God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 58: Trading with the Bound Spirit


Shen Ming walked directly into the private ward without knocking on the door. The room, which costs as much as 300 yuan a day, is equipped with a 42-inch large TV, a comfortable sofa, and an independent balcony. Independent cabinet air conditioner and small refrigerator.

It's a pity that the patient lying there can't enjoy anything but a bed... He has an oxygen mask on his face, and the life support system beside him is beeping to prove that he is still alive. He stared blankly at the empty ceiling, with an expressionless face like a corpse.

Shen Ming knows that this kind of patients all have a common name... Vegetative people, people who can only wake up in the expectations and dreams of their relatives with money to support their lives...

When Shen Ming walked to the bed, Sunny Tian just came out of the bathroom carrying a basin of hot water.

"You... so fast?" Qing Tian was taken aback by Shen Ming.

"Who is he?" Shen Ming didn't scold anyone, but asked softly while looking at the patient.

"He... is my fiancé." Qing Tian came to the hospital bed with a basin in hand, rolled up his sleeves and began to wipe himself, "I love the man I love the most, and he is also the man I hate the most."

Zhang Quandan, this is the name of Qingtian's fiancé. When Sunny came to the metropolis from the countryside to work in Foxconn, he met this quality inspector who was only one year older than himself. At that time, Qingtian was just a 20-year-old innocent girl, but her bust had already made her old-fashioned work clothes almost burst.

Sunshine already had no shortage of suitors at that time, from the project manager to the factory security guard, there were too many people who liked the flowers on the No. 3 assembly line.

But among the many suitors, Qingtian chose Zhang Quandan, a silly quality inspector. He always likes to speak some broken English that combines Chinese and Western, cuts his hair, and looks at everyone around him with a rebellious look. He has a dream and always says that one day he will go abroad to teach foreigners to speak Chinese.

Sunny Tian likes his honesty, his unrealistic dreams, and his exaggerated, even silly smile. During those two years at Foxconn, she was happy because she was accompanied by Zhang Quandan.

At that time, Qingtian was still an ordinary rural girl, with a plot of one-sidedness, she believed that this man was her future husband.

So, when Zhang Quandan said to her, "Let's go, you are the wind and I am the sand, let's go out and venture into the world together!" Qing Tian agreed without even thinking about it.

Sunny took out all her savings and opened a clothing store with Zhang Quandan's savings on a busy street. She originally thought that starting here would be the beginning of her dream of a beautiful city, but who knew it would be a nightmare...

Because I don't understand business at all, and I don't understand fashion and trends, the business of the small shop has never been better. At the worst time, Sunny’s food for three consecutive months was steamed buns and pickles.

The increasingly tight life made Zhang Quandan's temper extremely irritable, and he always quarreled with Sunny over trivial matters, even to the point of fighting. And every time he beat Qing Tian with his hands, he would apologize to Qing Tian with remorse.

Seeing his nervous appearance, Qing Tian believed that this man still loved her, so she forgave him.

Later, he began to like to come home late, met some bad friends, and learned to smoke and drink. Until one day, Zhang Quandan suddenly said to Qing Tian, "Why don't you go out and sell it?"

When Qingtian heard these words, the sky in his heart collapsed. Zhang Quandan forced Qingtian to pay back the money on the grounds that he wanted to withdraw the shares in the store. The penniless Qingtian really became a "Miss" in this way, and started to trade in flesh and blood. She has never seen the money she wanted so much at the beginning, but after she took off her clothes, it turned out to be so easy to earn

In just one month, she earned 50,000 yuan of the so-called Zhang Quandan shares, and severed ties with this man. Sunny was just 23 years old that year.

A wrong love that was thought to end like this, but two years later, a phone call from the hospital stirred up ripples again. Zhang Quandan was robbed and was beaten to a craniocerebral injury. The hospital urgently operated on him, and the operation was successful, but he still became a vegetable.

None of Zhang Quandan's old family members were willing to undergo post-treatment treatment. When the doctors repeatedly emphasized that he could not persist for a month after leaving the hospital, his relatives still wanted to discharge him from the hospital.

When Zhang Quandan was sent to the hospital and asked if he had any contacts, he wrote down Qingtian's name and phone number on a piece of paper. When asked who it was, he said it was his... "fiancée".

When Qingtian, who should have been assimilated by society, looked at the three words "fiancee" covered in blood on the paper, she resolutely decided to bear all Zhang Quandan's medical expenses, and raised this vegetable fiance ever since.

Over the years, Qingtian has spent a lot of her savings on his treatment. Whether it is a doctor or a nurse, Qingtian is the best to invite. Although Zhang Quandan shows no signs of waking up, his body is not. The degeneration symptoms of other vegetative people did not appear.

