God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 82: Desert chase


On the second night, Vegas suddenly started to cool down, and the casino, which is used to short-sleeved hot pants, asked Black Dragon to wear a coat. Shen Ming filled up the fuel for the Hummer Jeep, installed various supplies, started the engine and rode out.

Along the way, what echoed in the carriage was the creaking and creaking sound of the bottom plate shock absorber. God knows if it was caused by the lightning blast from the Taliban.

Shen Ming tried his best to drive the broken car smoothly, paying attention to the surrounding movements through various rear-view mirrors. When all the cars were heading towards the city center, the black Hummer Jeep was only driving in the back alley, from the corner of a supermarket parking lot, all the way to the barren desert without roads.

The street lights have since disappeared, and only the moonlight can accompany them on a long journey. The high beams of the Hummer can only see the rocky and dusty land less than 60 meters ahead, and the future tomorrow is as dark as the road ahead and completely unknown.

"In the past, every day, I thought about escaping from the city full of steel and concrete. I carried my drawing board on my back, brought a box full of paints, and sat on the top of the highest mountain to outline the beauty of the world. Now that I think about it, I am so naive. In the back seat, Heilong looked sideways out of the window and couldn't help laughing, "Squeamish girls like me can't survive in the wilderness, and the days without milk baths make me feel so uncomfortable that I am about to die. Lost."

"Wake up, we are running for our lives now." Xiao Yi reminded the black dragon beside her who was suffering from princess disease.

"Can something like fate really escape?" When Heilong sighed, a grenade exploded beside the Humvee with a bang, and the shock wave made Xiao Yi almost bite off his tongue. Shen Ming forcibly grabbed the steering wheel and turned it back, only to avoid the fate of stalling and rolling over.

"What's going on?!" Xiao Yi yelled nervously, and it wasn't Shen Ming who answered her, but four off-road jeeps rushing out from behind the hill, with the machine gunner on the roof beeping! beep! beep! A flame half a meter long was sprayed out, and the bullets hit the sand beside the Humvee.

"Xiao Yi! Fight back!" Shen Ming stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

"Damn! Never come to America again!" Xiao Yi stood up resentfully, leaned out half of her body from the skylight, took out the G18 automatic pistol in her arms, and directly turned on the automatic mode. The muzzle, bang bang bang! The barrage was sprayed uninterruptedly, and several jeeps had to join in evasive actions.

"Admit defeat. There was a man I loved who tried to take me away in the same way. In the end, guess what? He died." Heilong was like crazy, chuckling in the turbulent carriage amidst the hail of bullets.

"I'm not the man you love, I'm just your bodyguard." Shen Ming said as he turned the steering wheel quickly, and the black Hummer Jeep rolled up a circle of dust on the ground, flicking its tail 360 degrees and turning sideways.

"You! Sister! It's yours!" Xiao Yi, half of her body was outside the roof of the car, was almost thrown out.

A few bullets hit the windows of the Humvee, and the bulletproof glass was also shot into spider web patterns. Shen Ming just stuck out a silver muzzle from the rolled down window, boom! Boom! It was just two shots, and the spinning bullets exploded the front tires of the two nearest jeeps. The driver and the shooter didn't react.

When the jeep returned to the right track, Shen Ming continued to step on the accelerator and rush forward. The other two jeeps had learned their lesson and didn't dare to get so close any more. They dared to stay farther away and fired with heavy machine guns. It was a bumpy desert, and it was dark and the range was long. The bullets were getting farther and farther away from the Humvee.

"Fuck! It's more than 80 meters away, and I can't hit it!" Xiao Yi sat back in the car after firing half of her ammunition, and then remembered to be afraid, "Wait, were those all heavy machine guns just now?"

"The Belgian-made MG249 general-purpose heavy machine gun uses a unique 7.92mm caliber armor-piercing bullet. People who are hit will rot like falling into a meat grinder." Shen Ming said in popular science.

"Then you still let me go out and shoot!" Xiao Yi wanted to shoot Shen Ming in the head.

"My car is your best bullet-avoidance system, what are you afraid of?" Shen Ming obviously has too much experience in chasing cars.

"Shen Ming, let me go, they won't let me leave Vegas alive, this is no longer something you can handle." The black dragon finally said "goodbye".

"Sorry, the direct bus will not stop until it reaches the station." Shen Ming said "no".

At this moment, the chasing jeep moved further away, and there was a buzzing roar in the sky.

"Could it be that?" Xiao Yi's heart tightened.

"That's it..." Shen Ming saw a strong light coming from the rear view mirror. In the sky, a helicopter roared in pursuit. Inside the side-opened hatch, a 6-barreled Gatling Vulcan The machine gun was pushed out.

The unique engine drive motor drives 6 barrels to rotate at high speed, and the rate of fire is 6000 rounds per minute, which is enough to smash light armored vehicles into sieves.

