God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 90: Brother Nick!


Shen Ming walked on the floor burnt black by the flamethrower. With super physical strength, he swept 3 small strongholds, 4 medium-sized strongholds, and 2 large strongholds in a row, and then he couldn't help panting for breath.

Look at the large stronghold that he had just destroyed, a huge counterfeit banknote printing factory with as many as 100 armed gang members. They were not only equipped with flamethrowers, but also installed M2 Browning heavy machine guns at the intersection. The 12.7 mm caliber heavy machine gun was originally a heavy weapon installed on fighter jets or warships.

Shen Ming's shoulder was only scratched by one of the shots, and the reactive armor pieces on the entire shoulder burst. Although he saved his right arm, the entire arm was covered in blood.

But even so, Shen Ming still cleared the field like a monster, until the hundreds of gunmen in the stronghold lost their ability to resist.

The request not to kill has increased the difficulty of Shen Ming's actions in disguise. Originally, the conditioned reflex in the past has long been trained to only hit the heart and head, but now he has to control the subjective will not to hit the fatal parts before the instinct is activated, which increases Shen Ming's aim. time consuming.

The consumption of one or two targets may not be obvious, but a high-intensity battle like Shen Ming will greatly increase the physical energy consumption and the hit rate, commonly known as... death.

"Master Pluto, the incomparably honorable Lord Pluto, it has just been shown from satellite images that the Mike family stronghold south of White Street is being evacuated. From the communication scan, it can be known that it is an order from above. And there are a large number of people in the slum area where the Mike family is located. The poor were kicked out of their homes, and the local police station received 5 million in cash from the Mike family, and even the patrol cars on the street have already rushed back to distribute the money.” The mouse is a god-level strategic assistant, and the front Numerous data parameters are displayed on the six screens, "The godfather is planning to abandon the outlying strongholds and play a showdown with you."

"This is pretty good, at least it can save me a lot of time." Shen Ming chuckled and treated the wound on his shoulder with the hemostatic spray.

"Okay? Do you want me to show you the satellite photos of their headquarters? The number of enemies marked for you may eventually exceed 1,500! When you see what they move out of the arsenal, you will probably be scared for life. .What is the M2 heavy machine gun? Have you ever seen a howitzer machine gun? It makes grenades fire like machine gun bullets." Mouse shrugged, "Actually, I like your current way of playing to death, after all, you die I can be regarded as having retreated from the evil spirits. I am practicing brush calligraphy recently, and I will definitely write an elegiac couplet for you after you die, one of 'death is not worth it', and one of 'death is not a pity', you choose."

"If you die, I will definitely ask Yasha to bury you and me together, so that we can die gracefully as companions in Huangquan." Shen Ming has already trotted towards the exit after treating the wound.

"Your sister! You promised not to scare me with Yasha! If you behave like this again, I won't play with you! I almost peed my pants again!" Mouse cried.

What the mouse didn't pay attention to was that when a large number of members of the Mike family were rushing to the slums, a truck was headed towards a stronghold that the Mike family evacuated on White Street. There were only two pigs in the car, which was enough to hold 10 big fat pigs. people.

A bald giant with a height of 2.3 meters, as thick as a city wall, and wearing a hockey mask, with his heavy body, the metal seat under him was dented and deformed, and the carriage seemed to roll over at any time. He was using a rough whetstone, and the machete in his hand was splattered with flames.

On the opposite side of him, sat a shriveled and slender man with cross-legged legs, giggling like a lunatic while holding the iron box in his arms.

The boy who was driving looked back nervously through the rearview mirror above his head, his shirt was already soaked in cold sweat, and he was as frightened as if he was checking in a TNT that would explode at any time.

That's right, this pair is the Nick brothers, the most terrifying militant killers in the Mike family. The two brothers were originally fraternal twins, but the two born were deformed children with distorted faces like devils. Strong as a piglet.

Their parents are the lowest pair of perverts in the Mike family. It is said that their mother had a habit of looking for animals before she became pregnant. God knows if this pair of extremes are hybrids

However, their military power is recognized by the Mike family. A group of arrogant Colombian drug lords once came to New York, armed with a large amount of arms, intending to get rid of the Mike family and dominate the United States.

In the end, the boss's residence was rushed by the two Nick brothers. All the more than 40 professional mercenaries were killed, and the boss died in a horrible way.

The most frightening thing is that they have no sense of enemy or friend at all, they are murderous and moody, and many members of the same gang have died at their hands.