"Why do you have to bear all this?" Shen Ming asked doubtfully after listening to Qingtian's story.

"Because I don't care about him, he's dead." Qing Tian said while wiping Zhang Quandan.

"So what?" Shen Ming still didn't understand.

"Because... I hate him." Sunny day sat on a chair beside her, her silk shirt drenched with sweat, reflecting the scarlet lace bust inside, "It was this man who let me know what love is." , It was also this man who made me understand what it means to be blind. I need him to live, to remind me that no matter how honest a man is, he will change his mind, and remind me not to lose myself in the world of luxury and money, the periphery of living only for money , is no different from him lying there."

"Why are you doing this..." Shen Ming sighed softly.

It was also at the same moment that the angry Xiao Yi left the hospital building and came to the back lawn. Today is sunny and many patients are walking.

"Dead Shenming! Smelly Shenming! Bastard Shenming! What the hell! How dare you ignore me!" Xiao Yi walked up to a big tree hugged by one person, kicked the big tree angrily, and the strength was shaken A lot of leaves.

"Little girl, don't lose your temper like this, the tree didn't offend you." An old man in a wheelchair came to stop him in a sick suit.

"I..." Xiao Yi stopped quickly, feeling a little embarrassed looking at the kind old man beside her.

The old man looked less than 70 years old, with short gray hair and wrinkles around his eyes, but he was in good spirits.

"So sad, did you quarrel with your boyfriend?" The old man smiled.

"He's not my boyfriend, even if I poke my eyes out, I won't find that kind of guy!" Xiao Yi Wanru and Shen Ming have some kind of sworn feud.

"Little girl, don't say that. The angrier you are, the more you seem to care about him. If it's really not important to you, then there's no need to care so much." The old man spoke very reasonable, and Xiao Yi also became quiet.

"Little girl, if you're not in a hurry, can you push me around? My nurse was just called away." The old man asked ruthlessly.

"Oh." Xiao Yi didn't know how to refuse others, so she just pushed the wheelchair, "Grandpa, don't you have any family to take care of you? Why are there only nurses?"

"My life is so difficult. When I was young, I was busy with my career and didn't want to start a family. When I was middle-aged, I had a relationship with a beloved girl who almost got married, but it was too late because of work. Maybe God has pity on me. Bad old man, let me have a son with her, but I didn't know his existence until the child became an adult." When the old man talked about life, he couldn't help sighing.

"It's better to have a son than no one at all, and I'm not alone." Xiao Yi comforted while pushing the cart.

"I think so too, so I decided to devote all my life to this son, and also to ensure that he grows up healthily. Maybe he is a bit incompetent, maybe he will always cause some troubles, but it doesn't matter, I believe he is a good boy, It will definitely get better in the end." The old man said about the sad part, choking up slightly.

"Don't be sad, son, just give him a good spanking if he doesn't listen to you. My brother used to be naughty, but my dad took care of him a few times, and now he's become a sensible person." Xiao Yi comforted her.

"I can't do it." Unknowingly, Xiao Yi and the old man had arrived at the back door of the hospital. The old man who had been sitting in a wheelchair suddenly stood up, turned around and smiled, "Because I always fail to make a move." Seriously, if you hit him...he will die."

"You are..." Xiao Yi didn't react, the grandfather sprayed her with a little spray, and within a second, Xiao Yi had passed out on the wheelchair.

In the ward, Shen Ming suddenly came to his senses, and asked Qing Tian in a panic, "Why do you want to come to the hospital all of a sudden?"

"Because the nurse I hired suddenly left today, I can only find new people to help."

"Why do you want to send me over here?"

"She's a girl, how dare she tell you that she has a fiancé? If it gets out, the industry will laugh at me for being stupid and out of business."

"It's not a coincidence..." When Shen Ming's face was livid, the door of the ward was pushed open from the outside, and a nurse handed Shen Ming a mobile phone.

"Xiao Yi's cell phone?" Shen Ming was stunned.

"Just now, an old gentleman said that this is your thing, and asked me to return it to you." The little nurse completed the task of explaining, turned and left.

"What's wrong with Xiao Yi?" Sunshine finally realized something was wrong.

The phone rang at this moment, and the caller's name displayed on it turned out to be "Bei Bin Ling". This is obviously not saved by Xiao Yi, but by the killer himself.

Shen Ming answered the phone, and before the other person could speak, he said first, "If you dare to hurt her, I will make you suffer more than death."

"Mr. Shen Ming scared me to death. I know the ability of you nirvana. So, let's make a deal. Exchange the woman around you for your beloved assistant. I think this deal is very profitable for you. After all, it is a dead flower and a willow tree, but what I have in my hand is a lively place." Back binding spirit sneered.