God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 9: You hurt me


By the time Meng Qi finished familiarizing herself with the stage, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening, and the tired group returned to Meng Qi's high-end villa area in the outskirts of Linhai City in a nanny car. This is a high-end residence that only the rich or expensive can afford. Even the security guards are professional veterans, ensuring privacy while enjoying the tranquility away from the hustle and bustle.

"I want to go to the beach, is that okay?" Meng Qi deliberately asked for Shen Ming's opinion.

"I'm just a bodyguard, and I'm not qualified to restrict your actions." Shen Ming meant, "Yes."

"That's good, come with me." Meng Qi put her hands behind her back, walked out of the villa with a smile in her flip flops, and walked towards the beach.

At this moment, Xiao Yi was standing in front of the window sill, watching the couple walk towards the beach like lovers, and reported to the chief about Shen Ming's daily life today, including the incident of Shen Ming "beating" the strange bear.

The bureau retrieved surveillance video from the scene, and finally identified the incident as "justifiable self-defense." The above expressed their relief, because what they saw was not that the strange bear was about to be killed, but that the strange bear survived. Facts have proved that Shen Ming has begun to adapt to the collective life of the society, and knows how to suppress his strength.

Xiao Yi was speechless to such a reply, it was hard to imagine what kind of existence Shen Ming was in the past

With a bright moon in the sky and dense stars, the night in Linhai City is so beautiful that it always makes people sleepless. Combined with the private white sand beach at the foot of Meng Qi Shen Ming, it is even more beautiful.

The high tide waves washed over the feet of the two of them. It was icy and felt very comfortable. Sometimes two small hermit crabs rushed up and crawled across the insteps. pets too.

Meng Qi likes the sea very much, walking on the beach like a child. And Shen Ming silently followed behind her, holding his leather shoes in his hands.

"Thank you for helping me deal with green tea today, she's been bothering me recently, I hate it to death." Meng Qi didn't look back, and thanked softly with the sound of the waves.

"I didn't help you deal with anyone. I just protected your safety. In theory, you shot first. This would increase unnecessary danger for you. Don't do this in the future." Shen Ming began to give professional advice again.

"Can you stop preaching like a bodyguard all the time?" Meng Qi turned around and frowned. It was rare for her to put down her airs and want to thank him, but he continued to be annoying.

"I was originally a bodyguard. Although the purpose of Shen's Security Firm is only a short-term contract, I still hope that the employers I have served will also have a sense of safety in the future. You are a star, and you will inevitably encounter danger when you become popular. You must learn Protect yourself." Shen Ming continued to preach.

"I'm so young, spitting is fine, resist? How to resist?" Meng Qi deliberately found fault.

"I'll teach you." Suddenly, Shen Ming dropped the leather shoes in his hand and grabbed Meng Qi's wrist. Before she could react, she pulled Meng Qi around like a Latin dance, and pulled Meng Qi into her arms. Right on his chest. I'm pregnant for the fourth time today...

However, Meng Qi's hand twisted behind her back, causing Meng Qi to cry out in pain, "Let go, pervert! It hurts so much!"

"This is the most basic 'holding' and 'wrapping' in grappling. Your body is small, so the opponent prefers to use this technique. Because the entire hand joint is locked, it will cause continuous tendon pulling pain, This kind of pain will stimulate people to give up resistance instinctively. You are a star, and it is difficult to leave people around. Once you are captured, it is very likely to form a confrontation scene between gangsters and others. The current situation is very likely to happen." When Shen Ming explained, Meng Qi was in so much pain that tears came down, she kept scolding Shen Ming, she was completely uncertain whether she was paying attention or not.

"The way to counter is actually very simple. First, you need to calm down, overcome the pain, and then feel the height of the gangster through your back to find where his nose is. At the critical moment, use your heels to support your body, and push back hard. No matter how awesome a person is, the nose cannot be exercised, and the back of the brain is very strong, even a small person like you can cause great facial damage to gangsters." Shen Ming just finished speaking , Meng Qi had already followed his method and slammed back with force.

Not to mention, Meng Qi has practiced dancing herself, and the stretching of ballet has long made her used to enduring the pain. In addition to her foundation in dancing, the strength to dance after exerting her strength is far greater than the strength created by her small body.

Shen Ming has 100 moves to counter him, but he didn't want to hurt Meng Qi, so he could only let go of his hand, and fell backwards with his strength, the two of them almost fell on the beach in their arms.

A big silver wave hit them, soaking both of their clothes.

Meng Qi straddled Shen Ming's waist, supporting his rocky chest with her hands, the sea water dripped down Shen Ming's face along her bangs, and the white dress was soaked, revealing Meng Qi's snow-white skin underneath And water red lace underwear.

I don’t know which great man once said, “Women’s groin will always be there if you squeeze.” Meng Qi’s bust in this posture A- really has a beautiful arc.

"You hurt me, do you know?" Meng Qi was drenched.


"You know why you still do it?"

"Because I'm a bodyguard, not a servant. A servant needs to see the master's mood to please you. A bodyguard only needs to protect you with all his strength." Shen Ming lay on the wet beach, looking up at Meng Qi in front of him.

