God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 548: The escaping boss


Which is the best special forces in the world? The British Empire is looking for Airborne! SAS British Royal Airborne Regiment, the world's first truly modern special forces, was established during the intense period of World War II. It is an iron force that has experienced the most brutal actual combat. The delta and other troops also use it as a model to learn from. To this day, no special forces unit can exceed their combat capabilities.

At this time, they were not thrown into the Gobi Desert in the Middle East, nor did they go to a cave to fight terrorism. Instead, they were fully armed and killed in the suburbs of Greater London, responsible for the task of identifying dead bodies.

Because the three-story building where the Shenming signal was hidden has been blown into a huge fire pit, except for the bricks that are not burning, everything else is blazing.

Facing such a situation, it is rare for firefighters to get in, but as many as 50 SAS members still used howitzers to bomb the sea of flames inhumanely. After using firefighting equipment to fight the fire, it took fifteen minutes to extinguish the fire. According to the temperature at that time, if Shen Ming was inside, there would be a 80% chance that he would have turned into coke, and even his mother would hardly recognize him.

But a task is a task, even if Shen Ming turns into a roast duck, this group of team members must carefully slice and plate him and send it to the boss.

The captain who led the team in wore a respirator and searched for Shen Ming's corpse in the ruins that had not completely cooled down, but miraculously found that there was no corpse in the room, only a charred mobile phone was placed in the middle of the room. A walkie-talkie is strapped to it.

"Oops, I've been fooled!" When the captain spoke, the anti-strangle operation in the house had already begun. Five hundred meters away, Shen Ming stood up from a bush, holding the interventionist's gun and harvesting the heads one by one, and was shot in the back. The target didn't even have time to report, Shen Ming's gun no longer considered the life and death of the audience, and the bullets all broke their necks with one shot, causing the head and body to fall to the ground at two different speeds, until the seventh peripheral The SAS special forces reacted after the guarding soldiers were killed. The armored vehicle turned its guns and fired, and the team members in the room rushed out to fight back. Chaotic gunfire echoed in the air in the suburbs, and howitzers flying indiscriminately blasted Shen Ming's surroundings into flames.

One of the two special armored vehicles had its fuel tank exploded and turned into a fireball. The driver inside really experienced the taste of burning a pig in an iron bucket.

As for the other one, the machine gunner emptied two hundred and fifty rounds of magazines and still didn't hit Shen Ming at all, but he jumped onto the roof of the car.

"Lock the cabin!" The captain ordered nervously.

But even if the carriage was locked, for Shen Ming, Ni Lin could tear it open with one hand in an instant, as easy as tearing a packing bag. Shen Ming didn't go in either, and casually threw a sonic boom smoke bomb into it. The driver and the others obviously put on the gas masks in time, but they are surprised that the smoke does not need to affect the receptors through the respiratory tract, and directly enters the human body through the skin. The contact surface is like thousands of ants biting. Only by staying away from this gas can we avoid it. pain.

All 4 team members rushed out from the opened hatch, and Shen Ming took care of the last group of SAS team members with a series of burst shots effortlessly. There were 50 SAS special team members who could capture a village of explosive terrorists in the audience. It took only 10 minutes for the counter-ambush to end the battle. Dressed like a scarecrow, Shen Ming walked up to the captain with a sniper in one hand and an M500 revolver in the other. He wasn't dead yet, but he couldn't move either.

"You don't even know what you are fighting against. Do you think that if we win, we will win the whole world?" The captain who was shot in the shoulder lost blood until his face turned pale.

"No, the world is too big, so you can't represent it, but we can't do nothing just because the world is too big, right? What I'm going to do next is a bit cruel, but I have to do it, can you forgive me?" Shen Ming asked calmly.

"Since ancient times, the winner is the king and the loser is Kou. If you win, everything is right, just like demigods." The captain chuckled.

After lunch, BOSS got into the special car and headed far away. The phone rang again, but it was the SAS captain calling.

"After so long, has the body stuck? Remember to pack it up and send it to my mansion. I have to take a closer look and tell my subordinates not to rest. The personnel will gather at the airport immediately. Everyone who has a relationship with Shen Ming must die. Don't stay." Boss gave the order catchy.

"Don't worry, I'm still alive, before you kill me, you can't do anything." Shen Ming said kindly.

"Your vitality is surprisingly strong. How many people do I need to use? How much power can I kill you?" The boss was actually very angry, but he was still talking freely.

"It's actually very easy to kill me. One bullet is enough, and you don't need any heavenly soldiers, just one person is enough. Why don't you come, stand in front of me and shoot me, just...do you dare?" Shen Ming laughed.

