God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 59: Hijack the chief


"Understood, wait for me." After the short call, Shen Ming looked at the sunny sky in front of him.

"What happened to her?" Sunny Sky asked nervously.

"It's fine for now, but I want to ask you for help." Shen Ming apologized slightly.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter even if I replace Xiao Yi, it's my fault, I shouldn't let her bear it for me." Qing Tian resolutely said.

"Then come with me." Shen Ming took Qing Tian by the hand and led her out of the hospital.

He drove the dilapidated jeep on the highway, but he didn't bring the sunny day to Bei Fuling's side, instead he drove directly into the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

"What do you want to do?" Qing Tian faintly noticed something was wrong, no matter how powerful the back binding spirit was, it would be impossible to play hostage handover in the police station.

"I have never traded the protector's life, never before, and never will in the future. The Bound Spirit wants your life for Xiao Yi's, but I know that some things are more important to him than you. "Shen Ming had already drawn up a plan in his mind.

Shen Ming and Qing Tian sat in the reception room, surrounded by many policemen wearing bulletproof vests. Shen Ming said that he had to report important information about the killer, but he could only explain it to Director Zhao himself.

Director Zhao, who was in a meeting, rushed to the reception room non-stop, and hurriedly said, "What's the matter, what happened?"

"The killer kidnapped Xiao Yi and asked me to use sunny days to make deals." Shen Ming said calmly.

"How did this happen? Did he reveal the exchange location? Tell me, I'll arrange for a special police team to rescue the hostages now." Director Zhao frowned.

"It's useless. The additional condition of the transaction is that the police must not be involved, otherwise he will immediately kill the hostages and escape. Therefore, this time, I can only do it by myself." Shen Ming suddenly stood up and took out his arms. The Type 05 left wheel hit Director Zhao's jaw.

The surrounding policemen, including Qingtian, were stunned, but the policeman instinctively took out his pistol and aimed it at Shen Ming's head.

"Put down the gun!" A group of police officers shouted in a panic. Although they had enough guns to turn Shen Ming into a hornet's nest, they were far more nervous than Shen Ming.

"I didn't give you the gun to kill me." Director Zhao felt rather melancholy like the "farmer" in "The Farmer and the Snake".

"Actually, I don't want to kill you, I just want to borrow someone from you." Shen Ming said softly.

"Kudo Kaneda Kazumos?" Director Zhao immediately understood Shen Ming's meaning, "Don't think about it, he is a murder suspect, how could you let him go?! It's impossible for you to kill me!"

"I didn't say let him go, I just borrowed a few hours, and I promise to take him out alive and bring him back alive." Shen Ming bargained like a peddler in the market.

"Do you think the police station is a bank? You can borrow anything? If he dies, who do you think will be held responsible? Besides, you are holding me at gunpoint now, and you are already chasing me! I have two years to retire , do you want me to lose my security at the end of the festival?" Director Zhao looked like you beat me to death.

"That's good. I've put Sunny here as a mortgage for you."

"Get out! You just want us to help you protect people. I have never seen a security guard like you in my life. I only came to you when I was blind!" Director Zhao scolded, but he leaned into Shen Ming's ear and whispered. Yu said, "Turn right when you go out and go straight, the first staircase goes down to the second floor, and you will find the detention room."

"Thanks." Shen Ming pointed a gun at Director Zhao and pushed him out of the reception room.

The siren sounded in the police station at this moment, and a large number of special police officers armed with 95 assault rifles guarded both ends of the corridor. On the opposite building, a row of snipers aimed at Shen Ming with 88-type sniper rifles.

"Are you familiar with this feeling? You should have experienced it 10 years ago." Director Zhao stood in front with his hands raised high, while Shen Ming leaned the gun against the back of his neck, and tied the pistol and Director Zhao with the adhesive tape Their heads were intertwined to ensure that even if Shen Ming was hit, he would still have enough nerve reflex arcs to complete the action of killing the hostages.

"It's okay, the difference is that I had already given up my life in the face of this kind of situation, but now, I think I can live." Shen Ming chuckled and pushed Director Zhao forward.

Under the eyes of everyone, Shen Ming escorted Director Zhao to the detention room. Through the iron railings, Shen Ming saw the young man possessed by the detective's soul for the first time.

He looks like a gentle and weak chicken. Who would have thought that his father would be a killer

"Boy, the binding spirit told me to call you home for dinner." Shen Ming knocked on the iron railing with the key he had snatched.

"Are you the angel I invited behind the binding spirit?" The kid said proudly.

"No, I'm the demon you provoked with your back-bound spirit. You will soon find out that staying in a cage is far safer than staying by my side. Get out of the cage now, and I'm going to bind you in front of you." I will kill you with the face of the spirit." Shen Ming said with a grim face.

