Ziqiang was far more flustered than Mop, but he couldn't ask a question at the beginning, so he pretended to be calm and continued.

"Yes... an old friend came to the door, come, come in, come in and sit." Mop greeted the three of them into the room, and sat in the living room facing the sea.

He also ran to the kitchen to make three cups of black tea, but his hands kept shaking as he brought them over, spilling a lot.

While the mop was making tea, Hua Ziqiang began to browse the living room. The photo wall in the room was full of photos of a woman, but her stinky and shameless vigor was definitely not Hua Ziqiang's daughter. , and she was in her thirties at first glance, even heavy makeup couldn't suppress her age.

Among the countless photos showing off, Hua Ziqiang found another photo of a girl in the corner. The girl looked only eleven or two years old.

Especially the little pink birthmark on her neck. For a while, Hua Ziqiang kept calling her Pink Pig.

Hua Ziqiang held the photo, and tears fell uncontrollably. No matter how strong a man was, he was swallowed up by the guilt in his heart at this moment.

"Qiang...Brother Qiang, please drink tea!" The mop put the tea on the table.

"Mop, how does big brother treat you?" Hua Ziqiang, who was holding the photo, did not turn around and asked with a deep breath.

"The kindness is as heavy as a mountain! Without you, I would not be where I am today!" Mop said without hesitation.

"Okay... tell me, where is Pepe?" Hua Ziqiang turned around and asked trying to keep calm.

"Brother Qiang, listen to my explanation..." Mop's forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

"Thor, who is this? Didn't I tell you that your home should be clean and you can't bring friends home?" At this moment, a woman in sexy pajamas came down from the stairs on the second floor. It was the wall on the heroine.

"Haney! Go up! We have something private to talk about!" Mop said eagerly.

"Thor, you are too courageous. You don't listen to me at all, and you dare to kill me!" The woman was unreasonable, with a villainous look on her face.

"Mop, to be honest, where is Pepe, don't force me." Hua Ziqiang glanced at the woman and completely regarded her as air, staring directly at the mop like a knife into his body.

"Pepe? Is that the bitch who bit me? Are you the bastard father of that bastard? What kind of bird lays what kind of egg!" Breasts made of euros, said arrogantly.

Without further ado, Hua Ziqiang took out his pistol, and with a bang, he shot the woman. The bullet punched a hole in the high-grade solid wood staircase.

The woman who was still high-spirited just now was so frightened that her feet trembled and she urinated directly.

"I'm sorry, this is the first time I've shot in my life, so I didn't hit it right, it will be fine next time." Hua Ziqiang pulled the trigger again while apologizing.

Boom! This shot was more accurate, and it hit the woman's thigh directly, and blood spurted out.

"Ah!!" The woman screamed and fell to the ground, crying so much that her make-up was gone, and the mop was so frightened that she stood there dumbfounded, not daring to speak.

As spectators, Shen Ming and Xiao Yi could only sit aside. Hua Ziqiang, who was carrying a smoking gun, walked to the woman's side, squatted down and asked calmly, "I haven't asked for advice yet, who are you?"

"An... An Li... I'm Thor's wife, please don't kill me, don't kill me!" An Li trembled like a seizure.

"Don't be nervous. Although I have done a lot of evil, I haven't killed anyone. I don't want to be the first. Please answer my question carefully, 'Where is Pepe?'" Hua Ziqiang asked reassuringly.

"Pepe... She stopped living with us 5 years ago. She has no father or mother. She has a very rebellious personality. She doesn't study well, often misses classes, and is contaminated with various bad habits. We all have good education, but She didn't listen at all, and she was expelled from the school. 5 years ago, we had a big quarrel with the family... She bit me... My shoulder was bitten to pieces, and in a fit of anger, I knocked her out... threw her ... No, no! It was sent out of the house!" An Li quickly explained.

"Where did you leave her?" Hua Ziqiang already felt something was wrong.

"Beacon...near the street..." An Li paused for a long time before speaking.

"Fuck!" Hua Ziqiang had never lost control of his emotions, but at this moment he lost control and shot An Li in the other leg.

"Ah!!! I told you all, don't kill me!" An Li was so painful that she almost fainted on the floor.

"Where is Bacon Street?" Xiao Yi also felt something was wrong.

"The world's number one black street... 70% of the women there are prostitutes, and 100% of the men are criminals. Because of the protection agreement, Bacon Street is also regarded as a forbidden zone of justice, where people die on the street every day. The average life expectancy is less than 50 years old. It is a place where people can live in hell, but no one wants to live... "Shen Ming once went to the black street to perform missions during the Nirvana period. The ugly atmosphere there is better than the warlord-occupied areas in Africa .

"No matter how rebellious she is, because I gave you a good life, how could you throw her into that kind of place!" Hua Ziqiang roared angrily.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was really wrong, please let me go!" An Li begged bitterly.

"My rationality let you go, but unfortunately my sensibility defeated my rationality today." Boom! Boom! Boom! Hua Ziqiang fired several shots at An Li, until she couldn't move before he stopped. Holding the smoking gun, he turned and walked towards the sofa.

"Shen Ming...he's killing people..." Xiao Yi didn't like this feeling, the police instinct in her body rejected killing people.

"When I show you Bacon Street...you will understand." Shen Ming patted Xiao Yi's hand reassuringly.

Looking at the mop covered with his wife's blood, there was no trace of anger or fear, and all the fat on his face was apology and self-blame.

"I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Pepe, I failed brother Qiang's trust." Mop regretted.

"Apart from this, do you have anything else to say?" Hua Ziqiang asked coldly, wiping the blood off his face.

"Yes, Brother Qiang, don't stay in Sicily, it's too dangerous." The mop was still worried about Brother Qiang's safety at the last moment.

"Thank you for reminding me, I will take good care of myself." Hua Ziqiang raised his hand and fired a shot. The shot was so accurate that it hit the mop between the eyebrows and sent him flying out, smashing the glass tea table behind. into pieces.

"Actually, you can't change anything even if you kill them." Shen Ming only interrupted at this moment.

"I know it's not good to kill people for venting. After emotions override thinking, there is no difference between humans and beasts. But when I think about it, if I don't kill them, there are only two endings for them when the boss finds them later. Either If you keep your mouth shut, you will be tortured to death, or you will betray us and make me feel uncomfortable. Of the two deaths, I choose the former, is it a bit rational?" Hua Ziqiang threw away the gun in his hand, "Let's go, there is no time, now to Bacon Street."

"You tell me, and I'll do it. Xiao Yi, let's go." Shen Ming took Xiao Yi to drive outside as he spoke.

"It's been five years, do you think any girl can live in that kind of place for that long?" Xiao Yi whispered in Shen Ming's ear.

"Let's go with fate, who knows?" Shen Ming also has such things as budget.

The started van drove directly towards Bacon Street. It didn't take long for the nanny convoy where BOSS was located to find this place, and they arrived even faster than the police. A large number of bodyguards in black suits surrounded the house first, and then the BOSS entered the house accompanied by the funeral dragon. The bloody smell in the air made the BOSS take out a handkerchief to cover his mouth and nose.

"A man and a woman died. The marksmanship used to kill them was too bad. It must not have been done by Shen Ming and his wife." Zan Long just took a look and came to a conclusion.

"Hehe, I never imagined that Hua Ziqiang, who claims to have the cleanest hands and feet, will kill someone one day. I really want... I really want to see his distorted face because of anger. It's so interesting." The boss laughed wildly uncontrollably.