Don't say where to send them, even having dinner at the same table with them is apprehensive.

This little driver was purely unlucky, and he was the one who got the lottery among the 10 or so people who drew lots. He could only pray that he would be delivered to the location quickly, and leave this pair of perverted brothers early.

The truck delivered the Nick brothers to the parking garage of the underground black boxing arena on White Street. The driver respectfully carried the luggage for the two. The metal box weighed 50 kilograms, and Nick's machete also weighed 60 kilograms. The driver Even though he was from the army, he could barely drag it along.

Big Nick and Little Nick walked in the aisle of the underground boxing ring with interest, looking left and right.

"Little Nick, this is our next playground! Do you like it? The godfather said that as long as we can kill that bodyguard, he will let us out to play once a month from now on!" Big Nick stroked the fresh wall.

"Little Nick, I want to ride a wooden horse!" The gigantic little Nick who was almost reaching the ceiling smirked.

Bro Nick was reused for Destruction and disabled for Frenzy. In recent years, they have been locked in an underground warehouse, where they cannot even see the sun.

"Don't worry, my brother will take you to the wooden horse soon." Big Nick turned around and patted Little Nick's monster-like arm, "Godfather said, we're going to surprise that bodyguard, we must never let him know that we are here .But that bodyguard seems to be very powerful and can detect our movements clearly, so we must keep it secret."

When Big Nick spoke, he looked at the younger driver who was moving things behind him. His eyes without eyebrows made the driver's hair stand on end.

"Brother! I won't leak it! I'm the most loyal!" the driver shouted quickly, almost chanting a slogan.

"Of course I know you won't leak it. A dead man's mouth is the tightest." Big Nick grinned grinningly, but Little Nick suddenly turned around and grabbed the driver's head with a big hand. Why is that palm so big? Each finger is equal to the thickness of two fingers of an ordinary person juxtaposed.

The ever-shrinking palm squeezed out the driver's eyeballs, "No... no..." The driver couldn't speak clearly.

With a bang, the driver's head was crushed and exploded by Nick Jr. like a balloon, and the blood mixed with the brain splashed all over the ceiling and walls.

"This is the playground for our two brothers!" Big Nick said with satisfaction.

Time passed by, and it was dusk and sunset when Shen Ming finished cleaning up the Mike family stronghold north of White Street. Today's Vegas is so uneven, there will be explosions every half an hour, police cars are running back and forth on the street non-stop, and the hospital is full of patients with broken limbs who need emergency treatment. Those who were sent were all members of gangsters, and they fought fiercely when they were crying.

The police stood outside the ward with live ammunition and managed the group of injured criminals. The patients who came to treat the cold thought they had walked into the Palestinian hospital after the Israeli air strikes.

Outside, the police were so busy that they didn't even have time to drink water. Even the civilian police put down their work and got their guns and went to the streets to help. The SWAT team was dispatched with all members, constantly wandering among the gang strongholds of the Mike family.

But neither the SWAT team nor the ordinary police fired a single shot. There would always be a phone call directing them to clear the scene.

The scene was even more hideous than the battlefield in Iraq. There were various types of bullet casings everywhere. The explosion blackened the walls and aisles. If you accidentally stepped on someone's severed limb, the bullet holes on the wall were all shattered. It became a hornet's nest, but the assailant was still nowhere to be found.

From the messy confession, it can be known that the attacker was a single person. He broke into their world with a sniper rifle and a submachine gun. The bullets hit their bodies as if they were equipped with a tracking system. Even wearing body armor was useless. This guy can always easily hit parts without protective equipment, making them lose their ability to counterattack.

He came like a strong wind, and left like a strong wind, leaving only wounded everywhere. Soon the police department concluded that this was a series of revenge actions against the Mike family. The evidence was that signs of the Mike family's crimes were found in all the attacked locations, and all the injured were theirs. However, what the police don't understand is why the assailants never killed a single person in the clearing attacks again and again, and even when they called the police, they would especially emphasize which area the injured were more serious and needed first aid, etc., to help those who arrived Police give priority to resuscitating the wounded...

Slowly, everyone only felt that the attacker was playing a game, a game called "don't kill". Some police officers have even started to gamble internally to see when the attacker will make the first death

In the task force, the assailant has been named "Don't Kill God", and the police are jointly searching for all information about him. From the descriptions of various witnesses, it is basically concluded that not killing God is Asians, between 175 and 180 in height, male, carrying dangerous offensive weapons, able to attack targets at a distance of one kilometer or more, is an out-and-out dangerous person.