God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 539: Master tricks


In fact, war on all fronts is the most difficult scene to describe. In the streets and alleys with a total length of 10 kilometers, 800 people fought against 3,000 people. On white paper, there are only a few figures, but in reality, it is enough to fill a university. School massacre. The two sides are no longer using the cold weapons of the chivalrous era. From 5.6mm rifles to 120mm artillery, these murderous auras are no longer as simple as killing people's heads.

The pain that other authors vividly describe to you does not exist. When a person is hit by that kind of large-caliber shell, he is blown away before he feels the pain.

Fear and tension will cause the injured to secrete a large amount of adrenaline to paralyze the nerves to feel pain. In addition to subtle pain, there may even be a little excitement.

Those wailing and crying were more from fear.

But once a person is thrown into such a battlefield, even a coward will instinctively pick up a gun, even a priest will kill anyone he can see without hesitation, this has nothing to do with faith or kindness Or not, it is just an instinctive reaction of living beings to survive.

Those who can control this instinct can become Shen Ming, and those who can't do it will become Shen Ming's enemy.

On the ten-kilometer long street, I finally saw the enemy's gangsters raised their firearms, and used houses, vehicles, and lanes as cover to launch a fierce counterattack against the incoming mercenary troops. They may not have enough experience , the marksmanship is not good, but they can't hold back their fierce firepower. The sickly Beacon Street World War II equipment storage capacity can be described as insane. It can guarantee that every eight people have a Maxim-class heavy machine gun, a bazooka rocket launcher, and all members A submachine gun equipped with Bobosha 72 rounds of ammunition drums, enough grenades to tie each of them into a body bomb, and various types of mortars as cover, the flamethrower sprayer that suddenly came out is also a Time is running out for well-trained mercenaries.

The weapons of World War II are actually the darkest inventions in human history. Some of them are as simple as a steel pipe, and some have a recoil force enough to shatter the user's shoulders. They are rough, clumsy and ugly, and do not conform to modern aesthetics at all. , because the only requirement they were created was, "how to kill the enemy as quickly and powerfully as possible."

So even if the guys in the hands of these rogues are older than the user's grandfather, they can play a great role in a narrow area.

"Headquarters! The enemy's firepower is stronger than expected! We have encountered fierce counterattacks and request air support!" the commander of Line 2 demanded from his superiors.

The correspondent in the command center was about to reply, but the BOSS took over the microphone and said, "You are mercenaries, not the U.S. military. When encountering a problem, the first thing you should think about is how to survive with your own life, because I will pay for your life." If you don’t complete the task within the stipulated time, my reinforcements will definitely go up, but they will kill you and those rubbish together, do you understand?” Boss’s words are gentle, but it has scared No. 2 Commander Shoto came out quickly.

BOSS never jokes with servants, if he says he wants to kill you, the only thing you should consider is whether you can leave a whole body. Complete the task within 1 hour, and if there is 1 minute or 1 second more, what is waiting for them may be strategic long-range surface-to-surface missiles...

"Those who don't want to die! Go up to me! Rocket launcher! Armored vehicle! Go! Go! Go!" The commander hiding behind the armored car slapped the car body wildly.

Everyone just felt that the boss's head was convulsed, so fierce firepower, but he didn't want to die? Shouldn't you rush if you want to die

An order is an order, hesitation, death without a whole body, the attackers from all sides finally showed the attitude they should have for their lives, and rushed desperately.

They used the armored vehicle as a cover to advance, and then divided into small teams to avoid artillery fire and enter the building. With concussion bombs, sonic bombs, and flash bombs, they cleaned up room by room, whether it was a hidden stronghold or hiding behind a door. Enemies, they all use armor-piercing bullets to beat the room and the enemy into two pairs.

Of course, with more intense advances, the mercenaries are also sitting and paying casualties. Their bulletproof armor is very thick, but when it comes to Maxim's metal barrage, it can also guarantee that all their internal organs will be shattered before the armor is pierced. , kill them all.

Both sides are fighting with the most brutal and inhumane weapon, while the other two protagonists are fighting in an unprecedented way. They gathered in the central area of Bacon Street, but quietly hid their figures. Zunlong tried to release the mechanical spider to help expand the visual boundary, but found that there was a video signal tracker in the entire Beacon Street. As long as Zunlong used the mechanical spider to help, he would be the first to be exposed.

Therefore, the two returned to the most primitive sniper battle relying on their own skills to hide and find. Shen Ming held the Interventor high-precision rifle and crawled through an old-fashioned chimney pipe that traversed half the block. Through the occasional 30 cm air intake on the top, he could look down on the vast space of 180 degrees. Shen Ming chose one of them. The rifle was set up, and the lower butt was disassembled to reduce the length of the firearm in the narrow pipe and prevent the muzzle from being exposed.

