God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 68: 3 billion underground black gold!


The first rule of the nirvana is that nothing in this world is more precious than your own life. To be alive, to be alive under all circumstances, is also the most fundamental purpose of Nirvana.

Therefore, as long as there is a need, even if An Qi loves Shen Ming so much that she cannot be herself, but in order to keep herself alive, killing her husband is a normal logic that can be forgiven and understood.

But now Shen Ming is threatening An Qi with his own life, and this is the only thing in him that An Qi cares about...

"Do you think I dare not kill her?" An Qi roared angrily.

"I know you dare, this is what you are best at, but you should know that I will never abandon my companions. Back then we were in a tight siege, it was a death situation, you begged me to kill you, so as not to fall Suffering inhuman torture at the hands of the enemy, you don't believe that I can take you to the end. It's better to die early than to be reborn early, but have I let go?" Shen Ming smiled holding up the glass shards.

"What? Play the favor card for me? There is no favor in the world of Nirvana. If you want me to let her go, there is no way!" An Qi scorned.

"I know, we all know that world too well, I just want you to understand that at that time, you were my companion, and now Xiao Yi is also my companion. I caused her to become like this, and I have the responsibility to let her Live on. I know I can't beat you, but I must never lose my faith."

"Liar! Liar! Big liar! If it's really not important, why can't you just kill him and get another one? How many assistants like this do you want?!" An Qi roared angrily. In her long killing career, she had never A goal so entangled and hated by her.

"I lied, I'm sorry, she is the best assistant, although she is a bit stingy, has a hot temper, and sometimes doesn't obey orders, but working with her, I am very happy... I am also happy when I eat grass." Shen Ming" "A true confession" shocked Xiao Yi, and even forgot the fear of the sharp blade in front of her.

"Bastard!" An Qi slashed straight down, the blade cut deeply into the marble floor, and the blade was only 1mm away from Xiao Yi's neck.

"Thank you." Shen Ming smiled happily. No one in the world has ever made Yasha change his willingness to kill. Shen Ming has completed an impossible task.

"Only this time, only this one person. Don't show me your love for other women in your eyes again, otherwise, you husband, I will replace you too." An Qi stood up with the piercing siren sound, eyes full of hatred.

"Really?" Shen Ming seemed to have found a way out.

"Really, but it will be replaced after castrating you." An Qi's words made Shen Ming shrink back in fright.

The stories that happened in this day were too crazy, before Xiao Yi had time to straighten out the thoughts in her head, the storm had passed.

Xiao Yi didn't suffer much injuries, but Shen Ming was covered with scars.

An Qi's strength is just like Shen Ming's description. Shen Ming is not an opponent at all in melee combat. The fight and dance with her in the fire circle only let Shen Ming know that Yasha has become stronger...

Just a few days later, Shen Ming was sent to the ambulance again, and Xiao Yi stayed by the bed with the car, wiping the blood on Shen Ming's body.

"It hurts." Shen Ming frowned slightly.

"Love your old mother, don't pretend to be pitiful to me, it was obviously your wife who chopped it up, who can you blame?" Xiao Yi wanted to say thank you, but seeing Shen Ming's cheap appearance, "Thank you" swallowed back into the stomach.

"With my state, I can't start work recently, otherwise, how many days will you miss the interest?" Shen Ming pretended to be pitiful.

"Dream, it's good that I didn't calculate the mental damage fee with you." Xiao Yi was extremely domineering.

"Hey, it's you two again? What a fate!" The doctor accompanying the car was the one who sewed up the couple's scars on Shen Ming and Xiao Yi last time. Hurry up and have a baby while you are young, and live a peaceful life!"

The doctor was still holding the sewing needle and thread in his hand. As soon as he finished speaking, the nurse next to him opened the car door, grabbed the doctor by the neck, and threw him out of the ambulance compartment.

"Obviously he is a doctor, but he looks like other people's physiognomy. He is so inaccurate. He deserves to be thrown out." The nurse took off the mask on her face, and it turned out to be An Qi.

The lingering woman picked up the needle and thread in her hand and continued to sew.

"Why are you still here?" Goosebumps rose from Xiao Yi's back, and she instinctively looked at the scalpel in the box beside her.

"I promised Shen Ming not to kill you, but only if you can't threaten me, if you want to pick up that thing, I will be happy to wring your neck." An Qi reminded softly as she sewed seriously.

"Just as I thought, you came to see me suddenly not just to catch up on the past, are you in trouble?" Shen Ming chuckled while lying on the stretcher.

"Half a year ago, I received a mission to track down a $3 billion underground black gold in Vegas, which was composed of three members of the Wa Kingdom, the Italian Mafia, the Maoziguo Skinheads, the Bald Eagle Mike Crime Family, the It is the common asset of the 7 underworld gangs, the Black Black Party, the Tianchao Chinese Gang, and the Bend Island Bamboo Curtain Society.

