God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 65: Yaksha vs Pluto


"Run!" This was the most frequently spoken word by Shen Ming.

From his slightly messy description, Xiao Yi learned that An Qi was a girl who had many entanglements with him. This girl is also one of the Nirvana people, but she has not yet passed her Nirvana period. The Nirvana period of each Nirvana is different, from the shortest 5 years to the longest 50 years, and Nirvana with different degrees of threat to society have completely different Nirvana periods.

For example, Shen Ming can return to Nirvana after 10 years, but An Qi's time is 15 years. When Shen Ming was just brought back to the "camp", An Qi was already a veteran who had participated in Nirvana for 4 years.

Later, the two of them went on a mission by mistake, and the intelligence made a major mistake, and the two were in a dangerous situation. An Qi was accidentally injured, and when she had decided to take her own life, the bodyguard's blood in Shen Ming's body awakened, and she just led the scarred An Qi all the way out of the siege and back to the camp.

After that battle, Shen Ming also obtained his own Nirvana code name - "Pluto", and even gained the love of An Qi.

From then on, An Qi regarded herself as Mrs. Shen in the camp, and anyone of the opposite sex who got close to Shen Ming would be doomed.

Shen Ming tried to argue with An Qi several times, and even did not hesitate to fight with his life. Unexpectedly, Yasha Anqi specializes in close combat and disguise, and beats Shen Ming into a dog every time in close combat.

Like Shen Ming, a monster with a zero-recoil shooting body, An Qi is born with a body that perfectly controls the whole body's muscular system, and can change the state of facial muscles through consciousness to achieve the magical skill of blinking.

Until now, except Colonel Kaos, no one has ever seen Angie's true face...

"Isn't it really so terrifying to kill?" Xiao Yi smiled awkwardly looking at Shen Ming who was busy packing his luggage.

"Since An Qi began to call herself 'Mrs. Shen', all the female nurses in our camp were replaced by men. In the ten years I was there, there was not a single girl who greeted me. Once I picked up a dog, and Because it's a bitch... When I come back from a mission, the main course that night will be dog meat hot pot..." Shen Ming said with tears in his eyes, and he still remembers that dog's name is "Kelly".

"Why can't we sit down and have a good talk? We didn't have any ambiguous relationship in the first place, so after running away like this, wouldn't we be able to explain everything?" Xiao Yi was a little dizzy, and now she really felt like a mistress who was raped by the palace. The rhythm of elopement is about to start.

"To be clear, it's not now. I know An Qi too well. She can sit on your corpse and forgive me, but she will never let you live to admit that this is just a misunderstanding." Shen Ming quickly cleaned up a backpack, and directly Pulling Xiao Yi towards the door.

"I won't leave! This is a society ruled by law. How can anyone allow someone to kill someone? I don't care if she is your wife or how awesome she is. If she dares to do something, I will definitely call the police and arrest her!" Xiao Yi was stubborn. road.

"Xiao Yi, can you listen to me? I just want to protect you. If An Qi wants you dead, let alone the police, even the army can't protect you. But I will protect you. I won't let her hurt you." Shen Ming took Xiao Yi's hand, and his words were so firm when he turned around.

Xiao Yi's persistence, Xiao Yi's stubbornness, defeated this man who claimed to protect her, and the policewoman who was used to being masculine and wanted to compete with men naturally transformed into a soft girl with a shy face.

According to Shen Ming, An Qi's nirvana period has not yet ended, and she could not appear in the city in the first place. The only explanation was that she was still on a secret mission, and she was a sneaky errand. This kind of desertion time will not be too long, probably a few hours, or a day or two.

If they stay for too long, the Nirvana headquarters will also lock their location through the soul-chasing code in their bodies, and it will be judged as a Nirvana violation.

Nirvana violations are very serious incidents, and those who are arrested will have no hope of returning to the city in this lifetime.

As long as he can survive 1 or 2 days, Shen Ming can successfully help Xiao Yi get rid of Yasha Anqi's threat. Get in touch with her at that time and spend more time explaining and apologizing, maybe you can save Xiao Yi's life.

"Listen, from now on, you can't trust anyone, including me." Shen Ming put his arms around Xiao Yi's shoulders, and walked quickly on the busy street, his sharp eyes scanning the street like radar Everyone on the Internet, "I will design a password for you. When I leave your sight, even if it is only for a few seconds, you must meet the password again. If I can't say it, don't hesitate to shoot me , shooting 3 shots in a row, the order is abdomen, chest, and head. You will not be hit by Angie at the speed, but the vertical fan-shaped shooting will slow down her pursuit speed. Luckily, I can shoot at this time When you get to the shot, bad luck, the only thing you have to do after shooting is to run, to the crowd."

"Is her disguise technique that powerful?" Xiao Yi still felt a bit like a martial arts movie.

"An Qi is the best disguise master in the Nirvana camp. She can mobilize and control all the muscles in her body to make non-human transformations. He can even change the height of the body by changing the muscles of the back and legs and stretching the gaps between the bones. It is known that the minimum height that she can pretend to be is 1.55 meters, and the maximum is 1.75 meters. Anyone in this height range must be careful." Shen Ming poured out all the knowledge in his mind about dealing with the "Anqi crisis" teach.

