God-level Closed Beta Player

Chapter 104: Hongmen Banquet, eat everything and take it away in one go! {Seeking first


In the Yunosheng Japanese Food Shop, the lights were dimmed, the incense was lit, and a refreshing smell wafted.

Wei Dongmai sat on the chair, feeling uncomfortable.

He had never eaten in such a high-end restaurant, and he was afraid of making a fool of himself and losing face, so he looked at Sun Yuan for help.

Sun Yuan ignored him, but looked at Manager Feng who was sitting across the round table.

"The top-quality foie gras from France, cooked with red wine from Bordeaux estates, is full of mellow flavor. One bite will make you feel like you are in the Loire Valley, walking among the flowers with the princess."

Manager Feng introduced the dishes.

On the table, there are already Mozambique rose lobster, caviar, sashimi, charcoal grilled saury...

Sun Yuan is a college student. The most expensive thing he has ever eaten is Haidilao. Now that he sees this thing, he is a little scared.

To be honest, Sun Yuan didn't even know whether these delicacies were delicious or authentic as Manager Feng said. Anyway, they looked so colorful that most people couldn't afford them.

"Brother Sun, in order to entertain you, I have taken out all the top-notch inventory!"

Manager Feng raised his glass: "Come on, let's celebrate our meeting first."

Feng Bao's words were not a joke. After the world was gamified, he immediately cleaned up the spores in the mall and took over the restaurants. He stored all the ingredients in categories and distributed them in rations every day based on the performance of the employees.

Only direct descendants of Feng Bao can be full and well-fed.

Sun Yuan was noncommittal.

"Brother Sun, come and try the lobster!"

After Manager Feng greeted Liu Huizhi, he glared at Liu Huizhi: "Do you have a good eye? Peel lobsters for distinguished guests!"

Liu Huizhi didn't dare to reply when she was scolded, so she could only endure it.

When picking up the big lobster, Liu Huizhi quietly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. She also wanted to eat this delicacy.

"Dongmai, eat, you're welcome!"

Manager Feng poured Wei Dongmai a glass of red wine.

Wei Dongmai was a little flattered, but he knew that Manager Feng's preferential treatment to him was entirely for Sun Yuan's sake, so he did not swell or move his chopsticks, but waited for Sun Yuan's instructions.

"Eat it, don't waste it!"

Sun Yuan did not eat, but looked at Manager Feng: "I accept your intention. What are your plans? Tell me?"

"I want to invite you to be my partner!"

Manager Feng stopped beating around the bush: "The world is over, order has been re-established, and those who have the ability can become masters. Sun Yuan, let's be partners. You have the force, and I have the wisdom. We are the throne of this ancient city, too." You can fight for it.”

"As a man, get drunk and lie on the knees of a beautiful woman, then wake up and take over the world. This is life!"

Manager Feng looked directly into Sun Yuan's eyes, and the words he spoke were like the temptation of the devil.

"That's it?"

Sun Yuan curled his lips.

"Haha, Sun Yuan, you haven't enjoyed the wonderful taste of power, have you?"

Manager Feng clapped his hands.

Immediately, a group of young girls came out from the backstage. They were dressed as bunny girls and danced to the sound of soft saxophone music. They took off their clothes while dancing.

These clothes were found from KTV. Others include high school girl uniforms, stewardess uniforms, and nurse uniforms, but Manager Feng thinks bunny girls are the most attractive.

"Look, I just control a small shopping mall and can do whatever I want. Aren't you envious?"

Manager Feng was very confident when he said this.

Because he thinks this record is very strong.

"I'm not envious!"

If Sun Yuan were a scumbag, he could take over the entire Gucheng University and dominate the fate of those female college students.


Manager Feng felt that Sun Yuan was being harsh, but he didn't mind: "I used to think that those who could make money and have a successful career were successful. But when those monsters appeared, I found that relying on my own wisdom and force, I could defeat them. Killing monsters and keeping ordinary people alive is the most exciting life."

Manager Feng looked at those women, his eyes full of superiority: "I am their savior!"

Wei Dongmai originally thought Manager Feng was a bad guy for enslaving these people, but after hearing these words, he was confused.

Manager Feng may not be a good person, but without him, these ordinary people will die.

"Sun Yuan, will you form a team with me? We can definitely become the top group of players!"

Manager Feng is very patient.

That guy Tian Feng has been practicing Tongbei Quan for ten years, and he can easily hit ten. He can be said to be Manager Feng's right-hand man. However, he was easily killed by Sun Yuan with rare equipment.

This shows that this young man is very strong.

Worth courting.

If I get him, it will be equivalent to Cao Cao getting Lu Bu.


It can't be Lu Bu. This guy is a slave of the third surname, which is unlucky!

Is it equivalent to getting Zhao Yun

Manager Feng looked at Sun Yuan and found that this boy was very handsome, with sharp facial contours and clear lines, especially his eyes, which were as bright as stars and full of energy.

If he is willing to come out and do it, those rich women will definitely fight for his head.

"Why can't I go it alone?"

Sun Yuan asked back.

"Haha, young people are too arrogant, or they are bitten too lightly by the old dog of society!"

Manager Feng chuckled: "You have also seen that these people listen to me. This is proof of my talent. Can you do it?"

"Brother Sun is very powerful!"

Wei Dongmai interrupted.

"So powerful that one cavalry is worth a thousand, and he can take the head of a general out of a million troops?"

Manager Feng laughed sarcastically and tapped his temple with his finger: "Brother, what age are we in? Now we have to make a living here!"

