God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 537: Last Stand


"Mr. Hua, we know that your father and daughter are reunited and enjoying family happiness, but the big bosses of the family are too worried about the future of the family, so can we start our cooperation now? We don't have to ask Mr. Hua It will be done in a few days, but at least make a few phone calls to help us estimate the progress?" The patriarchs of the eight major families rushed back to the non-drunk bar, and they appointed Baggio as a representative to negotiate with Hua Ziqiang to avoid crowds Talking miscellaneously, he himself turned into a sentimental station on the side.

Hua Ziqiang didn't speak. He looked at Peipei, who was asleep in Xiao Yi's arms after eating, and looked at his watch. It had been five hours since they arrived on Bacon Street, and there was something to say, " In fact, I lied, I have no way to change your future, only you can change your future."

"Mr. Hua, what do you mean?" Baggio's smiling face froze instantly.

"Italia officials have decided to use the simplest and most cost-effective way to resolve the peace agreement signed with you, that is, to completely wipe you off the map, and use official troops to launch a stormy raid, leaving no one behind, killing all of you." It is precisely for this reason that I came here in such a hurry and spent eight favors from the Skull and Bones Society to find her."

"How long do we have?" Baggio's first question was not to get angry, but to ask about his own death date.

"An hour? Maybe ten minutes? Who knows?" Hua Ziqiang didn't care.

"Really? Then you must die faster than us." Baggio took out the pistol in his arms and shot Hua Ziqiang in the head, but when he pulled the trigger, two other people Joining the battle, Xiao Yi wanted to kill Baggio, but was stopped by Hua Ziqiang, and Baggio's bullet did not penetrate Hua Ziqiang's head, but was pushed aside by an old master of the eight masters .

"Why did Mr. Hua tell the truth?" The old patriarch's name is Opheus, and he is the most powerful of the eight major families. But since Hua Ziqiang's appearance and even the subsequent negotiations, he has not said a word, and has been hiding it all the time. .

"Opheus, to tell you the truth, I, Hua Ziqiang, have never failed like this in half my life. Back then, I signed a secret agreement with the Italian government, using the Skull and Bones Society I led as their official foreign sales secret. Spokesperson. I have achieved great success and have countless wealth, but the big Skull and Bones, just like the Beacon Street back then, began to be feared by the authorities, so I signed a supplementary agreement... I don’t want the Skull and Bones and I myself died, and I must take out more valuable chips to raise my loyalty..." Hua Ziqiang made up a story that was so fucking inhuman.

"How much?" Baggio asked curiously.

"It's not money... it's people, right?" Orpheus looked at Pepe who was sleeping beside him.

"That's right, I was forced to hand Pepe over to the authorities when she was five years old. They promised me that they would take good care of her and let her have a good life. But five years ago, because Pepe was born with no parents and no mother , cruelly threw her into Beacon Street. They promised me, but lied to me! I have been trying to use money to infiltrate official figures, find Pepe's whereabouts, and just want to know how she is doing... just one day A few days ago, my investment paid off, my eyeliner told me the truth, and advised me to pick up my daughter quickly, so here I am. Seriously, just a few hours ago, I was only planning to prevaricate you, and then Take my daughter and fly away... But now, seeing my only daughter become like this... What is the meaning of life to me?" Hua Ziqiang's death-seeking eyes really didn't have the slightest fake acting taste.

"Are you going to die here?" Opheus said in shock.

"As long as you're by your daughter's side, isn't death the same as death?" Hua Ziqiang looked at Peipei affectionately.

"Mr. Hua, with all due respect, it is not us who caused your daughter to look like today, but the Italian officials who entrapped you. Don't you want revenge?" Opheus said with all his might.

"Revenge? Mobilize the Skull and Bones? Use government weapons to attack the government? Don't be ridiculous, those subordinates are all rich and noble, let them fight? The black gun behind can beat me into a sieve." Hua Nuoshi depicted by Hua Ziqiang It can be described as God's restoration.

"No, not your men, you still have us, as long as you are willing to fight side by side with us, as long as we win this war of extermination! We have the capital to negotiate, even overthrow the current official, and use funds and strength to win over the opposition party Support our own official." Opheus said that his blood boiled, but it was only then that Shen Ming and Xiao Yi knew Hua Ziqiang's real plan.

In fact, from the very beginning, he wanted to use the power of the eight major families as cannon fodder for himself. But this is a kind of technical work. How to persuade others to fight for themselves and die for themselves is too difficult. The only way is to make them feel that this is their own war, an inescapable destiny, and that you are the one who has the heart to fight for them. In battle, the effect is completely different.