They partnered with a god-level accountant and originally planned to launder the money in Vegas. But coincidentally, the accountant mysteriously disappeared two months ago, that is, three days before the settlement. The seven major gangs are now caught in internal strife. They all suspect that an insider kidnapped the accountant to steal the black money.

Among them, the most suspected one is the one I am currently following called Heilong. He is the head of the Bamboo Curtain Association in the United States, and assassinations against him happen almost every day. You know, I'm good at killing, but not good at protecting.

To find out what happened to the accountant, he has to live. "When An Qi introduced, she had already sewed up the wounds all over Shen Ming's body, and her technique was more professional than that of the doctor who threw it out just now.

"Why are you looking for Shen Ming? Are there no other people in the Nirvana to help?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"Nirvana has regulations. The tasks assigned to individuals must never seek help from insiders, and I am no longer an insider." Shen Ming smiled.

"Wrong, it's just that I wanted to find an excuse to attract Shen Ming and I to show our affection, how did I know that I met you, a mistress." An Qi squinted at Xiao Yi with a murderous intent still in her eyes.

"Can you stop calling me that? We are innocent." Xiao Yi deeply felt that even jumping into the Yellow River would not clear her mind.

"Don't explain, men, it's natural to be crazy. If I kill you, it's inevitable that he won't find another Xiaosi or Xiaowu to disgust me again. Why don't we just break up with you, and you can help me look after him. If he If you mess up again, you can tell me, and I can go directly and kill the others." An Qi took Xiao Yi's hand with a serious face, and had already accepted this mistress.

"Who wants to share this kind of funny competition with you? You like to take it away quickly! Don't leave this disgusting person here..." These are Xiao Yi's inner voice, but she can't say it at all. God knows the nerve-worn woman in front of her , Will you kill yourself because your husband is humiliated

"When will it be over?" Shen Ming didn't ask the price at all, nor did he ask about the time of preservation, he had already taken over the job, obviously facing his past companions, Shen Ming still had some affection.

"I'm going back on the plane tonight. Now I'm Heilong's personal secretary. I'm leaving this time to ask a friend for help. As for you, I've already booked a direct flight to Vegas the day after tomorrow. By the way, I didn't Those who intend to keep this woman alive have to book a ticket for her now." An Qi sighed helplessly, as if she still wanted to kill Xiao Yi.

"Okay, I'll take the job." Shen Ming stretched out his cooperative hand to An Qi.

An Qi looked at that hand, suddenly hugged Shen Ming, and gave a deep French kiss. After kissing for a full minute before letting go, she wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth and said charmingly, "Don't treat me as a client, I'm a wife, wife!" An Qi backflips from the ambulance after speaking, and lands in a car behind her. On the roof of the car, the long legs in white pantyhose drew beautiful curves in the air.

"If she knows that you have kissed every client so far, will she castrate you?" Xiao Yi sneered, Shen Ming, this unscrupulous thing, captured a girl's heart almost once by saving it.

"Honey, prepare your passport, I'll take you abroad soon." Shen Ming lay on the stretcher with his hands behind his head.

"You are like the lady in the red house, taking jobs too casually. You sold yourself without even asking the price." Xiao Yi said coldly and contemptuously.

"Don't worry, it's not uncommon for Nirvana practitioners to seek help from Nirvana. Nirvana practitioners are given special mission allowances for performing tasks, and they are so rich that they usually ask Nirvana for help. The price is usually 1 million." Shen Shen Ming said lazily.

"1 million!" Xiao Yi gasped, this is the most expensive task order that Shen Ming has received so far.

"I'm talking about U.S. dollars." What Shen Ming didn't tell Xiao Yi was that in the world of Nirvana, money is really just a symbol. As long as each of them lives to complete the task again and again, he will accumulate a few thousand dollars at will. Wealth of tens of thousands of dollars is normal. However, these money can only be used during the Nirvana period, and Nirvana cannot be brought back to ordinary urban life.

That is to say, even if you were rich and wealthy when you were a Nirvana walker, you can still only be a yellow dick when you return to the city.

Therefore, there is a support mechanism within the nirvana. When the nirvana walkers encounter troubles and difficulties when performing individual tasks, they will give priority to asking the nirvana for help and pay a considerable amount of remuneration to improve the nirvana. life in.

However, a Nirvana can only participate in such a task once at most, and the difficulty of the task must be determined so that the Nirvana Walker cannot perform it alone, otherwise both the Nirvana Walker and the Nirvana will be completely obliterated by the Nirvana Camp Management Committee.