This chimney pipe is filled with a large amount of carbon monoxide, and most people would die of poisoning within a few minutes after entering. The small respirator carried by Shen Ming can maintain normal breathing for 30 minutes.

And Zunlong was leaning against a ruined building less than 300 meters away. The gangsters who had been hiding here had all been killed before a single shot was fired, effectively hiding his figure.

"Then Shen Ming, where will you hide and wait for me?" Picking up a miniature camera, Zanlong gently placed it on the corner of the window sill above his head, hiding it together with some gravel.

The zooming camera scans the opposite street, thermal lens, X-ray perspective lens, and various images are switched alternately. All the people within a radius of 500 meters were found, but no trace of Shen Ming was found.

The chimney pipe maintains a high temperature of 50 degrees, and with the obstruction of metal fragments, modern technology cannot see him out at all.

The advanced equipment is easy to use, and the sniper technique of Zanlong's ignoring the target is really good, but for Shen Ming, the sniper will always be more at ease when he sees the target appearing in the cross mirror, and the bullets he shoots will fly away. Very smooth.

"I've been waiting for you, waiting for you to come out." Shen Ming breathed pure air in the respirator, keeping his right eye tightly pressed against the scope from showing any gaps, because the dust in the air would interfere Vision, "Come, take a look at the positions I have set up."

Shen Ming, who was about to pull the trigger, pressed a switch, boom! Boom! Boom! Long fire dragons exploded on the long street, shaking, directly destroying several places where the snipers were most likely to hide, including the location where the dragon was hiding. The roof collapsed, but the dragon did not escape too much. Even in the ruins, he still maintained a prostrate shooting posture.

"Is this all you can do? Playing with bombs? It's a waste of time to prepare. Congratulations. I'm going to find you." Zoulong adjusted the angle of the camera on the windowsill, Start to lock on Shen Ming's location, Shen Ming's trap shows that he can observe all the locations he selected, and the search range is immediately reduced by 90%.

"Do you think my trap is to deal with you? I'm sorry, you are wrong." Shen Ming grinned grinningly, because he had chosen 20 explosion locations, all of which were garrisoned by hooligans, and 19 of them were located before the explosion. Afterwards, all the hooligans ran out, only one...no one appeared.

Both of them were reversing the opponent's position, but Shen Ming was more efficient and quickly found the camera that was only the size of a pinky finger 300 meters away.

"I found you, may the deceased rest in peace" Bang! Shen Ming took the first shot.

"Not good!" Zanlong found Shen Ming's location but couldn't fight back, and immediately crushed a black bullet on his chest.

"There's a loud bang!" The three-story building where Zanlong was hiding was blown into a huge ball of fire. Shen Ming's bullet hit the hidden high explosives around the house, using a fuse to detonate something. They all have the possibility of being terminated by technical means. Only when the bullet is triggered, there is no way to stop it.

The raging fire formed a small mushroom cloud, and the two nearby buildings were half trampled. It was impossible for anyone to survive such an explosion.

Shen Ming suddenly punched through the rock wall of the remaining chimney pipes, and fell directly to the ground.

The pipe where he had just been hiding for 10 minutes was instantly punched into a big hole by a tungsten-core armor-piercing projectile.

Shen Ming, who fell no more than two meters down, turned around and stabbed a knife into the wall beside him. The chasing shot also created a large hole with a diameter of 2 meters on the wall under his feet.

"Cut, you won't die like this, what kind of monster is it?" Hanging in mid-air, Shen Ming saw that in the burning house, the funeral dragon dragged the demon reformer and stepped out, his whole body was covered with a layer of Transparent mucus, like foam floating on the seashore.

Tactical emergency life-saving expansion agent, the latest experimental weapon, can secrete a viscous foam covering an area of 2 square meters within 0.1 second. The wrapped person can not only bear the heavy pressure of the tank vehicle rolling over from the body, but also can withstand the flame of 1200 degrees , plus a frontal burst of 12.7mm ammo... The only downside is that it smells like bad fish guts mixed with pig manure.

Sometimes, I really have the courage to die, and I don't have the guts to explode this tactical emergency life-saving expansion agent.

"Shen Ming! I'll fuck you!" Zan Long put the blame for eating "Xiang" on Shen Ming's head.

"I thank you on behalf of my uncle." Shen Ming let go with a smile, quickly fell to the ground, and pulled the bolt of the gun to force it forward.