"By the way, if she really wants to kill me, what will you do? Will you kill her?" Xiao Yi could tell that Shen Ming was very afraid of this girl, but she still felt like a friend.

"I don't know, she and I have a relationship that has shed blood in the trenches, and we are partners who can safely hand over our backs to her. But... this is definitely not a reason for her to hurt you willfully." Shen Ming affirmed.

Xiao Yi had a strange thought, maybe she had already left a place in Shen Ming's heart

Following the flow of people, Xiao Yi and Shen Ming stood in front of a traffic light. The more people around, Shen Ming hugged Xiao Yi tighter, and Xiao Yi seemed to be sticking to his side.

Suddenly, on the opposite side of the pedestrian crossing, Mama Yi, dressed in casual clothes and holding a vegetable basket in her hand, saw Xiao Yi and Shen Ming, and waved happily, "Xiao Yi!"

"Mom?" Although the traffic light was not over yet, Xiao Yi instinctively raised her leg and wanted to go forward, but Shen Ming pulled her back, and the 92-type pistol on the back of her waist was already in his hand.

"Crack!" The cold-faced Shen Ming shot at the front wheel of an approaching container truck. The driver forced the steering wheel to keep his balance, but the body still rolled over and slid to block the intersection. A group of passers-by and The vehicles around were all stupefied by fright, but Shen Ming pulled Xiao Yi and turned around and walked away.

"Tch, my husband actually protects the mistress so much, as expected, there will always be a relationship crisis..." "Mama Yi" sighed while holding her forehead, and her face instantly changed back to the young and beautiful angel posture, "Wait to do mistress..." It's time to take my husband to see a marriage counselor."

"What are you doing?" Xiao Yi was startled by Shen Ming's appearance.

"That's not your mother. Your mother always called you Mengmeng when she saw you, but just now she called you Xiao Yi. It was An Qi who disguised herself..." Shen Ming inserted the pistol back into Xiao Yi's waist pouch, and switched to Shen Ming in security mode is extremely serious.

Xiao Yi was still worried and called her mother. After being scolded for disturbing her mother playing mahjong, Xiao Yi was relieved. But she finally gave birth to the fear of An Qi, her disguised Yi mother can't even see the daughter who grew up with her mother, what else can she not pretend to be

From then on, Xiao Yi entrusted her body and mind to Shen Ming, the big bodyguard, and followed his pace to move forward.

"Take the subway." At the entrance of a subway station, Shen Ming suddenly had an idea, walked underground with Xiao Yi in his arms, passed the security check and walked to the waiting platform.

It happened to be a transfer station, and there were so many people on the platform, Xiao Yi looked around instinctively, feeling that everyone was suspicious, but no one was An Qi, and her complex emotions were all written on her face.

Shen Ming calmly took out a small power bank homemade bomb from his pocket, and threw it into the trash can beside him.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Yi was stunned, but Shen Ming motioned her to keep her voice low.

Boom! There was an explosion, and the aluminum trash can was blown up into the air, and the passengers on the full platform were scared to crawl on the ground, except for a little girl who looked very kawaii who was only 10 meters away from them. straight.

"Let's go." Shen Ming put his arms around Xiao Yi, turned around and walked towards the exit.

"It was discovered again, husband, husband...can't you stop being so good?" An Qi smiled helplessly, she liked the handsome Shen Ming so much when he was in preservation, but he hugged another woman.

Nirvana has received special training, so the reaction to an accidental explosion is far less panic than ordinary people.

"An Qi's moving speed is faster than I imagined, and the frequency of shots is the fastest known so far." Shen Ming changed twice in just 15 minutes, and Shen Ming had never seen An Qi kill so hard.

"Why don't you call the police? Find Director Zhao, he will definitely help us." Xiao Yi suggested.

"It's useless. Once the action is controlled by the police, free mobility will be lost. You can't just walk away. This is the most dangerous thing. You're hungry, let's eat." Shen Ming saw a western restaurant on the side of the road, He pulled the door straight and walked in.

"Hello, sir..." The waiter graciously came forward with the menu, but was rudely declined by Shen Ming.

"Two, filet steak 8 ripe, black pepper sauce, hurry up, the sooner the better." Shen Ming took Xiao Yi and finished ordering while walking, and sat on the seat next to the emergency exit.

The waiter didn't know what the couple was doing, so he had to go to the back kitchen to place the order.

"It's only 10 o'clock now, can you eat the steak?" Xiao Yi asked awkwardly.

"The restaurants at this point have the least number of customers and the highest safety factor. We don't know how long we will have to walk like this. Running fast is very exhausting, and we need to supplement high-protein foods. Take every opportunity to eat and take every time to rest." Shen Ming As he said that, he picked up the sugar packet on the table, tore it open and poured it into his mouth. Recently, he only eats steamed buns, and he craves protein more than anyone else. This guy has completely started to use battlefield thinking.