Wei Dongmai was silent. Indeed, if he had no brains, he would even go to the construction site to carry bricks and work hard, and he would be bullied.

Manager Feng gave the bunny girls a look, and they immediately came over and surrounded Sun Yuan and Wei Dongmai.

"Don't! Don't!"

A bunny girl sat directly on Wei Dongmai's lap, which shocked him and quickly refused.

"Get away!"

Sun Yuan pushed away the bunny girl who was about to sit in his arms. If Manager Feng launched a surprise attack at this time, he would be disturbed by the bunny girl and might be ambushed.

Manager Feng narrowed his eyes, this Sun Yuan is very cautious.

Not easy to deal with!

But if he was as naive as Wei Dongmai, Manager Feng wouldn't go to such trouble.

As the saying goes, carrots and sticks are the means used by imperial subordinates.

After Manager Feng showed his sincerity, he also started to threaten. Otherwise, wouldn't it make people think that he is too talkative

So he took out a porcupine-shaped crossbow from under the table and pointed it at Sun Yuan.

Wei Dongmai tensed up and wanted to push away the bunny girl next to him and took out a wrench to warn him, but the bunny girl suddenly pulled out a dagger and pressed it on his neck.

"Don't move, or I'll stab you to death!"

The bunny girl changed her gentle expression and turned into a poisonous snake eager to bite people.


Wei Dongmai was so ashamed and angry that he wanted to hit him to death.

I'm so fucking stupid!

Only then did he wake up. Sun Yuan pushed the bunny girl away not only because he could resist the temptation, but also because he considered being attacked by surprise.

"The dragon-slaying weapon can be fired twelve times in a row, and it can track and fire. It is as powerful as a rifle grenade. Isn't it awesome?"

Manager Feng smiled.

This is what he relies on.

"At such a close distance, if I move my finger, you will die."

Manager Feng looked at Sun Yuan with a confident expression on his face: "How about I shoot him first and show you the power of this weapon?"

"No, I know it!"

Sun Yuan raised his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually has a porcupine hand crossbow, which is a dragon-slaying weapon and very powerful.

"Now that you know its power, save my words."

Manager Feng smiled: "Xiangqian, go get the collar!"

Bai Xiangqian took the order, went under a table not far away, and brought out a neck ring.

"You are too strong, I have to guard against you, but don't worry, I will treat you as a partner. You will have a share of everything I enjoy, including food, beauty, and rights."

Manager Feng assured.

There is a bomb in this collar, which can only be opened with a key. If it is forcibly removed, it will explode and blow the wearer's head into the sky.

"It's over!"

Wei Dongmai was desperate.

What's the difference between wearing this thing and a dog

Sure enough, we shouldn’t have come in to eat just now!

"Come, wear a ring for Brother Sun!"

Manager Feng picked up the wine glass and took a sip of red wine.

This is the taste of victory!

No matter how strong you are, don't you have to surrender at my feet in the end

Bai Xiangqian took the bomb collar and walked towards Sun Yuan. She sighed in her heart, so young people are inexperienced and can't fight against an old fox like Manager Feng.

But why is this young man so calm at this time

"Manager Feng!"

Sun Yuan looked at Feng Bao.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, you're welcome, you will be my brother from now on!"

Manager Feng added another sentence in his mind, but you will die and I will enjoy the happiness.

Sun Yuan picked up the knife and fork, and while cutting the steak, he looked into Feng Bao's eyes and chuckled: "There's something wrong with you!"


Feng Bao's mind was shaken, and the string of rationality snapped and broke, and he fell into confusion.

who I am

where am I

What am I doing

The next moment, he stared at the bunny girls, endless contempt pouring out of his chest.

You inferior people are not worthy of breathing the same air and seeing the same scenery as me. Without me, you guys, as humble as insects, would have died long ago.

Feng Bao raised the porcupine hand crossbow, pointed it at the bunny girls, and pulled the trigger.

call out! call out! call out!

Arrows whistled.

At such a close distance, it is impossible to miss.

An arrow hit a bunny girl and exploded immediately, opening a large wound on her body.


Liu Huizhi screamed and squatted down holding her head.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Manager Feng sneered, chased after her, and pointed the crossbow at her head.

"Don't kill..."


The arrow penetrated Liu Huizhi's head and exploded, killing her on the spot.


The body fell to the ground.

Manager Feng kicked her and went to kill the next one.


The bunny girls panicked and ran for their lives.

Wei Dongmai was dumbfounded.

What happened

Why did Manager Feng suddenly start attacking his own people

Bai Xiangqian was very smart. She got under the table as soon as Manager Feng behaved abnormally. At this time, she looked at Sun Yuan who was sitting on the chair and eating steak slowly, her eyes full of fear and nervousness.

"You... what did you do?"

"you guess?"

Sun Yuan smiled slightly and put the beef into his mouth with a fork. When he bit it with his teeth, it was very tender and juicy in his mouth: "The steak is grilled well."

Sun Yuan was dining, and around him was Manager Feng who was killing bunny girls crazily, as if to add excitement to his dinner.

Bai Xiangqian had an unreal feeling when she saw this scene.

And deep inside, the seeds of fear took root and sprouted, growing into towering trees in an instant.

She knelt down towards Sun Yuan and lay on the ground.

"I... I will be your slave, please spare my life, right?"

Please order for the first time and support with monthly tickets!

The damselfly bows to all the parents who have food and clothing!

(End of chapter)