"Police! Someone come and take this lunatic away! He's so strange!" Kudo said fearfully.

But things could no longer develop according to his wishes. Soon, Kudo was caught out of the cell, and Shen Ming took the two of them into the old jeep. Quickly drove out of the parking lot of the Public Security Bureau.

Shen Ming used divine skills to throw off the following police car. When passing through a tunnel, he shot two shots at random, breaking the rear panel of the large truck in front of him, and rushed onto the rear shelf.

By the time the truck exited the tunnel, they had even disappeared from the sight of the overhead helicopter.

The chief was kidnapped, the murder suspect escaped from prison, Linhai City went into a state of alert, all police officers on vacation returned to work, and armed police trucks drove onto the street.

But the instigator of all this was Shen Ming who parked the wanted jeep in a back alley and let Director Zhao down.

"Hijack me, do you know what will happen? I am one of the city leaders in the observation period after your nirvana. Once I report to the higher authorities, you are likely to be brought back." Standing by the jeep, Director Zhao Tearing off the tape around her neck felt as refreshing as a girl's hair removal.

"I know, but I also know that if I don't do this, my security target will be in danger, and my assistant will probably be killed. I petition to use freedom to change Xiao Yi's life. After all, I disturbed her life first. You Report it if you want, as long as she lives." Shen Ming drove away after finishing speaking.

"Silly boy, ten years of hard work in exchange for an inch of blue sky, but he is willing to go back to hell for a girl... Have you fallen in love with her already?" Director Zhao sighed.

Kudo, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, had his hands handcuffed together, inadvertently always looking at the door handle just a few centimeters away from him.

"The current speed is 60 kilometers per hour. If you jump off with no training and no body, if you are unlucky, you will die on the spot. If you are lucky, you will lose your arms and legs. You will be powerless to escape. I will stop and kill you." If you pick up a corpse or a half-dead one, it's no different from what it looks like now."

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" Kudo asked nervously.

"Your Chinese is pretty good, where did you learn it?"

"I originally majored in Chinese in college, and later became a Chinese teacher in a cram school." Kudo pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"So it's the teacher, why are you so gentle, why do you kill people?" Shen Ming glanced at him.

"I didn't kill anyone, that lady is the heart..." Before Kudo finished speaking, Shen Ming had already slapped him so hard that Kudo's teeth almost flew out.

"I'm not a policeman, don't lie to me, why kill?"

"She's me..." Before Kudo finished speaking, Shen Ming slapped him again, well, this time the back molars flew out, and Kudo's face was swollen.

"Think clearly before answering, you may not be able to withstand my third slap." Shen Ming looked at the front and said coldly.

"Because, I want to see... the binding spirit..." Kudo lowered his forehead.

He is not a born criminal, so naturally he does not have a firm belief. After his mother died, he began to live alone with no future. The little salary in the cram school could not meet the cost of living in Tokyo. Several times, he wanted to commit suicide and went with his mother Come on, but I never had the courage to hang my neck on the rope.

Until one day, he came home from get off work and found the cash box in the living room, which was filled with dozens of dollars. Kudo was terrified and hid the money, never daring to use it or tell anyone about it.

In this way, in the second month and the third month, he will get a cash box of 300,000 US dollars every month. He began to believe that there was a binding spirit protecting him, and he started to spend a lot of money, living a shameless life.

And during a pleasure hunt, the lady took too many drugs and died on the bed. Kudo was frightened and went out wearing a bath towel to call the police, but when the police came, the so-called lady's body had disappeared. None stayed.

Kudo began to be afraid, and the back binding spirit not only gave him money, but even gave him extraordinary ability to avoid disasters. Later, he took the initiative to try to kill someone, and sure enough, the young lady disappeared without a trace.

Kudo became more and more perverted, and felt that killing people was nothing to be afraid of. Just like that, he killed a few more prostitutes, all of which were still classified as accidents, and successfully escaped from prison.

Kudo began to wonder, could the binding spirit be his father who had never been masked? The more he thinks like this, the more rebellious he becomes, but no matter how crazy he kills, he has never seen the spirit of betrayal appear.

He thought that the back binding spirit was a big figure in the political world, so he was able to call the wind and rain in Tokyo, and then he tried to come to the heaven to kill people, hoping to force the back binding spirit to appear in this way, but he did not expect to provoke the demon Shen Ming.

"You guys really have a perverted father-son relationship, but it doesn't matter, I've seen more perverted ones." Shen Ming smiled and inserted one hand into Kudo's clothes, groping around his chest.

"Cuff (no)! Corner sack (wait a minute)! I'm not gay, please don't touch me like this! I've been constipated for 7 days! You don't want to fuck me! That's disgusting !Okay! If you insist, can you use some lubricating fluid? I'm afraid of pain! Very afraid!" Kudo cried like tears.