"What right do low-intelligence creatures like you have to laugh at me? Compared with me, you are no different from orangutans!" BOSS gritted his teeth.

"Orangutans are orangutans. Don't forget that we are all transformed from orangutans. Before the word IQ was invented, we relied on the simplest strength to survive. You are afraid to face me, why do you think you are better than me?" What's better?" Shen Ming's laughter pierced the softest part of the boss's heart like a sharp knife.

When the BOSS was about to say something, there was a loud bang, and a black SAS armored vehicle rushed out from the intersection not far behind the vehicle, and a van blocking the road was directly smashed into two pieces.

The enemy's attack was too fast, and all the plans were out of the control of the boss. At this time, the only thing he could do was to follow the instructions of the security personnel to go to a safer place.

The convoy escorting the BOSS changed its direction, and the troops were divided into three groups. In two routes, one main car fled in different directions, and the other group opened the car windows. More than a dozen bodyguards with all kinds of equipment surrounded and shot at the armored car. , What kind of rocket launcher, armor-piercing light machine gun, fired into the sky with flames, as if turning the streets of Greater London into small alleys in the Middle East, with endless explosions.

Through thermal scanning, they determined that there was only one person in the armored vehicle, and that it was a main convoy separated from the chasing convoy.

The quality of the SAS armored vehicle is so good that it still didn’t slow down after two rounds of “Love Ass (RPG)”, until two armed helicopters came in the air, and an anti-tank missile hit the armored vehicle’s ass, and even knocked this behemoth into the air. Got up, and fell directly into the Thames from the bridge across the river, causing huge splashes.

Even so, the double-teaming security personnel did not stop, and quickly stopped and rushed to the riverside, wearing infrared glasses to scan the scene in the river, to prevent Shen Mingshui from escaping.

Just in case, they were also pouring ammunition into the river crazily, and the armed helicopters surrounded them and joined in the fun and fired with cannons. The barrage kept the river throbbing for ten minutes until lifting equipment and lifeguards arrived.

The lifeguards jumped directly into the water, wearing shark-proof net suits. Even if they are attacked underwater, they can rely on technical means to fight back immediately. It can be said that they are so cautious that they will not leak.

When the crane suspended the armored vehicle from the river, the armored vehicle was like a sieve, spraying river water wildly everywhere.

They cheered up and walked forward, praying that Shen Ming was dead, otherwise, once the armed helicopters in the air found out that he was still alive, they would continue to fire regardless of whether he was alive. Life can even be explained here.

The security personnel who took the lead carefully pushed open the deformed hatch of the armored vehicle, stepped forward on the wet floor, and the human body in the driver's seat was already dead.

When the table and chairs were turned over, the security staff was startled, "The captain of SAS?"

They knew each other, and the man who drove the armored vehicle was a colleague, but no one believed this result, because the accident at the airport made everyone understand that Shen Ming has the technology of unmanned remote control, so he specially used the signal isolation device when chasing and intercepting, Make sure there is no signal to remotely steer the armored vehicle.

But Shen Ming didn't participate in the remote control from the very beginning, he just loaded Xingbai into the system, it can complete the whole process of driving by itself without outside help, which is extremely humane.

"Is Shen Ming here? Where is he?" The security staff panicked.

At this moment, the two convoys went to two safe houses in Greater London. They looked like ordinary apartments on the outside, but the level of security inside was comparable to the most stringent military base.

One of the convoys drove directly into the elevator and ran upstairs. There are more than a hundred elite soldiers in both apartments, fully armed as if they will resist a world war.

The BOSS who was sitting in the car and followed the elevator up was expressionless. He hated the feeling of running for his life. Even though his opponent was only one person, he let such a noble self have no choice but to run away.

But at this time, the phone rang, and the caller turned out to be No. 1 Demigod Leibo, "Boss, is he looking for trouble?"

"Yes." The boss knew that the demigod would definitely notice it, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. This only shows that they never trusted him with the following. Is that how the relationship is supposed to be? Watch dogs with dogs.

"Can it be solved?" Leibo continued.

"Absolutely no problem." Boss said firmly.

"That's good. Remember that after the resolution, no one around him can stay, they must all die. The demigod group will not allow anyone to dare to challenge us." Lei Bo's words covered the lives and deaths of more than a hundred people.

"But he can find us, and he must have something to do with the brothers in the Nirvana camp. Do you want to do it together?" The boss hesitated.

"Of course, whoever helps him will die." Lei Bo hung up the phone after finishing speaking.