"Sit still!" With the metal barrage coming from the pursuit, Shen Ming slammed the steering wheel, and the durable Hummer turned sideways at an angle where the bearings were about to be broken, and rushed forward behind a vertical rock.

The bullets broke those towering rocks, chasing the Hummer's buttocks and collapsing to the ground, the movement is like an earthquake and landslide!

"Change the angle! That guy is a cunning mouse!" The gunman gestured for the driver to move sideways and go to the other side.

The chasing Vulcan machine gun shot up the dust beside the Humvee, Xiao Yi's heart rose to her throat, she just felt that her life would no longer belong to her in an instant, even if she died, could she leave a whole body? This desire has become a luxury under the fire of the Vulcan machine gun.

"You'd better go down! My presbyopic grandma is even more accurate than you!" The godfather who had been sitting in the helicopter couldn't stand it anymore. He untied the safety buckle on the gunman's waist and kicked the guy out of the cabin. go out.

what! ! ! The screaming gunman fell directly to the ground from a height of 50 meters and was killed on the spot. Everyone else in the cabin was sitting on pins and needles.

"Come on, Pete." The godfather patted his son on the shoulder and smiled.

Pete was also timid, fearing that he would also be kicked down, so he directly picked up a Javelin missile and locked the Humvee with a sight.

"Boom!" With a sound, the missile was ejected 10 meters outward, but it turned on the propeller in the middle and flew towards the sky. The unique attack method of attacking the top can even paralyze heavy tanks.

When he heard the unique second-stage acceleration sound, Shen Ming turned around and kicked Xiao Yi out of the car. Before Xiao Yi landed, he hugged the black dragon and jumped out of the car from the other side.

There was a loud bang, and the forward Humvee was blown up by the Javelin missile, turning into a ball of fire. Shen Ming hugged the black dragon tightly in his arms, and rolled 8 meters on the ground before stopping, and his body was cut with many wounds by sand and stones all over the ground.

"Are you okay?" In the dust, Shen Ming softly asked the trembling woman in her arms, it turned out that she would also tremble with fear.

"Why do you have to do this? Twenty-five thousand a day, can you make you work so hard?" Heilong asked with tears in his eyes, "Your life is really cheap."

"It has nothing to do with money, it is my responsibility to protect you." Shen Ming was still so calm.

"Stupid bodyguard, I've been lying to you all this time. I have too many secrets that I haven't told you. This is a grievance between me and them. There is no need for you to intervene." Heilong finally told the truth.

"There's no need to plug it in. It's too late to pull it out now, right?" Shen Ming supported his body and stood up, the giant python's revolver had already fallen somewhere.

Xiao Yi struggled to get up on her stomach, but before she could stand up, the muzzles of two assault rifles, one on the back of her head and the other on her back, stood beside the six gunmen who had just fought against each other. .

A huge searchlight was suddenly projected on Shen Ming's body. In the dark desert ahead, more than 30 fully armed gunmen jumped out of six waiting jeeps. Looking at the posture of holding the guns, one could tell that they were from the army. No ordinary hooligan.

Many red laser dots appeared on Shen Ming's body, as long as he gave an order, his life would be sealed.

The helicopter landed among the crowd, and the godfather in a gorgeous tuxedo walked out of the cabin as if attending a banquet.

"Heilong, why are you leaving in such a hurry? The beautiful mountains and rivers in Vegas can't keep you?" The godfather smiled and shouted.

"Godfather, don't you think it's a shame to chase and kill me, a disabled woman, in such a big battle?" Heilong sat up straight on the ground, although his head was disheveled, but he did not lose his arrogance.

"Isn't it because your bodyguard is too good, ruined two of my cars, and cost me a good shooter." The godfather was talking about the one he kicked off the plane, "For the sake of good friendship Here, I will give you a chance to say your last words."

"I took the black gold." Heilong said calmly.

"Yeah, yeah, when you want to live, you should be like this, you can say all kinds of nonsense." The godfather didn't believe it at all.

"It was my plan from the beginning to lure your funds in and then swallow them. The money would have been transferred to my overseas account through more than 30 banks. But the accountant realized that he would be killed and started to transfer the money. Run for your life. I did him, and the money can only be temporarily hidden. My secretary arrested a person, and he can prove that I took the money."

"John? That kid is dead." The godfather was the real culprit who attacked Tina, and John also told him about the wheelchair mark in the old house.

"Godfather, you know my style. If I hid the money, no one in the world can find it except me." Heilong suddenly changed the subject, "It's better to eat alone than to share it among five people. Bar?"

"Do you want to buy your own life with money?" The godfather immediately understood what Heilong meant.

"My life is precious, but 3 billion is too much. I want to live with the two of them." At this moment, the black dragon is the real "bodyguard".

"It's a reasonable deal, but I'm born to like 'bargaining'. You can only keep one, male or female, so choose." The godfather said with a smirk.