Hua Ziqiang used his daughter's story to fabricate lies that conflicted with the authorities. With the help of the officials' shameless behavior on Beacon Street, the Eight Great Masters took it for the truth almost effortlessly. The drama of death has completely evolved his identity into a friendship station, and then Hua Ziqiang somehow has professional gangster comrades with as many as 3,000 people from eight major families.

Xiao Yi felt that there must be no interaction with Hua Ziqiang, this bastard is the kind of bastard who sold you and you would still be grateful to Dade for counting the money for him.

"Fighting the authorities... It's not easy. They already know I'm here, and they definitely don't want me to tell you the truth, so they will let you hand me over first, then promise you something, and then... wait for you to relax After being vigilant..." Hua Ziqiang wiped his neck.

While Hua Ziqiang was speaking, the mobile phones of the eight masters rang simultaneously. After they connected, they hung up at the same time without saying a few words.

"It's an official, they want us to hand you over." Opheus couldn't help but lament Hua Ziqiang's ability to predict things like a god.

"What about your decision?" Hua Ziqiang said indifferently.

"Several brothers, how long have we been in this place where the birds don't shit? Do you remember the color of the sand on the beach in Palermo? Do you remember which pizza is the best in Rome? We have all You are not a young man anymore, if you die, do you plan to bury your own ashes on Bacon Street, and become the souls of Bacon Street?" Opheus turned and called to the other Patriarchs.

"Whatever you say, I will never refuse." Baggio took the lead in expressing his position.

"Well, open up our dusty arsenals, arm our brothers who have been suppressed for too long to the teeth, and let the authorities know that Bacon Street can blackmail them into signing a peace agreement, and it can be fought now Until they fall!" Orpheus raised his arms and shouted.

"Hit the fuck! Hit the fuck!" All the brothers were beaten into a team called "Freedom".

"Do you know how many people you will die with one lie?" Xiao Yi whispered in Hua Ziqiang's ear.

"It doesn't matter how much you die, as long as we are still alive. Besides, they don't feel that they are dying for us at all. They are all fighting for themselves. I am the one who is friendly and helpful." Hua Ziqiang replied In one sentence, he stood up and walked to Opheus's side, "If this is revenge, I am willing to go with you. If it is to overthrow the current government and establish a new regime, I can help."

"Mr. Hua, it's enough to have your words. Brothers, open the warehouse and move us old guys out for a breath of fresh air!" Opheus gave an order, and the entire Beacon Street became busy.

It used to be the most important military pier during World War II. A large number of arms were circulated from here. For the sake of life and death, many quartermasters left here the arms that should have been sent to the front line.

The point is that in the era when bullets and firearms were mass-produced, all kinds of concealment, stealing, and smuggling were all natural things, and no one would hold them accountable.

This is so that the guys in Bacon Street were taken out and thrown away during World War II... enough to arm a mechanized modern infantry and armored mixed division.

The warehouses on Bacon Street, which was completely boiling, were opened, and all kinds of weapons were shipped out, such as Thompson submachine guns, Mosin Nagant sniper rifles, Czech light machine guns, M19 60mm mortars, and what's more, I don't know Someone drove two M4 Sherman tanks out of the warehouse. The diesel smoke from that old guy made people mistakenly think that they had really traveled back to World War II.

"Hua Ziqiang, what kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into these hooligans? They even took out grandpa-level weapons." Shen Ming, who was at the sniper point, looked at the boiling Beacon Street and said to Hua Ziqiang through the intercom .

"Man is just a kind of animal with complicated thinking. If you understand the stereotype of thinking, you can easily be manipulated by others. Otherwise, how could there be so many people in power and innocent people? Another thing I am concerned about is that they Are you capable of blocking the troops dispatched by the BOSS?" Hua Ziqiang only cared about this.

"Don't ask me, it depends on how much the BOSS wants to kill us. But judging from the current equipment, once the fight starts, Bacon Street will become worse than the beachhead in Normandy. Here... a lot of people will die." Shen Ming didn't like this kind of judgment.

"Hold on for an hour to make the battle a stalemate. It is best to fight with heavy casualties. Then look for a breakthrough and evacuate. The boss may be powerful, but after all, he works for the demigod group. His performance is the meaning of his existence. If he fails to complete the task, he will be under a lot of pressure. As long as we can escape successfully this time, we will have real bargaining chips with him." Hua Ziqiang also fought his back.

"They are coming..." Shen Ming saw through the special telescope...