"Forget it, you're just a cheap bodyguard who doesn't need money. Even the salary of the cleaner is higher than yours. Why are you so serious? Shuben hired you as a free labor force. He didn't expect you to protect me at all, he I don't even believe that I need a bodyguard." Meng Qi's habitual sarcasm was just to cover up her beating heart, why did this man make the cold "professional declaration" so exciting

"You are my employer, and it is my responsibility to protect your safety, which has nothing to do with money. During the contract period, even the king of heaven, I will not touch you at all." Shen Ming said firmly.

"Slap!" Meng Qi slapped Shen Ming's face suddenly, and tears fell down instantly.

Shen Ming could dodge it obviously, but Meng Qi's strength was really not strong enough to hurt him, so she took it hard.

"Never say responsible words to me! You men are not good people! You only use sweet words to coax women into bed! Bastard!" Shen Ming in Meng Qi's eyes seemed to overlap with a certain man, and the familiar promises and words made her Old wounds were torn open again.

After finishing smoking, Meng Qi quickly got up, and ran towards the villa wetly, leaving her pair of flip flops on the beach.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Shen Ming gently knocked on the door of Meng Qi's room.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed, I'll talk about something tomorrow." Meng Qi was sitting in front of the room with her knees crossed.

"The sea water is cold, remember to take a hot bath before going to sleep, you'll be exhausted after a cold, it will affect the security mission." Shen Ming left quietly after finishing speaking, still sticking to the mission with three sentences, sometimes as dull as if he had no emotion machinery.

"Idiot, clearly agree, I will never fall in love with men again..." Burying her forehead into her knees, Meng Qi was scolding herself.

On the other hand, Shen Ming who returned to the room did not sleep, but retrieved and collected all the information about Meng Qi's past from the Internet. In the hope that he might be able to find information about the person who sent the threatening letter, Shen Ming began to understand his first story. an employer...

Meng Qi is not a singer with a background in majors. When other students were busy studying hard in the third year of high school, she had already sang in bars.

In the same year, she participated in "Deser Girl" and won the championship debut. Since then, she has embarked on a stardom that is different from her peers. Later, an original song "Snow Burying Flowers" became popular all over the country and won various awards. However, there are many people who are popular, and after only one year of debut, all kinds of scandals continue. The keywords of "female star sitting on stage" and "champion sleeping with" are refreshed every day.

But the most troublesome one was the "most beautiful mistress incident" back then. It was rumored that Meng Qi took the initiative to hook up with the 42-year-old Hong Kong actor Liang Jun, and the couple did not avoid suspicion. Until Liang Jun's wife and two children caught him in the coffee shop in Tsim Sha Tsui, Liang Jun's eldest son was as old as Meng Qi.

The mother and son did not avoid suspicion, and beat Meng Qi on the spot. That time, she was seriously injured and was hospitalized for a whole month. The matter was so uproar that Liang Jun even held a press conference and cried out that he had made a mistake that a man would make.

It was only because Meng Qi was too beautiful and attentive that she couldn't control herself. Fortunately, the wife and a pair of sons forgave themselves, hoping to return to a normal life in the future, cherish life, and stay away from the mistress. I beg the forgiveness of fans and everyone...

From then on, Meng Qi never took any job again, and was formally hidden by the company until "The Voice of China" was restored to star status.

In the morning, Meng Qi woke up at 6 o'clock after not sleeping well, sneezing and came to the open kitchen from the second floor, looking for something to eat. Unexpectedly, Shen Ming, who killed Qiandao, was cooking breakfast earlier than her.

"Are you awake? Didn't you sleep well last night?" Shen Ming greeted with a smile.

"You started earlier than me, didn't you sleep better? Why, isn't the high-end Simmons used to sleep?" Meng Qi sat at the kitchen table.

"I didn't sleep at all. The previous training made me sleep very lightly, and I didn't feel sleepy for two or three days. Drink this, you must have not taken a hot bath yesterday?" Shen Ming put on an apron, A bowl of ginger soup was pushed in front of Meng Qi.

"How do you know?" Meng Qi sneezed loudly as soon as she finished speaking, and she looked so cute when she was embarrassed, "Okay, I won't ask any more."

"Eat this too. I don't know if the preserved egg and lean meat porridge I made suits your taste. Breakfast porridge is low in calories, so you won't gain weight if you eat more." Shen Ming said, filling a bowl.

Not to mention, Shen Ming's craftsmanship is really good, it's just an ordinary porridge, but he didn't know what special spices he put into it to make it more delicious.

Meng Qi, who has a very small appetite, ate a whole bowl. After the meal, she just put her hands on her chin and watched Shen Ming cleaning the kitchen utensils, "I can't tell that you are a big bodyguard, but you have good cooking skills? You must be a cook. It's more profitable than being a bodyguard."

"For me, money is just a tool to maintain my life. Eating lobsters and eating grass is also a way of life. I don't pay much attention to material life. Bodyguards are my ancestral job, and I want to keep doing it." Shen Ming was washing the dishes. Said on the side.

"Weird bodyguard, you have become interested in riding on the saddle, you must be a victim, and I don't bother to talk to you." Meng Qi drank the remaining ginger soup in one gulp and went back to the room to change clothes. In any case, the way she looked at Shen Ming today was obviously no longer repulsive, and even had a hint of tenderness.